miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar Matthew 22:21

This expression is one of many of the Lord Jesus, that surprised those who heard them, even those who wanted to entangle under leading questions and malicious. was the turn of the Herodians, a political party addict Jewish Herod. They unlike the Pharisees, defended the matter of taxation, however, both groups come together for the sole purpose of surprising and toiled to achieve accuse Lord. certainly surprising as history reveals that when religion seeks purposes defined, spares nothing to achieve your selfish interests, we can actually see right now in the current religion. This episode tells the Herodians behind a mask of hypocrisy, tempted the Lord to take him to declare his position on the taxation and accuse, or a traitor to the law of man or in his absence, to the law of God. However, the Lord Jesus Christ, which God sovereign who knew the intentions of the hearts of the Herodians, responds to an acute and categorically, completely disabling the trigger that brought evil, finally being perplexed as masterful and overwhelming response. I response transcendental Lord Jesus whose content titles this study is aimed at establishing the schism and the necessary separation between essentially two issues are diametrically opposed, I mean, God and the state. There can be neither binding nor partnership between both paths and interests. One leads to destruction and the other to salvation, one is temporary and the other is eternal, one comes from the human frame and the other from heaven. No state promotes the interests purely divine and mix pears with apples is more nefarious that can be established as early syncretism and that sadly is what history reveals an indelible mark on the history of the church.

Our Lord Jesus Christ never flirted with authorities to achieve their objectives, situation is so common in today's evangelical clergy. Historically, men of God were never desired by the rulers because they were regarded as schismatics and negative, just so long to remember Elijah and his memorable speech or the anonymous Micaiah who announced the defeat of Ahab (1 Kings 18 and 22) both servants of God and hated by the state. Similarly, the Lord Jesus Christ had to endure one of the powers more crouched and hypocritical that the state presents: The religious power. If we recall and review the ministry of the Lord Jesus, we discover that it was not the ordinary Jew who persecuted and hindered the work of the Lord, not the farmer, the farmer or the tanner who rose against Jesus were the religious misrepresented the message of the Savior, who slandered and inciting the people to go against his ministry. At one time some Pharisees came to Jesus to warn him to flee because Herod wanted to kill him. Herod Antipas was "known for his cunning treacherous and despicable vileness" (Com. M. Henry), which stood as a threat to the Prophet Christ, who as such, he sends a letter and extremely sharp categorical:

"He told them - Go and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out demons and performed cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish my work." Luke 13: 32
The Pharisees, used to flirt with the authorities and to build political situations, tell Jesus to flee because Herod wanted to kill him, however, the Lord's answer was a real slap a solemn religious and political insult to turn. I would find it very strange to hear a sermon in words so strong and categorical as those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and especially in this time of so much sweetness and half measures of preachers. Christ never sought the blessing of the authorities. Also confirmed that the same religious status, knowledge and high descent of rulers and clergy, could never believe in the teachings of Jesus.

"Does he believed in any of the rulers or of the Pharisees? But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed "John 7:48
For them, those who followed and believed in Jesus were common people, without knowledge and considered cursed. They did not consider the words of Jesus and not even analyzed by the same Nicodemus reproached them. less appetizing That message! was overheard by the hypocritical Pharisees. There is no Jesus condescending or diplomat, but he whose incisive and lacerating tongue spoke the truth and nothing but the truth. He did not care ingratiate "Caesar" because its sole purpose was subject only to the will of his Father. Which today different from what it sounds like neo evangelical messages. Today you must speak up for anyone to get offended and the message must be coated with a mixture of sweetness and palatable diplomatic pretext evangelistic strategy. When Jesus was arrested, the big moment arrived (humanly speaking) that was brought before the Rome procurator Pontius Pilate called Judea. interview in that peculiar, indisputably reveals the Lord's political innocence against accusations that made ​​him religious. It is at this point that the Lord gives us a tremendous teaching that time forgot and that is not currently accepted.

