lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

THESE ARE GUILTY false anointed that people deviate

Some take these actions as simple pranks or petty acts, but that assessment is itself an unsuspecting accomplice and apostasy of our times, ignores the implications of these actions, which are clear references to Masonic initiations and actions used in esoteric spells. This is only passed through sorcery "prophetic". Many have even for large HOMB
res of "God" to these two inviduos, however their actions and the doctrine that says otherwise follow. would do well to heed the word of God clearly tells us that in these last days, people will take more Attention to these acts of witchcraft, the very truth of God. The Bible says, 2Ti 4:4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and turn aside to myths.


Ana Mendez fables and Schizophrenia

Ana Mendez
By: Vicente Mercado Santamaria / Barranquilla, Colombia.

Part of the biography of Ana Mendez says: Orderly as Prophet and Apostle ministry Ana Mendez Ferrell is present in ma s of 40 nations, training the army of God to tear down the strongholds of evil and bring the glory of God. Anna, born in Mexico, now resides in Jacksonville, Florida, with her ​​husband Emerson Ferrell. She was "saved by Jesus" in 1985 while he was rec luida in a psychiatric hospital, having been a voodoo priestess. The miraculous power of God completely liberated and transformed it into one of his generals to lead his army to destroy the work of Satan.
"The time will come cuandor they will not endure sound teaching, but having itching orgo, they will accumulate teachers after their own lusts, and turn away from listening to the truth and turn aside to myths "
(2 Timothy 4: 3)

Beloved Church:
I was sitting at my desk when I heard two recent sermons by radio, but I had to make an e sfuerzo for not yielding to the temptation to pull the unit out of the window, as if they could be silent or disappear what he was hearing.
"But refuse profane and old wives tales. Train yourself to be godly "
(1 TimmOteo 4: 7)
1 - In the preaching I just heard and which prompted me to write these notes horrified and angry, the preacher Ana Mendez Ferrell , who calls himself "prophet" or "apostle" pontificated (no other word for it) on the "spiritual warfare", which obviously er in an PERSONAL EXPERIENCES closely resembling those of Gnosticism, of metaphysics or VOODOO (witchcraft), BUT NOT THE GOSPEL.
"But I fear que as lco Snaken his cunning deceived Eve, your minds may somehow manercorrupted from the simplicity of devotion to Christ.
For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear "
(2 Corintios 11: 3)
FALS IS A PROPHET , is an EX VOODOO PRIESTESS SATANIC AND EX Neuropsychiatric into a hospital , as she relates in his website and who dictates "principles" or explanation from her, until the behavior of the earth and the nature, strategies and thoughts of demons and other things that the Bible does not tell us, but she intends to teach with authority.
Adema s, has been u na group of animators marathon money
in the channel you levisión Enlace TBN.
Among other false d octrinas, she teaches in the "Lord's Supper", eat literally the "flesh" of Jesus and drink his "Blood" literally (cannibalism) , the same doctrine taught by the Roman Catholic religion, as stated in his book "Eat my flesh and drink my blood" Published by E & A International.

"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God: he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son "
(2 John 1 : 9)

It seems that the false prophet is not yet free from schizophrenia and doctrines d iabólicas , having a form of fiery Christian.
I must be clear and direct, for protection of the whole People of God, the Church of Jesus Christ.
I listened on the radio to her pontificating, believing you have the latest and greatest revelation to men, saying that the souls of the Christians who are suffering s economic poverty or other tr ibulación, are spiritual captives in certain places or spatial (? Saved by Christ and Satan's captives?) , places to which she travels in spirit (astral travel gnostics??) , just arranged to make their
releases, activating and call it their self-styled gifts of prophecy and science, sometimes alone or sometimes hand of an angel, or simply unfolds like cinema a curtain in front of her vision, which displays in which place is the soul of any Christian.

So she described com or tourist card or navigation map, and visited different places known only to her, that the Holy Spirit described in the Bible, with names such as "the land of forgetting do "Abaddon, the caverns of hell , desert, etc.. Supposedly people, even Christians are simultaneously being here on earth and his soul is in those places she has seen prisons.

