by Josef Urban
Today the church is very common to hear a preacher making references to alleged promises in the Bible promise to believers that have financial and economic prosperity. Statements like "God wants us to live in poverty" and " God promises to bless you financially if you honor "etc., give the impression that Christians must believe in material-economic prosperity and search on this earth. Often the impression is given, and ultimately makes people think, "God wants you to have more money." And then, believers begin to pray and ask God for more financial prosperity and even begin to try and increase their status economy in the world. But really God promise to give all Christians in the New Testament, abundance and financial and economic prosperity? Really like the Lord not be satisfied if we live in poverty (if that is our designated location) and we seek to increase our material substance? and ultimately makes people think. "God wants you to have more money" And then, believers begin to pray and ask God for more financial prosperity and even begin to try and increase their economic status in this world. But it really promises to God to all Christians in the New Testament, abundance and financial and economic prosperity? Really like the Lord not be satisfied if we live in poverty (if that is our designated place) and we seek to increase our material substance? and ultimately makes people think. "God wants you to have more money" And then, believers begin to pray and ask God for more financial prosperity and even begin to try and increase their economic status in this world. But it really promises to God to all Christians in the New Testament, abundance and financial and economic prosperity? Really like the Lord not be satisfied if we live in poverty (if that is our designated place) and we seek to increase our material substance?
The Scriptures are very clear on the issue of economic prosperity in the New Covenant. Indeed, the Lord Jesus spoke more about money specifically talked about heaven and hell together, then there is absolutely no excuse for ignorance of this topic. We just have to see what the Bible teaches. But before you do, you must understand that God does not always work the way first we act. Their thoughts are so far above our thoughts as the heavens are above the earth (Isaiah 55:9). then God can work in ways that maybe we can not understand with our natural minds, and He can do things that are contrary to what we have thought or understood about Him His thoughts are so far above our thoughts as the heavens are above the earth (Isaiah 55:9). then God can work in ways that maybe we can not understand with our natural minds, and He can do things that are contrary to what we have thought or understood about Him His thoughts are so far above our thoughts as the heavens are above the earth (Isaiah 55:9). then God can work in ways that maybe we can not understand with our natural minds, and He can do things that are contrary to what we have thought or understood about Him
often cling to traditions, ways of thinking or beliefs that are not Biblical, and when we do this, there comes a time when God faithfully, confronts us with the truth and corrects us. If be obedient to the Lord or not, and if you continue walking with God or not, we are largely determined by how we respond to the correction that He gives us. 's important to understand that He corrects us, not because I want to rub our mistakes in the face, but because He loves us and wants us to walk in truth. When we are confronted with the Word of God and teaches us that we were in error in some point, then we need to humble ourselves, repent and correct our thinking.
Now, having said this, is likely that some of the things you are about to read is not what you have been taught or what you believed. then the question is: What will you do with the truths that will be presented? Are Escrudiñarás the Word God diligently and will pray for understanding from God and will seek the Lord in humility until the answer becomes clear? Or will you ignore and you will reject all you're going to read and will continue apegándote doctrines and unbiblical customs? 'll pray in the name of Jesus Christ in humility receive the word of truth and blessed that you stand firm on the Word of God, which is more reliable than the preachers on TV, your traditions or perspectives, and even your own church.
before proceeding it is important that all those who will continue reading this lesson, take out their Bibles and have on hand. There will be frequent statements in this lesson that paraphrase or are related to a particular passage of Scripture, and Scripture reference is in brackets after the declaration. 's important that when you find a statement with a Scripture reference after it, look in your Bible and read it yourself. This requires discipline and will take much longer to finish reading this lesson if you want all Biblical references, but much more rewarding and allow you to receive the full benefit of this teaching. Indeed, if you have your Bible handy now, go and bring it and not continue reading this unless you have it and are willing . looking at her all references Writing and the Scripture reference is in parentheses after the statement. 's important that when you find a statement with a Scripture reference after it, search your Bible and read it yourself. This requires discipline and it would take much more time you finish reading this lesson if you want all the Biblical references, but much more rewarding and allow you to receive the full benefit of this teaching. Indeed, if you have your Bible handy now, go and bring it, and do not continue reading . this unless you have it and are willing to look into it all references to Scripture and the Scripture reference is in parentheses after the statement. 's important that when you find a statement with a Scripture reference after it, search your Bible and read it yourself. This requires discipline and it would take much more time you finish reading this lesson if you want all the Biblical references, but much more rewarding and allow you to receive the full benefit of this teaching. Indeed, if you have your Bible handy now, go and bring it, and do not continue reading . this unless you have it and are willing to look into it all references to Scripture
so that we continue to answer the initial questions we asked about financial prosperity, that is: Is promised to every Christian? Does God want us to live ? on material abundance you promise the Lord increase our financial condition if we serve? must not speculate or reasoning, instead, have to see what it says the Word of God.
FINANCIAL PROSPERITY IS NOT SIN IN ITSELF Before everything must be absolutely clear: it is not a sin to have higher incomes and be financially prosperous in this world. 've been saints whose lives are recorded for us in the Bible that were economically prosperous and whom the Lord delighted, and even the Lord was the reason for their financial prosperity. Their hearts are not from the Lord because of their prosperity, but rather used it generously to glorify His name to demonstrate His love and serve His purposes. never make the mistake of thinking that if someone has low income is sin. 's easy to judge such people and be wrong because although we know they get a lot of money, do not always know what they're doing with this, unless, of course, we see that they are using it to live in luxury and unmoderated on earth.
So while the Scriptures do not condemn high incomes themselves, yes condemn emphatically selfish spending and accumulation, and the hoarding of earthly riches for us, as Jesus said, "Do not store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also "(Matthew 6:19-21).
