sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012


The crisis of faith (apostasy)

Mario E. Fumero
I n the last 20 years there have been prophets, enlightened apostles, syncretic sects and groups like never before in the history of mankind. Many of these have led his followers to acts of violence and suicides. One evidence of this was the sect of the "People's Temple" led by Jim Jones in 1978 led to the deaths of over 900 people [1] . Also for the sect Daviniana, led by David Koresh [2] , which on a ranch in Texas led to the deaths of a group of faithful followers who believed that the Apocalypse   had arrived.
Religious manipulation
We have seen in biblical theology has been grafted, through manipulations and distortions, diametrically opposed to those proclaimed by Jesus Christ. An example   we have in the preaching of ambition by the misnamed "prosperity theology" [3] which itself is the "theology diabolical ambition," which feeds the desire for wealth and power of the false apostles, who rich, subtly manipulating the gullible minds of his followers for default purposes, claiming that God gave these "assumptions chosen" a special anointing and power to receive new revelations by which enslave people blindly believe them, and exploit them for profit. I attended for a brother frustrated that his pastor Apostle asked for credit card use, afirmándole that God would prosper by sharing your blessing. The poor brother was left with a huge debt, as their leader will use the credit card to the max.
We see a church aligned with the world, getting involved in politics. Recently watched in amazement as some Evangelical leaders took sides in the Honduran political crisis, defined to one side, and stating that certain positions disqualified to mediate a conflict that caused a serious split in the Honduran people, being indirect accomplices the division of society, thus ceased to be peacemakers and mediators in the current crisis, and the worst is that both sides used the Bible and God as battle flag.
Many congregations develop marketing techniques [4] , which make companies, entrepreneurs and their pastors, and handing in a stock exchange. These currents introduce new influences of psychology and spiritualism, using psychodrama with regression teachings, mental power, fetishism and a supposed emotional healing, based on suggestive techniques. One of those movements that have such practices is the G-12, founded by Cesar Castilian [5] , a movement that has divided and destroyed churches and families in many countries in Latin. Then we have the Brazilian sect "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God", but that takes other forms and names, with the slogan "Stop Suffering" emphasizing a gospel occult and fetish [6] .
We have made ​​the temple worship and a theater of distraction, carnality and exploitation, introducing all worldly and pagan customs that dominate the market, contaminating the altar of the Lord. These proclaimers prosperity gospel live ostentatiously, with pay astronomical, as the case of Paul Crouch, founder and president of the "Trinity Broadcasting Network" (TBN) earning annually $ 800,000.00 dollars, which is higher than the salary of the president of the United States [7] . But what Worse, the scandals of his life, when he was accused of homosexual relations with his driver, have brought derision against evangelicals [8] . What about the Christian singers? Better not talk, because many of them are trading at higher price than the world, with manager's agenda leads them, demanding limo, five star hotels and bodyguards (whom called squire), and some living in sin and without spiritual subject.
Attacks on Christianity
All these elements, more frequent religious scandals caused by corrupt ministers and priests, are produced a negative effect on the proclamation of the gospel, which leads many to unbelief or skepticism. Evidence of these is the recent fact where a Catholic leader, and other evangelical news scandals were all Hispanic media, by their carnal desires [9] . We must add to this, the systematic attacks of the secular world against the Bible, using pseudo-scientific arguments to develop theories that try to demonstrate non-resurrection of Jesus, the validity of the Gnostic gospels, and the questioning of the theological foundation of the Christian faith. Also look for arguments to make way for evolutionary theories, materialistic and skeptical.
These events set the stage for what happens now, "a crisis of faith" that involves a distortion of absolute truth to such an extent that man becomes a "god" as Scripture says (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Jesus asked a question: "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?". And in Matthew 24:22 gives the answer by stating that, "... if those days were limited, no one would be saved" what sets the religious plight of recent times.
St. Paul describes the spiritual condition of the church in 1 Timothy 4:1 establish the unusual fact that in recent times come seducing spirits that would spread apostasy in the churches by proclaiming doctrines of demons. How will exist in the Christian church doctrines of "hell"? All those teachings that feed the power (the ego), materialism and greed, and the exaltation of man as anointed apostle, by the use of objects blessing carriers are doctrines of demons, contrary to the gospel that the apostles taught .
These doctrines proclaim an anthropocentrism, deifying the man, and putting other revelations on Biblical revelation, resulting in destructive heresies, which show a perverse plan to confuse and discredit the gospel (1 Corinthians 11:19).
  Is not our world full of false prophets and apostles are enriched fraudulent rib proclaiming a gospel in which "having and being powerful" is itself the essence of his preaching? (2 Corinthians 11:13). The characteristics of these wicked men was revealed in 2 Peter 2:1-3 [10] where the sample introducing diabolical ideas covertly disguised as a false religion, "as a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away "(2 Timothy 3:5), but basically looking to make goods or business of the gospel, to satisfy his greed (2 Corinthians 2:17) [11] . We can not deny that the flowering of disbelief, scandals, apostasy and sin as a lifestyle, produce persecution and tribulation (2 Thessalonians 1:5-7) of all those who keep up the fundamental truth. This is the sign of the end times, in relation to the true Church, which is described as "have little strength" (because it has economic and political power), but keep your wo rd "and not deny the name of Jesus , which is given the promise of protection (Revelation 3:8) [12] . Clearly, God's judgment will begin on your house (1 Peter 4:17), and will be tested with fire test (1 Peter 4:12, 1 Corinthians 3:13) to see if we are actually anchored on the rock, and then be redeemed before the occurrence of the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Habakkuk 3:12).
