jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Muhammad's letter to the Christians that most Muslims ignore

MuhammadFollowers of the most radical factions of Islam are trying to destroy every vestige of Christianity in the Middle East and parts of Africa where the faith of Allah majority. "There is a conspiracy to eliminate Christians in the Middle East", denounces  Theodoros II, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The Muslim faith is monotheistic and as such, "competes" with Christianity in the "marketplace of souls". However, it is not exclusive or at least it was not for the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad  (570-632), which guaranteed protection for Christian monks of the Monastery of Mount Sinai and, by extension, the followers of the faith Christian in a document known as  Achtiname (Persian "Letter of Peace"). The proclamation of Muhammad, written in his own hand in the second year of the Hegira (626) is "a call to brotherhood among all human beings."
"I will defend their religion and property anywhere, so they may be in, in the same degree as you would for myself, for my religion, for my relatives, and cobijaré from harm, unlawful or illegitimate imposition responsibility, defending against any foreign force that seeks to attack them with my own person and all mine. No Christian priest to renounce his investiture, or anyone to abandon their worship was never force as obstacle nor will the monks in the exercise of their profession, nor be forced to leave their convents or suspend his missionary tours " .
Muhammad document on ChristiansMuhammad frequented the Monastery of Mount Sinai, as was written in the  Koran - where he had good relations and long theological discussions with Christian monks.In the year 626 of the Christian era, the prophet himself granted certain rights and privileges to "all Christians, near or far," including the protection of Christians under Islamic rule as well as pilgrims en route to monasteries , freedom of belief and movement, and exemption from military service.
Continues the document, as translated by  La Voz :
"No Christian shall not be obliged to convert to the religion of Islam, nor will discuss their beliefs and should be treated with compassion and caring, protecting against any injury or prejudice. With regard to marriage, a Christian to marry a Muslim will not be forced, to be essential prior consent; and if this union to take place shall the husband to release the wife to practice their worship according to the orientation of their spiritual leaders, whose rules will take example, without forcing in any case to renounce their religion. "
And ends with these words:
"Any act contrary to these principles is violating the promise of God and the word of His Prophet. By this promise I give them the same guarantees enjoyed by Muslims, assuming the obligation to protect against any inconvenience and provide for their benefit, to be true caring citizens in common rights and duties. This is an inescapable mandate contraídopor the prophet Muhammad in his own behalf and on behalf of all Muslims, whose observance is strictly oblige until the day of resurrection and end of the world ".

Satanic symbols and their true meaning

SATANIC SYMBOLS HOUSEWe come before Jesus, begging, his blood covering this page and all who have started reading this article. This note, open the eyes of those who are using these symbols and are free in Jesus name, Amen.
The purpose of this article is to warn people about the hidden Satanic signs. If you are using any of these, please remove it, rate it, burn it, do what you want but cast it from your life. Acts 19:19 "A good number of those who practiced witchcraft [practices magic, occult] brought their books together in a pile and burned them. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand pieces of silver. "


2 Corinthians 2:11 "so that Satan might not outwit us are not ignorant of his devices."
We encourage you to use this list to warn others, many people intentionally display these symbols on clothing, jewelry, tattoos, posters, because they are popular. The father of lies (Satan) used to tie the hidden people and turn them into their prey through demonic powers symbols.
Note that many of these symbols have double meaning. For example, the staff, which has been used to transmit power in all types of hidden rituals for centuries. Many Christians have been deceived by using the pentagram, believing that is the star of David. The pentagram and the star of David are 2 different symbols.


