Mario E. Fumero
We will discuss this issue biblically. But we must first clarify what is called? It is the way in which a Christian feels called by God to serve the work, feeling a tremendous burden for the lost and needy. It is the delivery service lost what makes us a minister.
The word minister is to minister or administered, indicating doing something that has been entrusted to me This action involves administering God's grace, which is to proclaim the message of the kingdom, which is present in the person of Jesus Christ.
How should a pastor or minister?
The Bible defines the characteristics of Minister calling a servant of God. "Servant · is one that is purchased to serve a master, no right to anything (Luke 17: 7: 10), whose primary mission is to preach and teach the Word (Matthew 28: 19-20). We will carefully number the characteristics of a sievo in light of Scripture, in order to try and determine who are true shepherds, and who are the prey of wolves anointed.
1) The minister of God must be humble, approachable, and simple person who shall take delivery call from the Lord, and above all, to be meek and simple heart. Matthew 11:29.
2) Must be willing to give up everything, leaving father mother if necessary. Matthew 19:29
3) Must be detached, and not love the wealth Tito 1: 7. Do not be greedy, and put your heart on money Acts 8:20, 1 Timothy 6:10. Must serve God by material interest, nor get dishonest gain 1Timothy 3: 3. 1 Peter 5: 2. On this point there are many biblical quotations.
4) His testimony in the church to be faultless, with an irreproachable conduct, Philippians 2:15, have a good reputation with outsiders (1 Timothy 3: 7) that is, the people of the world, not to fall into disrepute because every minister or preacher of the Gospel has around him a great cloud of witnesses, Hebrews 12: 1.
5) There must walk among the flock, and should smell like sheep. This principle was clearly taught by Jesus Christ in John chapter 10.
6) There should look for seats in the churches, or sit in front, like a king, or in the seat of mockers Psalm 1: 1.
7) Do not allow them to call parent, teacher, apostle etc. or any other title that exalts an eminent position within the flock to exercise hegemony and dominance over others Matthew 23: 9-10.
8) has been placed by God not to be served, but to serve. You can not have the spirit of greatness (Mark 10: 42-44).
9) You must have your house in order to be a good husband, children submissive, for credibility (1Timoteo3: 4).
10) Must be good confidant, discreet and knowledgeable in what he says and what he does.
11) Your love for the flock can take it to work with their hands to not be a burden to the brothers in case of need (1 Thessalonians 2: 9).
12) While the laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Timothy 5:18), his devoted service should not be in the interests of, and should not consider his work as a company or be an employee (John 10: 11 to 12.11, 2 Corinthians 11: 8))
13) He is jealous to preserve the health of your flock, and suffer for them like a mother has for her children. (2 Corinthians 2: 4, Acts 20:31, 2 Corinthians 11:28)
can now set the parameters that identify false teachers, apostles and pastors who call themselves servants become masters, and the singular fact that wolves have sheep grazing occurs. Let the qualities of the false servants
1) Find the recognition, exaltation, title and position. The spirit of greatness has been destroyed simplicity and humility, which is the main characteristic of the servant of the Lord (Matthew 11;: 29).
2) As is common in them, preach a lot about money, embracing theology prosperity, and to tithe mint, dill and cumin of his sheep (Matthew 23:23) exploiting the faith and falling into greed.
3) Enter the pulpit by the back door, and not accessible to his flock. They have secretaries and bodyguards, to which called Esquire, to prevent people approach them. They act as a privileged caste (John 10:14).
4) Wears ostentatiously with expensive suits, and forget the poor, widows and needy, acting with arrogance (Jeremiah 5:28).
5) We like to be called by the titles given, apostle, doctor, prophet, etc., and feel isolated from other members of the church, looking for the top (Matthew 23: 6).
6) As a general rule, your messages are motivational, with psychology, wrapped many promises, exalting the ego, and giving false hopes and prophecies (Jeremiah 23:16), sweetening his lips with feigned words (2 Peter 2: 3).
7) Find social prominence. They like meddling in politics and business in this century. Promoted himself with pride (2 Timothy 2: 4).