The false church is characterized as liberal, seeking wealth and position, reason why it is aligned with the world and its ways, and especially not defined, looking for comfort and recognition, so well described Revelation 3: 14-19 [13] calling it "the Church of Laodicea", that is neither cold nor hot, because it is indefinite [14] , hesitant, adapted to the environment and to which God vomit from his mouth for being lukewarm. One of the most common sins in modern Christianity is ambiguity and feigned words, indicating no sin in front, because we like to use inclusive language and practice the doctrine of the Pharisees [15] which is hypocrisy   religious. We are more diplomatic and agronomists [16] that preachers of truth.
      There have always been false pastors and religious leaders, as there are in our times. Perhaps the lack of discernment of the Spirit can not judge the difference between the worker of God and that using God as a shield, he lives for his own belly. The prophet Jeremiah describes religious false prophets in this way, "As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit;   became so large and rich. Are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet he became prosperous, and the cause of the poor not judged "(Jeremiah 5:27-28).
It is necessary in this age of decadence, a powerful church rises in the Spirit and the Word, who is willing to suffer the consequences of not align with the lost world, condemning sin in whatever form it manifests. Coming hard times for Christians, as taught by Pastor David Wilkerson, and victory will be time to stand firm (make sure you see this message [17] ), where to be tested by fiery trials, we creditors of the kingdom of heaven, and the Lord will redeem us from the wrath to come upon the earth.

  • [1] - see page wed: www.portalplanetasedna.com.ar/sectas1.htm.
  • [2] . wed-View page: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh.
  • [3] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN1F3feL-yM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5u6kiuv_rk
  • [4] - The term marketing is an anglicized has various definitions . According to Philip Kotler (considered by some the father of marketing one ) is "social and managerial process by which individuals and groups meet their needs to create and exchange goods and services." 2 However, there are other definitions, as asserting that marketing is the art or science to meet the needs of customers and gain profits from it. Wikipedia: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing
  • [5] - The G12 Movement, as it is known, is presented as the great proposal for the New Millennium, but this is hardly new-church movement. What attracts most is the ease of demonstrating growth, but their practices and doctrines there is nothing new to those who are scholars of the Word and of the historical facts in the Church through the centuries. Most participants are unaware of the origins of the movement and its proposals. Fascinated by the emotional impact and the apparent immediate result, many people ignorant and good faith, G12 in the Movement are hoping to achieve the unity of the Church and structural reform.
  • For information see: Evangelical Religion Research Center "BEREA" http://ceirberea.blogspot.com/2007/03/el-movimiento-g12.html
  • [6] - This sect was founded in Brazil in 1977 by Bishop Edir Macedo. Brazilians offer their followers a series of "miraculous objects" who claim they can cure incurable diseases, bringing economic gains or retaining loved ones, provided that the contribution believer faith and especially their monetary contributions.
  • [7] - See page wed: http://apologista.blogdiario.com/tags/MERCANTILISMO/
  • [8] -See: http://iglesias-evangelicas.blogspot.com/2006/12/paul-crouch.html . The Los Angeles Times reported: By William Lobdell, Times Staff Writer (September 12, 2004) "Televangelist Paul Crouch, founder of the world's largest Christian broadcasting network, has waged a fierce legal battle to Prevent a former employee from publicizing Allegations That I and Crouch had a sexual encounter eight years ago. Crouch, 70, is the president of Trinity Broadcasting Network, based in Orange County, Whose Christian programming Reaches millions of viewers around the world via satellite, cable and broadcast stations. " Taken from:
  • http://www.sectas.org/Articulos/movimiento/LosAngelesCrouch.htm
  • [9] - Pastor Tommy Molla, founder of Restoration Christian Center in Orlando, Florida, which was   host of television programs that are broadcast in the United States, Puerto Rico, Central and South America and in some European countries has resigned for having confessed adulterated. He is the author of the books "Destined for heights" and "The Gospel of Grace Wonderful" and lectured internationally on leadership, church growth, inner healing and consultation to organizations and ministries. His resignation was announced amid scandal starring Catholic priest Alberto Cutie, who was caught by paparazzi caressing and kissing a woman on the beach in Miami.
  •   [10] - "But there were also false prophets among the people,   as there will be false teachers among us who bring in damnable heresies,   even denying the Lord that bought them,   bring upon themselves swift destruction.   And many shall follow their pernicious ways;   by reason of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed,   By covetousness they will exploit you with false words.   Judgment now of a long time their judgment has not been idle,   and their destruction does not slumber. "
  • [11] - the issue is further expanded in the book "The chaos of modern apostles and prophets, and the tyranny of the saints" Mario E. Fumero Producciones Peniel, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2007.
  • [12] - Revelation 3:8   "I know your works;   behold,   I have set before you an open door,   and no man can shut it;   thou hast a little strength,   hast kept my word,   and have not denied my name. "
  • [13] - "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen,   the faithful and true witness,   the beginning of the creation of God,   says this: I know your deeds,   that you are neither cold nor hot.   Wish you were cold or hot!   But because you are lukewarm,   and neither cold nor hot,   spit you out of my mouth.   Because thou sayest, I am rich,   I have acquired wealth,   and I have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched,   miserable,   poor   blind and naked. Thus,   I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire,   to become rich;   and white clothes to wear,   and that the shame of thy nakedness;   and anoint thine eyes with eye drops,   so you see. I rebuke and chasten those I love;   I know,   then   jealous   and repent. "
  • [14] - is interesting article on the "apostle" Guillermo Maldonado and his conduct   contrary to biblical teaching principle. View: http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/blog/articulo/103
  • [15] - A politico-religious sect, or fraction comprised late adherents of Judaism, which emerged as a class about the third century BC. After the exile, monarchical forms of government power to the Israelites, became a thing of the past. Instead, the Jews created a community half state, half church. Taken from the Encyclopedia católica.http :/ / ec.aciprensa.com / f / fariseos.htm
  • [16] - When I agronomists pastors I mean those who are asking for money with the term planting to harvest more.
