domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Modern Prophets ¿?

by Pablo SantomauroWant to know your future? What would you guess the luck? Do not go to fortune tellers who chargemoney! Go to an evangelical church of the many existing today, where a"Prophet" can announce a prophecy from God directly and for free(Supposedly).Over time I developed a healthy intolerance of today autollaman"Prophets" in the church. Last week I watched a program on Soul Visioncalled "Pastoral Counseling", where two alleged prophets answered questions from the audiencerelated to his alleged ministry. A viewer called and said that a prophet in your churchhad announced she was pregnant with a child and that child was to be a womanGod. The prophecy was not fulfilled, she was not pregnant and this brought great pain to his heart.The prophets and the principal assumptions of the channel immediately "shed light" on suchunfortunate event. They replied that sometimes the prophecies are announced but arefulfilled in the future. This response should not have left women very happy because theprophet of the church spoke in present tense, "You're pregnant," he said. The director of thetelevision network said that sometimes the prophets are wrong and advised the poor womannot to be angry with the prophet, to forgive him, that "not throw stones." Very laudable theirwords, but only reflect biblically how misguided he is. The implication was thatleave the "prophet" keep practicing until things will turn out well. This is in line withthe position that although the revelation from God, because of human fallibilitytransmitter erroneously prophecy can emanate from the lips of modern prophet. The whyGod give a revelation to someone with no guarantee of a true communication is a mysteryhave not yet explained. Clear that at no time told the viewers that when aperson claims to speak for God and that is not met, means that this is a falseprophet (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). In the OT enough one false prophecy by a prophet tostoned (Deut. 13:5). The self-appointed prophets today are not fortunate to live in atheocracy similar to that of AT, because if it were his relatives would be profitable in today'sbusiness of the stone quarries.But the underlying issue here is, are there prophets of God today? Thousandsclaiming to be evangelical churches populate the present, from leaders tofollowers. These people claim to receive messages directly from God. In this articlewe are considering only the meaning of the term "prophet" which refers to the ability ofpredict the future or bring direct messages from God. No action will be referred to preach theWord of God, i.e., the Bible.What was a prophet of God?What is the Bible definition of a prophet God? In the Old Testament prophet wassomeone who spoke for God, a spokesman for God. Put another way, a prophet was someonethrough whom God spoke. His business card was: "So to the Lord." Whenprophecy was spoken and written words vocalized or written by the prophet were nottheir own, but of God: For prophecy never came by human will,but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter1:21)The definition of a prophet does not change when we come to the New Testament, is exactly theitself. The prophet's words were prefaced by "Thus saith the Holy Ghost" (Acts 13:2, 1 Tim.4:1). To justify the blunders of the modern prophets, it is said that there is a difference betweenOT and NT, but this is not true. Consider the example of Agabus in the NT:In those days came prophets from Jerusalem to Antioch. And one ofthem named Agabus, (C) implied by the Spirit that there would be a great famine throughoutthe inhabited earth, which happened under Claudius. (Acts 11:27-28) and remainingus there a few days, down from Judea a prophet named Agabus, who coming tous, he took Paul's belt and bound his feet and hands, said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost:So the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands ofGentiles. (Acts 21:10-11)It is clear from the passages seen the marks of the prophet of NT were: 1) God spoke(God spoke through them), 2) He predicted the future. These two distinct were the same forthe Old Testament prophets, there is no difference. Means that anyone who claims to be prophet in theThis, claims for itself a very high degree by which you will have to answer to God someday.Why did the prophets of today trying to create a distinction between the prophetic call of the OT and theNT? Because they want to avoid being examined by the biblical tests that reveal athe false prophets. The one concerns the issue is that of Deuteronomy 18:21-22, itstates that if anyone presumes to speak for God and what he prophesies not occur, isproof that God has not spoken. In other words, we are facing a false prophet. Theliteramente passage culminates in Hebrew saying, "do not have any respect (the false prophet)."It means that time is the worst enemy of the false prophet. Of course we arespeaking of prophecies that are advertised will happen during the life span of theprophet. The passage sets also by inference, that a prophet of God must be 100%right all the time, 99.99% accuracy and makes him a false prophet. It should be notedthat those who call themselves prophets constantly wander today. This is not