As we all know cancer physician at one of the most devastating diseases of humankind, incurable in its advanced stages, is one of the most terrible and painful to watch a person die .
a spiritual level, the church, which is the body of Christ, has long been exposed to different viruses that have contaminated and have ridden a spiritual disease that could well be compared to cancer killer. One such virus is apostasy.
Apostasy has been present during the passage of time hanging around the church, at first externally, as I warned the writings of the church fathers: "But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. "II Peter 2:1-2 Various forms of apostasy have invaded the church for their survival through the centuries, which act as a deadly poison, carcinogen, has been damaged and poisoning the pure faith that was once delivered to the saints . (Jude 3) Our brothers in the early church were to martyrdom legarnos to the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ, to them they lived terrible times of persecution, however, in any other period of the church is kept pure , doctrinally speaking. To us we live in times of terrible and blatant apostasy, the terrible thing is that this takes shelter in the blanket of religiosity. Previously, when we spoke of apostasy, we came to mind who having known the Lord, the world had become. What ingenuity ours! Because the truth, no more horrible apostasy that which masquerades as "Christian" because usually drag the unwary, the foolish, the spiritual neglect, those who are always asking others to pray for them, as if they were unable to do so or as if God they did not listen. That's laziness, spiritual heaviness, lack of appetite for spiritual things ... Why pray?, If for that we have the pastor, for that we pay his salary, to pray and see for ourselves ... Why read the Bible? if for that we have teachers, they burn the eyelashes studying their lessons while we spent hours together in front of the television set, using the remote control with a skill that reveals what we are accustomed to this lifestyle zero, the which, incidentally, does not reveal anything but another form of apostasy and away from the things of God. Thus the unsuspecting are dragged through the crowds that usually attract these masters of deception and error handling experts, achieve fleecing the flock of the Lord with boldness and a cynicism that outraged. It revealed what the apostle Peter, that the intentions of these "enlightened" were nothing more to do with faith merchandise: "In their greed they will exploit you with false words. Judgment now of a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber "II Peter 2:3 As I said, it is shocking to hear how depopulated assault on unsuspecting sheep who fall into their clutches, saddens, but here in Houston Texas can not turn on the local Christian radio without trite and hear the message of prosperity, yes, adorned with new resources and varied texts taken from here and there. Frankly, I already stopped listening to Christian radio , because here it is monopolized by a self-appointed "apostle" of those that abound in our day and emerging as flies on the cake. The comparison is repugnant. My apologies for the flies. The last time I listened to Christian radio, the above apostle was "ministering" and inviting his listeners to "sow" in his ministry (this phrase has become the favorite and most hackneyed of these merchants of faith) when suddenly a call came, it was a crying woman asked prayer for her, for her spiritual life and for work because I was out of work and her husband was in jail ... She was interrupted by the "apostle" to ask if he would send his "seed" for the aforesaid ministry, the sister said yes and soon the "apostle" with lust in his voice, it should be clarified that three shipments because she had presented three needs. I turned off the radio feeling indignant at such impudence and insensitivity to the needs of others, and I have not come to light. I remembered what a Christian author wrote, about the corruption that often drop these "ministers" in their pursuit of wealth and power: "There is no odor so bad as that which derives from the goodness corrupted, and few things are which corrupt our goodness as greed, desire for popularity and the feeling of ecstasy that results when we exercise power over those who give us their idolatrous worship. When our motives are wrong, our ministry is wrong and the consequences for us, our fans and the whole church, are tragic. " It is alarming how this cancer has spread in the body of Christ without which many of us do anything about it. I admire the work of the servants who raise their voice against these wolves in sheep and to warn people of the danger that threatens them. As a Christian educator, my concern has always been to nurture the people with the word of God and never liked polemics nor was my style never disprove, disqualify or denounce what other "ministers" were doing. I consoled myself by saying that they would give account to God for what they did. However, God opened my eyes and made me the following question: "If I put to you to take care of my flock and being your care of him, suddenly see coming to a ferocious animal and watch as sheep are attacked and torn, Would you stand idly by? " That woke me up to the reality that I should not continue silent, because otherwise I myself would be complicit with my silence. So do not be silent, speak openly to the people, who reports this error, I will oppose all new wind of doctrine that does not harmonize with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. False apostles: carcinogens in the Body of Christ. And to show we many buttons as they say in my country, in so-called "apostles" that have been emerging from anonymity to stardom, because it turns out that these "super anointed" are thinking of changing not only the way how the church operates internally until the form of government that even today the church had. It would appear that these men are in search of power. But no power of God, which proclaim themselves exclusive owners, but the power that elevates, who offered to Lord Satan as one of their resources to make you fall into the Mount of Temptation. "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, and said: All this I will give you, if you worship me. "Matthew 4:8 lust for power, greed, dominion, are some of the strings that move these puppets of false faith. Here the words to write the "apostle" Guillermo Maldonado in his book "The generation of new wine": The apostles are called to be first in rank and authority. "... The apostolic anointing has the ability to take the first apostle to be a region, a territory, to preach new truths, in a field of study such as medicine, economics, aviation, finance, business. This anointing makes people move beyond the rest. God has appointed the apostles to be first in rank and authority, and thus, might bring a balance to the body of Christ. " What does this sound presumptuous. I wonder if the thought of this "apostle" is similar to the genuine apostles of the Lord, who always traveled with the gospel in the most humble, without presumption poses or ostentatious display of power or, as the current false apostles who Then go make sure that your airline tickets are first in the airline of your choice, and that upon arrival, his entourage of adulantes, say, assistants, I have everything ready. The author states that shamelessly New truths emerge from their ministries in representative fields of God