Jesus we commanded not to amass "treasures" on earth, because if we do, this shows that our hearts are not with Him in Heaven. accumulation earthly "treasures" shows that our love is the things of the earth and not in the things of God in Heaven. shows that have minds so that no earthly serve for the heavenly. Scripture commands us to set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). accumulate on earth If fortunes
The Lord goes on to describe these "treasures"; are things that moth eaten (like the pile of clothes back in your closet that nearly never use), things that rust corrupts (as metals, jewelry and fancy cars), and things that thieves break in and steal (as valuables). ? Minahan and Thieves steal your toilet paper, food, clothing and other necessities? Normally no. looking What are treasures, objects of extraordinary value. then Jesus forbids us amass luxuries on earth in order to gratify ourselves. . because Jesus said you can not have both The Lord goes on to describe these "treasures"; are things that moth eaten (like the pile of clothes back in your closet that nearly never use), things that rust corrupts (as metals , elegant jewelry and cars), and things that thieves break in and steal (as valuables). ? thieves break in and steal your toilet paper, food, clothing and other necessities? Usually not. looking What are treasures, objects of extraordinary value. then Jesus forbids us amass luxuries on earth in order to gratify ourselves. . because Jesus said you can not have both The Lord goes on to describe these "treasures"; are things that moth eaten (like the pile of clothes back in your closet that nearly never use), things that rust corrupts (as metals , elegant jewelry and cars), and things that thieves break in and steal (as valuables). ? thieves break in and steal your toilet paper, food, clothing and other necessities? Usually not. looking What are treasures, objects of extraordinary value. then Jesus forbids us amass luxuries on earth in order to gratify ourselves.
But this is exactly what the prosperity preachers are doing on TV and all over the world. They are living extravagant lives, living in luxury and self-gratification, buying suites hotels
In addition, these famous prosperity preachers are wealthy by any standard. Who would dare to say they are not rich when they live such lifestyles? Now listen to what the Lord Jesus said: "But woe to you, rich! for you have received your consolation. " (Luke 6:24-26). Far from pronouncing blessed and favored by God, the Lord Jesus pronounces woes and pains over them! Les said to have already received your comfort, which means "reward . " They have a reward waiting for them in the Kingdom of God, because they have lived on earth in luxury and have decided to have their reward on earth. As James describes: "You have been in this world a life of luxury and pleasure rampant. What have fattened for the day of slaughter. " (James 5:5 NIV). Santiago was speaking to the rich in this world who live in selfish luxury. In contrast, he says in the same letter "my beloved brethren, give ear: Has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him." (James 2:5) James, as Jesus clearly rebukes those who live in abundance, luxury, and self-gratification, as he pronounced the blessing on the poor and oppressed.
In James chapter 2, the Apostle rebukes showing favoritism to the rich and strive the poor as if they were not worthy of respect and honor. Individuals were trying chiding he was very rich, giving them the best seats, while the poor by making them ashamed sit on the floor. They honored the rich but embarrassed the poor, and so the Word of God rebuked them. Yet this is precisely what the modern "gospel" of prosperity is doing, honor the rich as if they were blessed by the Lord and shames the poor as if they were blessed and treats them as if they were not living correctly or do not have enough faith to get out of poverty. 's a "gospel" of bias that mocks the poor say their own fault and lack of faith are that poverty. This "gospel" of prosperity is a rotten abomination in the eyes of God whose word says. "He who mocks the poor reproaches his Maker" (Proverbs 17:5)
This is happening many churches today. A poor and afflicted members such favor is not shown to members who have money and are successful at all. Modern "Gospel" of success and prosperity is embarrassing the poor into thinking that must be in sin, not because there really is sin in your life, but for their poverty. Which accusation against the poor!
And the great and wealthy churches are seen as particularly blessed, while small churches that are struggling are seen as not so blessed and even as if there were enough in the will of God as they should be. Yet the Lord Jesus sees things in a totally different way. In the book of Revelation, seven churches had received a prophetic word from Him Two of these seven churches were the church of Smyrna, and Laodicea.
church of Smyrna was materially poor, to severe tribulation, and was suffering terribly, but hey what the Lord said, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) ... "(Revelation 2:9). Though materially poor, the Lord called "rich", that is, spiritually. He did not have to rebuke the church for anything more While praised and encouraged them to persevere. But the Laodicean church was an economically prosperous church had so much money in this world that did not need anything, and the Lord said, "Because thou sayest, I am rich, I have prospered , and have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked "(Rev. 3: 17). Though they seemed to be blessed and prosperous materially, the Lord rebuked them and called them " poor "in His eyes. How many churches today are materially prosperous and have large congregations but are lukewarm and wretched in the eyes of God?
The message of the Bible is in direct contrast to what the prosperity preachers are saying ...
The prosperity preachers tell us we have to get more for ourselves, but Jesus told us to get rid of what we already have (Luke 12:33). Who is right, them or the Lord Jesus?
prosperity preachers tell us that God wants us to be rich, but the Apostle Paul said that those who want to get rich fall into many temptations and snares, and foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction (1 Timothy 6:9). Who is right-prosperity preachers or the Apostle Paul?
prosperity preachers tell us that we should not be content with what we have but must be ordered God to give us, but the Bible tells us to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5.) Who is right-they or the Word of God?
prosperity preachers tell us that God wants us to have the best this world has to offer, but the Apostle John told us that if we live as we love the world and the things of the world are not even saved (1 John 2:15). Who is right? Whom we believe, them or the Apostle John?
prosperity preachers are rising in front of global audiences and boasting how much gold and silver have, but the Apostle Peter had to tell a poor beggar that he did not even have money to give ( Acts 3:6). Pedro was not lying. He really had no money! Who is right-prosperity preachers or the Apostle Peter?
prosperity preachers have stood in the middle of church and things were used God to accumulate more financial gain for themselves, but when Jesus entered the house of God He did the opposite, a whip made of cords and drove out all who were there to make money
prosperity preachers tell us that God wants us to be rich, prosperous, and no need, but the Lord Jesus said that such people make you want to vomit (Revelation 3:16-17).
prosperity preachers tell us to serve and contribute to their ministries, but the Lord Jesus came to serve and give everything I had (Mark 10:45).
