In the Bible there is a warning that warns people not to enter into heaven. And then gives a list of sins that close the gates of heaven. John begins with the cowards. Just then the church suffered the cruel persecution ordered by Emperor Domitian. Surely he meant those who were ashamed to publicly confess Christ as Lord meant what insurance a cruel death.
Unbelievers in general, but also those who made a false statement of faith. 's abominable , are described in passages such as Job 15:16, Psalm 14:1 and Titus 1:15,16. Especially abhorrent are the hypocrite, as seen in Matthew 7:22,23. them follow those involved in any kind of sexual immorality . From Greek pórnois of where the term "pornography". " Those who practice magic arts "literally sorcerers. Noting the thought that this is not applicable to the present day, is that transcribe the commentary M.Henry Eschatology II in his book (p. 347): "If we go to the Bible, we find the connection with the magic witchcraft, divination and spiritualism, all of which was an abomination to YHWH "(see, eg., Ex. 22:18; Lv. 19:26, 31, 20:6, 27; Deuteronomy 18:11-14; 2R. 9.22; Is. 19:3; Dn. 1:1, 2; Acts. 8:9-11). Nowadays, witchcraft is still practiced in many primitive tribes of Asia, Africa and America. What is truly unfortunate is the height that the occult, spiritualism and satanism are charging these days among people who consider themselves more civilized. Moreover not even the believers are impervious to esotericism, covered in multiple ways, some seemingly mild. We must be thus alerted, and these also go to hell. " Continue with idolaters, who worship images of all kinds of plaster or metal. But it also refers to those who in their hearts enthrone their own gods, like fame, money, etc. worldliness. (Matt. 6:24; Col. 3:5). closes the list with "all liars". And here refers not only to what they say lies, but also those who all his life is a lie. That is, a lifestyle. And we know who is the liar par excellence. Finally, we say that the order in the list is not casual. Its purpose is to warn us to be alert, that even the simplest temptation can be a gateway to hell. Therefore we emphasize the contrast, while maturing (V, 7) they shall inherit heaven hell latter (see Mt 25:34 ff.) Which is the saddest legacies. TRANSPORTED IN THE SPIRIT . " And I carried on in the spirit ... " (V, 9), it is wonderful to think when we read this story, that in this same way we move in eternity awaits us. One where there will be limitations. And we are surrounded by angels! This angel shows John the glory of the new Jerusalem. The angel compares the city to a "bride, the Lamb's wife" to make us understand the beauty that is reflected through it. 's description of the city, generally poses to scholars, the classic problem of interpretation (hermeneutics ) that asks: What is symbolic and it is in this passage? John says "what he saw". Did all alone in symbols? And he played ... or saw the realities and expressed it through symbols? We can do many theoretical explanations, but the fact is that the most important thing is that John saw a city that was inhabited by saints of all ages and that the presence of God will be present there in a special way. To paraphrase the Apostle Paul was caught up to the third heaven and said, if in the spirit or in the body I do not know ... but I was there and saw things too big for humans can explain. (2 Corinthians 12:2). Moreover, John also is shocked to see the city, most of all for its special lighting described as follows: " It shone with the glory of God ... "(V, 11) It is God himself who reveals his glory in all its glory (Isaiah 58:8, 60:1, 2, 19). Also later in verse 23 we see that "The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." Here beats our heart the Lord's coming forward to participate in such a show that will give all the glory to the Lamb! John will deal after trying to describe with human words, reality and majestic city so shocking. Beginning with his measures. "the angel that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, ... (V, 11), so that each part of the building has a celestial as projected, or discover a meaning, as we shall see far. For years, Babylon was proud to be called the "city of gold". Now the angel shows John the true golden city in perfect splendor and magnificence. And by the way is full of a people sanctified by the precious blood of the Lamb. , we are told the city measures are fifteen hundred miles, equivalent to 2200 kilometers. Consider the excellent commentary, which makes H. Halley, and help us to imagine in all its grandeur: "Twelve is the sign of God's people: there are twelve gates, on which are inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, and twelve foundations, with the name of the twelve apostles. The city was a perfect cube, as was his prototype: the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle. If it is placed on the United States, stretch from the northernmost tip of Maine to the southern tip of Florida, and from the East Coast to Colorado, and would extend over about two thousand two hundred and sixty kilometers skyward. Twelve thousand, then, is the symbol of God's people a thousandfold, and represents the entire state, perfected and glorious creation redeemed. " This certainly helps us to understand that nothing is accidental, or meaningless, in the John received revelation. Although the measures are divine. So is the Christian's certainty about the events to come. Are well established in the perfect designs of God for us. going to conclude this story Juan (18-21) with a review of the gemstones that shine with brightness so magnificent city. Some of these gems have not been duly recognized. The truth is that beauty is such that the foundations glow with the colors of the rainbow. We see that each door is a pearl and everything is made up of the finest materials that man can know. That creates a glorious spectacle beyond imagination for any man in his right mind. A perfect vision of peace, beauty, glory and safety. Only God's presence can offer something. It is not a fad. It is the eternal happiness for which we were created. contemplate such fascinating in the spirit realm, and note that as the port of heaven is the Lamb ... there will be no night! There will be no need to close its doors ... for there will be no criminal ! insured who may also enter ... Those enrolled in the book of life of the Lamb! Is your name written in this book? If not, do not delay in coming to his feet. He never refused to those who come seeking forgiveness and salvation. Praise God for such a great salvation! Taken
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