  • [17] - See next page Youtube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szx0vurf8ko


By Juan A. Córdova, New York Pastor
When the blind guide the blind Who are, they say, and as desenmascáralos?
1. They are all modern preachers who studied under Kenneth Haggin, Copleland, Price among others. From their false doctrines arising from false teaching: positive confession, among other deviations from the truth.
2. "The aroma of Christ" does not permeate the pulpits of these charlatans and divas who like the Catholic papacy claim full authority in all matters relating to faith and practice. ~
3. You may unknowingly be part of the "New Papacy". How? If you just listen to a man (or woman) to your "spiritual food", if you have a total dependence on the church for your salvation.
4. The New Papacy; demanded total loyalty from you, without question or criticism. Your tithes and offerings, seeds of faith, order, binding and loosing are part of the menu that you feed weekly.
5. The New Papacy; great cathedrals up and tell you that just as God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle, God spoke to the leader-pope to lift a large temple. Sure, it's the money of your children and family to raise. You notice that when they pass the plate ofrendan not. What strange, do not you think?
6. The New Papacy, and the popes in Rome live, live opulently. They dress in gold and linen with wool of sheep. They live in houses that cost millions, have private jets, servants and "bodyguard".
7. NEW papacy miraculous use tricks to feed your thirst and itching to see and hear "things by the anointing of God"
8.THE new papacy; prevalent in North America, for more money here than elsewhere but are spreading to Central and South America. If you preach the gospel Why not plant their churches Megas in the jungles of Africa or the Amazon?
9.The new papacy, as the Vatican is not accountable to anyone, they talk, what they say and decree, for they have the same weight as Scripture.
10. ~ THE new papacy, but carry a Bible to the pulpit, not base their teachings on the Holy Scriptures. Their false doctrines, texts out of context eclipse visions simpler texts of the Bible.
11. ~ THE NEW papacy, as the ancient and modern papacy, sold "indulgences church". What are they? "Jordan water, anointing oil, little seeds of faith, etc.," a people ignorant and unwary. Merchants are using to enrich their falsehoods.
12. ~ I guarantee you will never leave the network's new papacy, unless God gives faith and repentance to be saved.
13. ~ THE new papacy, use the media very effectively. What are they? Enlace TBN and other South and Central America.
14. ~ If you discern that you are in a "church" where the new papacy is enthroned. No need to pray, you need to run like someone running from a plague of rats.

HIDDEN SIDE OF Apostolic Reformation (PART 3)

GUILLERMO MALDONADO And the Pope's ring.
As we dispel the haze of dawn, which then becomes a clear day, thus confirming what we suspected, and the degree of influence of the Vatican and of the antichrist spirit behind the "Apostolic Reformation".
It sounds exaggerated but unfortunately for "apostolic papists" yes.
What began subtly with a heresy called "spiritual fatherhood", where it sells the idea of ​​"Christian-orphans", regardless of the biblical doctrine of God the Father, whom we can confidently say "Our Father", or as Paul said, "Abba Father", little by little it has been expected arpegiando in the song, the one apostolic pope, whose spiritual children will pay honor and reverence.
And it has emerged a new link in this chain of heresies, a new element, and is, the fisherman's ring, the Catholic practice of giving the Cardinals a ring as a sign of authority, domination and submission, and that then bring (to the promoters of the brand now) the new revelation of the Father honor up, kissing his ring.
Looks like it's going to take color!
Yes, is the announcement on his website "King Jesus" from his "RED WINE NEW APOSTOLIC". Offering apostolic covering, which comprises firstly
highest honor as father Guillermo Maldonado and secondly to scare some skeptics who did not believe, delivering a cardinal's ring, for each Apostle appointed to hold, the Pope more.
Read literally what the page says "King Jesus Ministry" / about / Apostolic Network / membership.
http://www.elreyjesus.org/red-apostolica/% c2% bfque-is-coverage /
Each member receives a certificate as an active part of the New Wine Apostolic Network, an identification card signed by the Apostle Guillermo Maldonado as the spiritual father of the network.
When a member is commissioned as an apostle or sent as pastor will have a ring that identifies it as a setter of the Kingdom to the region where it is sent.
Dear reader you surprised this? , This smells Vatican, but those with a stuffy nose can smell is impossible with so much evidence, to understand who is behind the "Apostolic Reformation".
Read what he said, Pope John Paul II before he died in a consistory in the Vatican:
In one paragraph says, John Paul II:
Receive this ring as a sign of dignity, pastoral zeal and stronger communion with the See of Peter, "the Pope said, with difficulty, in Latin.
John Paul II personally delivered the cardinal's ring to the 30 new cardinals (one more is secret), who knelt before the papal throne to receive it with the right hand.
The rite provides that at the time in which the Pope placed the ring rule to each of the cardinals the phrase: "take this ring from the hand of Peter and know that with the love of the Prince of the Apostles, your love is strengthened the Church. "
In a ceremony, surrounded by purple colors (purple - red) and scarlet (dark red color of blood, or wine), the pope delivered the cardinal's ring, which symbolizes the marriage with the church of Rome and subject to it.
Since the Bible prophesied 2000 years ago, in the book of Revelation, which incidentally are surreptitiously the Apostolic Deformers, following the line of the sinister Catholic Church.
Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, Come hither, I will show you the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters;
17:2 which have committed fornication with the kings of the earth, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
17:3 And he took me in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication;
17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND abominations of the earth.