Preachers prosperity tell us to give to their ministries and in return we will be extremely blessed by God, but when a man in the Bible tried to give money to the Apostle Peter to receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle rebuked and condemned (Acts 8: . 18-23)
The prosperity preachers tell us that deserve the money they have and great anointing that we must pass, but the man of God, Elijah did not even want to accept an offering of a man healed under his ministry, and even more when his servant went and got the money without the approval of the prophet Elijah rebuked the Lord cursed him and his descendants forever (2 Kings 5).
prosperity preachers tell us that the world must love us for our prosperity and you should want to be like us, but the Lord Jesus uttered frightful punishments on people who speak well (Luke 6:26).
prosperity preachers tell us that Jesus came to give us abundant life and this means that we must abound in material things we possess, but the Lord Jesus said that this abundant life is eternal life and this life is not about material things that a man possesses (John 10:10, Luke 12:15). Should we believe these prominent wealthy preachers living in abundance, or the meek and lowly Jesus?
prosperity preachers tell us to use God to get money, that God wants us to have more money, but Jesus said we can not serve God and the Mammon (Matthew 6:24). The Lord said that we will love or loathe wealth and God, or God and abhor continue to riches, but there can be no neutrality, and we can not claim both. So should we believe them as they serve God and mammon at the same time (as shown by their styles of extravagant and luxurious life), or must believe that Jesus despised worldly goods to please the Father in all things?
Prosperity Preachers tell us that Abraham was rich and therefore, we must be rich too. They tell us that, according to Galatians 3:14, we must receive the "blessing of Abraham," and therefore, since Abraham was rich and blessed, we must be well. Nevertheless, the Scriptures clearly tell us that the "blessing of Abraham" is not having earthly wealth: it is eternal life "For in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. "Blessing of Abraham is the promise of the Holy Spirit by which we are adopted into the family of God and are saved. 's a blatant twisting of Scripture take this and turn it into a promise of prosperity and wealth terrestrial.
Moreover, Abraham was thriving in this land. That is obvious. But that does not mean that every Christian should be well. God had a plan to form a great nation of Abraham, and it was necessary that I had plenty to keep the promise God to make him a great nation, a nation through which the Messiah, Jesus Christ, come to save mankind from sin. Clearly God does not intend to form a great big nation using a terrestrial every Christian, then you need not give them many material goods. 's more, we must remember that Abraham was not even looking for earthly riches because he was not looking for anything in the world, but "looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and builder is God "(Hebrews 11:10). showed that Abraham was willing to leave everything in this world to win the approval of God. He not only despised the riches of love for God, but also his own son Isaac, shown in that it offered on the altar (Genesis 22). Abraham was a holy man of God who sought the approval of God no matter the cost, and despised everything the world had to offer in order to inherit the heavenly city of God in the coming century.
prosperity preachers tell us that Solomon was rich and prosperous, then we must be too. But this is completely wrong, because Solomon was in direct disobedience to the Law of God who commanded the king of Israel amontonase much silver and gold for himself (Deuteronomy 17:15-20). Solomon disobeyed so much so, that in his palace silver was not considered as nothing more than pocket change compared (2 Chronicles 9:20). Solomon also took many wives for himself, in fact over 900, which was a clear violation of God's commandment. His heart away from the Lord and even built pagan altars to false gods in Israel (Nehemiah 13:26, 1 Kings 11 :1-8). Solomon went astray and for a time he was in rebellion against the Lord, seeking happiness in the things of this world rather than God-this is exactly what it says the book of Ecclesiastes. So why the hell would like to establish Solomon as an example that the Church follow? Dare we aspire earthly things as him and turn our hearts of the living God? Thank God, Solomon learned the lesson to be obedient in the fear of God (Ecclesiastes 12:12-14). May we learn the same by example and not fall into the same mistake!
What about the example of Moses? Moses was a man who was adopted as an infant by the daughter of Pharaoh and who, through his life, he was raised with all the luxuries and riches of Egypt. As the son of Pharaoh's daughter, he would receive many riches as a legal heir to the family estate in the kingdom. Moses could have had everything the world had to offer in terms of wealth and success. Yet Scripture tells us that Moses despised riches and pleasures of Egypt to know the Lord:
"By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, greater riches the reproach of Christ the treasures in Egypt: for he was looking to the reward " (Heb. 11:24-26).
How easy it would have been to stay in Egypt and Moses say: "I love the Lord and I will follow you and be a light where He has placed me" However, he made no excuse, he refused to surrender to lower commitment, and left everything in order to be identified with the true people of God. greater blessing He considered the reproach and affliction suffered by Christ more than all the treasures that Egypt offered, because he knew that if he left all their earthly treasures have treasure in heaven, then he was willing to leave everything with joy as he looked at the great reward awaiting him in the Kingdom of God. 's learn from the example of this man of extraordinary God and imitate their faith!
