viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013


DR.  César Vidal Manzanares
DR. César Vidal Manzanares
Dr. César Vidal Manzanares
"The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires and will turn away from listening to the truth and shall be turned unto fables"   (2 Timothy 4: 3-4)
"Because it is the mystery of iniquity, only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and  shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all the deception of  wickedness for those who perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2, 7-12).
S i had to sum ​​up in one word the aim pursued by Westcott and Hort in developing its Greek text of the New Testament, there would possibly be more appropriate than another  apostasy . The development of a text to replace the Textus Receptus and as a basis for the new translation of the Bible was important, but only as something instrumental, as a functional element. The aim-and were quite explicit about it as we have had occasion to see, was to get Christians to stop accepting the Bible as the Word of God with authority, inerrant and infallible. Once we got that goal, the other steps would occur by pure logic.
First, people would abandon the belief in the doctrines taught in the Scriptures. Then would depend on extra-biblical spiritual authority, the same that was manifested in occult circles both Westcott and Hort pleased. The end result would be an apostasy. In the following pages we would like to draw the seven steps that presumably can lead to such apostasy. The author of these lines alarming signs unknown whether those who assist us in today are a set of signs heralding the next coming of Christ, or we are watching the beginnings of apostasy referred 2 Thessalonians 2, 3 .
Nor do you want to speculate about it. Yes believe, however, that it is their duty to share, humble but firmly with his brothers, some signs of particular gravity in the life of the church, and refers to them for several reasons. One is that, indeed, are referred to in the writings not only of Westcott and Hort, but also known occult past and present. Another is that, unfortunately, more or less widespread, absolutely all of them are already occurring in various parts of the world. Although for reasons of these steps are described in a row, I wish to clarify that its realization largely at least, is being simultaneously and synchronously concatenated form.
1.The descent of the role of Scripture in the Church:  It is unknown the interest the devil has in attacking the Word of God and therefore the first step toward apostasy is obviously related to the diminishing role of the Bible in the church. Although in the last fifteen years the growth in the number of evangelicals in the world has been dramatic, the truth, however, is quehoy days the percentage of people who regularly read the Scriptures is considerably lower. In the coming years it is likely that we will see a further degradation process in this area.
Increasingly, churches point of attention will be placed is not in Scripture, but in the excitement, the spectacle, the charisma of the leaders and the results of numerical growth. Far from checking with Scripture if all alleged revelations from God (1 Corinthians 12: 1-3, I John 4, 1-3), far to contrast with the Bible's teachings following the example of the Berean Jews (Acts 17, 11-13), the church is increasingly resting philosophy of theological liberalism hollow or empty showmanship good number of famous preachers whose teaching directly clashes with the Word of God. From the moment we accept, in one or other direction-placed rather under the authority of men under Scripture, from the time they quit or overlook to examine all teaching in the light of the Bible, the church has been located on a path that can only lead, sooner or later, to his spiritual annihilation.
Two. Creating macroevangélicas entities:  This process of displacement of Scripture is proceeding in parallel with the creation of federations of evangelical religious entities in different countries. Far from being merely groups united by spiritual purposes, they are built, and will continue building primarily for reasons of human power with the goal of becoming partners of the political authorities of each nation. Precisely because that is your goal, go within them admitting people whose theology is unbiblical liberal and evangelical groups that are not as Seventh-day Adventists and Orthodox churches.
And the scheme will continue existing World Council of Churches, but this time, in each country. As their projects will encounter opposition from Christians more aware of the danger, tend to become progressively stronger collective and ambitious.
Christians pretend to isolate those who report their actions and control situations such as the entry of missionaries in the country, registration and legalization of churches or dealings with the state administration. Its aim is, in just a few years, have become entities that control the spiritual life of the evangelical churches in a particular country and that thwart the work of those who refuse to bow before them. For when you achieve-or even before-the damage caused will be immense because, almost unconsciously, believers have learned to live within the same entity that Adventists, Orthodox or liberal theological, and look askance at the brothers more faithful to the Word.