17:6 I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
It strikes me the name of this Apostolic Network, is not, "King Jesus" but "New Wine", why is that?
If you look closely at verse 2 of chapter 17 of Revelation tells us that this whore was drunk with wine, and was arrayed in purple and scarlet, as you saw the papacy and Catholic authorities, colors symbolizing the martyrs of faith, color that are being seen very often in the garb of the so-called
Apostles, colors of royalty, domain, that the Bible identifies as characteristic of the Roman Apostolic Church, "the great whore".
An apostolic pope walk into a temple with a scarlet carpet, full of leaves and snakes in the form of number six, (see photo), a cardinal's ring as a sign of kingship and subjection, purple and scarlet robes, a kingdom of prosperity like the whore that was adorned with gold, an earthly reign, denying the rapture of the Church and the events of Revelation, subjects that are to honor and give their tithes to the pope more.
No wonder that one of the revelations of the fast upcoming Guillermo Maldonado is "apostolic kiss the ring."
Just enough to know how to add one plus one, to know what the two.
But I worry that Church weak, naive, who is seduced by the extravagance, so prodigious, ignoring the biblical admonition not to be fooled by this ploy of the enemy.
Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ (anointed), or 'There He is,' do not believe.
24:24 For false Christs (anointed), and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
He forgets to this Church emotionalist and sensational in Egypt Pharaoh's magicians were also able to imitate the miracle of the rod which was turned into a serpent, is the word of God that the Bereans confirmed if Paul came from God, not by the miracles God did through him.
Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent for Paul and Silas by night unto Berea. And they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews.
17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with all readiness, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
An unsupported doctrinal revelation becomes a heresy, do not be dumb down someone who says no reason from their accelerated revelations, that all they are doing is routing a particular sector of the Christian church, shaded cliff antichrist the yoke of the Roman Apostolic Church. That in the end will fall as the great whore.
The truth is that there is already an apostolic pope, cardinals rings already, already apostolic Churches where her dad kneel more, just missing the kiss the ring, very soon! , Coming Soon!, We'll see, and say that we are more religious because we believe the Bible doctrine of miracles, many will scoff because his mind is blinded and brutalized by both spiritual ego, the governors of the world, decretadores, markings, all this evidence of the spirit of antichrist.
2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that in the last days scoffers will come, walking after their own lusts,
3:4 and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? Because from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.
These ideas discarding the rapture and the events of Revelation as the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist of the second coming of Christ, as was prophesied 2000 years ago in the Bible, surely some of these scoffers will branch apostolic today mocks the biblical doctrine, now discarded biblical discernment, taking the Bible as religious knowledge.
It's time to escape this deadly trap, if you know anyone involved in this movement called "Apostolic Reformation" it is time to warn of hazards, using the name of Jesus to deceive them becoming the anointed.
Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ (the anointed) and will deceive many.
This spirit of antichrist that Jesus speaks, he uses the name, but to promote them as the "anointed", the "Supernatural".
Share this school and all those who serve, to remove the blindfold of many who today are blind, imitating every heresy that comes from these "deformers and distorting the gospel," and if you are one of those who applaud the apostolic show, take your Bible and study it, stop living of emotions, as if the Christian life were a Disney ride, is serious and your beliefs based on Bible doctrine, preached the true apostles of faith.

G12, or Government of 12,

in five points
In these final days, previous to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for his beloved, when the resurrection of the dead in Christ will take place, and those (of us) who are alive in Him will be transformed, and jointly with them, we will be raptured (caught up) by him to receive the Lord in the clouds, (1 Thes 4:13-18), right then in these moments, is when an ample section of the church advances in an opposite direction to that of the Church that is prepared and is expecting the coming of the Lord. We ask ourselves why.
The enemy of our souls knows that there is little time left. He has set two goals, which he is desperately trying to achieve. The first one is to get the maximum number of Christians to remain on the earth when the Lord comes for his remnant.
The second one is to raise up the false world church of the Beast Antichrist, lead by the False Prophet. (Rev 13) The latter can sound very strange to some, but that doesn’t mean it’s less certain.
For this reason, the devil, through his agents, who are many; many thousands spread out all over the world, have devised different strategies, especially through recent years. For the Church, however, almost all of them sound a priori very scriptural, and despite this, and with the excuse “of bringing Heaven to Earth”, they have been raised up in the end to encourage them to put their eyes in the values and concepts of this world.
In the evangelical environment, a very exaggerated yearning sometimes exists in the pastors and members in general, to see numerical growth, as well as an increase in the economic resources in the churches. There is nothing wrong with wishing for growth as long as everything is done according to the will of God, and is not propelled by the flesh.
However, my concern is centred in the deceit capable of being believed by all those Pastors and Christians in general, who, or either by ignorance or by greed, have decided to embrace strategies which are not of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it will good for us to analyze and to learn about the subject so that we are not deceived, or to put aside all error that we have believed so that we are not deceived.
In all these strategies of the devil, diverse points in common exist, and what is certain is that they are very much based on the old Gnosticism, and therefore, loaded with Illuminism and Mysticism. Let us see some of them:
(1) an exclusive and supposed “new” revelation from God on which this new movement or model is based.
(2) That new mentioned revelation, that contains a new vision.
(3) That vision includes its “spirit”, who is the one that gives the power to implement it.
(4) the vision, inescapably tries to take to the church that adopts the model, to total success.
(5) Supposedly, all the truth of God is concentrated in the vision, because the vision, they say, is of God.
Mainly, the pivotal point is the exaltation of numerical growth over many considerations, that the moment having arrived, would be important to consider from a purely Biblical perspective.
However, the fruit that in the end is generated is, among another one: Blindness, pride, division and rupture; the way of apostasy for many; in the process, all of it impregnated with euphoria and a triumphant sentiment.
