sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

REFUTING "THE NEW MILLENNIUM Apostolic Reformation" Rony Chaves. 2 nd

We continue in this second part of the article discussing and refuting Rony Chaves, entitled: "The inevitable, necessary and essential apostolic reformation of the new millennium" (*)
(*) If you want to read this whole article Chaves, will find the addresses cyber Featured in the "notes" (1)
In this section, among other things, we will see how Chaves oppose those who oppose his "Apostolic Reformation".
Rony Chaves writes:
<< Who opposes the New Apostolic Reformation >>
<< Of course, the first opponent to all Apostolic Reformation is the devil. His kingdom would collapse if it happened today. But they are indeed Babylonian structures that make every effort to stop it. The spirits there will prevailing war to prevent it. Yet, sadly I must say, evangelical religious structures and outdated (not functional) will do what they can to stop this reform God. This Apostolic Reformation is God's answer to the cry of intercessors and prophets. This has unsettled many pastoral and denominational structures >>.
We discuss:
As the devil is against everything God says in His Word, and such "Apostolic Reformation" She is not, and therefore contrary to that postulated Chaves, the devil is in favor of all deceit, as is that . Moreover, he is the one who is working behind the scenes to raise the pyramid structure that is already filling a broad church today, in order to lift at the time the false church of the False Prophet (Revelation 13: 11 ff.)
Accordingly Satan's kingdom will not fall to rise this "wave apostolic", but rather the opposite.
We can read between the lines, that some of these "Babylonian structures" referred to by Chaves, are all pure evangelical sectors, both churches, as individuals, we do not believe in that "apostolic reformation".
Opposition to the "Apostolic Reformation" type Chaves, not from some evangelical sectors at first, but comes from the same Word of God, and therefore, believers got up refuting the doctrine that, we do.
But Chaves, ignoring the scriptural argument that disproves its manifestations, dares to give reasons on our assumptions spurious grounds, and all this saying as follows:
(We raised immediately afterwards accompanying commentary)<< WHY NOT CHANGE? >>
Pastors, pastoral alliances and denominations rather not change and are opposed because:
<< 1 - They believe that their methods are correct >>
There are methods, but to faithfully follow the Word of God and his doctrine, which states itself as false the "Apostolic Reformation".
<< 2 - Have a high level of disbelief to those changes >>
It's not "disbelief", but denial of falsehood. Moreover, the Word says that Jesus Christ is the same, no change (Heb. 13: 8). Chaves proposed change is a change of the Word, therefore, we do not.
<< 3 - suffered negative experiences in the past >>
Any negative experience suffered in the past (and these are not lacking) is not reason not to walk in the truth now, but what happens is that the "apostolic reformation" of Chaves not true, so we do not want .
Sobran a psychological arguments here to "go home."
<< 4 - Lack of disclosure in this area >>
The lack of "revelation" about the "Apostolic Reformation", not a sign of not having the real revelation is the Bible, which is the one that counts, while the other is not.
<< 5 - They are very religious and legalistic >>
This is an easy argument and always on hand, for those who want to impose their doctrines and ways of thinking to others.
<< 6 - They are passive and afraid (see God work but do not want to run anymore or pay a high price) >>
This statement grate the insult Chaves Is putting in the same bag to all Christians who do not agree with their doctrine? Are we saying that we are simply because we disagree with what the word of God teaches that it is not?
This is simply a false judgment. Chaves should have more respect for the body of Christ that serves its pseudo theological claims.
<< 7 - They're not willing to risk more, are very comfortable and are >>
We make the same comment above here.
<< 8 - are proud to acknowledge that they do not know and need help. They need to humiliate >>
Perhaps it is precisely Rony Chaves who humble themselves before God and all Christians who have insulted and disrespected, and apologize. I had never seen before so boldly, and contempt for the brothers and their beliefs, which in this case according to the Word.