She also said to pray for a past or suffered several accidents followed behind, saw the inf ierno had a demo with the pastor's soul fills with blood and mounted on a car destroyed, whose model danced around demons and that this was the cause as lying or modern witch, of several accidents to the pastor.
Also narrated with an air of adequacy or arrogance, as she said, when her spirit travels and faces demons, is powerful, being a spirit with Jesus , while when it is in your physical body, is half powerful! ( nothing humble the apostle ), while a brother asked oc prayer because after years brings ho rse in the church, no one will remember the name nor appointed or used for anything, living isolated by the pastor and brethren, what which he was suffering greatly.
In prayer, she said that she was transferred po r an angel to a place called "the land of forgetfulness" that was a great desolate concrete floor, where he saw some bubbles and the angel said to prophesy to the bubbles to broke, whereupon a chest appeared and then told to order the hood open, before such order she opened the chest and were salt iendo many people, including the outcast brother asked prayer with their children. It turned out that the hood was a captive generation caused by an ancestor's brother (!) and the order of the apostle were free all family, Christian or not.
If I could have you in terpelaba loudly preaching to the pseudo-apostle deceiving, believing Christians are ignorant of the Word of God.
Why preach teachings based on alleged personal views or fables and not based on the Gospel written?
"That in us APRENDÁISA not to think beyond what is written, nor quand for the sake of one, you be puffed up against each other "
(1 Corinthians 4: 6)
No right to seduce us with mirrors and beads lying fables, como did the conquistadores Spanish with Native American ignorant.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world"
(1 Juan 4: 1)
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, is disfrazan as apostles of Christ.
And no wonder, for even Satans is transformed into an angel of light "
(2 Corinuncles 11: 13)
2 - The second predicted cation, also listen to the radio and also on alleged personal visions, the preacher who could not hear his name, teaching based on another trip astral or spiritual or mental experienced during prolonged fasting is proposed five days, but that the Lord spoke asking outer supposedly nder the twenty days! and during which he was taken to a place where a desk, with the Lord Jesus Christ sitting there, who will say a few words of revelation to the congregation which was preaching and was that the reason that they were suffering economic woes and several diseases, was for failing to comply fully the commitments made ​​with the pastor , the church and Christ himself. Only half had been met, supposedly, and the Lord was charging the missing and mediocrity (assume that amount of money and works commissioned or excellence), with terrible affliction to purify and collect those debts s.
The Lord, he said, also told him to enter Heaven had to purify every day , for that the fasts were a very efficient purification process , as well as all kinds of sacrifices, works and prayers.
He said the hunger artist preacher if é l sen still dirty when aunt had ten days of fasting, which would be the vast number of mortals who do not fast or not fast enough! (Cu Rent resemblance to the Pharisee that Jesus Christ in the Temple justified no coincidence)
According to that, which cleanses us is not faith in the blood of Christ, but the new "purgatory" , as the amount of fasting. A man trying to save himself with his efforts boastful and not trusting his salvation to Christ.
Tremendous false doctrine of salvation by works tion, very fashionable today in many churches.
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons"
(1 Timothy 4: 1)
But vision is not the end of this visionary, but that the Lord sent him by the hands of angels to visit hell. And there, he could see the entrance to Hell, which seemed very similar to Enter as a worldly estates and even a sign on her doorway that read "Welcome to hell"! Although it may sound, we were Alfred counting Hitchkock film.
After crossing the entrance, walked down a long tunnel with doors on the sides, which had bedrooms and could see multitudes d and souls of hundreds of meters away, that chill abandoned, crying and complaining. Repeating the same story-vision visits to hell, nothing new, but what was new was that he could see the end of the tunnel a large building, which was the seat of a tried and judged and where to stay in sentenciaban is e place of torment to each newcomer. But tied nito incredible is that whoever was judging and sentencing newcomers was Jesus Christ himself. Jesus in Hell! Supposedly prejudge and prior to the actual Judgement which is narrated in (Matthew 25: 31-46). Up there I could listen to this charlatan deceiver and turn the radio off indignantly.
"But there were false proprophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves myWe sudden destruction.
And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed,
By covetousness they will exploit de you with stories. Judgment now of a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber "
(2 Peter 2: 1)
How can lI duenos of radio stations and TV channels propagate these false Christian doctrines and such trash espectáculos to entertain, mixed with the Word of God?
Not only will the punishment and damnation those who preach false doctrines and false prophecies, but those who are complicit in propagating them.
And here I esc ribir for today, as the Holy Spirit gives me to.
I could not stay with this saved without exploiting ra my heart and my life, as much I love our Church of Christ, which is you.
God continue to bless.
I thank God for the vi da n ur brother Vincent Santamaria Market, for their hard work in defense of the Faith.
And it is no coincidence that this prophet is the same group of apostates of Rony Chavez and the like, as Ana Mendez is one of his protected.
( Note: After the publicationcation of this article, the page before REFEREEda was under construction and then the note was deleted .....???)
So Ana Mendez was read on:
Those who know Ana Mendez mujeradoradoa know him as a very valuable, and a deep love for his Lord and King Jesus Christ. She is a woman apostolic and prophetic anointing which has been forged in the spiritual battle, and in intimacy with the Lord. Ana was raised by God in a critical hour, as a prophet sensitive to the Spirit, to bring the Body of Christ to new and deeper levels of revelation from Him, and greater communion with His Presence. Ana Mendez is a woman of the Word, and living experiences and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

In his personal life with his Creator, wonderful lessons she has taken to the church. Their experiences and revelations has taught the nations of the world, causing thousands more to seek the Lord's face. The truths preached by Ana Mendez about the Kingdom of God confront us, and lead us to revise our theology and our Christianity today.

His teaching is like a torch that illuminates in the dark night. It's light for the Third Millennium ...... we will address topics simple and profound, and motivate us to sift the truth in Scripture. By knowing the various levels of the Kingdom of God, and to know the true position of authority of the believer, the Church of the Lord shall be designed to walk a path in which never went before. This will make you powerful. Hallelujah! May the Holy Spirit enlighten you to know the eternal dimensions of His unshakable kingdom.
Dr. Rony Chavez - Apostle and Prophet of the Most High God

"The Church is being called to war at levels rarely experienced in its two thousand year history. I know no one fully qualified to address this situation as Ana Mendez Ferrell ... "

Dr. C. Peter Wagner - The Wagner Leadership Institute

"I think Ana Mendez is one of the most authoritative prophets what is spiritual warfare ..."

Apostle Guillermo Maldonado - King Jesus International Ministry
As carloads of vainglory throw these false prophets and apostles, why not believe in the words of the real Jesus. John 5:43 and 44
THE PROPHET Ana Mendez Ferrell Ana has an Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry. She is Mexican, and currently resides in Jacksonville, Florida and is married to Emerson Ferrell. She was saved in 1985 while he was confined in a mental hospital, after being voodoo priestess. The miraculous power of God fully liberated and transformed it into one of his generals to lead your army and destroy the works of Satan. Ana has started several churches in the city of Mexico and now oversees 18 churches and numerous ministries around the world. He has served as the representative of Morris Cerullo in Mexico for the past 13 years. He is also Special Task Force Coordinator and lecturer for various prayer ministries as The Global Harvest Ministry chaired by Dr. Peter Wagner and is part of the International Coalition of Apostles also led by Dr. Peter Wagner. Ana also does lectures around the world and is coordinator of the Network of Spiritual Warfare for Mexico. It is under the coverage of Dr. Rony Chaves from Costa Rica with whom she is also a member ministerial and lecturer. general spiritual warfare as she has coordinated several prayer marches in the darkest places of the earth, confronting major territorial spirits. The most difficult challenge he has faced has been to climb Mount Everest in 1997. The result of this was the window opening 10/40. She was also the coordinator of the operation "The Queen's Palace" which was the first worldwide prayer movement and about 75% of the world's nations were at war against the rule of the principality known as the "Queen of Heaven" .