The Government of twelve, in five points
Among all those strategies or movements that exist, the one that is emphasized excessively in these days is called G12, abbreviation for the “Government of Twelve” or “Government of the Twelve”. Therefore we will stop in this one in this article, and speak about it.
Indeed, the G12, founded by Cesar Castellanos Domínguez and his wife Claudia Rodriguez de Castellanos, both very outstanding Colombian politicians, and also leaders of an enormous charismatic neo-Pentecostal congregation of ecumenical tendency, called Charismatic Mission International, of Bogota, Colombia, at least, perfectly fulfils the five points previously mentioned. Therefore, we will analyze them one by one
1 - A exclusive and supposed new revelation from God on which that new model is based
Cesar Castellanos, assures that God himself presented to him a new revelation, and in an exclusive way; the “lost link”, according to him, God’s way to take the Church of Jesus Christ in these days to total success. He himself narrates it like this “I cried to the Lord: “Lord, I need something that can accelerate the growth of the congregation”, and the Lord showed me the concept called G12, that is to say, the Government of twelve>> 1
That revelation absolutely falls short of fundamental doctrine. According to Castellanos, the revelation of the “government of the twelve” is necessary and essential so that God can bring the new and spectacular world-wide awaking for these last times.
On the other hand, since God gave that key himself to Castellanos in a personal form and in exclusive right, that would make Cesar Castellanos the prophet and apostle par excellence of the Church in these days.
However, the novel revelation that Castellanos said he received from God,
cannot be so, The Lord does not contradict himself when the same written Word assures us that nothing can be added to nor removed from it.
Curiously, that revelation of number 12, was previously received by the founder of Opus Dei, Javier Escrivá de Balaguer, who began his movement being he himself the leader of twelve.
One thing that absolutely cannot be dismissed is the dovetailing between G12 and the Roman Catholic Church. For this, we should look into it well, because sufficient information exists, fruit of recent investigation.
2 - That mentioned new revelation, entails a vision
From the revelation, later the vision comes. The vision is already the development of the concept, in this case, the concept of terrestrial ecclesiastic/spiritual government, based on the number twelve´.
G12 proposes to structure all its organization on the number 12, adducing that the secret is in the number 12, and that organizing itself that way, the churches that follow that vision, are guided by the “spirit” of that vision, and will obtain numerical growth without precedent.
According to Castellanos, <<In the spiritual kingdom, the group of 12 exists that gives complete authority, government and maturity to us … >> 2 In a “spiritual kingdom” assumption, of which Castilian does not reveal its origin, he says that a “group of twelve” exists which is granted all those graces and virtues that the author mentions. If what he intends is to say to us that the base of all this is a numerical exposition, in this case, the one of number twelve, we do not have anything else here other than numerology *
* (numerology is an occult science of divination, that seeks the esoteric interpretation of the things that surround us by means of numbers. It says that the key numbers contain powerful truths about positive and negative aspects of true nature the destiny)
3 - That vision includes its “spirit”, which is the one that gives it the power to implement it
Indeed this vision of G12 includes its own “spirit”, which is the one that empowers it. Castellanos calls that spirit ¨Spirit of the Vision¨. Here we are already brushing with the spiritual world, since we are speaking about a “spirit”.
In the spiritual world, only two sources or origins of spirits exist: from God, or from the devil. Let’s see therefore what this is all about, because if the mentioned vision isn’t from God, then we have to conclude then we have to conclude that the spirit of the same is not either.
However, we read this on behalf of a follower of G12: ‘The “Spirit of the Vision”, is related to the public relation of the believer with the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The recognition and subjection to the established order, the authority and the apostolic and prophetic government’ 3
So, as we can see, the “spirit of the vision” takes us to an imaginary hierarchy in the true Church of Christ, formed by supposed apostles and prophets; here we have again “Kingdom Now”, that is to say, “Dominion Theology”; which incidentally is plain and pure Roman Catholicism.
But the “spirit of the vision” of G12 is more than that. The Pastors interested in G12 are so convinced that they travel to Colombia to receive the “spirit of the vision”. When that has happened, they return to their countries of origin and their congregations, and euphorically impart to all the congregation what they have received: the ¨spirit of the Vision¨, and they are already under the influence of that spirit, which obviously is not the blessed Holy Spirit.
4- The vision inescapably tries to take the church that adopts the model to success.
The question we must first ask ourselves is ¨What is the Biblical concept of Success?¨ The immediate answer is ¨to please God, each one fulfilling His will.¨
However, the concept of success of G12 is very different. Castellanos understands success to be the following, as he defines it: <<To implement the model of the twelve implies leaving the traditional thing and being sent to conquer a totally different world, but it is effective because through it, growth is guaranteed...>> 4
Part of the vision of G12, is to leave the traditional thing, that is to say, what it has always been, to do church, and to ¨conquer a different world¨. This type of secularized language of conquest and dominion is very typical in G12. It also speaks to us of numerical growth being guaranteed. The latter mainly, is the success concept.
It seems that what is primary here is numerical growth. They think highly of the success concept. They do not consider that the devil himself can with no problem fill the congregations with people who are only pious in appearance, thus causing great ruin in the long term in that church (1 Jn. 5: 19b). That is not absolutely new, it already happened at the beginning of the Catholic Church, when the Christian temples became filled with all types from the emperor Constantine. Augustine of Hippo himself complained about it in the fourth century, saying
<< man who enters the church is forced to see drunk, avaricious, roguish, assiduous players,
adulterers, fornicators, people taking amulets, clients to the fortune tellers and to the astrologers… It must be made known and warning given, that the same multitudes which crowd to enter the churches for Christian services, are the same that fill the theatres for pagan celebrations >>
The defenders of the G12 will say that this does not happen in its churches, but do not know that in the origins of what we know today as the Church of Rome was still not happening, but began to happen shortly afterwards.