And not only imitate the faith of Moses, but the faith of all true men of God and the prophets of the Lord who "were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, put to death by the sword, walked back and forth in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom the world was not worthy, wandering in deserts the mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise "(Heb. 11:35-39). 's description in the Word of God that tells us what they experienced, it sounds like anything but prosperity! Indeed sounds like the opposite-it seems that often were poor, afflicted, mistreated, abused, suffering, despised, and tested, and the reason was because the world was not worthy of them. therefore the world hated them, and they also hated the world system. they are not extreme or unusual examples, because the Scriptures tell us that we are called to imitate the faith and follow their example and their way of life. The Lord Jesus even told all who would follow :. "If you were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I chose the world, therefore the world hates you" (John 15:19) The Word of God also promises that "is must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God" (Hec.14: 22). This sounds like anything but cute, happy "abundant life" that most modern prosperity preachers tell us we have to have!
The prosperity preachers often quote the Old Testament promises and the Law of Moses (as found in Deuteronomy 28.) But you need to remember that regardless of how successful or Rich was a saint in the Old Covenant, is not the same with every believer under the New Covenant. 's dangerous to take a scripture out of context. blessings and curses of the Act do not apply equally to believers under the New Covenant. can not mix the Old Covenant with the New, old wine with new wine (Matthew 9:17.) The New Testament tells us that we are not under the Law (Galatians 3:10, 4:21). We teaches that we have "died to the law" (Romans 7:4) and that the Act "perishing" (2 Corinthians 3:11). It also makes clear that the Old Covenant is old, aged and "will soon disappear" (Hebrews 8:13). 's against the teaching of the Word of God, against the New Covenant, under which we now live, choosing blessings and curses of the Old Covenant and apply to believers in Christ in the New. longer are we under the Old Covenant, and none of it is related to the believer in Jesus the New Covenant that is justified freely by grace (Romans 3:24)
This does not mean that the law is not important, because it is still the Word of God, which abides forever (1 Peter 1:25), and has many practical applications, shadows of things to come (Hebrews 10:1), and instructions for our learning (1 Corinthians 14:34). Y does not mean that we can live in debauchery because we are not under the Law On the contrary, we live in freedom on the dominion of sin because we are not under the Law (Rom.6: 14). God's heart is in the Old Law, which believers in the Lord Jesus established on its true spiritual meaning and purpose of the Act is to love God and others, and in that sense the Law is fulfilled by those who believe in Christ (Romans 13:10). However, we can not make abstract promises of earthly prosperity of the Act and apply equally to believers in the New Covenant, because if we are going to take some parts of the law then we have to take it all and render perfect obedience to it (Galatians 3:10). unable to take the things of the Law that we like and ignore those that do not like us. Yet this is exactly what the prosperity preachers do. They make promises of earthly prosperity for Israel in the Old Covenant and the twisted to resemble promises to be the Church in the New Covenant, but ignore all the other things written in the Law and all requirements of perfect and absolute obedience.
In the New Covenant, there is no promise that applies to every individual in the church promising economic and earthly prosperity. The New Covenant does not contain promises to increase every believer economically and materially prosperous them with an abundance of money or material value. However, there are many promises that tell us if we are truly living in the will of God, honoring Him, putting Him first in our lives, and walking in obedience and love in the Lord Jesus, God will provide our needs materials. Y There promises to say that if we are generous with our material possessions and our money and give to those who need that God will ensure to provide us and reward (eg, on 2 Cor.9: 6).
Jesus said, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added "but in the context, he explained that they are" these things "that God will add to us-" food "and" woman "(see Matthew 6:25 - 33.) God promises to supply all that we "lack" according to his riches in glory, and not what "we" or "want" (Philippians 4:19). Jesus had our basic needs in mind when he promised that God will provide us . Twisting this and turn it into a promise for economic prosperity is, to speak plainly, adulterating the Word of God.
A large number of passages taken out of context that are often given by the preachers of prosperity " confirm "the doctrines that try to use to" prove "that God wants all Christians to be rich. Though we do not have the time or space to deal with all briefly look at a few:
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for your sake he became poor, being rich, that ye through his poverty might become rich "(2 Cor. 8:9). prosperity preachers tell us that this is saying that Jesus was materially rich in Heaven but came to this earth and became poor, and redeemed us from having to suffer from poverty, that can now be economically rich. 'But is this really what the text is teaching? can not be because it would contradict the other teachings in the New Testament on this subject. If the Apostle Paul was saying that we need to be physically and economically rich, then he failed miserably in practice what he preached. Pablo himself was a very poor man as to the material (He himself said he did not even have proper food or Garments many times, and also had no home,. sees 1 Cor 4:11). If Paul meant that we should be economically prosperous, why Jesus became poor why he was not rich? Why was so poor? And why he suffered so much (as he then says in 2 Cor. 11:23-28)?
And if God wants us to be materially rich, then why the other Apostles lived styles so poor and humble life, as the history of the Church documents? Even in the book of Acts the Apostle Peter said to the poor beggar. "Have no silver and gold" (Acts 3:6) Of all people, the apostles of Jesus Christ were in the perfect will of God, then why not enriched if God had promised? Were living defeated lives outside the will of God because they lived in poverty? Who would dare say such a thing? However, this is exactly what these prosperity preachers are saying, not directly, but do so to say it is the will of God that all believers are economically prosperous. This means that if someone is not prospering economically, is not in the perfect will of God
2 Corinthians 8:9 (quoted above), The Apostle Paul is linking the physical with the spiritual. material wealth He mentions Jesus and the glories of heaven, and said that he left all that to humble himself and become materially poor, that through His poverty might be rich and suffering spiritually . If this is not what he meant, then completely contradicts, as he was very poor, and also gives us to understand clearly that only some are designated to be rich (1 Tim.6: 17). But this must be what he meant, because it will match the rest of what the Bible teaches. (And the Bible does speak of the material and spiritual wealth in the same sentence, as in Revelation 2:9 where he speaks first of material wealth and spiritual wealth then in the same sentence, as well as in 2 Corinthians 8:9). then God is concerned with our spiritual prosperity, not with our material prosperity. God wants us to be spiritually rich toward Him , abounding in good fruit that will glorify His name. This can not be taken as a promise to ensure earthly riches for every believer.