Three. The use of a common biblical text:  In parallel to the situations described in 1 and 2 will continue making a powerful propaganda in favor of abandoning traditional Bible translations and versions majority acceptance unfortunate as the VP. They seek acceptance of a common text that can be not only Catholics but also evangelical and theological liberals, members of cults or even the followers of Judaism, Islam or the New Age. The text of the Bible will have been already so diluted and maimed, your notes so explicitly advocate for a liberal and humanist that there will be special difficulty in achieving this goal.
April. The collaboration with Rome:  For when that happens collaboration with Rome is firmly seated. Do not try to be people directly contrasting Catholic biblical teaching but something very different. Apart from the joint Bible versions by experts Catholics and Protestants, there will also collaboration on joint projects of a theological and exegetical. Not be received by a bishop or be excluded from certain public events will be interpreted even as a source of sadness.
May. The union organizing with other religions:  Parallel will greatly progressed collaboration with other faiths. The representatives of the federations in which evangelical-Adventist and Orthodox will among others gradually will meet with Jews and Muslims to discuss common issues and establish a common strategy. By twisted interpretations of Scripture will state that there is no need to preach the Gospel to any of the groups and they all believe in one God only. Gradually this openness to Jews and Muslims will be expanded to other faiths. On the other hand, the typical practices of the occult and New Age-already infiltrated in a number of churches-are very widespread.
June. The decline of Christian morality:  While occur the events described in the previous sections will produce an alarming decline of Christian integrity not only among members of the Christian people but also among their leaders. Will become increasingly common practice of justifying unlawful sex with twisted translations of Scripture or arguments as flimsy as to point out that since they retain the joy after committing such acts the same can not be sin. Among the leaders will be producing a growing interest charged for power, wealth appearance and forgetting things as essential as the service, humility and adherence to the Word. These behaviors are very evident and conveyed the message of the Gospel discredited but many prefer to remain silent for fear of reprisal, to lose their place in ministry or experiencing economic harm. On the other hand, those who oppose them will openly labeled as legalistic and fans. They also accuse bring discredit to the Gospel for not keeping his mouth shut at the sight of sin.
July. The proscription of the faithful believers:  Throughout all of the above, the situation of believers who desire to be faithful to God and His Word it will get increasingly difficult. First, we used federations evangelical religious entities to cash them so isolating that discouraged and even many come to surrender or submit to and silent to evil or even away disgusted by those behaviors. After sowing will be used against them accusing them of slander legalistic fanatics, ignorant or unloving. Any behavior that is considered good to end with a testimony that shows the path of apostasy which have adopted various churches. In the fight against faithful believers will even seek the help they can provide sects or political authorities. As noted above, each and every one of the points indicated in the above lines are not the result of the author's imagination or theological speculation. In fact they are already happening in various parts of the world with a tendency to generalize really worrying.
The mission of the people of God is not, however, of being intimidated by these difficulties. By contrast, the urgent task of God's people is to unmask the devil and his works, and cry out loudly against situations such as those outlined. Instead of discouragement fester, believers who desire to be faithful to God above please any man and organization should act more boldly than ever founded in Scripture and submitted to the Lordship of Christ. For them will be mandatory the following considerations:
  • 1. Must humbly submit to his Lord, knowing that this could mean more direct persecution (2 Timothy 3: 10-17)
  • Two. They join more than ever aware that there are thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal and praying that other brothers see the light and take equally biblical attitude (1 Kings 19, 18, Revelation 18, 4-5)
  • Three. They cling to the Word of God determined to give it the proper role in the life of the church as the only inerrant rule of doctrine and conduct (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)
  • April. They refuse to compromise with biblical principles pure and undefiled Gospel even though this may affect human interests (James 4, 4)
  • May. They oppose any organizational connection with groups or individuals whose theology is not fully biblical or whose purpose is not merely spiritual (I Corinthians 10, 19-22)
  • June. They prophetically denounce each and every one of the steps that lead to apostasy (II Timothy 4, 1-5) 7. Day must wait the final victory of the Lord (II Thessalonians 1, 3-10).

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