"Then Pilate said to him - I do not speak? Do not you know that I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you? Jesus answered: - You would have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above "John 19:10-11

As we can see, in front of so seductive offer that Pilate did, the Lord Jesus did not falter at any moment "Caesar" to promote consensus or agreement to end that conflict. By contrast, the response had a challenging content that projected like a sharp sword straight into the heart of the prosecutor:
"You would have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above" John 19:10-11
The Lord Jesus left us an extraordinary principle in its rhetoric misunderstood before Pontius Pilate
"Jesus replied: - My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. Now, is my kingdom not from here "John 18:36
It could not be otherwise. Jesus was God made man and his mission was to die voluntarily and what was happening at that time, was nothing but the development of an eternal plan of salvation that was reaching its maximum scene. Nothing happened circumstantially or by random art, everything was planned from before the omniscient God:
"For truly both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel came together in this city against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, to conduct whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined beforehand who was to be done "Acts 4:27-28
Unfortunately, today's church has reformed his Master's speeches and has taken magical scissors to cut these conflicting passages also have developed an amazing ability with sandpaper to reduce those sharp edges protruding and the man does not want to hear or speak. It seems strange now to hear some preacher who is faithful to the message of Christ and as Paul said the tremendous post:
"Do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, not be the servant of Christ "Galatians 1:10

Nobody could deny a historical fact which confirms that the best and most glorious moments of the church of Jesus Christ, were the times of persecution and hiding.
since the Lord Jesus Christ established the Church with the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost , the brothers began a hard struggle of persecution by the religious power and later for political power. The strong conviction of the faithful wife of the Lamb, and never ever waned traded their loyalty to Christ to ingratiate himself with the powerful of this world. consequences of so faithful attitude and love for his Lord, cost him suffering, persecution and death. Stephen is stoned for the "crime" of preaching Christ, so does James after, the apostles are beaten in prison and put into instruments of torture by the "unacceptable crimes" to proclaim the whole counsel of God. Whole time the church remained meet illegally, from the catacombs and sewers of Rome, fidelity to Christ and his word were holding column this spiritual people, whose only sustenance was prayer and blessed hope of the return of his dear Lord. How different is the scene today. Now the church has sold its image to the state and the world, under the guise of evangelism. Today we have forgotten that the church of Christ has always been illegal and that all changed for the worse, the day he sought the approval of "cease" and its recognition as an institution.

The glorious moment of the church, came to an end when she wanted "legalized". Under this premise, the persecution would end and with the support of the state could make an unprecedented evangelical expansion.
Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, under the pretext of having become Christ, declared Christianity the official religion of the empire.
The "high officials" and directors of the church, agreed to such noble offer that the state was doing, he married "Cesar" and forgets his marriage with the Lamb. It is the sad period of the Church in Pergamum that does not bear that name that just means marriage.
"I know thy works, and where you dwell, where the throne of Satan" Revelation 2:13
The extraordinary example and noble path that the Church of Smyrna had left in times of constant persecution and tribulation, was overshadowed by Pergamum who gets "legal personality" and leads a frank spiritual decline. However, our blessed Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, always reserved a faithful remnant that stayed away from the state. In other words, began the days when the church was dwelt where Satan's throne. was considered that the period of the Pergamos church is located at the beginning of the fourth century. Constantine the Great was at this time the "Caesar" of Rome, who with his claims "Caesaro-papist" (Church - State) got an intense persecution of Christians, the establishment of a supreme favor, and this to the point where it looked the Emperor of Rome presiding councils of the church.

"But this you have, that you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate "Revelation 2:6 / 15
In reading these passages from Revelation, the question arises: What is the work of the Nicolaitans which God hates both? There are some treaties that attempt to suggest that the Nicolaitans were a sect that was invading Christian churches with customs antinomian and professed debauchery. However, many historical treatises and responsible that have addressed this issue, dismissed that assertion. To understand the works of the Nicolaitans, it is first necessary to define the origin of the word. Nicolaíta comes from Greek meaning NICO domain or conquest over other and LAOS meaning people, ordinary people, secular or secular. Hence, we can analyze the composition Nicolaos amounts to something like DOMAIN ON THE TOWN. Secondly, it is important to consider the message to the seven churches of Asia minor detail in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. historically has interpreted the message to the seven churches, denotes the spiritual church that has lived through history, from the apostles to the coming of the Lord. Mention of the Nicolaitans, God makes two churches, Ephesus and Pergamum. In the case of Ephesus, is recognition of the rejection of the work of the Nicolaitans, but is a harsh rebuke Pergamum to accept the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. This allows us to infer that in that church, had established that current of thought.