Another favorite scripture often used by prosperity preachers is 3 John 2: "Beloved, I wish . that you may prosper in all things and be in health, even as your soul prospers "The prosperity preachers quote this and say," Come, the Apostle John says he wants to prosper in all things and physically and economically we have health as our soul prospers. "They say that this is a promise to every believer who can be economically prosperous if only we believe and declare by faith. But do not be so naive! Let us remember that the Word of God must be read and interpreted in context. This is something that prosperity preachers fail to do. . Then examine this verse in context
. Firstly, this is not a statement of absolute promise of God, but a desire of the Apostle John He said, "Beloved, I wish ..." This is the statement of a desire. Juan He is not promising to each person to whom you are writing to God if the flourish, he is simply stating that he wishes to prosper. Taking this statement as a sure promise of God we are taking it beyond its literal and plain meaning.
Second Instead, we need to consider who the Apostle John is writing. Obviously, it is not writing this to every person who claims to be Christian. He is writing this to a man named Gaius, a loved brother in the Church. In this short epistle shows us some commendable traits Gaius is a close friend who has been personally recommended by an Apostle of Jesus Christ as a brother in the Lord and John alludes to be his spiritual father in Christ (vers.1, 4.) He is walking in total obedience to the truth of the Gospel (verse 3-4), is faithful to serve, be hospitable and give generously to the brothers, strangers, especially missionaries (vers.5-8). Gaius was not any alleged "Christian "was a faithful brother who learned of the Apostle John, he was walking in love and obedience in holiness and truth, and did everything to show generosity and love of traveling missionaries. Gaius was a man who was engaged in the work of the Lord.
By Therefore, we can assume that while Gaius was in good health, was good and prosperous in all things, the Lord's work would continue through it, and strangers and fellow missionaries would remain ministered. Why would not like someone flourish as faithful brother around? While thrive, would be generously helping the work of God! Then the Apostle John wanted Gaius to prosper and be healthy because John knew that while he did, the missionaries were to be supported. Juan in no way wanted Gayo flourish for could it earn the luxuries and pleasures of this world-the only reason he declared that he wished Gaius prosper in all it was because he heard that Gaius was generously helping missionaries!
This leads to another point. Although God does not promise that every Christian to prosper economically, it is clear that if God choose this for some of their children. Gayo As God chooses to entrust some of their children material prosperity. But why does it again not to accumulate treasures on earth, or to use what God has given them to selfishly improve their standard of living and live in luxury, but for them, as Gaius, can use what God has given them to help . others and contribute to the work of the Lord
And so, the Apostle Paul told the young preacher Timothy, "The rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but in the living God, who gives us all things richly to enjoy. them to do good, to be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; storing up for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life "(1 Tim.6 :17-19). Paul does not tell you to reprimand those who are rich because they are rich only, since it is not in itself a sin to be rich, but he tells Timothy to command them not to be proud of their wealth, not to trust their riches, but to be rich in good works, giving generously. This is the reason why God chooses to economically prosper some in the Church, so that you can be generous with what they have and help the poor, widows and orphans , to give to the needy, and finance workers and missionaries of the Gospel.
The essence of the second greatest commandment is this: to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mat.22: 39.) Those who are financially prosperous in the Church , by the sovereign will of God, are called to show their money and property to love their neighbors as themselves. What they do with their money shows how much love their neighbors. If you are living in excessive and expensive luxury more beyond what is reasonable under the average standard of living, and see that missionaries or sister in need but do not give them, then it proves that they love themselves more than others. "But whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Little children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth "(1 John 3:17-18).
Indeed, of those who come to Christ and become, those who possess worldly things that are outrageous and extravagant venues are commanded to sell their abundance and distribution to the poor and needy . the Church This is exactly what the Lord said to the rich man (Mark 10:17-25) and all the disciples (Lk.12: 33). If they refused to get past the bizarre things of this world for Christ then they were not worthy of being followers of Jesus (Lk.14: 33). never want to leave The extravagant luxuries and abundance shows that love the things of this world, and not want to get rid of these things for Christ's sake. " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him "(1 John 2:15). This does not mean that God wants us to live without our needs are supplied, because God does promise to meet them, what happens is that the Lord wants us to obey the truth in love and give to the brothers who are truly in need of our abundance, so that equality among siblings (two Cor.8: 14) and obvious love shown to all the saints (Lk.10 :30-36).
is true that Jesus often spoke of money and material things, but what the prosperity preachers are not going to say is that when he talked about this topic almost always spoke against it, that is, contrary to desire these things in any way, for the Lord Jesus knew that the "root of all evil is the love of money" (1 Tim.6: 10). He knew the money competes for the heart and affections and devotion of man in a way that nothing else does and, because of that, He constantly warned it was a trap ready to catch the soul of any man at any time. He knew that the desire for money and material things cause many of His followers assumptions stumble and fall and in the end lose their souls.
So does this mean that Jesus hates money itself? No. The money was the idea of God . He is the one who created the world and everything in it and decreed that the monetary system operates on this earth. So yes, money is His idea. So why decreed? For this reason: to test the hearts Men and especially the hearts of His people . God gives us money to test us and see if we will be dedicated to Him and dedicated money or God can give some believers an abundance of money, not to be selfish and spend all in themselves, but for the way they spend their money can show the world that God is their God, not money. God's design is that we have the opportunity to magnify to use what He has given us a way that glorifies His name and show His love. then, dear Christian, do you show the world the way you spend your money God has first place of worship in your life? Or samples that most important in your life are you and your comforts and selfish desires?
