viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013


IsraelThe causes Israeli Policy in East Jerusalem
reactions. "Christian Science Monitor, June 10, 2013"
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat recently warned Arab residents of the City, to forget to have a capital in the eastern Palestine city. In an interview last month, Mr. Barkat told the Israeli press that if the Palestinians really wished a capital city east of Jerusalem, they could simply rename it Ramallah, the de facto capital, located 10 miles north of Jerusalem, or the north of Jerusalem. "There is no such thing as a Palestinian sovereignty in Jerusalem, he added." "Last week the government launched its weight to a controversial property law that could allow the state to seize up to 40 percent of thePalestinian private property in Jerusalem. And in recent weeks, authorities have revived a policy of demolishing Palestinian homes built without permits. .. "
These are words "provocative" for a Palestinian Leal! In fact, I can see anger rising like a volcano in the hearts and minds of countless Palestinians, from the president to the vice president from the angry radical jihadist in the street and in the homes of the average citizen.
At the same time, these spirits are turning against Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, this bold statement to enflame the hearts and minds of millions and millions of jihadists across the region. Suddenly everything will be possessed with a burning desire to go to Jerusalem! Wait a minute! Is not there a prophecy of the End Times for that matter? Listen to it and be encouraged as the stage is set for the development of the whole prophetic chapter. "Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about Judah in the siege against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth be gathered together against it. 12:2-3 Can you see that this news which is denied to the Palestinians its capital Jerusalem anywhere can cause anger to such a degree that the only issue could lead to "chaos" in their hearts and minds? Jerusalem is becoming "burdensome stone" for Islamic jihadists throughout the world. The time for war is near, and God will do this call the Islamic world personally.
Almighty's wrath will be poured. Islamic radicals do not know enough about God to be sufficiently concerned. Like fools, they will rush in where angels fear to tread! "In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with panic and its rider with madness, but over the house of Judah I will open my eyes, and every horse of the peoples with blindness smite ... And in that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. "Watch Israel, as war spoken of in Psalm 83 and Zechariah 12 is about to begin. And Jerusalem is the "heavy stone"!
IV. The secret Bilderberg conference given in Waterford, England, hides its deliberations. It is difficult to find strong news that discussed in this conference, but little by little, the real news that discussed this group in this year, will become public. For example, the invasion of Iraq was planned during the Bilderberg meetings in the year of 1954, but the news did not come until 20 years later when those words were scattered among various conventions, worldwide. President Bush did not order such invasion until the March 20, 2003, exactly 555 days after the September 11 attacks.
"Bilderberg 2013: The decline in Watford" The Guardian, June 11, 2013 Bertfordshire 2013 came with roar, not a mere whisper, as the interviewer Alex Jones exploded on Sunday Politics program and Ken Clarke was answering questions in parliament. Security Affairs funding, group records, and undeclared interests remain hidden, but will become apparent hereinafter. For now, it is time for Watford reflect what had just happened.
Whilst Alex Jones created a news conference during the just introduced some important news about what was discussed there. Alex was very colorful and said some important things. The truth is that he is aware that the Illuminati love to have a confrontation, especially the Conservatives, who know the role Bilderbergs people in world events. See, the media can paint a protester as Alex Jones as a "conservative crackpot" who everyone should ignore. We will be waiting for any important news about Bildergerg meeting but could be 20 years from now to find any decision to which they came.
V. Since early 1980, during the administration of Ronald Reagan, the CIA, FBI and NSA began to compile a list of political and religious dissidents who should be the first to be arrested during a time of emergency declared.
To this list is called "Group Home" (Main Core) and which contains the names, addresses, phone records, etc.. Dissidents and their families and their related.
Are you on the list? A list of millions of Americans who will be subject to detention during Martial Law ", The American Dream, June 10, 2013
"Millions of Americans who have been designated as a national security threat by the U.S. government Will you be arrested when martial law imposed one during a state of national emergency? As you will see below, there is a list containing the names of at least 8 million Americans known as "Major Group" (Main Core), which the Community of U.S. intelligence has been collecting since the 1980s. "
've heard of a list of dissidents that was created in the Eisenhower Administration (1952-1960), so that the existence of such a list is not the news, the real news is that Administration 'liberal' Obama is following the sophisticated collection of information that President Bush began in earnest, using increasingly sophisticated information systems, after the attacks of 9/11.
Remember, there is a real difference between "Democrats and liberal "and" conservative Republicans ", as both sides of leadership are equally committed to the New World Order and world dictatorship. "The truth is that the U.S. government has used this information to create a list of possible people who are a threat to the security of the government, the government people who carefully observe, interrogate or even stop during a national crisis. For those who have publicly criticized the government there is a high probability that they are in this list. "
New Age author, Bill Cooper, revealed in his book that a person's name could be added to this list of government, even if what he did was just subscribe to a magazine on the conservative side! However, the easiest way to put your name on that list, is if a member of a Christian church fundamental and / or grant funds or the church through the 501 (C) 3! In fact, one of the main reasons why 501 (C) 3 [federal tax exemption] was created was to start a list of people who claim tax deduction! That trick more interesting, do not you think?
Now, back to the list of "Major Group" (Main Core). "According to a senior government official who served in an area of high-level security in five administrations, he said: 'There is a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a moment of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate those who are perceived as "enemies of the state 'almost instantaneously."
For whatever reason, and for any charges - even trivial - Americans will be rounded up, arrested, imprisoned, and even executed. And all this can be done legally and in secret, thanks to the Patriot Act I & II, approved during the administration of President George W. Bush.
Escalating events is becoming more intense, and clearly warns us that we are living in the End Times, and that we are in the days when we must seize the grace that God gives us through His Son Jesus Christ.
? Are you spiritually ready? What is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones.