What is the work or teaching of the Nicolaitans?
The letter to Ephesus represents the beginning of the church since the day of Pentecost, while the letter to Pergamum shows us the spiritual decline of the church. Ephesus means "Wish", but Pergamos means "Marriage"
The church desired Christ had decayed to the point of forgetting his commitment to his Lord and definitely "marry" with another. The question that inevitably arises is how he married the church in Pergamum? To answer this question, we must consider what the Lord says to this church:

"I know thy works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne" (Rev. 2:13)
The Bible is very clear that precisarnos not Satan's throne is in heaven or hell, but in the world. The Lord Jesus Christ said with full clarity:
"Do not talk much with you: for the prince of this world, and hath nothing in me" John 14:30
Considering this, we can know whom he married the church in Pergamum. She does not believe should be removed from the world and leave it. She dwells and dwells in the world where the throne of the devil himself.
Pergamon typifies the commitment assumed with the state church and the world. The convictions were shattered to please the world over the Lord's commands.
lot located this church period around the year 320 AD in the city government of Constantine, who first institutionalized the concept of Cesaro - papistry , I mean the presence of a political and religious leader, who is known today as Pope. 's work and teaching of the Nicolaitans, consisted of the church hierarchy, destroying the horizontal framing, to raise one pyramid. That is the doctrine that both work and abhors the Lord. Goldwyn clergy (Nico) and laity (Laos). A clerical caste with special privileges, strong bond with Caesar and a clear dominance over the rest of the people (laity) The Nicolaitans began to divide God's people into two groups. Clergy persons who were "remote", learned, and spiritual privileges, and the laity that matched the rest of the people. since that time begins that pyramid structure within the church, not yet taking hold in the holy scriptures. The simplicity of the church, was gradually replaced by an organized institution with hierarchies and molds taken from secular and pagan Romanism. In other words, it was the birth of the church of Rome.

The hierarchy and the Bible
Since the organization of man always has sought a pyramidal structure. Recall the experience of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) or the same request of the people in the time of Samuel, when he reveals a contempt for theocracy and a longing for the monarchy as the worldly mold.
Hierarchy is a bad entrenched in the human heart. A mold according to the sinful nature. This was revealed by the foolish request of the mother of the sons of Zebedee (Matthew 20:20-28) to which our Lord Jesus Christ responds:
"Then Jesus called, he said: You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. But among you it will not, but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your servant "Matthew 20:25-27
As stated by our Lord Jesus Christ in the passage quoted, hierarchy and produces a lording it does not want its people. Hierarchies are characteristic of fallen man and not of God's will.
A God ever have pleased hierarchies, hence his feeling against the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is considered abhorrent. The revelation of Scripture shows us that God is longing to be in the middle and not on the people. Certainly sin ruined everything, when Adam and Eve disobeyed, they created a large gap that later came to remove our beloved Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. When we observe the priestly caste in the old covenant, it would seem that God had instituted an ecclesiastical hierarchy. The high priest was superior to the priest. One can enter the sanctuary, but the other one to the altar of incense. However, we consider that the priesthood was never the image of things after the full pleasure of God, but shadows, emblems and symbols of what was to come. Christ finished with it, tearing the veil of the temple and opening the most holy place to give direct access to God, any sinner who passes through the sacrifice of the cross of Golgotha. In the New Testament, the instruction of the ministries and gifts of the Holy Spirit expressed in the letters of Paul to the Romans, Corinthians or Ephesians, and the saying of the Apostle Peter in his first epistle, in any way teach in the church hierarchy, by contrast, emphasizes the equal importance in each of the members of the assembly. That is, it is made ​​clear that the bishop and the serving tables, are equally important, and we are part of a hierarchical ladder as we see today. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught it so accurately, see:

"... Love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the marketplaces and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But you do not you be called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren. And do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. He who is greatest among you shall be your servant "Matthew 23:6-11
The text is talkative enough. God does not want the hierarchies among siblings. The Pharisees were a breed that arrogated to itself the privilege of serving God and to feel better or more important than others. Christ condemned openly hypocritical that position and not so far from what happens today in the evangelical church. It seems as categorical as the passages quoted, are extinct from pulpits as well as charm.
Today, the term "minister" is like a hierarchical level, and address the congregation acts such as being something of angelic beings. This is the legacy of nicolaítismo. The clergy over the laity.
The apostle Peter, as manipulated by the Roman church, never acted as "ministers" of today, less like the Pope of the Vatican. Remember that reception given as corrected in the house of Cornelius:
"When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter took him up, saying, Arise, I myself also am a man "Acts 10:25-26
The attitude of Cornelius, is proper to every human being who has no knowledge of God. It is the classic religious attitude that aims to make "gods" of men. Since ancient times, man has been raised to the altars to individuals who have demonstrated traits of piety and spirituality, and I am not referring only to the Church of Rome, but to ancient pagan cultures and religions such as Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, etc. etc. The sad and unbelievable, is to see that the evangelical church edges samples also very similar to this custom human and God hates.
The hierarchy within the evangelical church
Many of the "ministers" of the church does not comply with nicolaítismo Heritage membership to divide between clergy and laity, the ministries have been subdivided into hierarchical ranks.
For example, now the bishop is above the pastor. This is not only an insult to biblical teaching, but an attack on the intellect. In the Bible, the terms elder, pastor or bishop indicate quite the same trade, and never express a hierarchical rank. It is an unbiblical assumption among ministries teach that there is a hierarchical ladder. This reveals the vain search for some people who want to be on the other. It is very common to find known pastors and bishops now proclaim, as if that will lift range.
Consider that Peter teaches about:
"The elders which are among you ... Feed the flock of God which is among you "1 Peter 5:1-2
Peter's words are exceedingly clear. The elders or bishops (exactly the same) are not on the flock as the nicolaítismo claims, but "between" them. The pastor's role is not to establish a dictatorship hegemonic and infallible, but serve between siblings. If still not enough this argument, let's read to Peter
"Neither as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock" 1 Peter 5:3
The word dominion had been warned by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 20:25-27, and is characteristic of the world and which should exist between the brothers.
remember the instruction given by God to Moses regarding the construction of altar:
"Do not go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness may not be revealed with him" Exodus 20:26
The word denotes a stepped structure hierarchy and upward, which puts people or other things in order of importance. The text of Exodus, God reveals that forbids man climbing stairs at his altar and rise above the others, because the only thing left is bare their nakedness.
precisely Is that what happens when an individual puts on his similar, and baseness deficiencies are uncovered. When the lens is fixed in men, we can only observe imperfections, but if you look at the person of Christ, we discover just flawless perfection. The aims nicolaítismo eclipse should only be about us: our Lord Jesus Christ.
steps are the classic structure of evangelical churches today. Very similar to the chapels and cathedrals Romanists imposing altars and ostentatious display stalls (Louis XV) for the clergy above the height of the laity. Why is this? The answer is simple: it is the legacy of nicolaítismo within the church.
The clergy and their special badges
Not satisfied with the organization divided between clergy and laity, followers Nicolaitan thought, also joined their forms, the use of clothing that distinguished them from the secular.
use is instituted cassocks, clerical collar and chest to more pure example of the church of Rome. They say that those vestments distinguish them as "servants of Christ", but basically is just a comfortable preservation of religious and sometimes a vain satisfaction of feeling different from others. Pharisees already had this habit of distinguished others using extravagant costumes, and justified this dress, literally interpreting passages of the Torah. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke emphatically about:

"But they do all their deeds to be seen by men. They broaden their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues .. "Matthew 23:5 - 6
I remember opening an evangelical church whose seats were divided among the clergy and the laity. Bishops and pastors in the front seats, deacons and "the rest" in the gallery .... is not that just what the Lord objected in the text above? A Spanish-known brother, once said: "There is no more great title for someone, that the brother " Today, however, only the title of "brother" does not satisfy, and the names must be preceded by prefixes such as reverend, bishop, doctor or other term that sets you apart from the laity. I curious thing is that the same memberships or "lay", it seems that will love this form of organization, for themselves out words such as "my bishop", "my shepherd", "minister", etc.. , etc., and their behaviors are far from what is happening in the Catholic world.

