viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012


Consultant  says there are too many Christian divas and divas in ministry.
Phil Cooke, a media consultant, focusing on the Christian market has become strong and this time contemporary critic wrote an article in the U.S. magazine Charisma News, which says that in the church or in ministry there too divas and divas because "focuses more on themselves than the people they serve."

According to Cooke, "we are seeing a real increase in what I would call the ministry divas. These are men and women who are pastors, or ministry, or spiritual leaders. "

The consultant through his writing revealed a number of features for readers to identify if there are any Christians divo or diva in your church who find below:

1. Not involved in the cult. Just come to preach.

2. He is escorted in and out of the platform, indicating that in fact does not have to mingle with people.

3. It has multiple assistants or who are called "squires" take charge of the cell phone, the Bible, etc..

4. He does not travel much, but need a private jet when it does.

5. When visiting other churches, of course, assumes a seat on the platform or a front row seat.

6. When you promote your books, they always say that a "best-seller", although it is not.

7. Makes increasing demands for more time in church, bigger profits, more staff, etc..

8. Spend more on their costumes and cars in the children's church program.

9. Divorce is good for him, because of the pressures of ministry. So, when it occurs, does not have to resign or undergo counseling.

10. When he announces a conference of his image in magazines or elsewhere, is the greatest thing in the ad.

Have you noticed other warning signs to identify a divo or diva in your ministry?

Does not the Scripture say:

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14.11

For the LORD is exalted and the lowly, But the proud he knoweth afar. Psalm 138:6

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