DOCTRINE1) When the Lord Jesus said to the adulterous woman, "Go and sin no more", first asked. "No one condemned you?" If those who were witnesses to have found in the act of adultery not condemned, because instead of complying with the Act were, defendants moved away one by one by his conscience-the Lord Jesus Christ , as Man, had not witnessed such an act, took the opportunity to say, "Neither do I condemn you," because He, in His first coming, did not come to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him (John 3:17). He added: "Go, and sin no more." NO said, "Well, you can rebuild your life with another man." So Jesus NOT violated the law; witnesses, in any case, were those who had to comply. But remember that at that time they were under the domination of Rome, therefore, they could not do this, they had the freedom to do so. "Then said Pilate unto them, Take him yourselves and judge him by your law And the Jews said : A we DO NOT PERMITTED ANYONE GIVE DEATH ... "(John 18.31).
Anyway, Doctrine is NOT synonymous with Law; consider them synonymous CONFUSE the reader is simple.
2 º) Jesus never 'on a couple of occasions allowed violated the doctrine of keeping the Sabbath'. First, DO NOT confuse doctrine with Law The Sabbath was not a doctrine but, one of the Ten Commandments of the Law Second, neither Jesus nor his disciples violated any law of the Sabbath, since glean (a few I do not mean to work in the field and put together bundles or bundles of wheat) was NOT ban law but Jewish TRADITION, we can find in the Talmud or Shabbath. They had reached the extreme of prohibiting cooking or boiling an egg on the Sabbath or Saturday, as this was a job, nor could cover with a little wax Cuba hole losing a liquid, nor on the Sabbath or rest could clean a wound ... However, with twisted reasoning allowed to do things that I was favorable at your convenience: If on the Sabbath a man needed to move a sheaf of wheat, enough to put a spoon in use, thereby removing the spoon could also be the sheaf on which the spoon was placed. Pura hypocrisy (Shabb. 142 b, line 6 from the bottom).
3 º) It was on a couple of occasions were more than twice:
Matthew 12:1-8 (The pins), Matthew 12.9-14 (dry hand), Luke  13.10-17  (The woman bent), Luke 14.1-6 (The dropsy), John 5.1-18 (The Paralytic), John 9.1-16 (The Blind since birth). These cases do not need to explain them one by one, as the Lord Himself says in those passages.
4th) If Jesus had violated the law or have allowed others to violate, NO would have been the "high priest (who) became us, holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made ​​higher than the heavens." (Hebrews 7.26). Remember that Jesus was not born at the time of the New Testament, although the story is history there, Jesus Christ was born in the days of the Old Covenant, because God's Word says: "But when the fullness of time, God sent his Son, born of woman, born under law,
to redeem those who were under the law ... "(Galatians 4:4-5).
5th) It is clear that 'God in Heaven is NOT a list of Doctrines palomeando those where I'm wrong, to send me to Hell "! If so, many dear friends, to which the G12 Government of Twelve (Opus Dei of the Jesuits infiltrated) asked brainwashed or manipulated their emotions would head to Hell for practicing heretical doctrine. But no, when the Holy Spirit opens their eyes, they come out of there, because they are part of God's people: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4). Although we make every day unfortunately some sin or deviation from His teaching, once we come to Him for forgiveness, because we are His children!
6 º) However, we read in the 2nd John 1:9 that "NO perseveres IN THE DOCTRINE of Christ, NOT GOD, He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
7th) Whoa! So NO is so true that that "" God is NOT obsessed with that we have the correct doctrine, but the heart. " It is true that "we can believe all the right things and be lost", but NOT true in reverse: we can live, practice, believe, profess Heresy all the time, all our lives and yet be saved! We are not talking here of perfection can be, as in the case of those deceived by the G12, which have been washed and convinced by his former pastor of sound doctrine and then swerved and involved in so-called Meeting God (by washing the brain in three days and manipulating their emotions) that they are a time when these heresies, until the passenger psychological effect weakened. But, if you are indeed the Lord and have been washed in the precious Blood of Christ, like the Prodigal Son will return to the Father. And if they do, if they do not return to the fold, IS BECAUSE HAVE NEVER HAD THE FATHER AND THE SON (2nd John 1:9).
Unfortunately, IT IS TRUE THAT CAN HAPPEN INSIDE: right Doctrine but having the hypocritical heart, a religious reproach in his conduct: not smoke, do not fornicate, not going to the dance ... but NEVER her heart was humbled to the Lordship of Christ and NEVER recognized a lost sinner and NEVER experienced a genuine REPENTANCE of your sins and NEVER acknowledged that is a miserable IDOLATER who bows before images and has made a pact Jesuit to simulate being a Christian in the ranks of true Christians, to divide , confuse and deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I say this because I have very present now and is what I have been meditating and researching, following the events in these days that are public knowledge.
Anyway, BOTH the right heart and the right doctrine must go together. And I am reminded of this text as appropriate for this meditation: "For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge." (Romans 10.2).
We could build four groups:
1) They have zeal but no Science (heart right, wrong doctrine);
2) Have Science but have Celo (right doctrine but wrong heart)
3) Not have neither zeal nor Science,
4) have Zeal and have Science.
To which group would you belong?