But, the word SUCCESS, which G12 employs so much, is a basically secular word, as for
example, the word happiness, coming from Greek and Latin. It only appears four times in the
Bible, in the Old Testament and nothing to do with the concept of numerical growth (1 Sam.18:
30, 1 Kings.22:13, Neh. 1: 11, Dn. 11: 17).
The Word says that it is God Himself who adds to the church those who have to be saved (Acts
2: 47). We conclude by saying that numerical growth in a congregation is not necessarily a
sign of divine blessing, and therefore, should not be the final and supreme aim of any church or Christian movement, but rather to truly seek to please God, according to the purest affection for His will.
5. Supposedly, all the truth of God is concretely in the vision, because the vision, they say, is from God.
In the case of G12, it is more than obvious that this is the case. In the website of the Elim
Cathedral, Jose Ferrada writes of G12:
<<The ¨Cellular Vision¨ is a Vision delivered by God to pastor Cesar Castellanos from the
city of Bogota, Colombia, in order to put life into the church of the third millennium, and
to help it be so much more fruitful and prosperous than the church was in the first century.
Pastoring a church of a hundred and twenty thousand people, the Reverend Castellanos has
sufficient experience and testimony to tell us what to do to see our congregations prosper.>>
According to what Ferrada says, one man, that is, the founder of G12, has the exclusive
authority and message from God to ¨tell us what to do to see our congregations prosper¨. In
other words, we should do what this man says, because supposedly he says it on behalf of
God, but doesn’t all this contradict the principles of the Word itself, when it says that we should not trust in man, nor in the supposed truth which he brings with him? (Jer.17: 5).
The word teaches us that, as God spoke to his people in Old Testament times through the
prophets, in this time, he has spoken to us through His Son (Heb. 1: 1,2). The cannon of the
Bible is closed, and extra biblical doctrine and dogma cannot be formulated. If this is done,
it is falling into error and deception.
And notwithstanding, Castellanos himself implicitly gives his revelation and vision an
authority similar to the Bible itself, when he insists on saying: <<The model of twelve
is very jealous, and is taken in its totality, or not at all; there is no medium term>>. 5
Let us take account that only from the Bible nothing can be added or removed, and despite
this, Castellanos says just this regarding his model of G12.
The truth about G12
The devil is a specialist in taking truths out of context and, extrapolating them, making
them become lies. This is what happens with the concept of the twelve. Biblically, the
number twelve is synonymous with perfection of government. From it the twelve tribes of
Israel, the twelve gates of the city of the new Jerusalem, the twelve names of the twelve
apostles of the Lamb (Rev. 21: 11-14). This is not put in doubt.
But twelve, as the number of perfect government, is only attributable to God. Only He
has the attributive capacity to be able to give form and establish this government, which
we shall call Theocracy. Such government will take place when King Jesus Christ returns in
glory and establishes His Kingdom on this earth, which we call the Millennium (Rev. 20);
previously the church will already have been glorified.
To claim to advance the Millennium to our days, teaching that the Kingdom is Now, when
Christ has still not returned, and establishing it all based on the number twelve, number of
perfect government and theocracy, is the work of the devil and of those who let themselves
be deceived by him.
Listen well, brother, if the church in this time should necessarily organize itself in 12, who will dare occupy the place of Jesus?... He who dares to do this, is (an) antichrist.
Meditating over all this, we arrive at the firm conclusion that an implicit chain reaction exists: When the revelation is false, the vision is also false, the ¨spirit¨ is false, the aim is false, and the supposed truth is also false.
Somebody here will tell me that there is truth in the teaching of G12. Of course there is
scriptural truth in G12, because how can people be deceived only with lies? Certain truth
is necessary, giving it the necessary Christian appearance; but the appearance does not
conform to the reality. Let us not deceive ourselves.
Appealing to the ego and the flesh
Let us flee from false models, which only attempt to appeal to the ego and the flesh. Castellanos, exalting his vision of the ¨government of the twelve¨, says the following:
<<When someone discovers the power and authority which can be developed being leader of
twelve people, then he is concerned to enable himself, commit himself, and that his twelve
also achieve this>> 6
We see that, according to Castellanos, the motivation to enable and commit oneself is to arrive at having ¨power and authority¨. We see that the motivation here is not that of serving, but that of having power and ¨authority¨, calling all of this ¨success¨. That is to say, many people filling the places of worship, and many leaders exercising ¨power and authority¨ over many. Thus one succumbs to the temptation of the devil. How this reminds me of Roman Catholicism of always!
Better, let us go to the simplicity and efficiency of the Word of God, the Bible, and let us not move from there, fleeing from all temptation of megalomania.
Blessings to all.
© Miguel Rosell Carrillo, Centro Rey, Madrid, Spain
November 2005
(Translated by Ian Monk and Phil Fisher)
1 Cesar Castellanos, ¨Successful Leadership Through the Twelve¨
2 Cesar Castellanos, ¨Effective Leadership¨
3 Jose Ferrada, Elim Cathedral, Chile
4 Cesar Castellanos, ¨Successful Leadership Through the Twelve¨ p 246
5 Ibid, p 247
6 Ibid, p 152

REFUTING "THE NEW MILLENNIUM Apostolic Reformation" Rony Chaves. 2 nd

We continue in this second part of the article discussing and refuting Rony Chaves, entitled: "The inevitable, necessary and essential apostolic reformation of the new millennium" (*)
(*) If you want to read this whole article Chaves, will find the addresses cyber Featured in the "notes" (1)
In this section, among other things, we will see how Chaves oppose those who oppose his "Apostolic Reformation".