Mammon: money, such as economics, finance and business. In the fields of medicine and aviation, without comment. Stick to what you know best. Later, the author goes on to say: "God brings to life an apostle, through the Holy Spirit, churches that have no spiritual covering, ministries who want to work together in unity to build the kingdom . Also, bring orphans ministers and leaders who are seeking a spiritual father to cover them and give them training, tools and encouragement. There are many young pastors who are orphans in the ministry, they need the coverage or the spiritual protection of an apostle. " This all sounds very moving, but it has no biblical foundation, for Paul, which I think represents the best model apostle to be found in the Bible said something quite different: "And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I build on another man's foundation" Romans 15:20 But these "apostles "pretend to be parents without first begotten, provide" coverage "as if God were insufficient to do so or as if they depended spiritual security of churches and ministers. speech of young pastors he knows that most pastors "old" so to speak, well aware of the fundamentals of sound doctrine, is versed in the truth and they will not be cheated easily. Nevertheless, there are cases of mature pastors who have "modernized" with these new winds of doctrine have theological system embraced new megalomaniac, because many of them are tired of dealing with small churches, with members irresponsible and problematic. Have been dazzled by the promises of ministerial success and have given up the old foundations of faith by believing them obsolete, in the belief that success is reflected in the number of their congregations and the gro $ or finances. think is time for the church to awaken from their spiritual slumber, that each worker genuine Lord put in the front line, because we are going through what Israel: We are perishing for lack of knowledge and spiritual discernment. Due to our tremendous neglect the word of God, and our little spiritual perception, we believe any "minister" or ministry to fill us sweeten our eyes or ears, regardless of the atrocities they teach or say. The Bible tells us that when Jesus ministered on earth, the Jews came to him for signs, while the Greeks sought wisdom, and both groups found in Jesus what they sought. Us today, we must pay more attention to the words and teachings of these "ministers "and" apostles "who often teach aberrations ranging from false and distorted interpretations of the word of God to the occult teachings originated, Freemasonry, New Age and Eastern philosophies of transcendental meditation. course these teachings are "dressed "or disguised Christian garb. Here another example, the mega Pastor Joel Osteen, who declared in an interview that Hindus are sincere in their faith, who love God and that he dared not dismiss them as recipients of the sky.

It is alarming ignorance of who
lived with these people that serve different gods among which we can
mention Vishnu, Brahma, Hanuman, to Laskmi, goddess of beauty, the
goddess Khali, abominable satanic idol with multiple arms, Ganesha, the
which is their chief god, the god of wisdom, they say, roads and
literature, is an idol with four arms, bulging belly and elephant head.
shall be very sincere, but sincerity does not lead to heaven. Also the atheist is sincere when he says that there is no God.
Returning Osteen, who began pastoring the overnight, according to his own testimony, to the death of his father he took his place without a history that only have preached only once. In his best-selling book titled "Your Best Life Now" reads:
"Too often we are in a rut, thinking that everything we have achieved. Actually we extend our faith we believe, not something bigger. However, God desires that we are constantly growing, reaching new heights.
desires you increase your wisdom and help you make better decisions. God wants to increase their finances through promotions, new ideas and creativity ... God wants it to be the best time of your life, but to receive this favor has to expand his vision ... wait Begin promotion and supernatural increase. Must conceive in your heart and mind before you can receive it. In other words, you have to create a place or a space for the increase in your mind, then God will come to pass "
Dangerous, because here we find roots of the new era, mentalism, mental concentration, which happens to Throughout the book, which as I said, was a bestseller.
want to stop here, because this topic is extensive, as is the extensive list of these "apostles" and false teachers emerged from anonymity to stardom, as I said above. People of God, do not be fooled, these are difficult times, which were predicted in the scriptures of our Lord Jesus Christ, as a feature of these last days:
"For false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect "Matthew 24:24
Of this also spoke the true apostles of the Lord, which warned repeatedly about this cancer would spread harmful to the body of Christ in our time. The call is for each genuine servant of God for every believer, leader or minister:
"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
'Cause I know that after my departure enter in among grievous wolves, not sparing the flock.
And of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. " Acts 20:28-30
God continue to bless.
shall be very sincere, but sincerity does not lead to heaven. Also the atheist is sincere when he says that there is no God.
Returning Osteen, who began pastoring the overnight, according to his own testimony, to the death of his father he took his place without a history that only have preached only once. In his best-selling book titled "Your Best Life Now" reads:
"Too often we are in a rut, thinking that everything we have achieved. Actually we extend our faith we believe, not something bigger. However, God desires that we are constantly growing, reaching new heights.
desires you increase your wisdom and help you make better decisions. God wants to increase their finances through promotions, new ideas and creativity ... God wants it to be the best time of your life, but to receive this favor has to expand his vision ... wait Begin promotion and supernatural increase. Must conceive in your heart and mind before you can receive it. In other words, you have to create a place or a space for the increase in your mind, then God will come to pass "
Dangerous, because here we find roots of the new era, mentalism, mental concentration, which happens to Throughout the book, which as I said, was a bestseller.
want to stop here, because this topic is extensive, as is the extensive list of these "apostles" and false teachers emerged from anonymity to stardom, as I said above. People of God, do not be fooled, these are difficult times, which were predicted in the scriptures of our Lord Jesus Christ, as a feature of these last days:
"For false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect "Matthew 24:24
Of this also spoke the true apostles of the Lord, which warned repeatedly about this cancer would spread harmful to the body of Christ in our time. The call is for each genuine servant of God for every believer, leader or minister:
"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
'Cause I know that after my departure enter in among grievous wolves, not sparing the flock.
And of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. " Acts 20:28-30
God continue to bless.
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