DR.  César Vidal Manzanares
DR. César Vidal Manzanares
Dr. César Vidal Manzanares
"The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires and will turn away from listening to the truth and shall be turned unto fables"   (2 Timothy 4: 3-4)
"Because it is the mystery of iniquity, only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and  shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all the deception of  wickedness for those who perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2, 7-12).
S i had to sum ​​up in one word the aim pursued by Westcott and Hort in developing its Greek text of the New Testament, there would possibly be more appropriate than another  apostasy . The development of a text to replace the Textus Receptus and as a basis for the new translation of the Bible was important, but only as something instrumental, as a functional element. The aim-and were quite explicit about it as we have had occasion to see, was to get Christians to stop accepting the Bible as the Word of God with authority, inerrant and infallible. Once we got that goal, the other steps would occur by pure logic.
First, people would abandon the belief in the doctrines taught in the Scriptures. Then would depend on extra-biblical spiritual authority, the same that was manifested in occult circles both Westcott and Hort pleased. The end result would be an apostasy. In the following pages we would like to draw the seven steps that presumably can lead to such apostasy. The author of these lines alarming signs unknown whether those who assist us in today are a set of signs heralding the next coming of Christ, or we are watching the beginnings of apostasy referred 2 Thessalonians 2, 3 .
Nor do you want to speculate about it. Yes believe, however, that it is their duty to share, humble but firmly with his brothers, some signs of particular gravity in the life of the church, and refers to them for several reasons. One is that, indeed, are referred to in the writings not only of Westcott and Hort, but also known occult past and present. Another is that, unfortunately, more or less widespread, absolutely all of them are already occurring in various parts of the world. Although for reasons of these steps are described in a row, I wish to clarify that its realization largely at least, is being simultaneously and synchronously concatenated form.
1.The descent of the role of Scripture in the Church:  It is unknown the interest the devil has in attacking the Word of God and therefore the first step toward apostasy is obviously related to the diminishing role of the Bible in the church. Although in the last fifteen years the growth in the number of evangelicals in the world has been dramatic, the truth, however, is quehoy days the percentage of people who regularly read the Scriptures is considerably lower. In the coming years it is likely that we will see a further degradation process in this area.
Increasingly, churches point of attention will be placed is not in Scripture, but in the excitement, the spectacle, the charisma of the leaders and the results of numerical growth. Far from checking with Scripture if all alleged revelations from God (1 Corinthians 12: 1-3, I John 4, 1-3), far to contrast with the Bible's teachings following the example of the Berean Jews (Acts 17, 11-13), the church is increasingly resting philosophy of theological liberalism hollow or empty showmanship good number of famous preachers whose teaching directly clashes with the Word of God. From the moment we accept, in one or other direction-placed rather under the authority of men under Scripture, from the time they quit or overlook to examine all teaching in the light of the Bible, the church has been located on a path that can only lead, sooner or later, to his spiritual annihilation.
Two. Creating macroevangélicas entities:  This process of displacement of Scripture is proceeding in parallel with the creation of federations of evangelical religious entities in different countries. Far from being merely groups united by spiritual purposes, they are built, and will continue building primarily for reasons of human power with the goal of becoming partners of the political authorities of each nation. Precisely because that is your goal, go within them admitting people whose theology is unbiblical liberal and evangelical groups that are not as Seventh-day Adventists and Orthodox churches.
And the scheme will continue existing World Council of Churches, but this time, in each country. As their projects will encounter opposition from Christians more aware of the danger, tend to become progressively stronger collective and ambitious.
Christians pretend to isolate those who report their actions and control situations such as the entry of missionaries in the country, registration and legalization of churches or dealings with the state administration. Its aim is, in just a few years, have become entities that control the spiritual life of the evangelical churches in a particular country and that thwart the work of those who refuse to bow before them. For when you achieve-or even before-the damage caused will be immense because, almost unconsciously, believers have learned to live within the same entity that Adventists, Orthodox or liberal theological, and look askance at the brothers more faithful to the Word.
Three. The use of a common biblical text:  In parallel to the situations described in 1 and 2 will continue making a powerful propaganda in favor of abandoning traditional Bible translations and versions majority acceptance unfortunate as the VP. They seek acceptance of a common text that can be not only Catholics but also evangelical and theological liberals, members of cults or even the followers of Judaism, Islam or the New Age. The text of the Bible will have been already so diluted and maimed, your notes so explicitly advocate for a liberal and humanist that there will be special difficulty in achieving this goal.
April. The collaboration with Rome:  For when that happens collaboration with Rome is firmly seated. Do not try to be people directly contrasting Catholic biblical teaching but something very different. Apart from the joint Bible versions by experts Catholics and Protestants, there will also collaboration on joint projects of a theological and exegetical. Not be received by a bishop or be excluded from certain public events will be interpreted even as a source of sadness.
May. The union organizing with other religions:  Parallel will greatly progressed collaboration with other faiths. The representatives of the federations in which evangelical-Adventist and Orthodox will among others gradually will meet with Jews and Muslims to discuss common issues and establish a common strategy. By twisted interpretations of Scripture will state that there is no need to preach the Gospel to any of the groups and they all believe in one God only. Gradually this openness to Jews and Muslims will be expanded to other faiths. On the other hand, the typical practices of the occult and New Age-already infiltrated in a number of churches-are very widespread.
June. The decline of Christian morality:  While occur the events described in the previous sections will produce an alarming decline of Christian integrity not only among members of the Christian people but also among their leaders. Will become increasingly common practice of justifying unlawful sex with twisted translations of Scripture or arguments as flimsy as to point out that since they retain the joy after committing such acts the same can not be sin. Among the leaders will be producing a growing interest charged for power, wealth appearance and forgetting things as essential as the service, humility and adherence to the Word. These behaviors are very evident and conveyed the message of the Gospel discredited but many prefer to remain silent for fear of reprisal, to lose their place in ministry or experiencing economic harm. On the other hand, those who oppose them will openly labeled as legalistic and fans. They also accuse bring discredit to the Gospel for not keeping his mouth shut at the sight of sin.
July. The proscription of the faithful believers:  Throughout all of the above, the situation of believers who desire to be faithful to God and His Word it will get increasingly difficult. First, we used federations evangelical religious entities to cash them so isolating that discouraged and even many come to surrender or submit to and silent to evil or even away disgusted by those behaviors. After sowing will be used against them accusing them of slander legalistic fanatics, ignorant or unloving. Any behavior that is considered good to end with a testimony that shows the path of apostasy which have adopted various churches. In the fight against faithful believers will even seek the help they can provide sects or political authorities. As noted above, each and every one of the points indicated in the above lines are not the result of the author's imagination or theological speculation. In fact they are already happening in various parts of the world with a tendency to generalize really worrying.
The mission of the people of God is not, however, of being intimidated by these difficulties. By contrast, the urgent task of God's people is to unmask the devil and his works, and cry out loudly against situations such as those outlined. Instead of discouragement fester, believers who desire to be faithful to God above please any man and organization should act more boldly than ever founded in Scripture and submitted to the Lordship of Christ. For them will be mandatory the following considerations:
  • 1. Must humbly submit to his Lord, knowing that this could mean more direct persecution (2 Timothy 3: 10-17)
  • Two. They join more than ever aware that there are thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal and praying that other brothers see the light and take equally biblical attitude (1 Kings 19, 18, Revelation 18, 4-5)
  • Three. They cling to the Word of God determined to give it the proper role in the life of the church as the only inerrant rule of doctrine and conduct (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)
  • April. They refuse to compromise with biblical principles pure and undefiled Gospel even though this may affect human interests (James 4, 4)
  • May. They oppose any organizational connection with groups or individuals whose theology is not fully biblical or whose purpose is not merely spiritual (I Corinthians 10, 19-22)
  • June. They prophetically denounce each and every one of the steps that lead to apostasy (II Timothy 4, 1-5) 7. Day must wait the final victory of the Lord (II Thessalonians 1, 3-10).


Mario E. Fumero           The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Cor 1:18), as Paul declares, that madness is the denial of self to live contrary to the dictates of the flesh, and be willing to suffer for Christ ( 1 Peter 4:16) but with consistency, knowing that our worship is rational (Romans 12:1), where we act wisely, thinking that although we are different from the children of darkness, live in integrity and newness of life. Even the apostle teaches that when charismatic manifestations of the gift of language and goes one unlearned or unbeliever, we should shut up because scripture says in 1 Corinthians 14:23 " If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that ye are mad ? ". 
Ana Maldonado But today we see more things to an intelligent, knowledgeable of the Word and have even four fingers in front, would be an aberrant action, or deranged. The sad thing about these attitudes is insane that there are thousands who listen and follow because they lack any sense of understanding accompanied by a full biblical ignorance.
gives grief, shame, and sadness to see scenes like this video of Ana Maldonado, more acts increasingly schizophrenic with aberrant religious attitudes that shames the gospel, falling to background, not only of the heretical, but also the blasphemous. She, like her husband completely decontextualized develop a theology and more entering the realm of the occult that revealed truth, with events ranging from the obviously manipulative to the demonic.
I hope those who attend these groups, read your bible well and to bring all teaching the revealed word or expression in addition to using logic, coherence and discernment of the Spirit. The Bible commands us to judge and discern the spirits " Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world "1 John 4:1. "
Dude, watch this video and You judge "does not reveal this behavior schizophrenia and inconsistent with the Word of God and sound logic?

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

The Modern Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit - John MacArthur

Apostles of Tarot and numerology


Mario E FumeroIn my life I had ever heard evangelical minister as outlandish as the messages preached by Ana Maldonado. Listen to this video, one of many of this deranged preacher, where he gives a completely wrong interpretation:

It's amazing such blasphemy of the deranged preacher Ana Maldonado, which without being an expert in Hebrew, has interpreted the Hebrew terminology shaddai an absurd translation, stating that refers to the "tits" of God, using this expression vulgar.
In his sermon says that this Hebrew terminology "El Shaddai" means "God's tits" which besides being an aberrant interpretation, makes an ordinary preacher who profane the Almighty, that being, according to the Hebrew mind, one blasphemy.
Consider what the term etymologically El Shaddai. In all matches, and encyclopedias exegesis, this word means "God Almighty" or "God is more than enough."
in Hebrew is El Shaddai (אל שדי) and refers to one of the Judaic names of God in relationship. According. The Talmud God has no name, nor should pronounce the term God, so that the rabbis only relate to the indicating their qualities. That's why we all speak Hebrew terms of their actions or quality, eg Adonai, Shaddai and indicates their status as powerful, and has nothing to do with those tits, or the mother-father God is a Gnostic definition used by the New Era. This shows that Ana Maldonado suffers from a schizophrenic would Theological.
If your interpretation is wrong, then where does that crazy Ana Maldonado interpretation? This message and other wildest show that this preacher suffers from a serious mental disorder that affects proper biblical interpretation, disparatando. The sad thing is that there are so many ignorant Christians who follow him, the applause and so outlandish defend any teaching.
's necessary to put a stop to many absurd and heretical teachings, proclaiming the truth of God. There is no better ally in this nonsense and blasphemies of false prophets that ignorance of Sacred Scripture on the part of the people of God. The silence makes us complicit in the spread of all heresy, which it is, go to the plane of the vulgar, profane and blasfémico.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Preachers are not prophets