In the occult world, most of these symbols are used in sacrificial rites of people and animals ect. Great Satanic shepherds used to invoke demonic spirits.
We can not ignore this. The people of God is that the more time passes, deceit and cruelty of the evil will be higher.
Study the following passages: 1 Corinthians 10: 18-22; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Deuteronomy 4: 15-24;Deuteronomy 32: 16-19; 2 Thessalonians 2: 7-12
Pentagrama invertido: Este símbolo es usado ​​en la brujería y rituales ocultos para conjurar los malos espíritus. 
baphomet (1)El pentagrama con Baphomet: Principal en el satanismo. Una deidad demoníaca y simbólica de Satanás. Puede ser visto como joyas. Muchos de los famosos usan este símbolo. 
baphomet-symbolAnother symbol of Baphomet:  Aleister Crowley used this symbol as well as the founder Albert Pike 33rd degree Masons
dragons-eyeOjo del Dragón: es un símbolo bien conocido de la protección, dijo a proteger a nadie que recitó el conjuro a la misma. El dragón es un motivo universal relacionado con las diversas culturas de la humanidad desde hace 5.000 años
tattooEl ojo que todo lo ve: Los satanistas afirman que es el ojo de Lucifer, que tiene el control de las finanzas mundiales. Se utiliza en la adivinación. Maleficios, maldiciones, control psíquico. The iluminattis use much this símbolo. Mira el dollar americano.
410819301_MUIDTXQHXDBGRNKCruz satánica: Signo de interrogación que cuestiona la Deidad de Dios. Dentro de lo oculto es la representación de los tres príncipes herederos; Satanás, Belial y Leviatán. Simboliza el poder completo bajo Lucifer.
tau-cross-210x300Cruz Tau: Símbolo del dios Mathras de los persas y los arios de la India. Para ellos, Mathras era un “ángel de luz” o la “luz celestial”. Se utiliza en la Masonería moderna bajo el símbolo de la plaza T
inverted_cross_tCruz al revés: Simboliza burla y rechazo de Jesús. Collares con este signo son usados ​​por muchos de los satanistas. .
ZodiacZodiac:  Used in occult satanic worship. Practitioners know their God as Baal or Lucifer. This includes signs horoscopes.
italianhornCuerno Italiano: Otros nombres …. cuerno del unicornio y el personal Leprechaun.Introducido por el Señor Druidas de Escocia e Irlanda. Está asociado con la buena suerte y la buena fortuna.También se utiliza para protegerse de “Maluka” o el “mal de ojo”.También significa satanás se hará cargo de sus finanzas.
islam-star-cresentStar and Crescent:  The symbol of Islam
GOAT HEAD - VAMPIRE HEARTCabeza de cabra: La cabra de cuernos, cabra de Mendes, baphomet, el dios de las brujas, el chivo expiatorio. Es una manera de burlarse de los satanistas a Jesús como el “Cordero” que murió por nuestros pecados. Lady Gaga, beyonce ect utilizan mucho el símbolo de Baphomet.
_simbol15“S” satánica: Representa un rayo que significa “Destructor”. En la mitología, Era el arma de Zeus. I had to sobre los demás.También fue usado por la SS de los nazi Alemanes.
imageHorned Hand: El signo de los cuernos es un gesto con la mano para mostrar lealtad a Satanás. The líderes religiosos, presidentes de Estados Unidos, los líderes políticos de todo el mundo, y los iconos de la cultura pop, rock, han sido vistos haciendo este gesto de la mano.
 41LzLaGMDFL Yin Yang:  In Chinese philosophy, are two opposite principles or forces which everything depends. Yang is masculine, light and positive. Yin is feminine, dark and negative.
numbers666: El número de hombre. La marca de la Bestia. Apocalipsis 13:18
photoCruz de Nerón O Signo de la paz: Otra señal de burla a la cruz de Jesús. (A cross upside down) También es conocida como “El Hombre Muerto Rune”. Aparece en las tumbas de algunos de las tropas de Hitler SS. 
beetleEscarabajo:  es el símbolo egipcio de la reencarnación. También es un símbolo de Belcebú, Señor de las moscas (satanás). Usado por los ocultistas a demostrar que tienen poder y es una fuente de protección.
swasticaEsvástica: Era utilizado durante mucho tiempo antes de que Hitler llegara al poder.Fue usado en inscripciones budistas, monumentos celtas y monedas griegas. It also refers to the samsara (reincarnation), the Surya (Sun God).
thumbnail-aranchy-clipartAnarchy:  It means abolishing all laws. In other words "do what you want." This is the law of Satanists.Used by Punks and Rockers and fans of Heavy Metal.
kaliThe extended language:  Its meaning death. This sign makes reference and honor a Hindu goddess named Kali. One member of the group Kiss (Gene Simmons) used to make this expression. In one of the covers of Rolling Stones, this symbol appears.
Decorative sticker skullThe Skull:  It is the symbol of death and used to curse. In satanic rites serves as container for the blood of sacrifices. It is used several times by young people in necklaces, rings and earrings. The negative influence is very strong when used ..
ihsThe Host:  Initials are on the hosts, stands for the Egyptian trinity, Isis, Horus and Seb. When Jesus instituted the Supper, broke bread into pieces, so they could not be round by magic. He used the bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood. God forbade the Jews worship the sun god. (2 Chronicles 33: 4).