Rony Chaves writes:
<< Who opposes the New Apostolic Reformation >>
<< Of course, the first opponent to all Apostolic Reformation is the devil. His kingdom would collapse if it happened today. But they are indeed Babylonian structures that make every effort to stop it. The spirits there will prevailing war to prevent it. Yet, sadly I must say, evangelical religious structures and outdated (not functional) will do what they can to stop this reform God. This Apostolic Reformation is God's answer to the cry of intercessors and prophets. This has unsettled many pastoral and denominational structures >>.
We discuss:
As the devil is against everything God says in His Word, and such "Apostolic Reformation" She is not, and therefore contrary to that postulated Chaves, the devil is in favor of all deceit, as is that . Moreover, he is the one who is working behind the scenes to raise the pyramid structure that is already filling a broad church today, in order to lift at the time the false church of the False Prophet (Revelation 13: 11 ff.)
Accordingly Satan's kingdom will not fall to rise this "wave apostolic", but rather the opposite.
We can read between the lines, that some of these "Babylonian structures" referred to by Chaves, are all pure evangelical sectors, both churches, as individuals, we do not believe in that "apostolic reformation".
Opposition to the "Apostolic Reformation" type Chaves, not from some evangelical sectors at first, but comes from the same Word of God, and therefore, believers got up refuting the doctrine that, we do.
But Chaves, ignoring the scriptural argument that disproves its manifestations, dares to give reasons on our assumptions spurious grounds, and all this saying as follows:
(We raised immediately afterwards accompanying commentary)<< WHY NOT CHANGE? >>
Pastors, pastoral alliances and denominations rather not change and are opposed because:
<< 1 - They believe that their methods are correct >>
There are methods, but to faithfully follow the Word of God and his doctrine, which states itself as false the "Apostolic Reformation".
<< 2 - Have a high level of disbelief to those changes >>
It's not "disbelief", but denial of falsehood. Moreover, the Word says that Jesus Christ is the same, no change (Heb. 13: 8). Chaves proposed change is a change of the Word, therefore, we do not.
<< 3 - suffered negative experiences in the past >>
Any negative experience suffered in the past (and these are not lacking) is not reason not to walk in the truth now, but what happens is that the "apostolic reformation" of Chaves not true, so we do not want .
Sobran a psychological arguments here to "go home."
<< 4 - Lack of disclosure in this area >>
The lack of "revelation" about the "Apostolic Reformation", not a sign of not having the real revelation is the Bible, which is the one that counts, while the other is not.
<< 5 - They are very religious and legalistic >>
This is an easy argument and always on hand, for those who want to impose their doctrines and ways of thinking to others.
<< 6 - They are passive and afraid (see God work but do not want to run anymore or pay a high price) >>
This statement grate the insult Chaves Is putting in the same bag to all Christians who do not agree with their doctrine? Are we saying that we are simply because we disagree with what the word of God teaches that it is not?
This is simply a false judgment. Chaves should have more respect for the body of Christ that serves its pseudo theological claims.
<< 7 - They're not willing to risk more, are very comfortable and are >>
We make the same comment above here.
<< 8 - are proud to acknowledge that they do not know and need help. They need to humiliate >>
Perhaps it is precisely Rony Chaves who humble themselves before God and all Christians who have insulted and disrespected, and apologize. I had never seen before so boldly, and contempt for the brothers and their beliefs, which in this case according to the Word.
Keep writing Chaves:
METHODS clog << >>
<< The word method is sometimes negative implications. What came through the anointing of God, we tend to pigeonhole into a mold or method. Satan uses our method to enclose the vision of God and stop ministries and advancing the work of the Lord. Methods often lead to separate religion and the daily search for the Holy Spirit's guidance. The prophets and apostles intercessors are getting the vision of the Lord and His Word to break past methods and obsolete (no longer used) that will not work in the future. Prophets and Apostles gestate a new generation with new prophetic designs theirs to win for Christ. The submission to one another and recognition of the various ministries in the Church (apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists) and its particular anointing we ensure compliance with the divine vision. First apostles, second prophets what, third teachers and their order then pastors and evangelists. This pleases God, is His government order >>
We split. First, Chaves talks about the supposed dangers that enclose practice methods.
Every minister feared God knows that a particular method can never meet or be above the teachings of the Word of God, not herself. The problem is not the method, but the heart of the minister and the believers in general. By this I mean that a method or way of doing things will never any problem, if the believer's heart is strong in the Lord, because the methods, when necessary, are only temporary ways to implement what we know and understand by the Word.
Demos an example: A congregation will use a specific method to evangelize that can give you a good result, for example, preaching in parks and squares, or evangelistic leaflets, etc. However, for another congregation, which lies several miles of the former, which is on another continent, perhaps the evangelistic method that works better than the coffee invite the people you want to share the Good News, etc.. The method alone and simply must serve the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this case. Therefore, making the method a problem per se, is a platitude.
Chaves says: << What came through the anointing of God, we tend to pigeonhole into a mold or method >> What came of God is His Word, and never think a true minister of the Gospel "in a pigeonhole mold "because the Word is alive and not enclosed; always runs and is glorified in the hands of a true servant of God. But we understand why Chaves says what it says. Pay attention, Chaves says:
<< The prophets and apostles intercessors are getting the vision of the Lord and His Word to break past methods and obsolete (no longer used) that will not work in the future >>
For Chavez, the written word has been poor and, because it is encased in molds. Now it is necessary that those "anointed" men, contribute what "are receiving the Lord", ie: More Word.