Benny Hinn admits "friendship" with Paula White, but claims ended

CAN YOU BE SO ipocrita Evangelist Benny Hinn recently admitted at a crusade in Oakland, California, have had a "friendship" with fellow minister Paula White while still married and after a tabloid published a photo of the two holding hands in Rome on July 13. However, the minister said he recognized the relationship ended. "Yes we developed a friendship," Hinn said of White in Oakland on July 30. "Hear this: No immorality whatsoever. Such people are implying that we had an affair. That's a lie." Hinn invited his daughters Natasha and Eleasha on stage in Oakland and asked the crowd to pray for him, his wife, Suzanne, and their four children. He said he and his wife, which is separated, had problems in their marriage for years and "could no longer live in the same house." Hinn's wife, Suzanne, filed for divorce in February after the couple years had separated. The divorce has not been finalized. Hinn aired segments of the Oakland crusade and made ​​additional comments in your program This is Your Day on TBN Aug. 5, the day after their 31 wedding anniversary. A ministry executive said the program will air on other networks this week, including on Daystar Friday. Hinn told the crowd in Oakland that the Vatican named him patron of the arts and invited him to visit Rome. He said the sponsors are asked to get donors to maintain the Vatican's art collection, and he wanted White to become a donor. "I allowed him to come with me to Rome to donate money," Hinn said. "That was stupid on my part and for that I apologize." tabloid The National Enquirer published in its issue of August 2 photos of Hinn walking around Rome with White holding hands. The article, which was released on July 23, said the two spent three nights together in a five-star hotel Hinn booked under a false name. Hinn said in Oakland that he and White found "something in common" after she appeared in your program This Is Your Day in late May. White and her former husband, Randy, went through a very public divorce in 2007. She is now the pastor of the church in Tampa that they founded, Without Walls International Church and has his own television show called Paula Today . Hinn said he and White were never alone in Rome, but claimed that ended the friendship with her ​​after the tabloid published the article. "I said, 'Paula, we can not be friends now.'" He admitted that contributed to the breakdown of his marriage by putting ministry first his family. "I was so busy in the ministry, so involved in ministry, I forgot about my family," Hinn said. "That probably was what destroyed everything." He said he often preached that ministry came first, acknowledging that he knew that teaching hurt his children. "You know what, that's wrong," he said of such teaching. "I'm here to admit I was wrong because the call of God first should touch the family. If you have family, you can not go forward anyway." Hinn admitted that he and his wife had "challenges" but said I did not expect her to end the marriage. "We struggled for a long time and often asked: Do you divorciarías of me?" Hinn said. "She said, 'Never, because I greatly fear God', said: 'My covenant is with God, not you.' And I guess he could not take it anymore and one day to my surprise it did. " Hinn said it was too painful to talk about their marital problems, noting that he and his wife had separated long before they submit an application for divorce. "We had to keep quiet to protect the ministry, the Lord's work," he said. "But sadly when you're a public figure, everything you do is public." "No matter how strong you are," Hinn said. "Whether the anointing of God is strong in you. Nobody wants to be alone. No matter who. I am a human being like you." Hinn said he remains focused on the Lord's work. He added: "I will continue serving Jesus with all my being and what the future holds for me, that's his business."

Benny Hinn - False Prophet Part 1 and 2

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

TOTAL FIGHT against apostasy

By Daniel Nicolas Pastore THIS SERVER wishes to express its strongest condemnation ecumenical act HELD TO PAST DAYS IN BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA, event which was attended by Pastors Carlos Mraida, OMAR CABRERA JUNIORS, Pastor Saracco and as many more. ABOUT THE MANDATE in open rebellion to secede from the idolaters, were associated unequally yoked with Monsignor BERGOGLIO OF ARGENTINA AND THE PRIEST PONTIFICAL Rainier Cantalamessa. repeated this deserves the strongest condemnation of anyone who truly loves the Lord. AME HIS WORD, AND LOVE THE PEOPLE OF GOD.

HEREBY ecumenical CONSTITUR BESIDES an act of rebellion to God is an act of treason GREY TO SAY TO BE PASTORING. PEOPLE OF GOD COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM!