Idolatry GREED IS
God's Word is full of warnings against greed [or lust] in the Old and New Testament, however, despite these clear warnings, many of which claim to be "Christians" live lifestyles that can not be defined in any other way except "greedy." In fact, although they do not say they are greedy, many of them openly admit that yes they are the very definition of word. The word "covet" literally means "to desire or wish for one thing." means the same in Hebrew and Greek languages were used to write the Old and New Testaments. then when a professing Christian sees a car nice going down the street and hopes to have one for yourself, you are coveting. When a professing Christian says he wants more money or material things to store for yourself or your family, and truly want these things in your heart, then you are coveting.
covet something means that we want to have. This suggests that we are not happy with what we have, we are not completely satisfied with the Lord and what He has given us, and that we need more to satisfy us. therefore seeing the definition of this term, we see that many of us in the church are guilty of coveting-in wanting a better car, a better house, a large, want to increase our economic value bank account. This is indeed a sin in the eyes of God, and not any sin, but a dangerously . the Word of God commands us to put to death the sin and gives us a solemn warnings against it:
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry things why the wrath of God
And note that the Scripture says, "... and covetousness, which is idolatry . "Llama greed" idolatry. " This is especially significant because idolatry is a sin that God particularly hates. The Lord tells us that He is a jealous God and will not share His glory with anything and anyone. He demands our sole and absolute devotion and provoke them to jealousy when we want something rather than Him Those who want to increase their economic value and crave the things of this world are idolaters in the eyes of God. many Christians admire these famous preachers with large ministries that are living in luxury and extravagant opulence, who openly say they want more money and constantly ask for money to the public. many Christians regard them as great men of God, but the true God of Heaven looks as idolatrous . provoke him to jealousy promote and cling to riches
A particularly informative writing on this subject is found in Hebrews 13:5: "Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with what you have now for he said, never leave thee, nor forsake thee. " This tells us to take our free conduct of desire for money or material things and, on the contrary, we are commanded to be "happy with what you have." In other words or are one or the other,., or are happy with what we have, or are greedy . There is no middle ground, we can not serve God and wealth We can only be happy in Jesus, and the love of God, because God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Our satisfaction, joy, pleasure and happiness should be only in Him and not in the things of this world. God wants us to be miserable in our poverty (if He has chosen this for us) , rather, He wants to triumph and rejoice in this because, although it little or much, we are happy to meet you!
Indeed, this was written to Hebrew Christians who had just suffered the loss of their property! The author of the letter says: "... the plundering of your goods joyfully accepted, knowing that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions heaven" (Heb.10: 34). they could suffer the loss of all things and take it without coveting joy, knowing they had a bigger possession in Heaven waiting, being happy with the love of Christ in their hearts.
Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, saying: "I have written to you not to associate with any that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or a thief, with such an one no not to eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside? Do not ye judge them that are within? "( 1 Cor.5 :11-12). 's clearly tells us not to have fellowship with a professing Christian who is greedy. It is such a serious sin that excludes one able to gather with the Church.
examine this and say that there must be some way to recognize if someone is greedy. should be a legal basis for judging (making a fair trial based on the obvious fruit in the life of one, comparing what God's Word says). Obviously, we are called to recognize those in the Church who want more money or economic-that revenue constantly want more, they are living extravagant lives with riches and warn-hard with the Word of God, and if they do not repent, we must end our partnership with them. Why not practiced in this Church today? Why approve sin of greed or even encourage the pulpit with numerous requests to give people , den and den? Far from being expelled from the Church, greed is often promoted in the Church!
These prosperity preachers say they are the true servants of God. But that "god" serve? Just because they say serve the Lord and call upon the name of Jesus does not mean that truly have been sent by God. "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works "(2 Cor.11 :14-15).
Exodus 32, the Israelites took all their gold and made an idol. did a golden calf for themselves and said: "This is your god, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt." Until they called "Lord" (Exo.32: 5). Yet despite that called him "Lord" and worshiped as the god who delivered them from Egypt, it was just an idol and God's anger was kindled against them. This is exactly what is happening in much of the Church today. The prosperity preachers and leaders have deceived taken the money and gold and have formed a god for themselves and their congregations, and have called for everyone: "This is your god, Church! say they serve the true God "Jehovah" but actually serve a golden idol and materialism. 're serving another god, the god of wealth. they serve "another Jesus" and have "another spirit" and preach "another gospel" and just as the Apostle Paul said, people get good (2 Cor.11: 4).
If God's Word does not teach this modern message of economic prosperity and living comfortable and plentiful then where did this message? Well, we can say it has two sources: one is supernatural, the other is natural.
's supernatural origin of the doctrines of economic prosperity comes from the depths of Hell. It is a "doctrine of demons" sent to deceive the people of God in order to avert their hearts of the entire devotion to the Lord and let them place their affections upon earthly things, stifling their spirituality and causing the harlot with idols of greed . It was designed by the armies of Hell to be a stumbling block and bring reproach on the Church, because when many unbelievers see preachers promoting prosperity doctrines and ideas of earthly abundance, causes them to leave the Church and even blaspheme the way of truth (2 Ped.2 :1-2). Is designed to plant seeds of greed in the hearts of people who are seeking God, and through greed damn their souls, because no miser inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor.6 :9-10). This is a Perfect Satan's hosts trick, because it's so deceptive and subtle. 's sin of greed can be hidden deep in the heart of a person, even if they are not materially rich in this country. And someone may be they surrendered to greed unknowingly trying to serve God and riches while being under the wrath of God
's natural origin of the doctrines of economic prosperity comes from the mid-1900s. The main source can be attributed a famous preacher named Kenneth Hagin (founder of Rhema Bible Institute which is still promoting this doctrine.) He was the first to popularize the doctrine and was one of the main reasons that this doctrine spread throughout the world, because he was a very influential position in the charismatic church. He claimed to have special revelation of God in this, and many other subjects too, even saying things as heretical as Jesus suffered in hell and there was tortured by Satan. Kenneth Hagin was a "spiritual father" to other famous preachers who would later some of the largest television ministries in the world. preachers He taught these doctrines of prosperity, and they would be put on in front of huge audiences and television disseminated the idea that God wants us to be financially prosperous and rich.
