viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014


Mario E. Fumero
false and trueI want to define some aspects of pastoral ministry   AND BADGES OF A TRUE SERVANT OF JESUS ​​CHRIST  in a time when any minister of the gospel is declared without being called, and seeking economic and social ambitions make the gospel lucrative life style, turning the churches in a company and not what it should be, "a community of mutual support." These false workers running a business executive function dresses false religiosity and piety that does not exist because  (...  a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (2 Timothy 3: 5).
We will discuss this issue biblically. But we must first clarify what is called? It is the way in which a Christian feels called by God to serve the work, feeling a tremendous burden for the lost and needy. It is the delivery service lost what makes us a minister.
The word minister is to minister or administered, indicating doing something that has been entrusted to me This action involves administering God's grace, which is to proclaim the message of the kingdom, which is present in the person of Jesus Christ.
How should a pastor or minister?
The Bible defines the characteristics of Minister calling a servant of God. "Servant · is one that is purchased to serve a master, no right to anything (Luke 17: 7: 10), whose primary mission is to preach and teach the Word (Matthew 28: 19-20). We will carefully number the characteristics of a sievo in light of Scripture, in order to try and determine who are true shepherds, and who are the prey of wolves anointed.
1) The minister of God must be humble, approachable, and simple person who shall take delivery call from the Lord, and above all, to be meek and simple heart. Matthew 11:29.
2) Must be willing to give up everything, leaving father mother if necessary. Matthew 19:29
3) Must be detached, and not love the wealth Tito 1: 7. Do not be greedy, and put your heart on money Acts 8:20, 1 Timothy 6:10. Must serve God by material interest, nor get dishonest gain 1Timothy 3: 3. 1 Peter 5: 2. On this point there are many biblical quotations.
4) His testimony in the church to be faultless, with an irreproachable conduct, Philippians 2:15, have a good reputation with outsiders (1 Timothy 3: 7) that is, the people of the world, not to fall into disrepute because every minister or preacher of the Gospel has around him a great cloud of witnesses, Hebrews 12: 1.
5) There must walk among the flock, and should smell like sheep. This principle was clearly taught by Jesus Christ in John chapter 10.
6) There should look for seats in the churches, or sit in front, like a king, or in the seat of mockers Psalm 1: 1.
7) Do not allow them to call parent, teacher, apostle etc. or any other title that exalts an eminent position within the flock to exercise hegemony and dominance over others Matthew 23: 9-10.
8) has been placed by God not to be served, but to serve. You can not have the spirit of greatness (Mark 10: 42-44).
9) You must have your house in order to be a good husband, children submissive, for credibility (1Timoteo3: 4).
10) Must be good confidant, discreet and knowledgeable in what he says and what he does.
11) Your love for the flock can take it to work with their hands to not be a burden to the brothers in case of need (1 Thessalonians 2: 9).
12) While the laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Timothy 5:18), his devoted service should not be in the interests of, and should not consider his work as a company or be an employee (John 10: 11 to 12.11, 2 Corinthians 11: 8))
13) He is jealous to preserve the health of your flock, and suffer for them like a mother has for her children. (2 Corinthians 2: 4, Acts 20:31, 2 Corinthians 11:28)
two false servants
can now set the parameters that identify false teachers, apostles and pastors who call themselves servants become masters, and the singular fact that wolves have sheep grazing occurs. Let the qualities of the false servants
1) Find the recognition, exaltation, title and position. The spirit of greatness has been destroyed simplicity and humility, which is the main characteristic of the servant of the Lord (Matthew 11;: 29).
2) As is common in them, preach a lot about money, embracing theology prosperity, and to tithe mint, dill and cumin of his sheep (Matthew 23:23) exploiting the faith and falling into greed.
3) Enter the pulpit by the back door, and not accessible to his flock. They have secretaries and bodyguards, to which called Esquire, to prevent people approach them. They act as a privileged caste (John 10:14).
4) Wears ostentatiously with expensive suits, and forget the poor, widows and needy, acting with arrogance (Jeremiah 5:28).
5) We like to be called by the titles given, apostle, doctor, prophet, etc., and feel isolated from other members of the church, looking for the top (Matthew 23: 6).
6) As a general rule, your messages are motivational, with psychology, wrapped many promises, exalting the ego, and giving false hopes and prophecies (Jeremiah 23:16), sweetening his lips with feigned words (2 Peter 2: 3).
7) Find social prominence. They like meddling in politics and business in this century. Promoted himself with pride (2 Timothy 2: 4).
8) Condition for ministerial service a substantial financial reward. Demanding labor rights, and act as entrepreneurs (1 Timothy 3: 8)
9) absorb all the power and control of the church. No delegate, and when it does, manipulates people.
10) does not accept mistakes. It feels untouchable. If someone's face, knocking him excommunicate rebellious and sometimes imposing their views with the concept that is the urgent need of the Lord, and no one can touch or point by manipulating the biblical text Salmo105: 15.
These features are easy to discern and identify evil workers, and to observe them is evident when we see that they are not willing to give up everything to do what God commands him, therefore, we must leave the environment in which they and avoid, as indicates the Word (2 Corinthians 6:17, 2 Timothy 3: 5, Romans 16:17).
The concept taught by Jesus Christ around the shepherd and the sheep provides a clear principle of relationship because the pastor has to be in the middle of the herd, leading to green grass, and protecting them from hazards in their environment, especially wolves.
You can not be a pastor remote control or from an office, or using a business perspective. Neither should have such a large herd can not know, protect, care for and feed their sheep. We measure our grazing capacity, and understand that being a pastor is to be guardian of a herd because that's the similarity taught in John chapter 10 would be good and healthy pastoral concept study from a natural perspective, to understand its spiritual meaning.
Sadly the new generation of ministers who dominate our times act arrogantly, looking for titles and human positions, with a message of greed and prosperity, and living as magnates in the midst of great poverty and need. They proclaim a different gospel which demonstrate compliance with the Word about the spiritual condition of the church recently where apostasy reign, and Scripture warns us that men come lovers of self, and of pleasure, more that of God (2 Timothy 4: 3) a form of godliness, but denying the power their lives it (2 Timothy 3: 5). Unruly men (2 Peter 2:10, Tito1: 10) preach a Gospel according to his carnal desires. These cause described the gospel, so many refused faith and teased (2 Peter 3: 3, Jude 1:18, 24:12 atheist). They are blots on our agape (divine love Judas1: 12) go the way of the son of perdition, who was Judas Iscariot (John 17: 12 2 Thessalonians 2. 3).