Keep writing Chaves:
METHODS clog << >>
<< The word method is sometimes negative implications. What came through the anointing of God, we tend to pigeonhole into a mold or method. Satan uses our method to enclose the vision of God and stop ministries and advancing the work of the Lord. Methods often lead to separate religion and the daily search for the Holy Spirit's guidance. The prophets and apostles intercessors are getting the vision of the Lord and His Word to break past methods and obsolete (no longer used) that will not work in the future. Prophets and Apostles gestate a new generation with new prophetic designs theirs to win for Christ. The submission to one another and recognition of the various ministries in the Church (apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists) and its particular anointing we ensure compliance with the divine vision. First apostles, second prophets what, third teachers and their order then pastors and evangelists. This pleases God, is His government order >>
We split. First, Chaves talks about the supposed dangers that enclose practice methods.
Every minister feared God knows that a particular method can never meet or be above the teachings of the Word of God, not herself. The problem is not the method, but the heart of the minister and the believers in general. By this I mean that a method or way of doing things will never any problem, if the believer's heart is strong in the Lord, because the methods, when necessary, are only temporary ways to implement what we know and understand by the Word.
Demos an example: A congregation will use a specific method to evangelize that can give you a good result, for example, preaching in parks and squares, or evangelistic leaflets, etc. However, for another congregation, which lies several miles of the former, which is on another continent, perhaps the evangelistic method that works better than the coffee invite the people you want to share the Good News, etc.. The method alone and simply must serve the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this case. Therefore, making the method a problem per se, is a platitude.
Chaves says: << What came through the anointing of God, we tend to pigeonhole into a mold or method >> What came of God is His Word, and never think a true minister of the Gospel "in a pigeonhole mold "because the Word is alive and not enclosed; always runs and is glorified in the hands of a true servant of God. But we understand why Chaves says what it says. Pay attention, Chaves says:
<< The prophets and apostles intercessors are getting the vision of the Lord and His Word to break past methods and obsolete (no longer used) that will not work in the future >>
For Chavez, the written word has been poor and, because it is encased in molds. Now it is necessary that those "anointed" men, contribute what "are receiving the Lord", ie: More Word.
It is clear from their arguments, and which the Lord has given us, is insufficient. We have molded, and no longer works, but now comes the part of these men a new "vision of the Lord" together with more "Word" (Chaves forget that the canon is now closed), so that "Prophets and apostles Gesten a new generation with new prophetic designs theirs to win for Christ "...
Note that this new generation that gestate are men, and they do it with "new prophetic designs" (are not these methods also?), In order to "win theirs for Christ" ... (Who are "the theirs "to be won for Christ?) This is a very ambiguous language always uses Chaves, and it seems to contain more than it seems to say.
Chaves continues teaching about "submission to one another and recognition of the various ministries in the Church (apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists)" Again here we highlight the different understanding that exists as to those who are apostles. Consider:
The Bible speaks of Christ's twelve, whose ministry ended, since only they were eyewitnesses of the life of Christ, we have the Word, and the canon is closed. It also tells of missionaries sent or, as Barnabas, Silas, Junia, etc. who went to carry the Word to the places where Christ had not yet been preached, and they did, and what they have done and thousands more throughout the history of the Church today.
And Chaves, along with many others, speaks of a kind of apostle not found in the Scriptures, which have hierarchy and ranks first in the "ranking" ministerial, structuring and shaping the new revelation that the assumptions are prophets, to be received and believed by teachers and pastors, and be taught by them to all the saints, and thus, their unctions << individuals we ensure compliance with the divine vision >> To do this, using the verse of 1 Co. 12: 28, and taking it out of context completely, saying emphasizes: << First apostles, second prophets, third teachers and their order then pastors and evangelists. This pleases God, is His order of government >> But as the contextual Chaves, is false. The government of God is not male, nor is establishing a hierarchy of men, but that comes from the Holy Spirit, and He is working directly. Otherwise, we will have a papacy "evangelical", no doubt.