these preachers are still Christian television promoting these doctrines and much of the world admires them because they have large and supposedly ministries "successful." Now, where have satellites can transmit Christian television to the homes of Christians and pastors, you can almost assume that someone in the household believed in the doctrines of prosperity. Through the means of these very influential preachers and international broadcast TV, these false doctrines have spread throughout the world and infiltrated much of the church. Interestingly, in places in the world where there is no Christian programs on TV, you will not find any Christian who believes in the doctrines of prosperity, this shows that those who believe in this they receive from TV and apostate preachers and not the Word of God.
's also interesting to note that before the main proponent of these teachings, Kenneth Hagin, died, publicly repented of promoting both the prosperity doctrines . wrote a book in his last days in which he openly acknowledged his error in promoting economic prosperity to the level it did. Command copies the preachers he had discipleship were still taught this on TV, and told them that he had been wrong and that they took their message to an end and fell into the pitfalls of greed and need to stop doing this. Unfortunately They ignored him, and are still on TV promoting such false doctrines. Beware of the "Christians" of the television channels are the biggest promoters of false doctrines in the face of the world, there are so many false teachings about money and prosperity it is better not to see them.
also need to recognize that no one believed, invented and promoted the doctrines of economic prosperity until the 20th century. This means that this doctrine was absent for nearly 2,000 years of Christian history! By nearly 2,000 years , there have been many men of God and preachers and teachers in the Church who wrote extensive commentaries and preached countless sermons, but there is not even a trace of evidence that they ever believed or reported such doctrines. did not exist in the Church. And we safely say that if you have not found a doctrine or practice in the Church for 2,000 years, is a "new thing" and therefore must be false, because there will be a "new thing" in the Church as the canon Scripture is complete and the Book of God is a closed book. All doctrines are already established in the completed Word (2 Thess.2: 15, Apoc.22 :18-19.) There will be continuous revelations and prophecies in the Church about temporal things (like a word about God's will for an individual, a warning in a vision or a dream, supernatural understanding of divine mysteries confirmed by the Word of God about the events of the recent past and as specifically occur, etc..) but the doctrines of Scripture are complete and whole and never have anything to add or remove them. If you can not find the doctrine in 2,000 years of the Christian Church, then it must be false.
Additionally, there are volumes and volumes of works of the leaders in the early Church of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. They were pastors and preachers of the early church who were seniors during the immediate time following what is recorded in the New Testament (their works are in the volumes of the "Ante-Nicene Fathers.") These leaders of the early Church in really speak much about economic prosperity, but never in a favorable way. They discussed the economic wealth in the life of a Christian, not as a blessing but as a tie. They saw it more like a trap than a blessing for those who have an abundance of finance and economic value in this world are in many more temptations to love the world and live in selfish than those who do not have much pleasure. those who have lots are in many temptations to accumulate treasures on this earth for themselves, to live selfishly and comfort, and are more difficult to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus on the narrow road of adversity because they have so much temptation to enjoy their property rather than renounce them as Jesus commanded us (Lk.14: 33)., and enjoy God only
As the New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ does not promise earthly prosperity and abundance Economic every person who is saved, if it promotes prosperity heavenly abundance and spiritual every believer! "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" (Eph .1:3). This is far better than mere temporal riches and material on earth. Our lives are being spent on this earth and will end soon. We will be in eternity where only what is eternal will remain. What is important are eternal riches. We must focus on receiving, not earthly prosperity, but the celestial, up treasures in heaven, and be rich in all things spiritual in Christ Jesus. "For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul "(Mk.8: 36)?.
. If you, dear brother, you are guilty of seeking things of the earth, you know what you have to do some pastors who have promoted these doctrines in their churches need to repent and renounce their false doctrines in front of their congregations and start teaching the truth. few that were given to covetousness need to confess their sins and out of their leadership positions because it is a disqualification that an Elder in Church is "filthy lucre" (1 Tim.3: 3). 'll have to pay a high cost and requires humility confess their mistakes publicly, but the Lord will reward them if they do. comes a time when you have to count the cost and determine if you will obey the Lord and put things right, or if you are going to rebel and stick to your traditions and dogmas and reject the Word of God, and ultimately be rejected by the Lord himself. So what will? Choose today whom you will serve, God or riches can not serve both!
The Apostle Paul's called the false teachings of the prosperity preachers "corrupt foolish disputes of men in mind and deprived of truth that godliness is a means of gain. from such withdraw thyself "(1 Tim 6:5) Paul says that these men take . godliness a means of gain They say that the more pious you are, the gain is you're going to get. They say that if you truly have faith and pious, you will be successful economically. But this is stupid and corrupt as the Apostle! And Scripture we send to turn away from such preachers! Have you been away from these false teachers? Or are you still listening to his teachings and absorbing their impious ramblings twist and adulterate the Scriptures? Will you obey the Word of God and come out "from among them" (2 Cor 6:17).?