Author:  Paulo Arieu [0] Introduction Sects in Latin America mushrooming all kinds lados.Son all charismatic cults, emotional as possible, that appeal to the faith of the individual and their immediate needs. Few of these sects are truly biblical and a characteristic of them is that always appeal to the authority of some guru who recognize as a prophet. But there is no true prophets, as in biblical times. A look at the church today reminds us how long a Holy God to fulfill his threat to throw this Laodicea of her mouth, as if in some commentators agree the Revelation is that we are in the era of Laodicea about the Church. Christ is now "wounded in the house of his friends." The holy book of the living God now suffers more exhibitors than their opponents. Only the Church can "put limits the Holy One of Israel" and now he does it with extraordinary skill. If there are degrees in death, then the worst death I know is preaching about the Holy Spirit without the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We trace, ie, exposing either the Word of Truth. The text: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" (Revelation 3:20)  has nothing to do with sinners. Here we find the tragic portrait of our Lord at the door of the Laodicean church trying to enter. Imagine. In most prayer meetings the most widely used text is: "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in their midst" but too often is not in the middle, but at the door. We sing his praises, but refuse him. bankruptcy O believers, blind, and still praising its virtues! We're naked and we realize this, we are rich (the church never had better equipment than now), but we are poor (never had less spiritual anointing to present). We have no need of nothing (and yet, we lack almost everything that characterized the apostolic church). Can He be "among us" while we show our nakedness shamelessly spiritual? [i] Pentecostal warn of false prophets      International Pentecostal Holiness Church alguos years ago recently published a paper in which fixed position relative to the apostolic movement and further includes an alert regarding the false prophets. The denomination with over 108 years of tradition as a Pentecostal denomination and a membership of 4.2 million members in 95 countries, says it is committed to the Word and the Holy Spirit's action in a document of 21 pages entitled "The International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC).

"God is moving in these days and with an emphasis on apostolic and prophetic anointing," said the President of the name James D Bishop Leggett.
"This document recognizes and provides guidelines to practice apostolic leadership.
But a word of caution expressed in relation to the false prophets.
"It is good that the church today has a balanced approach."
The paper covers three kinds of apostles, Jesus Christ as the High Apostle, the twelve apostles as the foundational apostles and the apostles functional (as today). The role of the apostles of today is "planting the gospel in every culture in the world" and this have to do "based on Jesus Christ, the Apostle and High foundational apostles as" specifies the document.
"We recognize the ministry of the apostles and bishops functional in the history of the church ... But we also recognize that false prophets have appeared in the apostolic church in the same way as has happened in the historic church and we must remain vigilant of the constant danger of these "emissaries of Satan"
Pentecostalism is one of the fastest growing segments of global Christianity about 500 million people worldwide. But with this successful growth have also been problems with false teachers who promise cures in exchange for donations to churches that are used for personal enrichment.
Most Christian churches in Africa have denounced false prophets who claim to be anointed Pentecostal preachers. In the section of the document entitled "Recognizing the True and False Apostles" indicates that there are false apostles or people who have not been anointed by God but "carnal men who usurp his grounder for his own glory."
"This document presents a solid Biblical foundation for both the historic apostolic ministry to the present," said Ed Wood, President of the Apostolic Commission.
To distinguish the true from the false apostles, the document lists the characteristics of true apostles which include:
  • Being faithful ministers to the writings and teachings of the foundational apostles
  • Accept personal responsibility that God has given to the Great Commission at the cost of great personal sacrifice
  • Follow serving but no one has given a title or recognition of their role
  • Be free from the love of money
In 2005, the Board of the denomination, at the request of the General Conference delegates, appointed seven scholars of the denomination to conduct a biblical and historical study of the role of apostle in the Church. Also invited representatives of their regions to participate in it.
The final document was presented to the General Board of Directors, which is the highest governing body and was the October 30, 2007, with changes menores.En this document also issuing directives for apostolic ministries practices and theological aspects.
Though "the document is the result of the leadership of Pentecostal Holiness that seeks to provide a biblical position regarding the current apostolic movement", I think, do not think there need functional apostles as expressed in this article from The International Pentecostal Holiness Church. The apostles of today are the missionaries. There is no need to redefine the ministry of the apostle because the Bible is clear. It happens that all these organizations are not governed 100% by what the Bible says. So are eclectic, be accommodating as required by the momento.van improvising. [ii] Since God speaks by prophets and God Nor already speaks through the prophets. I do not care what is said on television, or other media TB evangélicos.Charles link Swindoll says, citing J Stott that