This has been a recurring question by those people telling me I write daily about their experiences in these places.
Based on some of these posts will try to address this issue, trying to clarify some doubts and questions that many should have to make contact with reality (the truth). Why many stay in these places after having been informed that they are in a false doctrine?
This response requires at least five points:
1 - Within these places when you get hold office, or title within the institution, it is difficult for some leave this place, given that the vast majority of these people are neglected in their homes, school, work, etc.. (Outside the institution are one more, almost zero), but occupying a position and a title the person feels important and respected, at least in this place the people's respect for his position. (John 12:42-43) many believed in him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they be expelled from the synagogue. For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
2 - is constantly making mention of those who left the institution and calling them disturbed, possessed, rebels, etc. and the person knows that when you decide to leave this place will be treated well.
3 - When the person comes to this type of institution, it indoctrinates saying that other people do not attend that church (whether family, friends, colleagues work, etc..) are bad influences, which unconsciously leads people to turn away from people who do not have their "common faith". (then when she decides to leave this place will have to deal with those who one day telling advised she was in a false doctrine, but disregard the advice and was "sent by the devil.")
the person starts to increase the frequency to the point of being church from Monday to Monday (the work of the church, of the church to the home or school to home and home to the church) generating a circle where the church becomes the absolute center of his life. Due to the large amount of time a person spends in the institution, it creates bonds of "friendship" with other concurrent with "the same faith."
To the person who gets to realize that is a false doctrine, it is difficult to break these ties, since the church unwittingly became dependent on them, the person does not have more "friends" than gender in there, no other area to attend because it was just constantly, the church, the church and the church.
I would rate and compare to an addiction with a vice, where the person knows is wrong what you are doing, but can not abandon this practice, (the same happens when people decide to leave this place, because in his Most are years of frequenting)
4-As I said before a title, office, friends, habits, etc.. are some of the reasons that make a person remains inside a false doctrine, but when he realizes it is a false doctrine is a pastor, and other factors such as economic, many of them are already married with children in charge and they know that if they leave the institution's future family will be uncertain given that in many cases these pastors abandoned studies, work, etc. and when they leave these churches receive no financial aid (on the contrary).
5 - Another fundamental point is where do I go? What church I attend?
Given that in these churches are often ridiculed by other congregations not be large or concurrence as theirs, is the flame of "little churches," "evangelical," brothers "," failed "," lack of vision "and so on.
When you get to a congregation where there may be no more than a hundred people, comes to mind of that person Why am I here? (And derogatory phrases used by the shepherds to devalue these churches are present at the time).
WHATEVER THE REASON THAT KEEPS YOU TIED TO A FALSE DOCTRINE. The only thing I can tell you from experience: You can not be in a place where it is known that what is taught is a lie. No one can be in a place where God is not honored, but trade is with faith.
Unable to be in a place where it is not a matter of "mistakes of men", but of false doctrine. You can not lose your salvation or communion with God by simply being used to a place, or friendships, titles, or welfare economico.etc
THE WORD OF GOD IS VERY CLEAR 1Tim 6:5) "men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, that godliness is a means of gain from such withdraw thyself. " NO ADVICE, NOT AN OPTION, is a commandment: "from such withdraw thyself." (Revelation 18:4-5) "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."
FROM THE MOMENT YOU learned TRUTH AND DECIDED live a lie, goes from being a victim to become complicit.
Apparently for these religious leaders despite all its falsity seems that his work is "success" and think that it is God who is supporting all its teachings given to "grow" in growing numbers (Miq_3: 11) priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord, saying, Is not the Lord among us? No evil can come upon us. (1 Timothy 5:24-25) " The sins of some men are evident beforehand, going before to judgment; others they follow after . " Also become manifest good works, and those that are otherwise can not be hid. Note: In this group with sectarian characteristics, is usually the idea that only those remaining in it are born of God. Also in charge of creating stories about the person who came out: it is said that came by sin, through theft. (To discredit it in front of others) and when this person wants to talk to others to tell them: look, she came by sin and now you want to drag too (these are all perfectly thought leaders) are emerging all the bad , the only good and holy they are.
1 Kings 18:21 "And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?"

Apostasy, apostasy:

Mercedes Ocampo.
religion, doctrine, match is abandoned, apostasy is the same as denying (equals apostate renegade). From the point of view of the new doctrine, is used convert (convert), implying previous doctrine recant or retract it.  "No one deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and they show the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. " (2 Te. 2:3-4). 
Paul tells us that in the last days perilous times shall come, characterized by the appearance of these apostates. 2 Tim. 3 points out the characteristics of these men, and certainly we can see many of these behaviors in our times, even within our inner circle. This same passage speaks of the characteristics of apostates in our time, some of which are " lovers of themselves: These men are egotistical, the most important thing for them is themselves, not God. • Greedy: The love of money strong in them, can have a lot, but not satisfied and want more and more. • boasters: seeking recognition, are "the best". • superb: No down from their pedestals of egotism, pride, although the circumstances they may be contrary, continue on their altars of pride. • Relentless, brutal, despisers of good: His profile matches intellectually successful men, who have reached important human knowledge, which led him to think about the sufficiency of the human . They believe that faith is useless, they do not need God . "
The believer has the Holy Spirit, whose anointing lets you know all things. This quality reveals the presence of false teachers and antichrists in congregations, remembering that these men belong or have belonged to our circle of brothers. The Spirit enables the believer to assess the benefits given by these men, and we know that if a ministry is spiritual, it must necessarily bear fruit of the Holy Spirit, confessing that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, took our place and allowed to die to give us eternal life. If you do not confess Jesus Christ as God and Savior, is necessarily an apostate, false teacher and Antichrist.
The appearance of false teachers and antichrists indubitable is a sign that the coming of the Lord is at hand. Undoubtedly be difficult times, but the right to become children of God given to believers allow us to detect the presence of these scoffers among us. These signals will mean pain for many, but we must be joyful to understand that we have the second to be lifted and taken to the presence of the Lord.
May God help us to continue in his will and have mercy on us and the people who are being deceived.
Have a nice day.
Ocampo Mercedes.

OH GOD MY KINGDOM COME AND my will and not yours!

