By: Rafael Hernandez
The most important thing for a minister of God, whoever he is, is to teach according to the word of God and to ensure that these support him one hundred percent, but if to complete that adds one hundred human arguments, is handling the word of God three times saint. recently read a message on the network on tithing entitled What is Tithing? And it's amazing how "great men of God", twist Scripture to support his teachings on some practices that want to continue imposing the Evangelical Christian Church. Especially frustrating and stressful to listen or read to be aware that the word of God does not endorse, and immediately throw a flurry of buts'S humans. When a minister interprets the word of God with arguments carnal deviation of truth to the Church of Christ , and it is judged and condemned by God. The following is an excerpt of the message in question, and note citing verses (out of context) to supported:
What I think about the matter of tithes in the Evangelical?
important thing is not my opinion, rather than what the scriptures say. The tithe was imposed in the old covenant to the people of Israel, because he had a purpose. Unfortunately the issue of tithing in the Church of Jesus Christ has become a very good tool for pastors abusive, they will realize that God for twisting his words. On the other hand, is when one of the apostles of our Lord Jesus asked the church tithes?
This in no way exempts us not give all that we can to the work of God, as long as you leave a generous heart, as taught in the New Testament:
Consider this "little game" question and answer:
Who was the first to tithe?
R / Abram. Genesis 14:18-20 Why did, if no one demanded or requested? R / born of his heart grateful for the victory that God had given him over his enemies. Whom handed them? R / A Melchizedek priest and servant of God. Later Tithing was commanded by God to Israel. Numbers. 18:21-30 For whom were the tithes? R / For the priests the sons of Levi who served day and night in the service of the house of the Lord. Did the tithe was given in money? R / No, tithing was not money, if not, the cream of the crop so that the Levites had to eat. Another important point was that the Levites, of those who received tithes of the people, should give the tithe of the tithe to the Lord and share with the priest Aaron. (Numbers 18:21-28) That was the purpose of the Tithes in the Old Testament. Why in the New Testament are not sorted Tithes? R / Obvious, because we are Jews and there among us as a ministry of Priests had in Israel. ? according to the Scriptures, the Church of Jesus Christ should tithe? R / No Recall, Abram Why Tithe? Because he was born in the heart. And he did it for the servant of God, though he's not asked, much less demanded that the servants of God are those bad habits. now, why do not we take advantage to not give, for it is written:
demos Everything should be voluntary. 1 Chronicles 29:3-5 / 2 Corinthians 9:5-15
I believe the Church of Jesus Christ, we must always you get the chance, according to our possibilities. If we can give more than 10% Glory to God!
The Jews and Tithing
Ever wondered which Jews believe true, regarding tithing, and the tithe of the Gentiles?
Here I share what they think about it:
In conclusion:
Many ministers and pastors know very well the truth about tithing but are afraid to expose the issue, one for fear of their pastors and losing a job, and the other for fear of their councils and remain unpaid. But this is a matter of biblical truth, not human fears.
shepherds also I have knowledge of tithes not require its members, nor condemn him for not giving them, and they are collected along with the offerings are used to support missionary families poor and improvement of the temple.
Yet I repeat, the teaching of tithing to the church of Jesus Christ is not supported by Scripture.
1 Peter 4:11
If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God: if any man
minister, with the strength God provides, so that in everything God may
be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for
ever and ever. Amen.
The most important thing for a minister of God, whoever he is, is to teach according to the word of God and to ensure that these support him one hundred percent, but if to complete that adds one hundred human arguments, is handling the word of God three times saint. recently read a message on the network on tithing entitled What is Tithing? And it's amazing how "great men of God", twist Scripture to support his teachings on some practices that want to continue imposing the Evangelical Christian Church. Especially frustrating and stressful to listen or read to be aware that the word of God does not endorse, and immediately throw a flurry of buts'S humans. When a minister interprets the word of God with arguments carnal deviation of truth to the Church of Christ , and it is judged and condemned by God. The following is an excerpt of the message in question, and note citing verses (out of context) to supported:
Tithing is the gate of the believer into the covenant of blessing. Tithing is a spiritual law as effective as are the laws of nature. Just
as gravity allows objects fall to the ground if left in a vacuum, and
the Tithe enables the believer to receive "good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over." Luke 6:38. Give,
and it will give you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and
running over will be put into your lap; For with the measure you use, it
will be measured back to ...
What is the purpose of tithing?
When we tithe to God of our revenue, the act allows God to act in our default and bless.
Christ clearly stated reason our tithes and offerings to God: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21 ...
Tithing Not only for the Old Testament?
It is true that as the Sabbath, tithing not be fully justified on the New Testament ... (Dawlin A. Ureña)