It is clear from their arguments, and which the Lord has given us, is insufficient. We have molded, and no longer works, but now comes the part of these men a new "vision of the Lord" together with more "Word" (Chaves forget that the canon is now closed), so that "Prophets and apostles Gesten a new generation with new prophetic designs theirs to win for Christ "...
Note that this new generation that gestate are men, and they do it with "new prophetic designs" (are not these methods also?), In order to "win theirs for Christ" ... (Who are "the theirs "to be won for Christ?) This is a very ambiguous language always uses Chaves, and it seems to contain more than it seems to say.
Chaves continues teaching about "submission to one another and recognition of the various ministries in the Church (apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists)" Again here we highlight the different understanding that exists as to those who are apostles. Consider:
The Bible speaks of Christ's twelve, whose ministry ended, since only they were eyewitnesses of the life of Christ, we have the Word, and the canon is closed. It also tells of missionaries sent or, as Barnabas, Silas, Junia, etc. who went to carry the Word to the places where Christ had not yet been preached, and they did, and what they have done and thousands more throughout the history of the Church today.
And Chaves, along with many others, speaks of a kind of apostle not found in the Scriptures, which have hierarchy and ranks first in the "ranking" ministerial, structuring and shaping the new revelation that the assumptions are prophets, to be received and believed by teachers and pastors, and be taught by them to all the saints, and thus, their unctions << individuals we ensure compliance with the divine vision >> To do this, using the verse of 1 Co. 12: 28, and taking it out of context completely, saying emphasizes: << First apostles, second prophets, third teachers and their order then pastors and evangelists. This pleases God, is His order of government >> But as the contextual Chaves, is false. The government of God is not male, nor is establishing a hierarchy of men, but that comes from the Holy Spirit, and He is working directly. Otherwise, we will have a papacy "evangelical", no doubt.
And to be ending, but not least, I would like to comment on the last paragraph of this letter of Chaves, which is as follows:An apostolic church << >>
<< The Holy Spirit is Apostolic. This implies that the design adheres to the Father, His Plan and Time (Kairos). The church began as an Apostolic Church (Early Church) and ending ages with an Apostolic Church (Body of Christ). He began with an apostolic structure, vision and Apostolic Anointing, He will take to it again before the return of Christ. The Commission of the Lord to his people was Apostolic to attend an "apostolic call" from the Father (save souls and release and disciple the nations). The Church will enter the Wave of Evangelization largest in its history, and restored the apostolic model. The Church will be erected to serve as a huge "Company Apostolic" (emphasis added)
Continuing his habit of naming everything and everyone as "apostolic", including the blessed Holy Spirit, says bluntly that as << The Church began as an Apostolic Church (Early Church), also << end ages with a Apostolic Church - and still says - << He began with an apostolic structure, vision and Apostolic Anointing, He will take to it again before the return of Christ >>
Chaves does not teach the truth. The apostles and departed with the Lord, and the apostolic ministry was unique. Now, when the true Church will be raptured at any time to meet the Lord in the clouds (1 Thess. 4: 13-17), Chaves intended to be lifted and trade ministry already perfectly fulfilled its mission.
Christ himself announces that His coming will be like when Noah and his family entered the ark. Days for nothing "apostolic", but of enormous apostasy and wickedness (Gen. 6: 5-8; Mt. 24: 37-39). They will be like when Lot and his family out of Sodom, Sodom and Gomorrah because all sin reigned, including "Pride, leftover bread and abundance of leisure" (Ezekiel 16: 49) Is not all this describes the days in which we live?
If Christ has assured us that the days of His coming would be as described, why Chaves and hundreds more are opposed to the words of the Divine Master, saying the opposite? Who has the truth, Christ or Chaves?
Moreover, this "apostolic structure" with which says that the Holy Spirit began the Church, governed only in his imagination. There was no such "structure", but the direct work of each of the apostles (sent), as the Lord commissioned by His Spirit.
There was nothing of that tried men's theocratic government in the early church, but there was the same as now, the Holy Spirit.
Chaves mixes truth with lies. It says: << The Commission of the Lord to His people was to meet Apostolic an "apostolic call" from the Father (save souls and release and disciple the nations) >> (emphasis added)
That apostolic call (sending Jesus), can only be interpreted as clearly specified the Lord, and we read in Matthew 28: 19, 20 and Mark 16: 15. But the Commission does not include the "save souls", but to preach the gospel, making disciples of all nations, not "disciple the nations" as he says (and teach Cesar Castellanos and many others), nor "free nations" Where in the Word that the Church is "free nations"?
Saving souls not men but God, and Christians do not release or disciple the nations, that's Dominionist heresy, which will pass a bill in good time to all who believe and follow.
Chaves awarded to the Church a role that does not belong and that was given by Christ. All that says is close to a Roman Catholic dogma, and we can see in all this the hand of dominionist doctrine staunchest Jesuitism.
Chaves intended that the Church needs a "restoration under apostolic model", to carry out a work to which Christ has called you to do. This is due to ulterior motives, which we briefly highlight here and there to double throughout this article.
One thing I think I agree with Chaves, and is in that this "New Apostolic Reformation" is unstoppable, but this is a sign of the end times. It is part of a stunning move apostasy and foretold in Scripture, and that announces the end of this dispensation, and the Rapture of the Beloved of Christ.
With everything and thus, we will not stop raising our voices and our pens up to denounce the falsehood that many teach and lend many, always with truth, sheltered by love, because, in mercy and truth, corrects sin, and the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. (Prov. 16: 6)
God bless you.
Rosell Miguel Carrillo, Pastor King Center, Madrid, SpainNovember 2006www.centrorey.org
1.http :/ / www.geoscopio.net/escaparate/verproducto.cgi?idproducto=27027/ http://www.adoracioncontinental.com/