surprising since theBible insists that the office of prophet only existed for the OT and NT for a certain period ofbenefit of the early church, which means that modern prophets not spokespersonsGod, but themselves.Prophet, a ministry of the pastWe have seen that there were prophets in the Old Testament as well as in the NT. The questions are:Did you continue in force according to the prophet beyond the first century? Is there need for prophetsin the church today? It is obvious that the prophets were needed most of the time whenNT books were being written. They received direct revelation fromGod to commission workers (Hch.13: 2), announce the future in some cases (Acts 11:27-28), andothers to encourage and teach congregations (Ephesians 4:11-12) because the NT churches nothad all the books that make up the Canon at their disposal. Second Peter 2:1 says thatthere were false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you. Peter writeshis second letter about A.D. 62-63 and it speaks of prophets of the past. Soas God had His prophets, the enemy had their false prophets. In the future, said Peter to theChristians must beware of false teachers. Just as God has his master, Satanwill have its false teachers. The inference is that the role of prophet ceased to exist in sometime early in the second half of the first centuryThen Peter tells Christians that they have to remember the words that have previouslybeen said by the holy prophets and the word given to the apostles (2 Peter 3:2). It says that inlater we should heed the prophets and apostles to come in the future. Thisunderpins the notion that the prophets, like the apostles, are ministries that God has notcontinued.Judas, writing between 68 and 70 A.D. writes:But ye, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before by the apostlesof our Lord Jesus Christ that they told you: The last time there will be mockers,walk after their own ungodly lusts. First step to take, says Judas, remember the wordsof the apostles of Jesus Christ for the many warnings given by them regarding thefalse teachers who come in the future. Note that says "make memory," it says "Beattentive to what others will say apostles in the future. "Those who say that the ministry of Apostle continues even have to explain the evidential weightthese verses, especially considering that his doctrine of "fivefold ministry"based on Ephesians 4:11, says that the role of prophet is in effect with theapostolate. In this we find that some are awarded both titles for himself and otherif not self-proclaimed prophets and apostles and, make no effort to stophis followers call them. If the apostles are in the past (and I say this with deeprespect) and they were the foundation of the church along with the prophets (Eph. 2:20), does not meanthat the prophets are also a thing of the past? If there are still prophets in the present, doesthat the foundation of the church is being filled? What building can be built on aunfinished foundation? What purpose are the prophets in today if the cementground is dry for two millennia? Is not the Scripture sufficient for every aspect ofdoctrine and practice (2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:3)? Was not the doctrine given once and for all andfor all the saints (Jude 3)?For all the foregoing that the last letters of the NT always point to the past,into the future. The logical conclusion is that if there are no apostles in the present, there is noprophets, both in the biblical sense, of course. All you have today are false prophets andfalse apostles, better known as "false teachers". Every prophet and apostle out of the prophets andBiblical apostles is labeled "false".Question for the prophets of todayIn the OT God chose these men to the prophet and sometimes resisted the call. Today thereschools of prophets full of students who want the job. The question I alwaysI make a modern prophet is, How do you know you have been chosen by God to beprophet? The answers are varied:1) "Because I have the gift of prophecy."By responding in this way I ask that I document their prophecies, their fulfillment andwitnesses. Never accept the challenge.2) "The Lord told me."The respondent and ask him how the Lord told him, audible, visible, by telephone,letter or internet. If I answer that the Lord appeared to him, I turn to 1 Corinthians 15:8 where theApostle Paul says that he was the "last" whom the Lord appeared. If the alleged prophetaccept this verse as authoritative, ask what could Paul have meant "last".To insist on his position, ask the person the requirements of point # 1.3) "Who are you to judge me?"To this question I answer: 1 Corinthians 14:29 gives command to the prophets speak, andme to judge. Just follow the biblical command. If the alleged prophet tries to reinterpret theverse, have them document their prophecies, their fulfillment and witnesses.Basically, modern prophets have no argument for his claim that thecircular reasoning: How do I know you are a prophet? Because I have the gift of prophecy.How do you know who has the gift of prophecy? Because I am a prophet.Is there the gift of prophecy today?With absolute peace of mind I can say that I do not care, because in reality theDon has no practical effect to live my Christian life in this era. Some say that ifWhile there are no