8) Condition for ministerial service a substantial financial reward. Demanding labor rights, and act as entrepreneurs (1 Timothy 3: 8)
9) absorb all the power and control of the church. No delegate, and when it does, manipulates people.
10) does not accept mistakes. It feels untouchable. If someone's face, knocking him excommunicate rebellious and sometimes imposing their views with the concept that is the urgent need of the Lord, and no one can touch or point by manipulating the biblical text Salmo105: 15.
2) As is common in them, preach a lot about money, embracing theology prosperity, and to tithe mint, dill and cumin of his sheep (Matthew 23:23) exploiting the faith and falling into greed.
3) Enter the pulpit by the back door, and not accessible to his flock. They have secretaries and bodyguards, to which called Esquire, to prevent people approach them. They act as a privileged caste (John 10:14).
4) Wears ostentatiously with expensive suits, and forget the poor, widows and needy, acting with arrogance (Jeremiah 5:28).
5) We like to be called by the titles given, apostle, doctor, prophet, etc., and feel isolated from other members of the church, looking for the top (Matthew 23: 6).
6) As a general rule, your messages are motivational, with psychology, wrapped many promises, exalting the ego, and giving false hopes and prophecies (Jeremiah 23:16), sweetening his lips with feigned words (2 Peter 2: 3).
7) Find social prominence. They like meddling in politics and business in this century. Promoted himself with pride (2 Timothy 2: 4).
8) Condition for ministerial service a substantial financial reward. Demanding labor rights, and act as entrepreneurs (1 Timothy 3: 8)
9) absorb all the power and control of the church. No delegate, and when it does, manipulates people.
10) does not accept mistakes. It feels untouchable. If someone's face, knocking him excommunicate rebellious and sometimes imposing their views with the concept that is the urgent need of the Lord, and no one can touch or point by manipulating the biblical text Salmo105: 15.
These features are easy to discern and identify evil workers, and to observe them is evident when we see that they are not willing to give up everything to do what God commands him, therefore, we must leave the environment in which they and avoid, as indicates the Word (2 Corinthians 6:17, 2 Timothy 3: 5, Romans 16:17).
The concept taught by Jesus Christ around the shepherd and the sheep provides a clear principle of relationship because the pastor has to be in the middle of the herd, leading to green grass, and protecting them from hazards in their environment, especially wolves.
You can not be a pastor remote control or from an office, or using a business perspective. Neither should have such a large herd can not know, protect, care for and feed their sheep. We measure our grazing capacity, and understand that being a pastor is to be guardian of a herd because that's the similarity taught in John chapter 10 would be good and healthy pastoral concept study from a natural perspective, to understand its spiritual meaning.
Sadly the new generation of ministers who dominate our times act arrogantly, looking for titles and human positions, with a message of greed and prosperity, and living as magnates in the midst of great poverty and need. They proclaim a different gospel which demonstrate compliance with the Word about the spiritual condition of the church recently where apostasy reign, and Scripture warns us that men come lovers of self, and of pleasure, more that of God (2 Timothy 4: 3) a form of godliness, but denying the power their lives it (2 Timothy 3: 5). Unruly men (2 Peter 2:10, Tito1: 10) preach a Gospel according to his carnal desires. These cause described the gospel, so many refused faith and teased (2 Peter 3: 3, Jude 1:18, 24:12 atheist). They are blots on our agape (divine love Judas1: 12) go the way of the son of perdition, who was Judas Iscariot (John 17: 12 2 Thessalonians 2. 3).
What made Judas the son of perdition? Greed, lust for power, their love of money and frustration when Jesus came to the King, but as a lamb to the slaughter.
We know the characteristic of false and true servants of God, which is why St. Paul advises us beware of evil workers;those who are taking the gospel and the church as a business as a company. We must guard against sheepdogs; which are those that go behind the crumbs, and sold to the highest bidder. Above all, avoid the concision; engaged with its revelations and lies, divide the church to cause chaos and form their reinito. This is clearly stated in Philippians 3: 2 when the apostle writes: " Beware of dogs , beware of evil workers , beware of the concision . "
Let us be understood in what the perfect will of God.
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