Rafael Salinas V.
... Funny thing is that false servants of God as: C. Luna, G. Maldonado, M. Munroe among other servants of Satan, so fervently believe and teach that the imposition Dominionist sooner or later have a worldwide hit when the world falls dazzled by the signs and lying wonders that the curia "apostolic and prophetic" undertake to convince humanity that the "church" is called dominionist rule the world and change it into a paradise for apostolic and prophetic only then "Jesus" is encouraged to rule the earth through this diabolical curia. ...
Oh God my kingdom come and my will and not yours!
This phrase seems that often comes in subtle and disguised the mouth of all these wealthy merchants and businessmen of "faith" that abound today everywhere. Whose essential characteristics are: 
That many of them are quite self-titled effrontery as "apostles and / or prophets" or simply "anointed." And they all profess the doctrines of the false gospel of prosperity and the "kingdom now" or "dominionism"
WHAT IS THE FALSE DOCTRINE OR Dominionism Kingdom Now?
This false doctrine is also known by the names: Movement Latter Rain or the manifestation of the sons of God (Latter Rain Movement, Manifest Sons of God). This false doctrine is the claim that the church of Jesus Christ (The assembly called to eternal life and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Acts 13:48, Eph 2:8) is the kingdom itself, and it is she, under the direction of the current "apostles and prophets" which Roman Catholic curia and inquisitive, responsible for the whole world to impose this new "revelation", so that all humans become that "Christ" Dominionist. Such global conversion to the new religion of earthly dominion, bring peace and justice to all peoples. Only if and only if, when this global taxation is met then the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth (according to them) to reward their sheep dominionism submissive to rise from their graves and the dead dominionists.
This thick stream of today's mistake very popular with Roman Catholics, Charismatics and Pentecostals many groups and especially between charismatic sects. These groups today are very courageous in spreading this current doctrinal teachings heretical and all related, as the assumptions apostolates, ministries supposedly prophetic, positive confession, decrees, new revelations, etc.. etc..
Funny thing is that false servants of God as: C. Luna, G. Maldonado, M. Munroe among other servants of Satan, so fervently believe and teach that the imposition Dominionist sooner or later have a worldwide hit when the world falls dazzled by the signs and lying wonders that the curia "apostolic and prophetic" undertake to convince humanity that the "church" is called dominionist rule the world and change it into a paradise for apostolic and prophetic only then "Jesus" is encouraged to rule the earth through this diabolical curia.
WHAT IS THIS doctrinal basis HERESY?
This heresy is based on post-millennialism is a doctrine of Rome itself. According to this doctrine the Lord Jesus Christ and his kingdom established right at the same time that he ascended into heaven and was caught sight of his apostles. Acts 1:9 " And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight . "
But given that ascended into heaven, left in place the task of ruling land to the "church." So he will not drop again until either the period of government of the church on earth. This belief pushes assume those who believe that it is necessary to impose Christianity at all costs. Taking this control to political, economic and social development of nations in order to bring peace and prosperity to the land. summarize POST POSITION millenarian They believe that: - The Church today reigns on earth and his reign will be successful just before Return of Christ. This is the essence of the Kingdom now. - The Church is the channel for the second coming of Christ, only this time in power and glory and no longer as a simple carpenter. - The Great Tribulation and is a past event. - The apostasy and its splendor is a fact of yesterday. - The antichrist is a spirit of malice or drunk and confuses those who do not share their post millennial doctrine. -The resurrection and final judgment are almost simultaneous events that will with the coming of Christ in glory after the church has imposed the kingdom over all the earth. Let us beware of these false doctrines.!

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012


Consultant  says there are too many Christian divas and divas in ministry.
Phil Cooke, a media consultant, focusing on the Christian market has become strong and this time contemporary critic wrote an article in the U.S. magazine Charisma News, which says that in the church or in ministry there too divas and divas because "focuses more on themselves than the people they serve."

According to Cooke, "we are seeing a real increase in what I would call the ministry divas. These are men and women who are pastors, or ministry, or spiritual leaders. "

The consultant through his writing revealed a number of features for readers to identify if there are any Christians divo or diva in your church who find below:

1. Not involved in the cult. Just come to preach.

2. He is escorted in and out of the platform, indicating that in fact does not have to mingle with people.

3. It has multiple assistants or who are called "squires" take charge of the cell phone, the Bible, etc..

4. He does not travel much, but need a private jet when it does.

5. When visiting other churches, of course, assumes a seat on the platform or a front row seat.

6. When you promote your books, they always say that a "best-seller", although it is not.

7. Makes increasing demands for more time in church, bigger profits, more staff, etc..

8. Spend more on their costumes and cars in the children's church program.

9. Divorce is good for him, because of the pressures of ministry. So, when it occurs, does not have to resign or undergo counseling.

10. When he announces a conference of his image in magazines or elsewhere, is the greatest thing in the ad.

Have you noticed other warning signs to identify a divo or diva in your ministry?

Does not the Scripture say:

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14.11

For the LORD is exalted and the lowly, But the proud he knoweth afar. Psalm 138:6

! REFLECTION AWESOME! The absence of God

Below I will share with you a true story that took place at the University of Germany, in the early twentieth century.
During a conference with several universities, a professor at the University of Berlin proposed a challenge to his students with this question:
"Did God create everything that exists?"

A student bravely replied:
"Yes, He created ..."

"Does God really created all that exists," asked the teacher again.
"Yes sir," replied the young man.

The professor then said, "If God created everything that exists, then God made evil, since evil exists! And if we establish that our works are a reflection of ourselves, then God is evil!"
The young man stopped in front of the teacher's response, that happy, rejoiced to have proven, once again, that faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said:
- I can ask you a question, professor?

-Professor, does cold exist?
- But what a question is that? ... Logically there, or did never feel cold?

The boy replied: "Actually, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is actually the lack of heat. Every body or object is feasible to study when it has or transmits energy, the heat is what makes this body have or transmit energy. Absolute zero is the total absence of heat, all bodies are inert and incapable of reaction at that cold does not exist. We create that definition to describe how we feel when we have no heat. "

-And the darkness? 'Continued the student.
The professor said: 'There.

-The dark, actually, is the absence of light. Light we can study, The osucuridad no! Through the prism of Nichols, can break white light into its various colors, with different wavelengths, the osucuridad no! How can you know how dark a certain space is? Based on the amount of light.

Finally the young man asked the professor:
The professor said: 'As I stated at the beginning, we wonder, crime, violence worldwide. Those things are evil.

The student replied:
-Evil does not exist sir, or at least does not exist by itself. Evil is simply the absence of good. In accordance with previous cases, Evil is a definition that man invented to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. EVIL IS THE RESULT OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN THE HEART OF HUMANS. It's like what happens to the cold when there is no heat, or the darkness when there is no light.
The crowd inmediantamente inrrumpio the living room with a big applause for the young while the teacher sat troubled and silent before the profound and overwhelming response of the young.
The principal of the college who sat in a corner of the room stood up and approached the young man which he had proved that evil hacido creation of God but the absence of God in the human heart, and I ask, which his name is young, and he answered
- The young man said, my name is Albert Einstein.


WHAT IS apostasy?