prophets today may be people with the gift of prophecy. If so,Do not do this automatically prophets of these people? We return to the samedilemma: are there prophets of God today? Redonditos hundred eighty degrees.If we must be attentive to the voice of prophets in these days, what is the doctrine of SolaScriptura? If the gift of prophecy exists today, what did Paul mean when he announced (prophesyinghimself) that the prophecies would cease (1 Cor 13:10)? When do you end up? When you comeperfect, says Paul. What is perfect? Some say it is the eternal state, but if thiswere true, why say that the prophecies will end? It is understood that in eternityno need for prophecy. The word "perfect" (teleios) may well be understoodas mature or maturity. This has always been a normal way of interpreting the passage,practical purposes and limiting ourselves to think in our time capsule, space andmatter how mature or perfect refers to Scripture, what else can it be?The meaning of "teleios" as mature or relative maturity is directly related to theuse of the words of Paul in the following verse, "When I was a kid" and "When I becameman "(1 Cor 13:11). The notion that emerges from the text is that when the church reaches a levelrelative maturity through the complete revelation of God in the Scriptures, the propheciesend. No more need of prophecy, the prophets or the gift of prophecy.Granted, the v. 12 opens a dimension that introduces the time from theParousia of Christ onwards, ie the point where it reaches maturity absolute, but theText is progressive. Begins in childhood, continues to a constant maturitychange and improvement (v.11) and progresses to final maturity and absolute (12). This process isalso transmitted in the image of the gradual development of the body of Christ from beginning toFinally, in Ephesians 4:13-14.Some degree of maturity is reached once the canon of the NT was completed. In view of theabove, we conclude that there is no biblical basis to support that the prophecies are necessary inToday, as the text indicates that they were temporary. Logically it makes no sensePaul has announced the end of the prophecies if they continue until the end of the story.Why advertise something that is already known?ConclusionGod speaks today from the pages of the Bible. The power of His Word is brought to us bythrough His Holy Spirit who enlightens, instructs, guides, comforts and strengthens. Hebrews 1:1-3God says in the past people spoke through the prophets, but in these timesspeaks to us by his Son. It is Christ who delegated his authority to his apostles, who in turn,by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit recorded the written Word. That is why Scriptureperpetuates the authority of Christ, is called the Word of God and is our ultimate authority.When we make assumptions prophets, or failing that, the gift of prophecy on a par with theBible we are violating the principle of Sola Scriptura emanated from the Word of God.God does not direct or audibly speak again until we hear it in His Second Coming.God is now surrounded by thunder on the mountain, face to face with the man giving prophecy,and that His Word is full. Anyone who says today that God has given word regardingthe past, present or future, is a liar and a false prophet. The well-known apologist RobertBowman says that "to claim that the church today needs visions and revelations throughChrist's apostles and prophets, is to deny the sufficiency of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16) and put thechurch at the mercy of false apostles prophets, of which the Apostle Paul warned us inuncertain terms (2 Cor 11:13-15). [Robert Bowman, Are the 5 ministries? Article]What is the motivation behind those who today call themselves apostles and prophets? Theycovet the authority and prestige that comes with the titles. Will not, moreover, theirteachings will be examined and challenged. Money is also a factor in allscheme of modern prophets. One of the marks of the false teacher is the continueddemand for money and / or use of tricks to extract money from their followers (2 Peter 2:3). IfI doubt, check the syllabus of these "prophets". <>* This paper has been posted on this blog with the permission of Brother Paul SantomauroPosted by John D Calvo at 16:24 No comment:Email electrónicoEscribe a blogCompartir with TwitterCompartir with FacebookReactions:
Modern Apostles ¿?
Modern Apostles ¿? We reproduce here a short survey that we found interesting. Taken from CIR's website (Center for Religious Research).Have you ever met an apostle?I mean someone who claims to be like Peter, James, John, or Paul. Maybe, maybe not. One of my friends pulled him a self-proclaimed modern apostle during a conference. Some churches teach the continuation of the apostolic ministry in the present, while some Christians, in an attempt to avoid a confrontation on the issue, take a step side to say they are only "filling the apostolic office." The implication is that the function, somehow, is different from the position as possible if such a thing as filling the role of an ambassador without being an ambassador. Where is the authority that supports this?What should we think of this?The Bible says that the position of apostle is the preeminent ministry in the church (speaking of the historic church).