What made Judas the son of perdition? Greed, lust for power, their love of money and frustration when Jesus came to the King, but as a lamb to the slaughter.
We know the characteristic of false and true servants of God, which is why St. Paul advises us beware of evil workers;those who are taking the gospel and the church as a business as a company. We must guard against sheepdogs; which are those that go behind the crumbs, and sold to the highest bidder. Above all, avoid the concision; engaged with its revelations and lies, divide the church to cause chaos and form their reinito. This is clearly stated in Philippians 3: 2 when the apostle writes: " Beware of  dogs , beware of  evil workers , beware of the  concision . "
Let us be understood in what the perfect will of God.



false apostlesIn relation to the question that I have received, and not only me but also other blog, on the complaint of the bad practices of those who call themselves pastors, apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and even Coach Motivational (??), analyzing the situation, we can reach the following conclusion. Report these people if it is biblical, but some say you can not pass judgment, but the mistake would be to keep quiet and let these bad elements continue spreading his deception, and making the mistake of thousands, perhaps millions of people naively believe their lies. We must not be silent, these people have to denounce the danger to which we are confronted is immense, so much so that the truth of all these doctrines and the purpose of these false apostles, is to prepare the coming of the false prophet and the antichrist . So serious is the issue, because when these characters make their appearance on the world stage, the pseudo church will welcome them with open arms.
In the scriptures we find that at the time Paul and John also denounced false prophets and apostles, we examples: "I know your deeds, your hard work and patience; and you can not tolerate wicked men, and hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars; And hast borne, and hast patience, and have labored for My name, and have not grown weary "(Revelation 2: 2-3). "Holding faith and a good conscience; which shipwrecked their faith some of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme (1 Timothy 1: 19-20). "But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more to his impiedad.Y Word spread like gangrene; of whom are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faith of some. " (2 Timothy 2: 16-18) "I wrote unto the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words; And not content with that, he does not receive the brethren, and them that would prohibit it, and out of the church . " (3 John 1: 9-10) "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write and urge you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered unto the santos.Porque some men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. " (Jude 1: 3-4)As you can tell is biblical expose these scoundrels in these passages of scripture Paul and John give the names of those departed from the faith, so that everyone knows who they are, it is absolutely necessary warn the people about all the lies that now circulate everywhere, the immense deceit in which the church is involved, and not talking about the Catholic Church, but evangelical church, while it has already embraced apostasy. Edited from page


The Apostle Rony Chavez
The Apostle Rony Chavez
Prophetic Guide 2013
The Year 5773 in the Jewish calendar corresponded to the Year 2010, and this represents the start of a Decade, its meaning fully determined and that each year affects Decade, in our case, from 2010 to 2019.
The Decade of the 5773 70 (2010) is related to the Hebrew letter "ayin" which is related to the "Eye of God" and implies a "Greater ability to see and expand the scope of the vision of the Almighty. Each year of this decade will for the people of God's blessing greater ability to discern, see, understand and expand the vision of the Almighty. 
THE YEAR 5773 corresponds today to 2013 will therefore see that blessing more broadly designs have His eternal wisdom and to establish them in the earth.
The Year 2012, corresponded to the Jewish Calendar Year 5772, the year whose prophetic significance associated with the approach and return "to the Father's House." This has been an Apostolic Year quintessential return to the first truths of the House (Church) has set the path for the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. This time, 2012, introduces us to a new stage of "balance, balance, maturity and justice" in the Body of Christ that begins with 2013.
The Year 5773 (2013), is fully related to the number 73 and with this the Hebrew letters corresponding to those numbers, these AYIN GIMEL whose prophetic significance is directly related to: CAMEL and TRIZÁNGULO. This prophetic relationship states to the People of God that Eternal receive the prophetic and apostolic in 2013:
  • - Your ability to survive in the desert with big win
  • - Your Strength and power to overcome crisis
  • - The Fullness of Life
  • - Your Fortress
The truth revealed in numbers and letters indicates that in 2013 the kingdom was claimed in: Transportation, Communications and Commerce. It also states that development will come, Welfare and Progress for Families cling to the words of the Most High.
The 2013 is the Year of Divine Invitation to RULE WITH HIM, major, dramatic changes will come in the Policy of Nations, Justice judgments of God will take office removed kings and others who have a right heart. Jezabélicos efforts, abusive and personalistic governments cease to be. The New Generation Policy of Nations begin to emerge strongly in this new time.
- The YEAR 2013 WILL BE THE YEAR OF JEHOVAH'S REWARD. IN 2013 God will reward His children all suffered in WOUNDS OF THE BATTLE FIELD. The year 2013 will be a great reward from the Lord. For this reason, many unavoidable and miraculously come to them
  • 1. Land, homes, possessions and opportunities to build what they have dreamed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • 2 Schools, colleges and universities to implement their vision of asserting Kingdom Culture.
  • 3 Activation of Prophetic Evangelism in their congregations and nations.
  • 4 An "explosion" of growth in Business and employers who support their visions and ministries.
  • 5 Year Positioning in key locations for many professionals who are under their hedges.
The year 2013 will be characterized by
1. RISING "NEW GENERATION" THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS BEEN FORMING IN THIS THIRD MILLENNIUM. This will be known as "The Davidic Generation" for his great yearning for the Presence of the Most High. It will emerge with greater power to worship with passion and influence to go assuming territorial government positions in their nations.
2 NEW POWERFUL AND EVENTS THAT OCCUR IN THE KINGDOM THROUGH PEOPLE SENT THROUGH Jehovah.Supernatural is God's mark for each month of the New Year. "Miracles" is the most natural word among the people of God every day of 2013.
4 THE SUPERSTITION IN VIOLATION OF THE COMPANY, AND LEGALISM AND RELIGIOUS IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. We'll see fail famous astrologers and soothsayers, God will bring His judgment on the powers of magic and sorcery.