And to be ending, but not least, I would like to comment on the last paragraph of this letter of Chaves, which is as follows:An apostolic church << >>
<< The Holy Spirit is Apostolic. This implies that the design adheres to the Father, His Plan and Time (Kairos). The church began as an Apostolic Church (Early Church) and ending ages with an Apostolic Church (Body of Christ). He began with an apostolic structure, vision and Apostolic Anointing, He will take to it again before the return of Christ. The Commission of the Lord to his people was Apostolic to attend an "apostolic call" from the Father (save souls and release and disciple the nations). The Church will enter the Wave of Evangelization largest in its history, and restored the apostolic model. The Church will be erected to serve as a huge "Company Apostolic" (emphasis added)
Continuing his habit of naming everything and everyone as "apostolic", including the blessed Holy Spirit, says bluntly that as << The Church began as an Apostolic Church (Early Church), also << end ages with a Apostolic Church - and still says - << He began with an apostolic structure, vision and Apostolic Anointing, He will take to it again before the return of Christ >>
Chaves does not teach the truth. The apostles and departed with the Lord, and the apostolic ministry was unique. Now, when the true Church will be raptured at any time to meet the Lord in the clouds (1 Thess. 4: 13-17), Chaves intended to be lifted and trade ministry already perfectly fulfilled its mission.
Christ himself announces that His coming will be like when Noah and his family entered the ark. Days for nothing "apostolic", but of enormous apostasy and wickedness (Gen. 6: 5-8; Mt. 24: 37-39). They will be like when Lot and his family out of Sodom, Sodom and Gomorrah because all sin reigned, including "Pride, leftover bread and abundance of leisure" (Ezekiel 16: 49) Is not all this describes the days in which we live?
If Christ has assured us that the days of His coming would be as described, why Chaves and hundreds more are opposed to the words of the Divine Master, saying the opposite? Who has the truth, Christ or Chaves?
Moreover, this "apostolic structure" with which says that the Holy Spirit began the Church, governed only in his imagination. There was no such "structure", but the direct work of each of the apostles (sent), as the Lord commissioned by His Spirit.
There was nothing of that tried men's theocratic government in the early church, but there was the same as now, the Holy Spirit.
Chaves mixes truth with lies. It says: << The Commission of the Lord to His people was to meet Apostolic an "apostolic call" from the Father (save souls and release and disciple the nations) >> (emphasis added)
That apostolic call (sending Jesus), can only be interpreted as clearly specified the Lord, and we read in Matthew 28: 19, 20 and Mark 16: 15. But the Commission does not include the "save souls", but to preach the gospel, making disciples of all nations, not "disciple the nations" as he says (and teach Cesar Castellanos and many others), nor "free nations" Where in the Word that the Church is "free nations"?
Saving souls not men but God, and Christians do not release or disciple the nations, that's Dominionist heresy, which will pass a bill in good time to all who believe and follow.
Chaves awarded to the Church a role that does not belong and that was given by Christ. All that says is close to a Roman Catholic dogma, and we can see in all this the hand of dominionist doctrine staunchest Jesuitism.
Chaves intended that the Church needs a "restoration under apostolic model", to carry out a work to which Christ has called you to do. This is due to ulterior motives, which we briefly highlight here and there to double throughout this article.
One thing I think I agree with Chaves, and is in that this "New Apostolic Reformation" is unstoppable, but this is a sign of the end times. It is part of a stunning move apostasy and foretold in Scripture, and that announces the end of this dispensation, and the Rapture of the Beloved of Christ.
With everything and thus, we will not stop raising our voices and our pens up to denounce the falsehood that many teach and lend many, always with truth, sheltered by love, because, in mercy and truth, corrects sin, and the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. (Prov. 16: 6)
God bless you.
Rosell Miguel Carrillo, Pastor King Center, Madrid, SpainNovember 2006www.centrorey.org
1.http :/ / www.geoscopio.net/escaparate/verproducto.cgi?idproducto=27027/ http://www.adoracioncontinental.com/

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