The Christian preacher is a prophet. That is, he does not receive his message of God as a direct revelation and original. Of course, the word prophet is used today by some personas.No lightly is uncommon to hear a man preaching with passion, described as someone who has prophetic fire. And a preacher able to discern the signs of the times, you see the hand of God in the history of each day and try to interpret the meaning of the twists and political and social events, is sometimes called prophet and possessor of lighting prophetic. But I think this kind of utiliación the title of prophet is improper. [1]
It is then a prophet? The Old Testament considered as the nearby protazvos of God ... the prophet was called dae mouth quienDios Tarver God communicated his words to hombre.El prophet spoke, not in their own words and in his own name. The Christian preacher, by cosniguiente not a prophet. In the not given any revlecion original, but its task is to proclaim the revelation that was given once for all. (Jude 3)
The last occurrence in the Bible of the formula "came the word of God" refers to John the Baptist (Luc.3: 2), because he was a true prophet. The prophets spoke as oracles of God. Never was brought the prophecy by human will, on the contrary, men spoke from God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21).
The word gr. that aparce here is phero, which literally means to be "moved elsewhere by the power of self." It is a nautical term used for boats with no rudder or sails, which are washed and are at the mercy of the waves, wind and current. Here the word is used by the prophets, who were motivated not by his own power, but by the power of God as he spoke through them and revealed his will. Rony Chaves and TV link are investigated by the secular press in Costa Rica In our country there are many churches cristianas.Pero some do not know if correctly interpreted the biblical writings are simple or organizations that profit from the faith. In the "Community international apostolic passion for souls", it appears that his name should be passion for money, because its message is more than insistent that money moves the hand of God. So make it look on Radio Anointing to pose, which motivate people to call to donate and fill the ballot with amounts of money. Again Anointing Tv online and in the videos of their worship and conducting health campaigns and put on the web. Depending on what you ofrende, at that rate you will get the grace, God's retribution, he will prosper, something hard to believe, but what happens between pastors who profess these messages and people who have gaps or problems and found refuge here. Some have given what little they have for God's favors. As if faith could buy. Still others have left the church because they did not share that interpretation of the biblical writings do. Here are weeks where dumped all its resources to borrow money from the faithful, in so-called "cross" or "prosperity compañas "where according to their biblical interpretations, if you give you receive from God. To meet its goal of raising money not only use their services on Sundays and weekdays in the evenings, also dumped all the action at the station with campaigns, all with the purpose of motivating people to be generous with the Lord's work. In this way through their interpretation of the Bible about the offering and arguing that God wants prosperity for all people shows up to their property, to comply with the message of the shepherds. With a hidden camera left at noon on 01 April to the station, in one of these campaigns, where people gather to pray and make an offering, after insistent biblical messages on planting, seed delivery, the pact hundredfold and apostolic blessing pit , which is neither more nor less than the bank of the gathering of the church that day. Both pastors and theologians criticize the so-called prosperity theology and intent to extort money from people. And it among church goers Passion for Souls can be multiple confusion by giving the pastors message or situations that may be contradictory, but: what if prosperity comes or there is frustration at the failure attributed to little faith? Passion for the money In just four years the Passion for Souls Church went through the roof, now owns almost an entire block on 10th Avenue in San Jose. In addition, nine properties worth more than $ 2 million are in the name of the pastor and his wife by a society. The media and the pulpit are the weapons of the church to spread the message full of stimuli to surrender. Passion for Souls performs worship almost every day of the week and all of them offering to change for the better is this: Television news as found in its main building located in the capital with the help of a hidden camera. Pastors are the ones who thrive in churches church founder Passion for Souls, William Magana Vargas, went from a simple life to walk with bodyguards and negotiate the purchase of a private jet to "facilitate the work of God." And definitely, in this proposed some professing Christian churches give money and goods to God for Him to multiply, which have thrived in abundance are the shepherds. bloom between churches based business prosperity theology Pastors and called apostles of prosperity are linked and are part of some directives: walk the offering encouraging churches, planting and tithe. These churches, ministries, pastors or apostles who profess called prosperity theology with biblical interpretations have different relationships with each other, for example, the leader of Oasis of Hope, Raul Vargas, also a member of the board of Link Channel 23 directed by another controversial Pastor Jonah Gonzales and where no qualms frequent campaigns to give money to the cause of God that will lead to blessing and prosperity. Pastor Ronny Chaves makes large constructions with 'Money God' The apostle and prophet Chaves Ronny prosperity built a retreat center apostolic rooms and more in San Isidro de Heredia whose value is over one million dollars. The rapid growth of the churches and pastors of prosperity is more than evident, since it is a feature that stands out. Ronny For Chaves, plus Tibás center facilities where it operates Christian Center Church San Jose, the store, the World Centre and House of Worship Worshipper, also building this apostolic retreat center which also lives the apostle and prophet very near there also perform the construction of the Oasis of Hope megachurch . [iv] Conclucion Ronny Chavez is a false prophet. No need to clarify what I think a lot of Him A scoundrel who found him returning to the Latin church to live upstairs. And worst of all, they are the same people that want to hear that message. And then they themselves who are offended when they remove all "wool." But we no longer need prophets.

Now that the written Word of God is available to all, the Word of God by the mouth of the prophets and not necesaria.La word of God comes to men today. She has come once and for all, and men should come to her.
The great preachers become famous pulpits, the "prophets" made ​​famous prisons. May the Lord send "prophets" terrible men to speak out and not shut up, throwing anointed corrupt nations woes for men
too hot to be accepted, too hard to be heard, too righteous to be tolerated! We are tired of men dresses adorned with soft and smooth tongue, rivers of words using a few drops of
spirituality, they know more of consecration competition, and promotion of prayer! Pastors propagation substituting propaganda and take better care of the fun of the church of his holiness?
Oh, how we need the fire! Where is the power of the Holy Spirit that pays sinners?
God bless


  • " Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin revealed, the son of perdition " ...  2 nd. Thessalonians 2:3
What is this apostasy?
  • Fall in error = misinterpretation.
  • Fall of faith = Renegar, depart or rebel.
  • Abandonment of the doctrine professed. "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Timothy 4:3-4) .
  • False profession.
  • It is a concrete and specific signal that precedes the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we all know medical level cancer is one of the most devastating diseases of the human species, incurable in its advanced stages, is one of the most terrible and painful ways to see die a person.
spiritual level, the church, which is the body of Christ, has been exposed for a long time that different viruses have contaminated and have ridden a spiritual disease that could well compared to most deadly cancer. One such virus is apostasy.
Apostasy has been present during the passage of time hanging around the church, at first externally, as I warned the writings of the Church Fathers:
  • "But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be false teachers, who shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves destruction repentina.Y many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. "II Peter 2:1-2
Various forms of apostasy have invaded the church as their survival through the centuries, which act as a deadly poison and carcinogen, has been damaged and poisoning the pure faith that was once delivered to the saints. (Jude 3)
Our brothers in the early church were to martyrdom bequeath to the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ, to them they lived terrible time of persecution, however, in any other time in the church it remained more pure, doctrinally speaking. To us we live in times of terrible and blatant apostasy, the terrible thing is that this is blanket the blanket of religiosity.
Previously, when we spoke of apostasy, we came to mind that they knew that the Lord had returned to the world. That naivete ours! Because the truth, there is no more horrible apostasy that is disguised as "Christian" because usually drag the unwary, the foolish, the spiritual neglect, those who are always asking others to pray for them, as if they were unable to do so or as if God they did not listen. That's laziness, spiritual heaviness, lack of appetite for spiritual things ... Why pray?, If for that we have the pastor, for that we pay his salary, to pray and see for us ... Why read the Bible? if for that we have teachers, they burn the eyelashes studying their lessons while we spend hours in front of the television set, using the remote control with a skill that reveals what we are accustomed to this lifestyle zero, the which, incidentally, does not reveal anything but another form of apostasy and away from the things of God.
unsuspecting Thus are swayed by the crowds that tend to attract these masters of deception and error, experts in handling, fail fleecing the flock of the Lord with a gall and cynicism that outraged. It revealed what the apostle Peter, that the intentions of these "enlightened" were nothing more than make merchandise with faith: "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words. Judgment now of a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber "II Peter 2:3 As I said, it is shocking to hear how depopulated assault on unsuspecting sheep who fall into their clutches, is sad, but here in Houston Texas can not turn on the local Christian radio without trite and hear the message of prosperity, that if, adorned with new resources and varied texts from here and there.
Frankly, I already stopped listening to Christian radio because here it is monopolized by a self-appointed "apostle" of those that abound in our day and are emerging as flies on the cake. The comparison is repugnant. My apologies for the flies.
The last time I listened to Christian radio, the above apostle was "ministering" and inviting his listeners to "sow" in his ministry, (this phrase has become a favorite and the most hackneyed of these merchants of faith) when suddenly a call came, it was a crying woman asked prayer for her, for their spiritual life and for work because I was out of work and her husband was in jail ...
She was interrupted by the "apostle" to ask if he would send his "seed" for the said ministry, the sister said yes and then the "apostle" with greed in her voice, she clarified that three shipments had to be because she had presented three needs. I turned off the radio feeling outraged by such impudence and insensitivity to the needs of others, and I have not rekindled. I remembered what true Christian author wrote, about the corruption that often drop these "ministers" in their pursuit of wealth and power:
  • "There is no odor so bad as that seen from the goodness corrupted, and there are few things that corrupt our goodness as greed, desire for popularity and the feeling of ecstasy that results when we exercise power over those who give us their worship idolatrous. When our motives are wrong, our ministry is wrong and the consequences for us, our fans and the entire church, are tragic. "
It is alarming how this cancer has spread in the body of Christ without which many of us do anything about it. I admire the work of the servants who raise their voice against these wolves in sheep and to warn the people of danger stalks them.
As a Christian educator, my concern has always been to nurture the people with the word of God and never liked argue nor was my style never disprove, disqualify or denounce what other "ministers" were doing. I consoled myself by saying that they would give account to God for what they did. However, God opened my eyes and made ​​me the following question:
  • "If I put to you to take care of my flock and being the care you suddenly see it coming to a ferocious animal and watch as the sheep are attacked and torn apart, Would you stand idly by?"
That woke me up to the reality that I should not continue silent, because otherwise we would be complicit myself with my silence. So do not be silent, I will speak openly to the people, denounce the error, I oppose any new wind of doctrine that does not harmonize with the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  FALSE APOSTLES: carcinogens in the Body of Christ.  And to show we many buttons as they say in my country, in so-called "apostles" that have been emerging from obscurity to stardom, because it turns out that these "super anointed" are thinking of changing not only the way how the church operates internally until the form of government that so far the church had. It would appear that these men are in search of power. But not in the power of God, which proclaim themselves exclusive owners, but the power that elevates, one that Satan offered to the Lord as one of their resources to make you fall into the mount of temptation.
  • "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, and said: All this will give you, if you worship me." Matthew 4:8 
Lust for power, greed, dominion, are some of the strings that move these puppets of false faith. Here the words to write the "apostle" Guillermo Maldonado in his book "The generation of new wine": The apostles are called to be first in rank and authority.