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, and various kinds of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:28 , cf. Ephesians 4:11).
The position of apostle of the New Testament is above prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to name a few. Therefore, a modern apostle proclaims to himself a lot of authority.But is this apostolic ministry force in the modern church? How do we know? The answer probably depends on whether the person believes the foundation of the church has already been made, or if the cement is still leaning.Paul says that the apostles played a key role in the establishment of the church:

Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with the chief cornerstone Jesus Christ himself (Ephesians 2:20).
Elsewhere, Paul says that he laid the foundation:

According to the grace of God that was given to me as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it but every man take heed how he builds (1 Cor. 3:10).
Apparently, the foundation has been laid and the cement has dried two millennia. But while these passages suggest that the apostle ministry is no longer required, some may say they are not definitive.What if some have claimed it signals that identify them as apostles? Paul claimed this for themselves before the church in Corinth:

However, signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, wonders and miracles "(2 Cor. 12:12).
But these signs are proof enough for someone who claims to be an apostle? Paul said there are false apostles:

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13)
How can we distinguish between true and false apostle based on the fact that both claim to have made the signs of an apostle? This in itself is not yet enough evidence to affirm or deny the validity of the ministry of an apostle.But there is more we can use detector, and this may be to reach a definitive conclusion. Paul said that all the apostles had seen the risen Lord:

Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles "(1 Corinthians 15:7)
All you have to do is ask our alleged modern apostles if they have seen the risen Lord. If they say no, do not pass the test and should apologize for his false claim. But what happens if they say yes? Paul seems to indicate that possibly had a special experience in which ascended to the third heaven and saw the Lord:

Certainly I should boast, but I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago (whether in the body I do not know, or out of body I do not know, God knows) was caught up to the third heaven (1 Corinthians 12:1-2)
What if our assumption apostle said to have had a similar experience? This is not a science project in which experiments can be carried out repeatedly. Do we accept your word or not?If he says he has seen the Lord, we know that is not an apostle, but a liar.
How do we know this?Because the Bible says so. Paul writes that there was an end to those who saw the risen Lord, and Paul was the apostle who last saw him.

And last of all, as to one untimely born, He appeared to me "(1 Corinthians 15:8)
What else besides "last" Paul meant when he said "last of all"? The clear testimony of Scripture is that after the apostle Paul no one saw the risen Lord. Any attempt to distort the Scriptures to say otherwise is a violation of the text. A true apostle must affirm the Scriptures. A denial at this point is for an alleged informer fatally apostle.The Bible says the apostle ministry and provides methods to identify it. Fortunately, it also marks the limits within which the apostles served the church. There were no more apostles after Paul.The modern apostles should be classified as false apostles.GROUP DISCUSSED INCLUDE: Community of Christ, New Apostolic Church, Light of the World, Mormonism (LDS)TITLE: Modern ApostlesAUTHOR (S): Patch BlakeyTaken from CIR's website (Center for Religious Research

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