5 The emergence of the "Generation" designed by God to take the "Target Company" Nations: A FRESH MOVE OF FAITH THE CONQUEROR arise COME AND WELL DIGGERS IN THE DESERT. Take advantage of opportunities THEM TO OPEN NEW PONDS BLESSING AND PROSPERITY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CRISIS BY GOVERNMENT TO OBEY THE WORD PROPHETIC FAITH (2 Kings 3: 15 to 20)
YEAR 2013: This will be the Year of God for the destruction of the power of "Agorería and Superstition." Demonic forces that have been opposing our progress, growth and blessing will be beaten by the power of God. Be a time of great defeat for the spirits of black magic, sorcery and divination that have controlled nations, governments and economies. January is a month of opening the doors closed and spiritual breakdown. Great advances in the field of faith we will be given by the Holy Spirit. Gaps for Victoria will be open to the weeks for those waiting expectantly in God, and new opportunities to buy, build and remodel come to God's people with a lot of clarity. Breaking God will do the same, and show us the way forward and implement the strategy for success in everything we do. The 2013 will be a year in which Jehovah himself open space for our growth and development. Hallelujah! Several specific words given by the Holy Spirit to His Prophets activated extraordinary experiences, wonders and miracles of Almighty God for His people in this new year 2013:
It is the desire of the Global Progress Missionary Ministry Rony Chaves and all who worship the Lord in the World Worship Center in Costa Rica and RAMCU, the blessing, prosperity and wisdom of the Almighty fill your life and your family every day and every hour of the Year 2013 Amen! Apostle Dr. Rony Chaves


Vicente Santamaría Market

"But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, WHOM I HAVE SENT NOT TALK, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die"  .  (Deuteronomy 18: 20)
 Beloved Church:  Sunday worship in I was in the back, praising God with her ​​eyes closed when the pastor's wife, who was also called "pastor" (incredibly, she pastors a congregation independent of her husband in another city), I called into the microphone with my name in front of three hundred people attending, saying in Speaker:  . "That tells you Lord ..."  And then God by the mouth of her allegedly telling me my hardness of heart and rebelliousness me had brought economic trials and tribulations he suffered in that time, sin in me and for not bearing fruit, that I regret and a lesson to all the congregation. Imagine, then I deeply enjoyed praising God and even danced with joy and was shocked, stunned, frozen and confused with that slap and cold shower just received with public humiliation. I did not understand, that is not understood at the time the reasons for the pastor's wife. With my face toward the earth, in silence, I endured the alleged prophecy of stoning at the end of his tirade, raised my voice high just to say, "My God you know me, you know my heart and my thoughts, I have followed with sincerity and faith, I do not understand these words. " But most surprising was that the end of the service, the same woman, after preaching, and I made ​​another prayer again "prophesy" calling my name, and supposedly God told the opposite of the above prophecy me! I said very loved having great purposes, etc. At this time, I was more confused, not knowing which of the two contradictory prophecies were true, or if none was true, but the preacher regretted having publicly humiliated and tried to compose his sin.  "Son of man, prophesy against (bad or false) shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to the shepherds, Thus saith the Lord: !! Woe to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! Did not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fat, but do not feed the sheep. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick; you have not bound up the injured have not returned the strays, not sought the lost, but you have ruled them harshly and violently. They wander for lack of a shepherd, and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered "  (Ezekiel 34: 2-5) (Read entire chapter 34) 
Meditating on the event, back to my house, I remembered that several weeks ago the same pastor's wife had publicly constrained us to several church members to establish  a "pact"  to give a fixed weekly or monthly sum, besides tithes and offerings to support the weekly television program. At weeks committing myself publicly, my financial situation completely changed and became impossible for me to continue to meet the fixed pay TV short, which caused several scolding without giving names, until I threw the supposed "prophecy" explaining the reason as not regularly attending the three required weekly fasts or reduction of tithes required by law and also accounted for the marked envelopes. Since then, I do not know how I could go congregándome there, as the marginalization of "caisson" became unbearable, to the point that a few days later I made ​​early to bring the teaching on the radio program of the five in the morning, for which effort is not up at four, but the preparation of the message and when I'm in the cockpit ready to start, we introduced a pastor from another of their churches, who took away the microphone saying there was a change and orders Shepherd main was he who had to give teaching, which obeyed giving glory to God. 
These are just two examples of details that must support a brother who becomes uncomfortable or threatening to the mismanagement of a church, for having denounced by these writings as  having an idolatrous cult of the founder of the mission , who is called "Dad"  or  "our father" , as well as the  enthronement  of members "collaborators" or "server" ( the clergy  of that church, discriminated as superior or special class and are considered true members, above the common people) who  only care allowed to take the sacrament once a year  and only after  "confessing" their sins to the pastor and the founder, in the style of Roman Catholicism, in long rows on duty to make and receive permission from the pastor to receive the sacrament .
Leaders tend to subdue and intimidate its members and non-members, based on prophecies that only receive them in continuous intimate conversation with God, who  speaks to the ears of these leaders everything that happens in the lives of others  and their plans reward or punishment for them.
With a "Thus saith the LORD will" get to shake his subordinates, whether from fear or excitement.  putting Being a terrible sin in God's mouth which hath not spoken, posing as God . God have mercy on those who commit the unpardonable sin.  they have departed the great church of all contact, relationship or fellowship with other Christian churches in our city , giving an explanation of all " churches are devils and  only theirs is the true " and say that Christian churches accuse them of having "spirits of divination" .
The truth is that after every service, every week, all the congregation runs to the edge of the platform or pulpit,  for the Prophet leader vaticine their future  or tell the reason for their distress and demonic liberte captivities or receive the refreshment of a word of hope for a better tomorrow as a gift of God through the prophet  (many changed the practice of "read lucky" with the witch, for listening to the pastor-prophet.)  They have formed a school of prophets, the style of them, who sometimes call ahead to describe a vision or a dream they had,  prior authorization or filter chief prophet (because no one can prophesy without permission of the pastor, sole authority to interpret dreams, visions or prophecies, as also only authorized to issue new dogmas and doctrines) . "LORD said to me: The prophets prophesy lies in my name; NOT SENT OR LES MANDÉ OR SPOKE LES;VISION LIAR, Divination, VANITY AND CHEATING YOUR HEART prophesy. Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall be in this land; WITH SWORD AND HUNGRY THESE PROPHETS WILL BE CONSUMED " (Jeremiah 14: 14) 
Of course, the preaching and teaching  are generally accusations and threats to poor sheep  that never reach the required holiness (the pastor) or the pleasure of God that do have monopolized owners pastors the congregation, despite requiring come the three weekly fasting two separate cults, as well as all-night vigils every month religiously give tithes and offerings in dishes that go  twice a cult , dressed in  uniform  imposed by owners pastors (skirt almost ankles and double shirt men long sleeve, shield and embroidered logo). 
