martes, 29 de enero de 2013

The tithe is closing the gates of millions of Christians GOD

1) A most Christian ministers and their followers seems a game and do not believe that only by practicing tithing is going to have to go to hell. Tithing is a commandment of the law of Moses as the seventh day, Saturday or Sabbath, Firsts, Promises and others. But the Word of God is clear in Galatians 3:10 and Galatians 5:4 where it says that all those who cling to the law of Moses to be saved are under the curse of God and will not be accepted by God in his Kingdom. Consider: Consider what the Apostle Paul says in Galatians 3:1-14. Foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you away from the truth? I myself, when I was with you, I gave you to know clearly Jesus Christ, who was crucified for your salvation. Consider this carefully: Did you receive the Holy Spirit perhaps for obeying the Mosaic law, or by the hearing of Christ and believed in him? How can you be so foolish? You, you started to deliver you the Spirit, are ye now return to what is man? What is going to be completely useless how much I have suffered for the sake of the gospel (assuming, of course, that was useless)? Tell me, do you give God the Holy Spirit and works miracles among you, by your obedience to the law of Moses or by hearing with faith proclaiming the Gospel? God accepted Abraham as if just because Abraham believed in God's promises. With the result that the true children of Abraham are those who have full faith in God. Scripture also predicted that time was to come when God, through faith, do righteous Gentiles also. So it told Abraham, saying: "I will bless through you to all the nations of the earth." So all who put their faith in Christ receive the same blessings that Abraham received. Instead, to save those who cling to the Mosaic law are under the curse of God, as the Scriptures say, "Cursed is he who does not meet each and every one of the provisions written in the book of the law." It is therefore evident that God will not hold anyone just for having obeyed the law of Moses, but only through faith will have the right man before God. So said the prophet Habakkuk: "He that is righteous shall live by faith", and the law says: "He who fulfills these things shall live by them." But Christ has freed us from the curse of the Mosaic law, carrying on himself, dying on the cross, the curse that belonged to us, because the Scriptures say, "Cursed is he who hangs on a tree dies." In Christ Jesus, therefore, also the Gentiles can achieve the same blessing that God promised to Abraham, because through faith all receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. (Studio Version of CST-IBS).
2) Jesus use the word tithe only to expose the evils that made the Pharisees with their followers, because only hypocritically paying tithes to his followers to do, while off their houses for widows and orphans who could not pay. See Luke 11:42 Woe unto you, Pharisees, because you give the tithe mint and rue and vegetables, but you forget full of justice and love of God! It's okay that you give your tithes, but do not let go of what is most important. Here Christ shows that the main thing that the Jews had to meet was the justice and love of God and not the tithe. In addition, the tithe was only due to meet for the Israelites who were under the Mosaic law and not for us Christians that we are under the new covenant of grace and faith in Christ Jesus. Nowhere in the New Covenant appears that the apostles and Christ were to pay tithes even though they lived most of his life in the old law. When Christ died on the Cross of Calvary and resurrection he freed us (all his followers) from the yoke of the law of Moses were abolished and that all the Israelites who performed rituals in the temple.
3) Consider what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 6:14-16. Sin must not dominate you again, because now you are not already subject to the law (of Moses) under which sin enslaved you, but you are free and subject to the grace and mercy of God. Slaves to Righteousness Now, since our salvation depends on strict subjection to the Mosaic law, but to accept the grace of God (which is Christ), can we go on sinning carelessly? No way! You must understand that in the case under consideration, everyone can choose who you want to obey and serve: whether to be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or be the righteousness of God. (Studio Version of CST-IBS).
4) The Christian churches that are still practicing tithing and other rites of the law of Moses are denying Christ the Son of God with deeds. Let's see why: We all understand that the Israelites the tithe into the value and included the purchase of a lamb for sacrifice and for the forgiveness of their sins for a year, well, if today we do the same when we are tithing saying we need to sacrifice another lamb that is not Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and so we are saying that Christ is our lamb and invalidating that he gave his life for our sins on a single sacrifice. Also in Hebrews 13:10. It says: ¨ OUR altar, which is the cross where Christ was slain, have no right to eat the priests of the Old Covenant, which serve the sanctuary by mere obedience to the Mosaic Law. ¨ Also in Acts 13:39. It says: ¨ That is, anyone who believes in Jesus, God, freeing OF FAULT, YOU REPRESENT JUST, something I never could do the law given by Moses. ¨ (Version CST-IBS).
5) We all know that God's plan for humanity is made up of two covenants the first or old that was just for the people of Israel, measured man's sin and was a guide to reach Christ prophecy and the other that this based on grace and faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit's regime. Therefore we can not mix them and return to the old, if Christ has already fulfilled the Old Covenant to please God, let us remember that no man could fulfill the law of Moses, only Christ did. Remember that the seven thousand saved OT achieved their salvation by keeping the law of Moses but not kneel before idols. See Romans 11:4 But God answers: "I still have seven thousand Israelites who had not worshiped the false god Baal." So the law of Moses only has some principles of God for us but it is not strictly applicable to its 613 commandments. See what he says. Hebrews 7:18 19. ¨ SO, THE LAW OF MOSES HAS BEEN CANCELLED BECAUSE proved futile. Law could not do THAT PERFECT PEOPLE. SO, we now expect confidently that God give us something better, and that allows us to be his FRIENDS. ¨ And Hebrews 7:28. It says: ¨ PRIESTS MADE BY THE LAW OF MOSES find it difficult to obey God in ALL. BUT after giving his law, God swore that would give us CHIEF PRIESTS AS HIS SON, WHOM HE DID perfect forever. ¨ God knew that the first covenant was only a guide to get the perfect deal. See Hebrews 8:7 says, "For if that first covenant had been perfect, no room for a second covenant." (Version ADB).