"... The apostolic anointing has the ability to take the first apostle to be a region, a territory, to preach new truths, in a field of study such as medicine, economics, aviation, finance, business. This anointing makes people move beyond the rest. God has ordained the apostles to be first in rank and authority, and thus, might bring a balance to the body of Christ. "
What does this sound presumptuous. I wonder if the thought of this "apostle" is similar to the genuine apostles of the Lord, who always traveled carrying the Gospel in the most humble, no presumption poses or to flaunt or display, such as current false apostles who before traveling ensure that your tickets are first in the airline of your choice, and that upon arrival, his retinue of flattering, I mean, of helpers, I have everything ready. The author declares no qualms that New truths emerge from their ministries in areas representative of the God Mammon: money, such as economics, finance and business. In the fields of medicine and aviation, without comment. Shoemaker to your shoes.
Later, continues the author:
"God brings into the life of an apostle, through the Holy Spirit, churches that have no spiritual covering, ministries who want to work together in unity to build the kingdom. Also, bring orphans ministers and leaders who are seeking a spiritual father to cover them and give them training, tools and encouragement. There are many young pastors who are orphans in the ministry, they need the coverage or the spiritual protection of an apostle. "
All this sounds very touching, but does not have any Biblical foundation, for Paul, which I believe represents the best model of an apostle to be found in the Bible said something very different: "And thus I aspired to preach the gospel , not where Christ was named, lest I build on someone else's foundation "Romans 15:20
Nevertheless, these "apostles" claim to be parents without first begotten, provide "coverage" as if God were insufficient to do so or as if they depended spiritual security of churches and ministers.
's speech young pastors because he knows that most pastors "old" so to speak, know perfectly the fundamentals of sound doctrine, are versed in the truth and they do not easily go to them to deceive.
Nevertheless, there are cases of mature pastors who have "modernized" with these new winds of doctrine that have embraced the new theological system megalomaniac, because many of them are tired of dealing with small churches, with members irresponsible and problematic. Have been dazzled by the promises of ministerial success and have given up the old foundations of faith believe them obsolete, in the belief that success is reflected in the number of their congregations and the  gro $ $ or  your finances.
I it is time for the church to wake up from their spiritual slumber, that every genuine workers of the Lord is put in the line of battle, because what we are going to Israel: We are perishing for lack of knowledge and spiritual discernment.
Due of our tremendous neglect of the word of God, and our little spiritual perception, we believe any "minister" or ministry to fill us eyes or we sweeten the ear, oblivious to the atrocities that teach or to say.
The Bible tells us that when Jesus ministered on earth, the Jews were to the for signs, while the Greeks sought wisdom, and both groups found in Jesus what they sought.
Us today, we should pay more attention to the words and teachings of these " ministers "and" apostles "who often teach aberrations ranging from false and distorted interpretations of the word of God to originate in the occult teachings, Freemasonry, New Age and Eastern philosophies of transcendental meditation.
course these teachings are " dressed "or disguised Christian garb. Here another example, the mega Pastor Joel Osteen, who in an interview declared that Hindus are sincere in their faith, who love God and that he dared not dismiss them as recipients of the sky. 's alarming ignorance of who lived with these people serving different gods among which we can mention Vishnu, Brahma, Hanuman, to Laksmi, goddess of beauty, the goddess Khali, abominable satanic idol with multiple arms, Ganesha, which is their main god, god wisdom, they say, roads and letters, it is an idol with four arms, bulging belly and elephant head. shall be very sincere, but sincerity does not lead to heaven. Also the atheist is sincere in finding an absence of God. Returning to Osteen, who began pastoring the overnight, according to his own testimony, the death of his father, took place without more background that only have preached only once. In his best-selling book titled "Your Best Life Now" reads as follows:

"Too often we are in a rut, thinking that everything we have achieved. Actually we extend our faith we believe, not something bigger. However, God desires that we are constantly growing, reaching new heights.
He wants to increase his wisdom and help you make better decisions. God wants to increase their finances through promotions, new ideas and creativity ... God wants it to be the best time of your life, but to receive this favor has to expand his vision ... wait Begin promotion and supernatural increase. Must conceive in your heart and mind before you can receive it. In other words, you have to create a place or a space for the increase in his mind, then God will come to pass "
Dangerous, because here we find roots of the new era, mentalism, mental concentration, which occurs at the Throughout the book, which as I said, was a bestseller. Here  I want to stop, because this subject is extensive, including extensive is the list of these "apostles" and false teachers emerged from anonymity to stardom, as I said above. People of God, do not be fooled, these are difficult times, which were predicted in the scriptures by our Lord Jesus Christ, as a feature of recent days:

  • "For false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect" Matthew 24:24
From this also spoke the true apostles of the Lord, which repeatedly warned about the pernicious cancer that would spread the body of Christ in our time. The call is for each genuine servant of God for every believer, leader or minister:
  • "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he won by his own sangre.Porque I know that after my departure shall enter into wolves among you, not sparing the rebano.Y of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. "Acts 20:28-30
What are the characteristics of apostasy?
  • The most dangerous of these is the deception or misleading manner they believe those who obey it.
  • Apostasy deceives, deludes and misleads: " And I found that the very commandment which was unto life, this I found to be unto death for sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me "(Romans 7: 10, 11).
  • " For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own belly, and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple "(Romans 16:18).
  • " Let no man deceive himself: if any man among you thinks he is wise in this age, let fool, that he may become wise "(1 Corinthians 3:18)
  • " But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ "(2 Corinthians 11:3).
Apostasy brings FINESSE always accompanied with half truth and half lie. May God continue to bless.