Thus, in a typical cult no longer accusing finger of ladones, tracaleros sinners and faithful members of the church, who never feel sufficiently pleasing to God or saved and must submit to a regime of harsh treatment and servitude leaders , by many religious works to be approved and promoted by these who  boast  . their many works and his apparent holiness  "Which say, Stand by thyself, DO NOT APPROACH ME, BECAUSE I AM MORE HOLY THAN YOU ; These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all the day "  (Isaiah 65: 5). In turn, the leaders say that "God is looking for hardworking and faithful, to entrust the positions or ministries"  (God does not seek God chooses, appoints and sends) course by telling the exclusive heard these absolutist leaders (Nikolaítas ), owners of souls (the "angel of the church", as they like to call themselves).  Rather than preaching Christ, they preach "their" organization or mission or themselves .   ¿Given a seer continually throwing prophecies, saying " thus saith the Lord "and not as a sword, but as a machine gun, who oppose or resist?  Christ Church is one body, His Body, but ....
WHO CONTROLS THOSE absolutist CHURCH OR MISSION AND SOULS "OWNERS" NOT SUBJECT TO ANYONE?  when a brother is forced to leave a congregation, not only remains plight of sheep without a shepherd (human shepherd) but They are not you remembered (also humanly all his years there, his loves, tithes and offerings given. was not wearing even a square meter of a temple to help build (humanly speaking), so how relevant these experiences is Word that says "Our treasure is in heaven" (Matthew 6: 19-21). 
"Thus saith the Lord: !! Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people but preserve your own? And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and giving life to those who should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies? Therefore thus saith the Lord: Behold, I am against your magic charms with which you hunt the souls to flight; I will deliver them out of your hands, and release him to fly like birds you hunt the souls that ye flying. I will tear off your veils and save my people from your hands, and they will no longer fall prey to your hand; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah. Because with LIES THE HEART JUST, TO WHICH I have not made ​​sad, and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him thus no longer see VISION VAIN, or practice divination; I will deliver my people from your hands, and know that I am the Lord " (Ezekiel 13: 18).
 God continue to bless you.  


Mario E. Fumero
The evolution of Christianity in our time has taken a very peculiar hue. The sermons have been adapted to the liberal and pragmatic influences [1]  of society, and has gone to the marketing technique [2] , to dissolve all that disturbs the ear, adding anything that attracts and seduces. That is why most sermons and modern theology is infused with illustrative, motivational, psychological and excellence messages. This trend has changed the grammatical expressions in modern Bible translations, to de-force to the original meaning of the text, mainly with regard to the concept of sin, using this technique called "inclusive language".
There is a strong current that tends to biblical demystification, which is explained with a logical dialectic historical miracles of the Bible. This attempt to dilute the basic principles of the doctrines, because there are things that hurt the ear and conscience bother, especially when the person is confronted with sin. This current show the other side of the coin, this is the legal aspect of the consequences of sin, which is damnation.
In summary, we have constructed a theology of cheap deals, and have hidden demands, because our technique is to fatten the church and bring the sinner to enter through the wide gate, where everything fits, even your futile way of life inherited from their parents (1 Peter 1: 18-19). By teaching the Word of God actually preachers choose the so-called "easy gospel" or "cheap grace" where Jesus Christ protect you, give you riches, opens doors, makes you good, take you to heaven if you walk crooked . Finally, raise your hand, positively confess and "open sesame" the miracle is done. Just a good offering, an economic pact and the Bull or indulgences [3] blessings, forgiveness and prosperity will be given.
The new vocabulary is prosperity gospel, anointing, power, miracle, supernatural, conquest, grandeur, excellence, health, covenant, decree etc. There is no longer the preaching of sin, repentance, restitution of damage, hell, holiness, judgment, suffering, denial, humility, simplicity, detachment etc. Even many modern preachers deny hell as real, because they claim that the notion of a burning hell and damnation, does not fit in a loving God, and that this concept is only a metaphorical expression. So preach, but do not scare people, but atraigámosle by a cult-show. Just be good about yourself, and forget the sin.
Someone ask  ? happens when the church today is paid to the comfort of a modern gospel of tolerance, carnality and engagement with the world, and stop preaching the whole counsel of God found in the Scriptures  The problem of contemporary church is not in what he preaches, as the fact that God is love, although it is a biblical truth that we repeat over and over again, and put in the first place, should not obscure or ignore it is also fair judge . Love can never overshadow justice. Omitting the right aspect of God leads us to preach a message half-diluted, and this makes us abandon sound doctrine, allowing the licentiousness and yeast in the house of the Lord. Our God is not only a God of love but also of holiness and justice, and remains the same yesterday, today and forever.
The Bible speaks clearly of the  opinion the sinner  and  hell  as a place of torment. This told the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:23). Jesus mentioned the place as a place of torment with fire (Mark 9:45), where their worm does not die (Mark 9.46,48) and describes the consequences of not being in Him when He said in John 15: 6: " Whoso I will not stay, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire and burned. "  Paul mentions the punishment of disobedient when he says in 2 Thessalonians 1: 7-8: "  And to you who are troubled rest with us, when he appears on Lord Jesus from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance  on those who know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ ; ". Hebrews exposed to sinners, and for this mention two things that today are omitted, trial and punishment of fire (Hebrews 10:27). Also in the Revelation of John, in the final judgment will be clear from the eternal fire, which is the second death (Revelation 20: 15-15, 21: 8).
No doubt that the doctrine of  repentance  is essential to be born again (Acts 2:38, 3:19), which produces a change of life defined as the new man (2 Corinthians 5:17). This action of repentance stripped off the old man and his sinful deeds (Col. 3: 9) which has to be crucified on the cross (Romans 6: 6), which means that from this action we revert to worldly or wicked to be a child of God, which leads us to target holy living, not persisting in repeating the sin as the standard of conduct (Romans 6).
If we turn away from sin, then we break with the customs and corrupt models of the dominant system. We can not make friends with the world, because such action makes us an enemy of God (James 4: 4), and we can not serve two masters (Luke 16:13). This concept is contained in what we call "holiness", that is, away from all that God's law catalog sin, which is expressed in the commandments, and more clearly defined as the desires of the flesh. Holiness is the base to get to heaven (Hebrews 12:14) and fruit of repentance, manifested in the works, which are the actions related to our way of life, dress, talk and think (Luke 3: 8, Matthew 7 : 16).
