(Considering that many evangelical churches, such as the G-12 have introduced lucrative pyramid techniques in their methods, I transcribe a study on the Ponzi scheme, note MF)
Every so often you hear by word of mouth, a wonderful deal that just come and have little money to invest much less time can recover the investment and more. People motivated by easy money end up investing your money in a business that felt safe and that offered high interest rates, with a fatal result, they lose their capital and carry with acquaintances, relatives or friends who had hoped to obtain similar gains those achieved by the person who convinced them to participate.
That's when the victims unable to recover its investment, blame the governments and institutions for the lack of regulation. However, these businesses do not have a backup of state agencies, most investors can not recoup their investment, and although those responsible are prosecuted, not relief because the money was never recovered.
The pyramidal company immediately falls, everyone wonders: and how you may not have cheated noticed evidence of engaño¡. Only a few Until recently it was thought that this type of fraud were suffered by people with little financial knowledge, but the Madoff case, has been responsible for stripping the myth.
Very simple: it is like a pyramid, at the top is the creator of the company. He is a person or group based on their supposed knowledge economy investment or inviting others to be part of their lucrative business. This promise incredible benefits is much higher than could be obtained by investing in financial products such as those offered by banks and savings associations.
Many of these pyramid schemes follow the "Ponzi scheme", which is named for Carlo Ponzi, the first to use these types of scams, promising very high returns in your company, becoming one of the biggest scams in the history of the United States during. The creator of the company receives input from the initial investors. The truth is that the first people involved in the business itself receiving high benefits promised, but here has starts the pyramid on the one hand, are given the task of capturing new people who invest in the product, which, on the other hand, do not find it difficult because of the dramatic interest earned. Those around these early investors want to participate because they may soon find that these people have gotten benefits that would not get in any traditional financial product. So you want to be part of this new company and, without thinking twice about investing your money.
Like every initial customer is capturing groups of people, money grows and which are contributing new investors will pay to the owner of the company and which are the first partners that cobran- and then the following, as the pyramid structure, which benefits continue to grow. The closer you are to the top of the pyramid, the more money they receive.The only problem is that they know that the dome is not investing the money, but the only business is to pay successive partners are investing the money latecomers. The product in which it invests, in fact, has no value.
Thus the pyramid grows, because each new member is capturing other groups of people. Moreover, as the principle works and receive their money, investors give increasing amounts and in principle continue their high profitability. Yes, it is necessary to continue to attract people because the more people who participate, the greater the business for which are located further up the pyramid.
One widely used trick is to have large offices with many workers or report that X or Y company has invested in the company, they will always have answers for investors and a personalized, to generate greater credibility.
In the first meetings that you attend, the idea that the activity is the ideal complement to the work and to do in free time, minimal effort and amazing compensation is emphasized.
We can say that what is presented as a 'great opportunity', it's just a great business that benefit a few, and the vast majority of participants hurts financially, suffer considerable psychological impact, social relationships suffer, and when he finally disillusioned, soul is affected and morally.
Indoctrination methods (seminars, events, meetings, conventions etc.), point directly to shape the psyche of the investor turn. As if they were a 'commercial sect', undergoing a psychological manipulation to its members in order to motivate, much like that used by religious sects.
Entrants tend to change your personality, lifestyle, friendships and even start using idioms own language group of the pyramid. Expressions like 'great benefit to any event, or' you have to shut out the negative 'are often used. When an outsider, intrigued by that business as marvel and warns that there must be something wrong for so many benefits, move away and get to the point away from their friends, because they only bring negative energy. These companies offer exceptional profits and dollars in the comfort of working at home and effortlessly, "without having to recruit anyone or sell anything," (do not ring a known).
Simple, is a business model which is based on the mass uptake of other promoters, and everyone should pay at least X amount of dollars for subscriptions, to work with them !. There are buy one of the different subscription plans.
Underlying reason of pencos company profits with a mixture of data and actual figures on the market and with simple Internet sales expectations based on statistics to confuse investors.
These pyramids can run for years and even decades and have been contributing profits to investors. To work, there must be more new customers and old at the time this does not happen, the system begins to collapse, the last in participating are the most affected because they have invested their money and not only receive the interest promised but also obtain the initial investment. These pyramidal firms can last decades running, but eventually fall because they are not backed up with a solid investment system, if it were that simple banks invest your money in them and loaning it would get more benefits to users.
When investors are demanding is when they realize that the company did not have the support to respond to their responsibilities to investors, it was all an illusion and they lost their money, they just stay associated and sue for fraud and damages damages.
They may complain to the state as these companies mostly are not domiciled in countries which catch their victims or just plain like Madoff, the money is gone and only the assets of some of the initial investors.
In conclusion, while there are people willing to take risks to multiply your money easily, they follow the "Pyramidal Scams", these are the product of human weaknesses: greed and the desire to get rich quickly.
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