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Dangerous Times

.. In the last days perilous times shall come ..
But know this, that in the last days will come perilous times . (2) For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of good, (4) treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (5) that a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
Edward Cleary , Providence College, a sociologist, a missionary for many years, did a study on the true state of the Evangelical Church in Latin America. exposes alleged that for years figures have been published:
  • It has been said that 50% of the population in Guatemala are Christians, but in reality is less than 25%.
  • From Chile say 28% - the reality is only 18%
  • Brazil 21.8% - with a 15% reality
  • Mexico 20% - when less than 8%
There is talk everywhere of a great revival and crowds who come to Christ but actually there is a stalemate. They "become" a lot, but many leave the churches.
This study found that 43% of people born in evangelical families have deserted Christianity.
, 68% of those who were baptized in the 80s and were removed from the church.
The fact that this is in USA and Canada. 57% of dropouts said they had received some physical healing at a public event. They received a miracle but did not have a real life change.
desertion Why this? Firmly believe that the answer is that it has put aside the word of God and is preaching a gospel focused on human desires and not what God says to do. The result: the apostasy.
Paul in this passage to Timothy, warns that perilous times would come. Perilous times in the original refers to hard times, fierce, hard."But know" knowledge is a must . God does not bless ignorance. To know to look for.
And the word know used is the Greek ginosko it means to know, notice, recognize, understand and learn.
Paul tells Timothy to understand these times, to recognize them, to be informed. God instructs us with his word but must "see around us."
We are in the last days and ignore it would be a big mistake.
Returning to the verse will come : in the Greek also settle on, stay.
hard times will settle, come and stay. Times fierce, hard to carry and difficult to tackle.
well Why are the last days? The answer is not liked by many but is in verse 2: "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy ..." Paul displays a list of character traits.
This list of men: are the world or within the church?
Paul is talking about people in the church (v. 5) - "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." We referred to the discord within the church, false ministers, false Christians full of greed and hypocrisy, hungry for recognition.
Paul uses the word morfóo: appearance . If anything we have now is a great emphasis on appearance, a projected image. Now many ministers, before leaving the pulpit, have their hairdressers, makeup artists and image consultants. They worry about giving the impression that they are from God, but have no real domestic experience with him. appearance of piety: The word for mercy is gr. eusebeia : go after God, do what pleases God. Men that give the appearance of going after God, to do what pleases God. These dazzle people with 2 or 3 verses but not discern what they are really saying.

However, these men deny the power of godliness: these people will reject the power of the word of God. Van gradually incorporating human methods, put aside the true doctrine and put human philosophy, human psychologies. In a subtle way, leave out the words of God and used eloquent words.
To these men, avoid: in the original means reject, contradict. These people should avoid, reject them and contradict the word of God.
scripture must know in order to address and counter the false doctrines know.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh : (4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, (5) down arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
That is, while we are in this physical body, not war in our bodies. military : in the Greek is "to make war in a strategic way." We do not make war with weapons and strategies strategically purely human, not human wisdom. This is a battle of ideas, thoughts and philosophies. This is the true spiritual warfare: the thoughts of men against God's thoughts. We must rise to what God says. should only focus on what God says, not what men say (whatever the teacher teaches). God wants us to preach His words, not ours. We do not fight with our wisdom. Consider three important words in this scripture:

  • "For our weapons "(v.4) - added also means tools, weapons of war.
  • "From our militia "- in Greek is also conflict
  • "They are not carnal "- can also be translated as" purely human thoughts. "
We might as well read the text: "The tools we face the conflict (spiritual warfare) is not with purely human thoughts."
So recapitulate: dangerous times ahead because men lovers of themselves that appeared to pity. Avoid them and contradícelos, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the words of God.
Nevertheless, our weapons are mighty through God. In the passage from Ephesians 6 we describe some of these weapons: our footwear is the word of God, girded our loins with the truth of God, the shield of faith (trust in God and also refers to the gospel) and Sword of the Spirit's word. The sword is the only offensive weapon mentioned in the text. It uses the Greek machaira was a short sword used by the Romans to fight melee., a fight face to face. This implies that if we do not attack correctly, they will hurt us us. Such weapons are powerful (gr. dunatos : more powerful). These misconceptions have power, but God's ideas are more powerful because we can be born again, we give life, heal us of torment and doubt. These weapons are for the destruction (in Greek "demolish, to powder" ) - are powder weapons to fortresses. We're not talking about the strength of the drug or of homosexuality. We see in the text that are thoughts. Not demolished "binding" but speaking the word of God. Fortaleza : gr. ocurama - ideas and thoughts. These ideas and thoughts that rest purely on human wisdom. In verse 5 says knocking : gr. thrown to the ground, is a violent act, rebut, destroy. The verb was the idea of digging around a tree to cut the roots. We shot down to the ground these ideas purely human. Talk of a laborious, because these roots have wrong thoughts in people, have taken root in the minds of individuals. Casting down (the text does not speak of demons). Rather, it uses the Greek logismos : reasoning, thoughts, ideas, advice. Logismos are contrary to the word of God. Some do not want to argue in favor of "peace and love" for the "unity of the body of Christ." But love without truth is error. We can not yield to the truth of the gospel. No "unit" is valid when it comes to keeping the true word of God. Such weapons are also powerful to bring down all pride : in the Greek júpsoma : rising meant something in itself. Thoughts that rise above God. Forgetting that God's thoughts and ways are above ours. You want to tear down thoughts that rise up against the knowledge of God, against the spiritual knowledge of God's thought. Brothers, we do not address these perilous times with aceititos and weird things or acts without fruit, but with the word of God, to knowledge that is acquired by studying his word. His word is scarce because many human psychology tucked into the church. Taking captive : gr. subjugate, subdue, bring under control. In this text: I submit and have it under control? Not the devil, but to our thoughts. subjugate is the way a police arrest a thief does not gently, makes it hard, not chivalry or as if the thief were a customer select, but harshly. All these worldly ideas must be violently overthrown. Bringing into captivity every thought : in the original refers to plans, ideas, reasoning, speaking of the human, the human ability to create. There "creative" ideas and plans that should be taken down because they are purely human. For example, now charge for an activity they call "cost recovery" when the Bible tells us to give what we receive grace for grace. Jesus never charged for his teachings and miracles. He touched people with compassion and taught them without a fee.
Roman Sword - Machaira