The Bible presents Christians as different from other people, claiming to be a holy nation, "the church" (1 Peter 2: 9) whose role model is Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:14), so must be to become mature Christians (Ephesians 4:13), learning to walk as Jesus walked (1 John 2: 6). But the churches instead of conquering the world, rather the world has conquered the church. What differentiates a Christian from a worldly? All schemes of worship, concerts, rhythms, fashions, build temples, lights, special effects and post follow the rhetoric of the dominant system, so that there is no difference between a mundane event for one Christian. The only difference is that the fashion world is added a scripture or biblical message to grace the event, show, music or conduct.
Preach the right message. Confront people with their sin, and let's get him to repentance so that they might live in newness of life (Romans 6: 4). Infundamos fear that as a brake stop us not to sin.

[1]  - The  Pragmatism  is a school  philosophy  created in the  United States  in the late  nineteenth century  by  Charles Sanders Peirce ,  John Dewey  and  William James . Its basic concept is that it is true only that which works, so focusing on the real objective world.
[2]  - Is "social and process  administration  by groups and individuals meet their needs by creating and exchanging goods and services ". 2  has also been defined as the  art  or  science  to meet the needs of  customers  and get  profits  at the same time. It is actually a subciencia or area of study of the science of  administration . Taken from Wikipedia.
[3] - Bula indulgence proclaimed by the Pope, with which people could purchase forgiveness for sin in advance. Indeed, in the sixteenth century, abuse and trafficking that resulted were the main reason that led  Martin Luther  to face the Catholic Church  constituting triggered the  Protestant Reformation .


(Considering that many evangelical churches, such as the G-12 have introduced lucrative pyramid techniques in their methods, I transcribe a study on the Ponzi scheme, note MF)
Scams-pyramidsThese companies do not have the support of state agencies (Superintendency of Banks and Securities Superintendency), so that those affected can not recover the full amount invested.
Every so often you hear by word of mouth, a wonderful deal that just come and have little money to invest much less time can recover the investment and more. People motivated by easy money end up investing your money in a business that felt safe and that offered high interest rates, with a fatal result, they lose their capital and carry with acquaintances, relatives or friends who had hoped to obtain similar gains those achieved by the person who convinced them to participate.
That's when the victims unable to recover its investment, blame the governments and institutions for the lack of regulation. However, these businesses do not have a backup of state agencies, most investors can not recoup their investment, and although those responsible are prosecuted, not relief because the money was never recovered.
The pyramidal company immediately falls, everyone wonders: and how you may not have cheated noticed evidence of engaño¡. Only a few Until recently it was thought that this type of fraud were suffered by people with little financial knowledge, but the Madoff case, has been responsible for stripping the myth.
Very simple: it is like a pyramid, at the top is the creator of the company. He is a person or group based on their supposed knowledge economy investment or inviting others to be part of their lucrative business. This promise incredible benefits is much higher than could be obtained by investing in financial products such as those offered by banks and savings associations.
Many of these pyramid schemes follow the "Ponzi scheme", which is named for Carlo Ponzi, the first to use these types of scams, promising very high returns in your company, becoming one of the biggest scams in the history of the United States during. The creator of the company receives input from the initial investors. The truth is that the first people involved in the business itself receiving high benefits promised, but here has starts the pyramid on the one hand, are given the task of capturing new people who invest in the product, which, on the other hand, do not find it difficult because of the dramatic interest earned. Those around these early investors want to participate because they may soon find that these people have gotten benefits that would not get in any traditional financial product. So you want to be part of this new company and, without thinking twice about investing your money.
Like every initial customer is capturing groups of people, money grows and which are contributing new investors will pay to the owner of the company and which are the first partners that cobran- and then the following, as the pyramid structure, which benefits continue to grow. The closer you are to the top of the pyramid, the more money they receive.The only problem is that they know that the dome is not investing the money, but the only business is to pay successive partners are investing the money latecomers. The product in which it invests, in fact, has no value.
Thus the pyramid grows, because each new member is capturing other groups of people. Moreover, as the principle works and receive their money, investors give increasing amounts and in principle continue their high profitability. Yes, it is necessary to continue to attract people because the more people who participate, the greater the business for which are located further up the pyramid.
One widely used trick is to have large offices with many workers or report that X or Y company has invested in the company, they will always have answers for investors and a personalized, to generate greater credibility.
In the first meetings that you attend, the idea that the activity is the ideal complement to the work and to do in free time, minimal effort and amazing compensation is emphasized.
We can say that what is presented as a 'great opportunity', it's just a great business that benefit a few, and the vast majority of participants hurts financially, suffer considerable psychological impact, social relationships suffer, and when he finally disillusioned, soul is affected and morally.
Indoctrination methods (seminars, events, meetings, conventions etc.), point directly to shape the psyche of the investor turn. As if they were a 'commercial sect', undergoing a psychological manipulation to its members in order to motivate, much like that used by religious sects.
Entrants tend to change your personality, lifestyle, friendships and even start using idioms own language group of the pyramid. Expressions like 'great benefit to any event, or' you have to shut out the negative 'are often used. When an outsider, intrigued by that business as marvel and warns that there must be something wrong for so many benefits, move away and get to the point away from their friends, because they only bring negative energy. These companies offer exceptional profits and dollars in the comfort of working at home and effortlessly, "without having to recruit anyone or sell anything," (do not ring a known).
Simple, is a business model which is based on the mass uptake of other promoters, and everyone should pay at least X amount of dollars for subscriptions, to work with them !. There are buy one of the different subscription plans.
Underlying reason of pencos company profits with a mixture of data and actual figures on the market and with simple Internet sales expectations based on statistics to confuse investors.
These pyramids can run for years and even decades and have been contributing profits to investors. To work, there must be more new customers and old at the time this does not happen, the system begins to collapse, the last in participating are the most affected because they have invested their money and not only receive the interest promised but also obtain the initial investment. These pyramidal firms can last decades running, but eventually fall because they are not backed up with a solid investment system, if it were that simple banks invest your money in them and loaning it would get more benefits to users.
When investors are demanding is when they realize that the company did not have the support to respond to their responsibilities to investors, it was all an illusion and they lost their money, they just stay associated and sue for fraud and damages damages.