What I think about the matter of tithes in the Evangelical?
important thing is not my opinion, rather than what the scriptures say. The tithe was imposed in the old covenant to the people of Israel, because he had a purpose. Unfortunately the issue of tithing in the Church of Jesus Christ has become a very good tool for pastors abusive, they will realize that God for twisting his words. On the other hand, is when one of the apostles of our Lord Jesus asked the church tithes?
This in no way exempts us not give all that we can to the work of God, as long as you leave a generous heart, as taught in the New Testament:
As for the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write;
I know your good will, which I glory to the Macedonians, that Achaia was ready last year, and your zeal has encouraged most.
But I sent the brethren, that our boasting of you should be in vain in this part, so that as I said, you are ready;
lest if some Macedonians come with me and find you unprepared, we be ashamed, if not you, of this our confidence.
Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren that they would
go before unto you, and prepare your generosity first before promised,
to be ready as of generosity, and not as of covetousness.
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap.
Each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having
all sufficiency in everything, may abound to every good work;
as it is written: He distributed his gifts to the poor: his righteousness endures forever.
(2 Corinthians 9:1-9)

Consider this "little game" question and answer:
Who was the first to tithe?
R / Abram. Genesis 14:18-20 Why did, if no one demanded or requested? R / born of his heart grateful for the victory that God had given him over his enemies. Whom handed them? R / A Melchizedek priest and servant of God. Later Tithing was commanded by God to Israel. Numbers. 18:21-30 For whom were the tithes? R / For the priests the sons of Levi who served day and night in the service of the house of the Lord. Did the tithe was given in money? R / No, tithing was not money, if not, the cream of the crop so that the Levites had to eat. Another important point was that the Levites, of those who received tithes of the people, should give the tithe of the tithe to the Lord and share with the priest Aaron. (Numbers 18:21-28) That was the purpose of the Tithes in the Old Testament. Why in the New Testament are not sorted Tithes? R / Obvious, because we are Jews and there among us as a ministry of Priests had in Israel. ? according to the Scriptures, the Church of Jesus Christ should tithe? R / No Recall, Abram Why Tithe? Because he was born in the heart. And he did it for the servant of God, though he's not asked, much less demanded that the servants of God are those bad habits. now, why do not we take advantage to not give, for it is written:
He who is taught the word share all good things with him who teaches. (Galatians 6:6)
But to teach according to the word of God and not according to their ideologies. demos Everything should be voluntary. 1 Chronicles 29:3-5 / 2 Corinthians 9:5-15
I believe the Church of Jesus Christ, we must always you get the chance, according to our possibilities. If we can give more than 10% Glory to God!

The Jews and Tithing
Ever wondered which Jews believe true, regarding tithing, and the tithe of the Gentiles?
Here I share what they think about it:
The standard of the tithe is an obligation for members of Israel,
(Is there an obligation as a Shrine / Temple erected, when it is not
preserving the commandment, effective practicing assiduously, although
we know that is not being met with the same fully impaired due to
If the obligation is attributed gentle tithe for himself, would be
usurping the exclusive perpetual covenant between God and Israel, so,
instead of illuminating his life and that of their peers,
is blurring with the false attributions. Since the commandment of tithing is only for Jews.
The delivery of the tithe removed and can be done at any time, but it should be done once a year at least. In times when the town was on Earth, he pulled the poor tithe mandatory every three years.
In the Land of Israel, now removes a tithe of the crops in the fields
(and only this), which was once intended for the Levites, and only these
descendants of the tribe of Levi.
What do Jewish people do or do not do to raise money for their
companies, if they call it "tithing" therefore has nothing to do with
the Torah. Tithing (any name already in the text above) is the sole obligation of the Jews as the Torah explicitly says.
As he says: "For you are a people holy to the Lord your Elokim, Hashem
has chosen you out of all the peoples that are upon the face of the
earth, that will be a special people ... At the end of three years,
bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year and lay it up
within thy gates. then come the Levite that hath no part nor inheritance
with you, the stranger, the orphan and the widow who are within your
towns. they eat and be satisfied , for the Lord your Elokim bless thee
in all the work you do with your hands. "
(Devarim / Deuteronomy 14:2,28-29)
Actually, and beyond this explicit mention, that mandate is, as the rest
of the other 612 mitzvot-commandments-exclusive and proprietary (as
required) for the people of Israel, and not to the Gentiles.
That an alleged commandment concerning the tithe of money (nonexistent
by the way) has been decree by King Shlomo / Solomon is coarser than the
above. The precepts arise exclusively from the Torah
(written or oral), and to my knowledge none of these sources is
prescribed tithing money to do anything but honor the Lord!
Says the wise king: "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops." (Mishlei
/ Proverbs 3:9), which means that the king advised that comply Jewish
commandment to give tzedakah ("with your wealth") and separate the
tithes of the crops for the Levites ("first fruits ... ") to abide by
the orders in the Torah!
If you think this text apologetic, or even blunt, I'm sorry, but I can
not bear to steal our sacred traditions, modify at will, and ripped
people of good faith ... and we still throw the burden to us (or to God, which is worse!)
Injustice, exasperates me! (Serjudio.com)

In conclusion:
Many ministers and pastors know very well the truth about tithing but are afraid to expose the issue, one for fear of their pastors and losing a job, and the other for fear of their councils and remain unpaid. But this is a matter of biblical truth, not human fears.
shepherds also I have knowledge of tithes not require its members, nor condemn him for not giving them, and they are collected along with the offerings are used to support missionary families poor and improvement of the temple.
Yet I repeat, the teaching of tithing to the church of Jesus Christ is not supported by Scripture.
Because he has no biblical support.
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