1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

One of these doctrines of demons is creative visualization, but before entering topic, I want to share something I experienced years before meeting the Lord, and that once saved, these experiences were me and I are immensely useful to detect and expose Today many false doctrines taught in the church.
feeling a great void in the hearts started looking self-help books
and visiting libraries I came across a book whose title greatly attracted my attention, his title was "THE POWER IS IN YOU "Its author was a famous occultist J. Bristol. I get very little time to read it, and was captivated by the contents of this book, immediately got another author whose book of the same title "The magical power, will," was no less spectacular than the last. Basically what I was taught was that all my frustrations, my illness, not having wealth, everything had its root in my mind, is to say you were the sum of all his thoughts, and that if every human being, by certain practices as displaying decree confess, it replaced those negative thoughts of prosperity, success and health. Then activate a power, which according to this teaching all of us and the potential achievements would not have limits.
's very suggestive, that in one of those occult books quoted Job experience and put it as an example of someone who by negative thoughts had attracted his life everything that happened. What is amazing is that many preachers, modern apostles and prophets come to the same conclusion about what Job says an occult book, "not incredible." Creative visualization is a very common practice in Eastern religions and is present at all practices of shamans and sorcerers of different cultures. We can say that is the core of the sorcery of this world. And those who promote this practice often summarize these proclamations: THE DIMENSION OF WHAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE, is only limited by what you can visualize, if you can VISULIZARTE as having a GREAT ENPRESA And you project SCREEN TIME YOUR MIND ENOUGH, THAT BE UNDER as a mold that visualize your dream, that mold will fill up, until your dream shall result in the physical world. DISPLAYS THINGS AND STUFF Grandez Grandez're attracting into your life, but not only displayed, COMFIESALO And DECRETALO. Tell me, does not sound familiar all these things that come from the same sorcery, perhaps not hear every day in many FM radios "Christian "and in many evangelical pulpits. believe it or not, these doctrines of demons are promoted in the book THE FOURTH DIMENSION, whose author is the pastor of the largest megachurch in the world, I mean the pastor Yhon Polgui Cho. All these practices are essentially the same lie that Adam and Eve bought in the Garden of Eden "will be like God" basically the core of this lie is as follows "you who is in control of the circumstances, and NO power in this universe that can thwart, prepend or ESTORVAR WHAT YOU ANHELEZ in your heart, you are a god. Unfortunately these doctrines of demons, have come through the front door of many churches, because they are abandoned and trampled the doctrines fundamental word of God which were systematized by the fifteenth-century Protestant Reformation.

And one of the doctrines that the church has abandoned the doctrine of the sovereignty of God.
On more than one occasion I've heard characters beloved by evangelicals worldwide, mockingly say "this strange doctrine of God's sovereignty ". But what is really strange, such statements are, and even more strange is that the evangelicals do not imitate the attitude of the Bereans that when Paul preached unto them, collated, what Paul said in the scriptures.
now may come a Hynn false prophet as Benny, before hundreds of pastors say that John Paul 2nd was a man of God, and no one reacts. And this is precisely what causes revulsion to God, this is the warmth that the Lord Jesus reproaches the apostate church of Laodisea.
give an example, the following verses that refer to God's sovereignty unmask see how it forcefully The falsity of creative visualization,
Pro 19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, But the counsel of the Lord standeth
Job 23:13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him?
his soul desireth, and did.
Job 23:14 For thus the thing that is appointed for me
And much how are you in it.
Job 23:15 Therefore I am terrified at his presence;
When I consider, I tremble because of him.

These powerful statements, speak of the sovereignty of God over everything and everyone.
you imagine and dream what you want, but only fulfill that which is in God's purpose for your life. So Prov 19:21 says that what remains is the counsel or purpose of God and not what man can think dreaming, or display, confess and declare.
And says Job 23: 13 "because he is in one else who can turn him? "
to false teachers who spread these lies, and those who believe them, or they can think, what they can look forward or dream may be in conflict with what the Sovereign of the universe has been determined on them. important capital is assumed that these lessons have been abandoned because the man humiliated to the dust, and instead has replaced God's Sovereignty over the sovereignty of man, and this coincides with the time prophecies that speak of, to what extent would the man to exalt himself.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
3 Let no one deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and they show the man of sin, the son of perdition,
4 who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

This passage applies to the person of the Antichrist (Vers 4) but in the above verse warns that the climax of evil, reached in the person of the Antichrist would be preceded by a global apostasy, whose main characteristic is the man rebelling against God and exalting himself. That's why, in these times, is widely accepted as the old lie that Adam and Eve bought into the garden of Eden "will be like God" except that old lie that is offered with a suitable covering, and that is the next "Sounds and conquer THE WORLD, visualize, confesses DECREES. There is no power in this universe that MAY ANTEPONERCE CONCIVAS to what you in your heart.
Daniel Pastore.

LAODISEA, the apostate church, be spewed GOING BY THE LORD

Daniel Pastore

imgLAODISEA, the apostate church, be spewed GOING BY THE LORD

Revelation 3:14-17
14 And unto the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God, says this:
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot!
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, I have prospered, and I have need of nothing, and knowest not that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
In the context of apostasy, we are living in the end times, it would be very appropriate to ask, where lies the apostate lukewarm church of Laodisea, how disgusting is in the eye of God, even the Lord warned that they do not belong to Him Because when they say "because you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth", they really are saying you are a foreign body inside my body, the church, and if they do not repent one day have to listen most terrible words,
"Depart from me you workers of iniquity because they never knew you." If anything is clear is that the Lord is softened to unregenerate people who have fallen under a spirit of deception they believe to be what they are not. For neither the Lord, vomit or condemn one of his sheep, almost spiritual it may be, because this would be in contradiction to the promise of the Lord:

John 10:27 -30: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father which gave them me, is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.
And with plenty of passages that clearly teach that salvation is not lost.
But returning to the question, What is the lukewarmness of Laodisea, which is so serious in the sight of God?
And the answer is, in its relativism moral and doctrinal, when the Lord speaks of this church, this describing prophetically, church infected post-modernity. And one of the features of this post-modern culture, is that in the name of tolerance, is absolutely intolerant of those who want to uphold fundamental principles. On the one hand claim to be tolerant of homosexuals but on the other hand, those who want to talk about this sin from a biblical perspective laws are threatened with "anti-discrimination", for example in USA (this is in advanced stage) and under the cover of hate crimes law provides for up to 30 years in prison for those who dare to point out that, as sin.
A church infected post-modernity is a church holding that false dilemma, LOVE AND UNIT, OR THE DOCTRINE AND THE TRUTH. Or in other words , according to these fallacious "Love unites and doctrine divides."
A church infected post-modernity, is a church where the principles, are set by man and not God. That is why an apostate as Rick Worren say with impunity that it is unwise to teach doctrine within the church, and to be allowed to hire new age leaders, to prepare church leaders Sadelbat.
A large part , of professing Christians today, they find it unacceptable that someone is determined to uphold fundamental principles. But this kind of Christianity could not understand the harsh attitude of the apostles, to those who taught a different doctrine.
would be disgusted with the apostle Paul that give Satan who taught that the resurrection had already taken place.
would have repudiated, which Paul declared cursed those who were troubling the Galatians, teaching a faith plus works salvation.
A postmodern culture loves this branded as fanatical and sectarian anyone flying doctrinal and moral absolutes. And this feature post-modernist, has also gotten into the church and to this end, the enemy has managed to twist the interpretation of the commandment of the Lord, "juzgaseis not lest you be judged." And the misinterpretation of this mandate, guaranteed impunity to false teachers plaguing Christendom in these last days.
When writing warns us that the Lord's coming would be preceded by a great apostasy. It also warns that the main feature of this apostasy, serious self-exaltation of man. And this is precisely the spirit that prevails in Laodisea, which prophetically and as we said is the apostate church.
And Laodisea is a church that has a replica spirit to God.
's why The Lord reminds them, "You say I rich and I have prospered, and I have need of nothing. " By this statement is obvious that Laodisea, had abandoned the word of God to replace doctrines of demons.
Which is exactly what is happening now. The Lord has said that judgment is upon this world. That evil would increase with a similar scenario to the days of Noah, but Laodisea says, no we can not be guided by the eschatology of disaster! That is not having vision!
We are Christians and we are to impact society!
We just have to see the world and their governments at the feet of Christ and decree it!
The Lord says, anyone who wants to be my disciple take his cross and deny himself. Or what is the same waiver of your dreams. But Laodisea replica is, dream, dream, dream and achieve your dreams.
The Lord says to us for yourselves treasures on earth, but treasures in heaven toilets. But Laodisea replica is not Jesus never could have meant that, because God wants all his children to be rich.
The Lord says my kingdom is not of this world, but the replica of Laodisea is
not going to conquer the church Christian and rule the world. And what they're really doing is coveting the kingdoms that the Lord rejected the temptation in the desert.
And all these proclamations are nothing but a disgusting manifestation of human self-exaltation that is characteristic of a church that has rejected word of God.
Finally one of the hardest texts of the New Testament

2 Thessalonians 2:8 -12 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,
so that all may be condemned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I think all those, who despite being confronted with the truth, insist on clinging to the false notion that Christians are going to conquer and rule the world. They are those who have fallen under the power of deception who chairs the coming of the Lord for his people and the consequent manifestation of the antichrist. Bless you

PASTOR BIBLE: Want to be someone big and important in the "kingdom"?


PASTOR BIBLE: Want to be someone big and important in the "kingdom"?

The following is an indecent proposal perhaps, for a pastor or minister who so far remains true to the scriptures and continues to preach the message of salvation in Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins there by the redeeming work of our Savior, but perhaps that attachment to the holy and healthy doctrinally speaking, apparently, in a very human and earthly, not have brought so much "success" compared with other "pastors" today are apostates openly. In short the Servant of God because of their stubbornness holy, to adhere to the scriptures perhaps has not achieved tremendous "achievements" in the "kingdom" and others hold that look as if it comes from the hand of God and according to his word the Bible. Perhaps for those who have left the Bible to give himself to these new teachings, biblical pastor is a minister certainly frustrated that perhaps has not achieved among other things, the following:

  • - Further growth in membership in their church, compared to other churches that are very popular now, because the messages point to sweeten the listener's ear. To give your taste and never confront the reality of their condition of spiritual death and eternal destiny in hell.
2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers after their own lusts,
  • - And greater affluence, compared to "churches" which has reek and greed and materialism because it already embraced the false prosperity gospel. Where the "pastor" self-titled "apostle" or "prophet" or wasting lives both titles and luxury and has a great affluence, and everything they say because of a "prosperity" that comes from God.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, I have prospered, and I have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
Among other situations. That is the ideal scenario for Satan to deceive and confuse many preachers, with proposals materialistic and all unbiblical. Satan as always true to a point to highlight the things of man, the things that are earthly and hide things from God.

Matthew 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offense me, because not mindful of the things of God, but those that be of men.


Pastor Bible:

  • Do you want your church to grow? Want?
  • Want to move more easily in public buses, now driving your own car of the year? Want?
  • Want to use the only dress shirt you have that you care so much and you use it only on Sunday morning to now wear expensive suits? Want?
  • Want to see your wife with expensive clothes and wearing lots of jewelry, rather than your wife always wear the same dress every Sunday? Want?
  • Want your kids do not use more their unique dress with onesies, they only use them to go: the service and Sunday school and instead used every Sunday and luxurious expensive clothes? Want?
  • Want to use your own blackberry satellite now instead of using your cell discolored bought used? Want?
  • Want to be someone big and important in the "kingdom" of "God," instead of being a pastor over the many there, who despite being biblical, are not known, and not part of this new "move" in the "kingdom"? Want?
Want this and more? Want?