They may complain to the state as these companies mostly are not domiciled in countries which catch their victims or just plain like Madoff, the money is gone and only the assets of some of the initial investors.
In conclusion, while there are people willing to take risks to multiply your money easily, they follow the "Pyramidal Scams", these are the product of human weaknesses: greed and the desire to get rich quickly.


G12I'd like to send you written materials about the threats and curses César Castellanos and his wife Senator Claudia Rodriguez Castellanos made against people disagree with his sectarian movement; but it did make a verbal manner, in very tight groups with their top 12, leaving no trace of their cunning machinations; Twelve since its never going to share with others these wiles against those who are not in agreement, but their votes are clowns, they actually do the dirty work; for them, the Twelve, are you responsible for calling people of lower rank in the "Ladder of Success"; that is, its 144, 1728, 20436 and thus divide the thoughts of people.
Getting started in the team 12 César and Claudia Castellanos. There came, for example, the case 10 years ago, the now Pastor Ricardo, founder of Revival Church in Colombia, which is the spiritual covering of Benny Hinn and ABN-a Christian television channel.
This pastor was, along with his wife, of the top 12 Cesar and Claudia Castellanos; but because they disagreed with handling that was given to the G12 Vision, the administrative and financial areas, were excluded from the team, passing them to the congregation as rebels, liars, thieves, etc., the same slanders used against all what is gone.
They made life impossible, because when knocked on doors on the pastoral level, to have other coverage, it was impossible; since they, César and Claudia Castellanos, have a tremendous power of conviction; Moreover, when the International Charismatic Mission G12 which they preside is the largest church in America; and that gives them a certain level and category ahead of all other submissive pastors of other congregations.
The case was that cursing in public in the middle of making Sunday meetings at the Coliseum; this is very normal for them. And worse, it is normal for the whole congregation; because everyone's mind is hypnotized, alienated and do not see.
Both curse them, close them doors, damage their ministerial work and image, they now are one of the largest churches in Bogotá; have an audience of 20,000 people, started slowly and now are shame to Cesar Castellanos and his wife, because they're still paying rent at the Colosseum; and rebellious, lying, self disciple could do an auditorium with tithes and offerings received. It is a ministry where there are miracles, healings and miracles from God.
7 years ago a pastor and his wife of 12 César Castellanos, called Luis Salas and his wife Janeth were elected by the National Christian Party and voting at the level of Bogotá, with over 42,000 votes.
The president of the National Christian Party, whose president is César Castellanos and his wife Claudia Rodriguez, they were used to represent them in the House of Representatives, the lower house of the Senate.
Everything was fine; They did a great job in terms of Affordable Housing, that is, for levels 1 and 2, the least favored of Bogotá. He got government subsidies, to not have to pay the down payment of the house. Through laws are made partakers to banks, to lend money without many requirements; finally shined a little more than Castellanos; and 18 months, they wanted to take the House of Representatives; or else, they threw the party and the Congregation.
Everything was to put the father of Claudia Castellanos, since he was a few years to gain access to a special bonus they have representatives in the House and get a special privilege, which entitled him to a pension for life, for his death, it would flow into the coffers of César and Claudia Castellanos.
They did a great mounting Luis Salas and his wife; but voters did not want them to leave the House of Representatives, as they had done a great job on behalf of the needy; even helped many people in the International Charismatic Mission G12, to have their own home.
This couple did not want to leave his position in the government; and went through the same thing as the others, being treated as rebels, liars, thieves, usurpers who were, according to Castellanos, full of lust for power; and they damaged their image. They left the International Charismatic Mission G12 and a large group of people who had helped them like a 8,000- went with them; he never believed the lies of César Castellanos and his wife, against Luis Salas and his wife Janeth.
It's so good the work they have done in the House of Representatives, every 3 years were again re-elected by popular vote; and are the shame and Cesar Claudia Castellanos politically because the people they have in each vote for other political offices, Senate, House, mayors, council members have not been reappointed.
The height of the will to power of César and Claudia Castellanos was that in order to be elected as a senator this year touched on political campaign to join a Political party calling itself the Radical Change Party, created by President Alvaro Uribe, to obtain reelection.
And, moreover, contrary to Christian principles, are in favor of abortion and gay marriage. Billion was spent on this political campaign; as they had entered the big leagues of politics.
In tithes and offerings they rented entire buildings and auditoriums across the country, there to bring entrepreneurs, heads of corporations and persons of high social status and show the luxuries of buildings, their economic capacity; for they always resort to such means to win people power, as happened with the layout of my testimony to build the temple.
They were great feasts, and lecturers wore motivators million charge to propose projects; in short, all the tricks of politics to gain supporters in power. A people under -employees economic, entrepreneurs, people really in need-had to dictate the conference on loans going to get them to improve their standard of living; all with Bible in hand, all these loans, according to them, would be through NGOs that are in the world, helping third world countries.
Assembled Call Center employing more than 600 people for 6 months of the year; paid very expensive communications equipment, computers, salaries, double shifts, assembling plants Calling for local and national calls, and unlimited cellular plans -expenses super soaring.
They used all the databases they had people through the "Consolidation", which is the first step of the "Ladder of Success". In such databases there were more than 1,000,000 people who had been through the International Charismatic Mission G12 in the last 15 years; called them day and night, pressing, making political promises.
Often called people who had died and did not even know; not called to pray for people to know their status and spiritual condition, but to secure the votes of the political campaign.
They hired musicians, sound, lights, stages, platforms for travel throughout Colombia, cities, towns, villages. Can you imagine the cost of transport, planes, buses, hotels, food, all the logistics to make this political campaign; without all paperwork, brochures, advertising on television, in all radio stations, paying journalists to interview them in programs, they call Triple A.
Do you think that in these political campaigns sang praises? Not; pure worldly music, accompanied by pork, local foods; in short, everything you can imagine in a political strategy to gain power.
They spent tallying more than $ 2.500.000.000.-; yes, Two thousand Five Hundred Million Pesos. (Note: 1 United States Dollar = $ 2,360 Pesos)
That money could have been used in the same church members who are unemployed, who have nothing to eat, they have not given them study their children, sick people who can not work, older people; create restoration programs for drug addicts, alcoholics, support small business. Finally, the help of which Jesus speaks in His Word.