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013


 Dear Reader: God bless you greatly in your ministry.
The purpose of writing this article is to help all those brothers who have been enslaved for many years related to the subject of tithing, a topic that touch it when modern pastors dislike and even expelled from the church to those simple and naive brothers who do not read and search the scriptures to convince themselves by what they read: Jesus was clear when he said, "Search the scriptures for they are they which testify of me."
What has been the problem of the modern church and be enslaved by men who rob the people of God; shut and not really see what the scripture says. I personally was enslaved in regard to tithing and whenever I felt was not condemned, or myself in my mind am a thief said, I am robbing God, especially when the Pharisees heard famous download the text of Malachi on the church accusing church thief mainly those brothers who do not tithe, these religious leaders condemning the people just like in the days of the law ... I felt bad ... convicted and could not grow in my Christian life ... Until God guided me in prayer to investigate on his word and I really realized, that once I realized what the grace of God ... The veil was removed from my eyes and I realized, that a thing is given under the Mosaic law and one under the law of Jesus Christ that what moves you to give true love you have for your teacher.
How do you define this question is correct that modern pastors Tithe ask today? ...
The answer is a resounding no ... Because the only ones who had the right to request that the tithe to the people and that was food, grains, spices, giving this annually or every six months of crops were only produced ... Levites ... the priesthood of the Levites, as does the book of Hebrews were the only ones who could ask for a tithe to the people, to share with the widows and orphans ... Why do you think the apostle Paul never quote malaquias the people, and never asked for a tithe ... that Paul knew the law and knew perfectly well that only the Levites had this right ... why quote "Do not muzzle the ox that treads" I will excuse modern pastors what I say ... but anyone who asks for a tithe to their sheep has fallen from grace "which by the old law justified have fallen from grace "In other words every pastor asking Tithe ... Is a perfect thief dressed in suits and ties and lives at the expense of others" does not live the love of Christ in your heart ... that the law brings wrath shepherd ... So if you're reading this article Repent and ask forgiveness of God and teach your church to give under the law of Christ voluntarily through love ... "Feed the flock not to force , but willingly "
Why siblings cling to continue tithing, even knowing the truth?
because they have been brainwashed with doctrines and commandments of men who use the word of God to enrich themselves ... in other words have been bewitched, bewitched by the devil himself for not understanding this biblical truth ...
Do you mean that the Old Testament that aniguo vale.por will teach me to tithe?
Every word of God is infallible, and therefore has much validity from Genesis to Revelation ... what is the problem ... the problem was how to interpret it ... Where the religious take only a biblical quote doctrine and made without consulting the rest of the word of God ... for example they only quote him for you malaquias Tithe saying ... without consulting the rest of the New Testament ...
The other issue lies in the correlation between the Old Testament and the New, for example the Old Testament to the New Testament came announcing the future coming and enduring forever which is Christ, God allowed the law in the Old Testament; to teach man that by itself can not govern in this case was kind moises Christ and failing at a point, or memory was stoned irremesiblemente guilty, as the case of the adulterous woman, when the Pharisees wanted to kill that was caught in the act of adultery ... Similarly, the defendant was not a thief decimated ... and could be stoned too ... For that reason God allowed the law ... that the man looked the difference between a law of man and the law of God which is manifested only through the freedom of love ... that's why the apostle Paul writes ... remains, then sign in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free and Estey subject again to a yoke of slavery "

The tithe under the Old Testament was obliged, for that remained a Levitical priesthood ... and had to keep the food of the Levites, however this was shared with the orphans and widows ... I share today ... religious ... No. .. but they enriequeciendose illicitly, while the people are dying of hunger ... But coming Christ with his death on the cross of Calvary ended the law establishing the eternal priesthood forever ... which is Christ ... It does not need to tithe ... Now what you motivates it is only love ... voluntarily ... according as he purposes in his heart ...

Why did Christ teach tithing sometimes?
Remember that Christ is referring to the Pharisees, where he tells them "that they neglect the weightier matters of the law, mercy, amor.sin stop doing that ... We also explained that Jesus was still alive, not dead. .. I was under the law ... He was born and died under the law ... He still respected the law that was in force at the time ... But what about the book of Romans ... The analogy from marriage .. . That the wife is bound to her husband while he lives ... but when he dies she is free to marry anyone she wishes ... no longer subject to the law ... in the same way by dying Christ Christ himself redeemed from the curse of the law ... we are no longer subject to that law ... now belong to Christ, under the knowledge of love and truth ...

Do we teach Tithing the book of Hebrews, where many religious claim it?
The answer is a resounding No. ..
The book of Hebrews does is compare the two Melchizedek priesthoods "Type Christ" and Leviticus ... Where it does is show precisely that the Melchizedek priesthood represented by Christ is superior to Leviticus ... And no longer be offering a cult logic offerings and sacrifices ... knowing that now the primary offering is our temple ... since we bought with their blood ...
How do I explain what the father abraham ... If tithing ... I will ... to receive the promise?
Modern religionists take the text of Abraham ... when Melchizedek met him and give him tithes ... blessed ... No it does not teach you that you must do ...
Abraham First came a long war kings fight in that war ... and recovered quantities of equipment, products, currencies ... and gave tithes to Melchizedek, but not only tithes Bible says ... everything and this was recovered booty ... war of kings ... not of what he earned monthly, annually or much less ... If it had been customary before the tenth of the law ... before the patriarchs ... Abraham's grandson Jacob ... had not made him promise to tell the Lord ... Lord if I save ... from now on ... and if I give thee thou shalt bless all my tithes ... had not told this to Mr. jacob ... if your grandfather Abraham ... I had already taught that Isaac and his son. tithers .. had to be ... but it was not ... that the patriarchs before the law did not tithe ... but Joseph in Egypt ... well have implemented a system fundraising Tithe ... but he did not tithe ... Enoch ... Noah did not ... None ... because now I come to ask modern preachers Tithe ... If they have no scriptural basis ... Or have not read scripture or made ...
So if there is no longer the law of tithing, then you will not have to give anything ... or as I give?
The word of God is clear ... What a man sows that received ... crop receives little ... bit ... much receives abundant harvest ... Of course now knowing that a true Christian is no longer under law ... if not lower the sovereign grace of Christ ... much more so now the teacher wants you all, not only 10% ... but your spirit ... nows alma.cuerpo and you give it all; but motivated only by love ...
The manner of giving is found in the book of Corinthians :::
"Each according as he purposes in his heart, not by force, if not voluntarily, for God loves a cheerful giver" ... A time you give as your heart dictates, but guided by the Holy Spirit ... Your can not give what you do not have to compromise ... learn to honor God for love ... only ... as the greatest expression of that love is Jesus Christ himself ...
Would I can give anyone freewill?
The answer is a resounding no ...
For example if you get used to giving your money to the Pharisees under the Mosaic law, no you are building the kingdom of God ... but the government of the beast and the false prophet, will soon appear on the scene ... The Bible I says "All who rely on works of the law are under a curse" ... Your money automatically become curse ... why are you supporting the mafia, drug trafficking and smuggling etc ... mostly being accomplices of thieves ...
When you go to take your money or voluntary offering ... Ask God in prayer who give ... The Holy Spirit will guide you to give to a ministry that preaches the word of God, not by greed, but to announce the coming of Jesus Christ and live in integrity ... Men of God to preach the word not by greed, but out of love ... and never ask you ... just give a tithe ... and God bless ... if you give in this way you will be blessed by it really be supporting the work of the Lord ...

Never give your money to thieves what they ask in the name of God and became rich through a tithe law unlawfully ... prosperida charismatic ministry .. Never give money to such people that what is to steal, we steal and enrich ...