Apostle continues: "There is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into this world, and certainly can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. they that will be rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition "(1 Tim. 6:6-9.) We are called to be happy with our situation, even if we have nothing unless we put clothes and food needed to eat. But that will be rich fall away from the faith and fall into temptation and many foolish lusts and sink into destruction. did not even say that they are rich, but merely wish . become rich But these prosperity preachers openly admit they want more, they want to have more abundant finances and worldly possessions. Indeed, by the admission, by his own words, are deprived of the truth.
Apostle Peter they warned us of false teachers in recent times: "But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of, and their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Judgment now of a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. " (2 Ped.2 :1-3).
examine what he is saying, one verse at a time, comparing with preachers prosperity that have infiltrated the Church
. Peter says that there were false prophets in ancient times, and there will be false teachers among us Then this statement need to pay attention and recognize that there . false teachers among us Peter clearly said that they would then it means there is. therefore, we must understand that the scriptures promise us that they are with us and warn us that we need to recognize them not to be deceived by his cunning.
Pedro says they secretly introduce destructive heresies, denying the Lord . We have already seen that this "gospel" of greed and prosperity is a destructive heresy because it makes people covet earthly things in their hearts and provokes the jealousy of God, and the scriptures say that the sin of greed is one that condemn and exclude a person from the kingdom of God. This heresy of the "gospel" of greed has secretly entered into the Church because it comes disguised as something good, dressed in biblical terminology and Scriptures quoted out of context. It's hidden because the error is hidden from the eyes of most people, do not recognize that it is a heresy and covertly deceives. these false teachers do not deny the Lord clearly say, "I deny the Lord"-that would be too obvious. They deny the Lord for deny His true teachings and teach things that are contrary to those he taught. By denying His truth, they are denying Him with their teachings and practices. Though professing to serve you with their lips their hearts are far from Him profess to love the Lord with their words but in their hearts refuse to love the things of this world.
Peter says that many will follow their destructive ways, and because of them, people blaspheme the way of truth . Are we not seeing this fulfilled before our eyes? There are few who follow these prosperity preachers, but many - multitudes upon multitudes of people! And his constant ramblings that say we must be rich or financially prosperous, those who are not Christians blaspheme Christianity
Peter says that these false teachers, in their greed they will exploit exploit us and us with deceptive words . This is exactly what the prosperity preachers are doing. 're motivated by greed and a desire to have more money, and with this motivation make application after application for your audience to give them more donations. preach whole sermons about why we should give more money to their ministries. They see people in their congregations as merchandise and give great speeches about why they should give them more money! invent trick after trick to try to motivate people to give them . 's the height of deception!
Finally, Peter says that their destruction is not asleep! If those who are using the things of God for financial gain, and are exploiting the people of God with clever speeches and words mis- if these people do not confess their sin, repent, and allow the blood of Jesus cleanse them of covetousness certainly will be consumed by the curse of the same hole they come from their false doctrines! Apostle Peter is not playing with . False doctrine and heresy, and even speaks with an unmistakable and harsh language against these things because they knew they would deceive many sincere people
The prophet Isaiah said, "His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, no They can bark, dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber. And those dogs are insatiable eaters, and they are shepherds that can not understand: they all their own way, each seeks his own gain, every man for himself. " (Isa. 56:10-11). Such is the state of these churches where prosperity preachers are pastoring. 're so blind and ignorant that they can not see the approaching danger or recognize the subtle tricks of the enemy to deceive people. these Preachers are dumb dogs that can not bark, give no warning that comes danger, do not preach against sin, warning people to flee from the coming wrath. rarely preach about Judgment and Hell. Instead, they are in spiritual and dream themselves are not prepared for the coming of the Lord. They love to sleep, love their comfort, prosperity and luxurious lives. they are greedy dogs which can never have enough while constantly exploit people to contribute more and more to their ministries, accumulating more treasures on earth and increasing their lavish lifestyles over abundance over time. they are shepherds that can not understand the true things of God and who are not seeking the welfare of the souls of the flock which are preaching, but constantly seek their own selfish gains.
This is serious and terrible in the modern Church. This should cause, fearing God, turn away from those who are perverting the ways of truth. We must heart break, and move to pray and strive to free our brothers from this delusion of recent times. dare we not compromise our stance against this "gospel" of greed when the Scriptures are so clearly against it. If we do, then we are also in danger of being deceived, because if we fail to receive and act upon the light that has been given to us, yet what we have will be taken away (Lk.8: 18).
We must not speak against false teachers with a malicious spirit must be through a genuine love for the Body of Christ and to the truth and glory of God. The Word of God commands us to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints "(Jud.3.) We need to love our brothers and sisters enough to warn them of the danger they are if they are accepting these false doctrines. If not warn you, as we can say that we love? Will you love the souls of sincere men and women enough to take a stand against these false doctrines and away from sit under preachers who promote such things? ? programs will switch off the TV where these preachers are promoting their heretical doctrines? And people will love enough to go to them in humility, the Word of God as your authority, and show them the error of promoting financial gain in the name of Christ?
can bring a sword between your relationships with people, you can bring a sword between you and your church, or you and your pastor-but never compromise the truth for the sake of trying to preserve the supposed unity! Genuine unit is based on truth and never compromise the truth in an essential doctrine in order to preserve peace . fake Jesus said. "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword For I came to set a man at variance against his father, a daughter against her mother, and the daughter against her mother, and a man's enemies will be those of his household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me:.., and whoever does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me "(Matt. 10:34-38)
Will you take the sword of truth, which is the Word of God, and will fight in love with these demons that have infiltrated the Church? Not being contentious, not having an avenging spirit, but in true and sincere love and compassion correct what is false and leave the results to God. No need to worry that if we ignore or not because we are only called to be faithful to the truth. The Lord has rest in his hands. should be to trust Him, obey Him, and "cleanse the leaven among us" (1 Cor.5: 7).
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