This money is not spent on brochures for evangelistic campaigns or sowing to the Kingdom of Heaven, for example, World Missions level; not spent it all for political power and meet Claudia Castellanos tantrums being in politics; because for her it's like a hooby in which César Castellanos gives taste.
For the times she has represented the political party at the national and international levels, has fallen short; He has not done anything important; as if they did at the time Luis Salas and his wife Janeth. Now you understand why they took the game and the International Charismatic Mission G12 - Government of Twelve -; because he was stealing glory, which can only be for the G12.
It's sad that after all he promised people, including us for the excellent work done, will dispose all people. And the mood of people who felt used by a Christian pastor-politician Cesar and Claudia Castellanos and which, as the world's politicians promise not cumplen- was to flee the Mega Sect.
Then in 2003, so did their Pastor Jose Maria Villanueva and his wife Clara; they were representatives of the same party for the Senate. And Cesar and Claudia Castellanos, to fulfill their political promises, had to pull José María Villanueva del Senate, to mount another, according to the agreements they had made. In these positions you talk about salaries of more than $ 35.000.000.- month.
Then, every so often, every 6 months, they put a lot of family or pastors multiplication, to bring them closer to buying their consciences. For in those times they change cars, housing, their dress; walk around with bodyguards, everyone makes them leave; finally, use the policy to blind the minds of their pastors.
José María Villanueva was in the Senate one year; did an excellent job; went on TV and spent several major projects. But I had to leave and offered to make a major work in Spain with everything ready a Mega church, a fixed membership, a site with an excellent location, good worship team; in short, everything a pastor craves and he really deserved it. Well here in Colombia, where the 12 César Castellanos 2 times filled the Coliseum; that is, had a team of more than 25,000 faithful; was one of the pastors that best produced to the International Charismatic Mission G12; approximately about $ Three Billion Pesos annually.
But when he went to open the work in Spain, they Cesar and Claudia Castellanos, took advantage here in Colombia to begin to harm the image; as Pastor Jose Maria Villanueva had a company to help its 12; all bought a house, your car; at 144 helped to make the company, its 1,728 served them personally ministered and helped the markets and with drugs;helped them to pay utilities, late leases; finally, did the Lord's work.
And his 20,736 raised them, taught them strategies prayer, fasting, evenings, made them grow in faith; and he could, helped them financially. This of course, they stole the glory Cesar and Claudia Castellanos; and they hatched a plan to discredit and remove from the International Charismatic Mission - G12.
While they were in Spain they were promised their 12 excellent positions and salaries in the G12, the Senate and the House, if they had their way, how José María Villanueva diverted funds Meetings, schools and offerings of its meetings; as Pastor Jose Maria Villanueva was big business in its membership that helped and made offerings; but to help the people.
And that was the argument they used; they damaged the image, slandered, and like everyone who went, went out the back door, he closed doors internationally; for he was one of the pastors most desired in the world by the word given.
Nationally he had to hide for more than two years, to be restored; for all this spiritual and political-what mixed it to destroy it. This pastor had with his wife about 15,000 cells that disintegrated when they left; and these people are only now about 2,000. And they had to return to Colombia from Spain, no house, no car and without their belongings; because everything had been sold for planting in the work that was to open in Spain.
After two years he opened a church in the north of Bogota, and the people who believed in his time in the sleight of César and Claudia Castellanos have become; because over time, they realized the deception.
Then came the case of Pastor César Fajardo and his wife Claudia, sister of César Castellanos; because when César Castellanos, in his lust for power and make the world did not come to Colombia-and César Fajardo was called to the Senate and would not accept, because he said that his call were the souls there was the first conflict.
Then he was offered the presidency of the G12 International Charismatic Mission, and reluctantly accepted; for he saw the opportunity to change things; that is, make a church that truly fulfill the purpose of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But he could not, because I had to deal with all the relatives of César Castellanos and his wife Claudia, who were in key positions of the International Charismatic Mission - G12, for the information of embezzlement and large real estate investments in automotive , bars and 'Christian' bands who mounted their daughters in malls in Bogota and has around the world, came to light.
Pastor César Fajardo and his wife Claudia won great enemies, when he wanted to organize well the temple; because he wanted to open a separate account that could not be touched by anyone. He used his image on a global and national level to collect offerings, but was kicked out of the presidency, as played highlights of the mismanagement of César Castellanos.
Instead they put in office to his daughter and her husband Eliemerson Johana, Brazil; everything was a strategy to get along with family Eliemerson, which have oil wells in Brazil; they had close ties of friendship and business, when Claudia Castellanos was ambassador there.
A Eliemerson and Johana Castellanos handed him the presidency of the International Charismatic Mission G12 and the ministry which had left Jose Maria Villanueva-more than 15,000 cells and 25,000 faithful and that your heart is puffed up; and began to lord it over other pastors Twelve Team Cesar Castellanos, causing strife, trials; finally, the church split, because they gave everything they had done nothing, and César Fajardo was the most affected.
For the Youth Mission International G12, ie the youth ministry of the International Charismatic Mission G12 grew more than adults. There ministered Freddy Rodríguez praise and they grew and grew to the point that they became stronger than adult ministry; or over the International Charismatic Mission G12. This already did not like Cesar Castellanos, who began to see the enemies and used as Johana his daughter and son-Eliemerson to begin the war against César Fajardo.
Youth Mission International G12 filled the Coliseum three times a week; Cells were more than 25,000 and 40,000 young people; themselves filled the stage and campsite people stayed outside.
In these outreaches each month earned 8,000 people and this, of course, Cesar Castellanos began to feel that they wanted to steal the glory.
César Fajardo and Freddy Rodriguez, seeing that everything was reflected in the Mission offerings was mismanaged -for increasingly asking something for his ministry never had and they wanted to help people, but using the regular channels you never had and were were rejected by the administratively part were given the task of getting a farm on the outskirts of Bogota, preparing facilities for organizing meetings.
They caught do and made facilities for over 400 people per meeting, with offerings that employers gave them.
The same was true for recording the praises of Freddy Rodríguez and to promote worldwide CDS; as it ever in the International Charismatic Mission G12 had resources, and they had to dip into their own resources; and Cesar Castellanos was the one who stayed with the promotion and marketing; rather, the profits from the sales.