Please do not misunderstand ...
This observation is verified and confirmed by the history of the church and also by simple men and faithful to the Lord, does not pursue the ministers downplay or the various ministries. On the contrary, our belief is that the body of Christ which is the church, is composed of members with diverse functions, all with the same value and all under one another. No one is more important and no one is inferior to another (1 Corinthians 12:1-31).
shepherds tend the flock, teach teachers, evangelists preach the good news, the deacons serve, and all are subject to each other without there is a hierarchy Nicolaitan.
The call is to vindicate the feelings of the church of Ephesus; hate the works of the Nicolaitans and lording disapprove of some who think that because they exercise a given profession in the churches, are larger than others.
This reproof and warning, and was analyzed in detail by the apostle John in his third epistle, see:

"I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, not receive the brethren, and them that would prohibit it, and out of the church "3 John 9-10
John accuses categorically this Diotrephes, revealing their arrogance and audacity to pretend to be arrogant over others. The church of Christ has always been about the emergence of men after a while are haughty and implement a hegemony destructive and totally away from God's will. That's the attitude reprehensible nicolaítismo that has brought so much harm to the people of God.
What is the legal status?
It is first necessary to define the term. Legal status is a legal term to identify a business or society in which there are from one to two or more partners, under the law a corporation, limited or otherwise. This legal person receives all the rights of the law and also attributed all their responsibilities. That is, we must not only observe the rights before the law, but the inescapable duties or obligations. Most evangelical churches have been obtained by the juridical personality and in extreme situations have to obey the counsel to "cease "imposed on them. All arguments presented about the need to get permission from the state to operate as a church, they focus mainly on the legalization of property, corporate and inheritance of property you may have this or that church. Unfortunately this situation makes the churches lost in extreme situations, all freedom and autonomy from the tenor of preaching and consequently to faithfulness to the Word of God. In other words, a church that may have legal personality, could at some point be in the sad necessity of silence, swindle or act the way that the state point and force you, otherwise, you run the risk that the legal status may be canceled.

The double edge of the legal
I remember the emblematic case of a lawsuit situation that occurred in an evangelical church of Santiago. It raised serious accusations against the pastor of that congregation, and having legal personality, the members and the board of such corporation, were obliged to take the case to the courts and the testimony of Christ was in soil. The apostle Paul spoke about this, see:
"Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?" 1 Corinthians 6:1
God condemns ventilate the problems of the church in front of unbelievers. Legal personality in a church requires that.
Moreover and the eventual adoption of the draft law against discrimination, the state could remove the legal and harshly punish any preacher or entity who speaks, for example, out against homosexuality because the tenor of the article reads:

Article 1. - The provisions of this act are intended to prevent and eliminate all forms of discrimination against any person exercising. Article 3. - For purposes of this Act discrimination means any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference arbitrary, by act or omission, based on race, color, ethnic origin, age, sex, gender, religion, belief, political or other opinion, birth, national origin, cultural or socio-economic, language or language, marital , sexual orientation, disease, disability, genetic structure or any other status or individual. If the Court declares that committed acts of arbitrary discrimination referred to in Article 3 of this law, in respect of a natural person or legal, the person may be punished by a fine of 50 to 100 UTM. If such discriminatory acts were committed in the course of a private activity, which will provide utilities, the head may also be sanctioned by the fine provided in the preceding paragraph (Article 8)

Obviously that approved this bill, the church will be forced to moderate his speech against sexual minorities' demands, otherwise they risk costly fines that could even include cancellation of the decree of legal status that many evangelical corporations proudly boast. With this simple argument, we see that the legal personality is nothing other than the "license or permit" to "Caesar" has been granted to a particular Christian corporation has framed within the limits established by law . If passed a law which states that an attack on Christian principles, the corporation has legal personality, shall adhere unconditionally to fulfill that duty to {a contravention of the statutes of Scripture.

The Bible teaches us that: "Under These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth" Hebrews 11:13

This group of men and women of the old covenant, leaves us an extraordinary example. They knew the redemptive and eternal salvation, but knew not the very image of the things. Just saw shadows, symbols and emblems that speak of the Messiah. However, were considered aliens and strangers on earth. A very symptomatic, it reflected the building of the tabernacle. Any gold that house, had a striking contrast, the floor was only desert land. And it could not be otherwise, it was a portable tent that should continue its march with a pilgrim people eager to get to that promised land. The more we who have received the revelation of the Old Covenant and see the live testimony in Scripture picture of things. It is our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer will come soon to end our pilgrimage to no longer be strangers but longed to possess our heavenly homeland. Unfortunately it is a time when, in one way or another, the church has been losing that character pilgrim. There is a strong feeling of attachment to the land, to take root and form empires and strengths. It's like we've forgotten that our Christ is coming soon in the clouds to get us, so much so that the message of the coming of Christ, have become extinct in amazing shape. Hence the need to ask permission to "Caesar" to run, becomes an urgent search and poring of most local churches, it's like we've forgotten that the true church has always been illegal in the sense that not licensed to preach the gospel.