6) We must be clear in our mind that salvation is no longer able to fulfill the old commandments, but fully complying with the commandments of God through Christ bone the true gospel of Christ. Let's see: Galatians 3:25-26 says: ¨ BUT NOW WE'RE ALREADY IN THE STAGE OF FAITH, NOT NEED MORE OF MENTORING MOSAIC LAW, FOR NOW, BY FAITH IN JESUS ​​CHRIST, WE ARE ALL children of God . ¨. Now we must be strict compliance with the mandates of God left by Christ in the New Testament to be saved. The way to collaborate in the Christian Church today is in the 1st. Corinthians 16:2 says: ¨ EACH DAY OF EACH WEEK you lay by him, as God hath prospered him, that when I come no collections will OFFERINGS. ¨ Here the Apostle Paul does not authorize or tithe a percentage, but an offering pursuant to which the brothers have prospered and only once on Sunday and not every time or every service within days. It should be noted that this offering was not for Paul but for Christians of Jerusalem who were in distress by famine caused by the Romans. Christian giving should not only be for ministers' salaries, but also to help the needy, orphans, widows, the elderly, disabled, sick and to send missionaries of the gospel to other countries.
7) Christ said that the law of Moses and the prophets were to be obeyed until the time of John the Baptist and then the gospel of Christ. See. Luke 16:16: "Until the time of John the Baptist, the people had to obey the law (of Moses) and the teaching of the Prophets. Since then, ANNOUNCE THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, AND ALL THE STRUGGLE TO ENTER. (Version BLS). So brothers obey Christ who is our mediator between God the Father and us Christians. If he says that we must fight to enter the Kingdom of God through the gospel of Christ, let us do so and not be rebellious.
8) Some ministers in an effort to continue to implement the Tithe, say that it is not rooted in the law of Moses, but in the Tithe that Abraham gave Melchizedek King of Salem, described in Genesis 14:20; but this act has nothing to do with what made the ministers today in the churches, for the following reasons: a) The Tithe that Abraham gave Melchizedek was voluntary and not governed by any law as presented by the ministers today. b) This tithe given by Abraham to Melchizedek was practiced by a win or prize of war, to Abraham and not by the income generated by the work of Abraham. In other words this offering of Abraham to Melchizedek Priest could have been 5, 15 or even 100%, if they so wished Abraham and so could not validate this rule in the churches today. c) In addition, Abraham gave him a tenth to a Priest Immortal and mortal men. See Hebrews 7:8 which says: ¨ IF of the Levites, tithes are received mortal men in the other case, receives Melchizedek, of whom it is witnessed that he lives. ¨ (NIV version). So Brothers and Friends obey God through Christ if we would be saved.

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