So, they decided to make their own recording studio, and succeeded; and this also did not like Cesar Castellanos; and began cheating, slander and I divided the team 12 César Fajardo and Freddy Rodriguez. They, seeing things where they were going because they were known for years, returned more than $ 2.500.000.000.- on location, given all the instruments, the farm and the recording studio, so that they were to be used in those arguments against him.
But César Castellanos got strong against them and accused them of not collecting offerings in cells and that this stopped the financial growth of the International Charismatic Mission - G12.
Sure, Cesar Castellanos was 25,000 cells accounts so it was collected in each home weekly and this, of course, was a huge amount of money; but did not take into account that among César Fajardo and his wife Claudia, and Freddy Rodriguez between meetings, School Leadership, the filled the Coliseum concert three times and they did, caused him to Cesar Castellanos annually over $ ; yes, six billion pesos; I'll emphasize, because in Colombia is an exorbitant amount for a membership so poor.
They had problems; César Castellanos confronted them with his wife Claudia; the humiliated, treated rudely, without realizing the vision of the 12 was César Fajardo and he transmitted it to César Castellanos and he stole the idea; worldwide as the Vision of the Twelve, he put the G12 He adjudicó- that vision was initially purely evangelical; but he became a fortress for their economic empire.
The pastor who's traveled internationally after César Castellanos was César Fajardo, and everyone asked for more to him than to Castellanos, given the humility and anointing of Fajardo, a very simple man when it comes to teaching the Word of God, without much theory and theology, but more focused on the needs of people.
There began the dirty war against international César Fajardo, because European and American people do not fit Castellanos fingers in the mouth and, of course, did not believe him; and many churches worldwide closed the doors to the G12 Vision, because of what they saw Cesar Castellanos; He was wrong in his strength waned, but with evil intact.
Now, César Fajardo and his wife Claudia have a ministry in Bogotá, which began three months ago; and most César Castellanos is embarrassing for the whole family, including brothers, sisters, brothers and even his own mother, left with César Fajardo. That's where you see how the G12 Vision destroys families; and he, amid weak jokes, in the few times I dared to preach in the Coliseum, said he abandoned all but one; ie Alberto Castellanos, his own brother.
I tell you, the few times he is at home, not going to the Colosseum; César Castellanos because no longer preaches in Bogota, Coliseum; now only have four meetings, one on Saturday and three on Sunday; after they were nine weekly meetings. People no longer eat tale, and gone to other churches in the best case; but at the worst, many have returned to the world.
The latter, at least, of what happened with his Twelve, was the pastor Diego León Montilla and his wife Claudia Lorelle. As I said in my first statement, they were my spiritual fathers; with them the persecution was worse, because their César Castellanos watched senior pastors, the more money you contributed to the church, were leaving because of the oppression.
Diego and Claudia Lorelle shepherds were the closest Cesar and Claudia Castellanos; they do know in depth all hidden areas that move as a family, ministerially and financially, be known until a sexuality cases mishandled by César Castellanos ministrations with beautiful women; but that I have nothing in particular; and serious liar of me to talk about it. I'm talking about what I saw. And I lived.
In December 2003, Diego and Claudia Lorelle Eliemerson shepherds watched, the daughter of Johana and lorded Castellanos of all pastors in the International Charismatic Mission G12, finance and the ministry of José María Villanueva who had them gave up and decided to talk to Cesar Castellanos about his intention to go to another country, under the cover of the International Charismatic Mission G12. He asked them what country they wanted; they will proposed Los Angeles, California - USA and he accepted. In February 2004 they returned to talk to him about your request and bothered, because according to him, had no who to trust, they all had failed and told them not to. They were grieved, for he had already given his word; and began the chase.
They confiscated all CDS lyrics Pastor Claudia Lorelle, claiming they had paid production; when in fact, the same thing happened with Freddy Rodriguez CDS; they just put the distribution, but did not invest in production; then, they chose to leave.
But did not have all the testimony and slander Cesar Castellanos collected at the expense of the needs of the people, to act against the shepherds Claudia and Diego to damage its image internationally and nationally. Among the pastors Diego and Claudia Lorelle twice filled the Coliseum had 25,000 dependents in 12,000 cells; between them, their cells, their schools, and leaders meetings and concerts, they contributed to the mission $ 2.500.000.000.- (Two thousand Five hundred million pesos) annually.
Remember the testimony where cells that had not existed, but were reported with a thousand dollars to make the world believe that it is the world's largest cell church, over his manager Pastor David Cho. They stopped passing on these liars and as the system took them out, which they should, according to the system and we 12 were huge sums; that argument and they clung to say that they were thieves. Pastor Diego he invented some alleged romances with disciples, fraud and defamation, as in other cases with the other pastors who left.
A theirs was practically Colombia flee due to persecution telephone; calls in which they talked about the care of their lives and those of their children, if they said they knew of the International Charismatic Mission G12; also made them follow and spying.
They were greeted by Pastor Derek Prince in California; for him, César Castellanos also wanted to hold his will, but that pastor would not, for he knew the machinations of César Castellanos, to win over the world.
What happened after the departure of the shepherds Diego and Claudia Lorelle, is in my first witness. God gave us a word together with my wife in Isaiah 30.18-23; that was the word that gave us to get out and search through Internet the help of our spiritual fathers Diego Leon and Claudia Lorelle.
Of all these pastors I mention only Diego and Claudia have no intention of returning to Colombia; knowing that the person who is responsible for the security of the International Charismatic Mission G12, along with several followers who call themselves escorts, is the brother of Claudia Castellanos-a renowned assassin and is believed was used to wipe the $ S 800.000.- who left the safe César Castellanos. This, of course, makes fear for their lives.
Here are testimonials from influential pastors in the Christian life of our nation; many do not speak of this, for their spiritual growth allows them to be silent, pray and expect God's judgment; well that if they said nothing was as I mention, how will if they open their mouths.
Forgive the writing, but it is giving me a comment on this holy anger, given the injustice of a man and a woman just looking to win the world for them and steal the glory that applies only to our Lord Jesus Christ.
There are things that my memory go unnoticed in this story full of injustice, but gradually I'll comment, since I've tried to forget this horror movie, and I have asked God to heal my heart and ease my soul.
The Meetings, School Leadership and ministrations of prosperity and I will comment. May God bless you and spill over your life richer and great blessings in the Power of the Holy Spirit; and Blood of Jesus Christ shed on the Cross of Calvary.
Just ask them to different pastors who are advocating for this cause, they do run these testimonies; the publish and bring to light the whole charade G12.