6. Flirting with politics, with politicians and with Cesar
Suffice it to say that governs the church today is that described in the book of Revelation as the Laodicea.
Certainly we are in a time where the prevailing view on men of God., and I mean the secular sphere, but the church. Membership meetings are more democratic than theocratic. It seems that nobody is interested to know what God says in His Word, and everything is summarized subjectivism base and human whims. Laodicea was a very wealthy city, was known for its banking industry, for the manufacture of wool making beautiful garments, and medical school that produced a eye medication (eye drops). Laodicea was a wealthy city and the church was too. Laodicean church boasted of its economic prosperity, and that, to a community the arrogant and haughty. It is as if they had forgotten that everything comes from God. Its members said they had everything and anything they needed, however, receive a solemn message of our Lord Jesus Christ:

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. Wish you were cold or hot! But because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth "Revelation 3:15-16
This arrogant Christianity, led by arrogant men who want to become more similar to the ministers of the mother of harlots, never misses an opportunity to flirt with political terms are present. They want to be recognized and that their corporate dress in popularity and all under the guise of evangelism, when we know that there is more vanity, lust for power and money.
argue that just as there are now Catholic chaplains in the armed forces and order, which can not exist evangelical chaplains in the military. Could it be that these conceited desire to bless both my arms and war, just as they do the priests with holy water? But that indolent to the Word of God have become the servants of Christ autoproclamaos!
want to be recognized, his work, his dedication, his commitment to address in schools, drug addicts or alcoholics and come out into the open in order to boast before men which Pharisees of old. They have forgotten what the Lord himself said so vehemently:
"Woe to you when all men speak well of you! For so did their fathers to the false prophets "Luke 6:26
Hardly a politician's compliments, they surrender to it and promote it as the "evangelical candidate" and order their membership to vote for them because they say, are those who will claim the name of the evangelical church in this nation . What an insult to the Lord! The Lord does not need any man to claim the name of the church, which is holy, pure and blameless.
The Pantomime of Tedeum
The ruin of the church suggests finding your obsessed as possible resemble her mother the Church of Rome. Since the construction of their temples, the clerical garb, liturgy, gestures and cynical about Caesar. That is exactly what happens with the annual Gospel Tedeum. Which apparently comes as a thanksgiving meeting, is only a crude imitation of the Romish liturgy, full of all vanity and sterility. then at least they preach the gospel to all immoral and corrupt with such pomp are welcomed into what they call "house of God", perhaps there might say: "How good is the Te Deum." However, all you hear are long lists of flattery and compliments addressed to "Caesar" to curry favor and apply for a favor or a bonus. The Bible has never called to pray with the authorities, the apostolic instruction is far from it presents evangelical clergy. Consider:

"I exhort therefore, first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all those in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity "1 Timothy 2:1
Never used the preposition "with" to justify the Tedeum Romish liturgy. It is an unbiblical assumption that does not hold. Moreover, the Bible teaches us that we, the children of God are ambassadors. Sometimes we forget that we are ambassadors for Christ in this world, and we know that an ambassador can not interfere in the country's quota policy is, however you want that. If an ambassador or foreign deliberates in political terms, is expelled and considerate person "non grata" Our position before God should be as or more stringent than those posed by international protocol. We proclaimed ambassadors of God whose homeland is in heaven, the coming and not the world (2 Corinthians 5:20) That we miss peregrine claim status within the people of God and feel the conviction that our true home is the heavenly. "But our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ" Philippians 3:20 Beloved, there is still some way to go and hopefully soon coming of our Lord and Savior. It is true that we are in a hostile world filled with dangers and temptations of grief, but it is also true that Christ is coming soon to rise to this evil world to put us in the heavenly realms. So be it. Amen. Maranatha!

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