If you want to get all lines described above and even much more, it is very easy to reach just stop and turn apostate Bible preach and preach the false "gospel" of prosperity and kingdom now, for example. And among other things you can also do the following:

  • Sell ​​your "prayer" and "ordinances" to the highest bidder, that is the most "agreed upon" or "sow" (you give your money) in your ministry that takes the "blessing".
  • Tell your fables and confused sheep shorn and subtle to pass those stories of old word like "God".
  • Begins to "minister" to people who go to your "church" (spiritual slaughterhouse). "Minístralos" thus:
Tomb people, briefly push them back and as you do so sudden that nobody notices, blame the Holy Spirit and say that this is "the touch of the spirit." Once that lie at the floor indúcelos to mourn or cry or do riot and a half. And whatever nonsense recitals and with a nice sound almost biblical jargon and especially screaming for the impact on the victim and others reclining around, whichever is greater.

  • After some network Affiliate "apostolic" so you have the "hole," or the famous "apostolic authorship or spiritual fatherhood" of some ravenous wolf best known and highest degree in business. This strategy will ensure a very good reputation and position in the entertainment "apostolic and prophetic". Invite your spiritual slaughter, sorry your "church" to the best of the JetSet "apostolic and prophetic"
  • Go out with the story that "God" gave you a 'vision' very own for you and your "church" and emphasizes that "vision" is the greatness and prosperity, and that all who take as their own previous "compacts "and" sowing "has secured lots and lots of" blessing "on all financial. Doing this is very profitable, is a windfall.
  • Stop preaching on the work of Jesus Christ, and begins to preach about God's promises and nothing comes to mind talking about the demands of God to man, erased from your vocabulary the words:
-Bible, sin, hell, repentance, judgment, Satan, death, disease, poverty, trials, tribulation, persecution, work, need, communio, etc. And conversely starts speaking words and phrases how are you. , success, prosperity, sky, love, happiness, fame, prosperity, life, health, money, etc.. 'You'll be great, - God is in love with you - God believes in you - God loves you and that is the most important - Fly like an eagle - You part of a generation of giants-Discover the champion in you, etc.

  • Teach people to never question your authority and unless your words, teach them to see you as infallible. Your voice is the voice of "God", for it teach them to "submit" at all costs to your "authority" and not question you on anything, teach them not to "judge" the "servant of God" to his "spiritual father and coverage" .
  • Remove the prayer and instead make a "night of intercession" in that event you will have some control cederás rabona (follower) of yours, that is the most spiritualist, pardon the more "spiritual" have to together to others of the same behavior, commanding that body of witches and fortunetellers, experts in their "decrees", "moorings of spirits", "statements", statements and an extensive "spiritual discernment" (Clairvoyance / divination). There you will have a body of useful intelligence and subtle and fairly for when you have to blame and shame for being someone who does not submit to biblical your authority as religious Pharisee or spiritually dry.
  • Closes Sunday school, and now stands Leadership School, there will form to your most ardent followers, it will fill the whole infernal background you have, so that they also help to extend your "kingdom" of course you tell them is to extend the kingdom of God, and surely they will believe you.
  • Music develops your spiritual slaughterhouse or also called "church" gives much emphasis on them, especially music that invades the soul, to stimulate emotions that vibrate, that makes them feel good, ponles 2 to 3 hours of "praise and worship" and if you have to speak some of the Bible put him 15 to 20 minutes, if it is to talk about your last "prophetic dream" then there if dale of 1-2 hours, but always accompanied by a "psalmist "for his music to help create a" spiritual environment "so that drops the" glory of God "the" anointing "and there's a lot of" blessing "Tell the story of music to people who have poor captive and believe it is safe.
  • The sooner, rename your church, and give it a name more "marketer", to sell, to sound more "kingdom". Give a name bombastic something like:
- "Apostolic and prophetic nation," "charismatic biblical nation", "house of the kingdom", "kingdom now", etc.. And see mega-marking it as "church" because that's your business and look at it as such. Sell ​​that idea to your shorn sheep, to help you build your business and make your best sales executives.
  • Teach people to blame for their actions, Satan, demons, generational curses, etc.. And so the blame will have free and non-depressed and pessimistic, instead teach them to "bind" daily to these spirits, let them believe that they are almost invincible for themselves, about their decrees and the "anointing" that have won based on their effort and their loyalty to the "kingdom" (Your Kingdom)
  • Teaches about the "anointing" sell that story, tell them about it, they need it, which is something magical and mystical, but that if only you can give the. There is so profitable.
  • And finally if you want more cash, $ $, because self-titúlate: apostle or prophet and soon you had just $ terranale your problems.
So far this wicked proposal that worldwide, with variations according to their social and cultural context, Satan the Devil, is offering insurance to many pastors, in order to leave the preaching of sound doctrine and biblical pleguen to false doctrines polulan today in modern Christianity. Doing so may many may feel that their earthly problems, perhaps mostly resolved, but problems involving eternity will be more than evident.


If you change the biblical doctrine by other "doctrines" may well be a clear sign that you are an unregenerate, a "pastor" of which there are many, who do not love the fold and are only employees who "graze" a flock without being born again.

John 10:12-13 12 But the hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.

Following this false gospel of prosperity and be one more of those who follow the doctrine Balaam

Jude 1:11 -13 11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. 12 These are spots in your love feasts, eating that shamelessly with you, feeding themselves, clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, uprooted; 13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness.

So if one stops being Pastor Bible teaching certainly does not abide in the doctrine of Christ and the Bible says about it:

2 John1: 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God: he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.


Given both materialism and ruthless desire for perverting biblical doctrine, the word of God is so wise and timely for our day, when he says:

2Pe 2:3 By covetousness they will exploit you with false words. Judgment now of a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.
1Ti 4:7 But refuse profane and old wives tales. Train yourself for godliness;
Take lots and lots of attention, to the call of God and he will help us to move forward at all times, taking the biblical doctrine, as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Blessings in Christ. Br V Rafael Salinas.