Mario E. Fumero
n the past 20 years there have been prophets, enlightened apostles
syncretic sects and groups like never before in the history of mankind. Many of these have led his followers to acts of violence and suicides. Evidence of this was the sect of the "Peoples Temple" led by Jim Jones in 1978 led to the deaths of more than 900 people [1] . There is also the case of Daviniana sect led by David Koresh [2] , which on a ranch in Texas led to the deaths of a group of his faithful followers, who believed that the Apocalypse had arrived.
have seen how in biblical theology has been grafted, through
manipulations and distortions, diametrically opposed to those proclaimed
by Jesus Christ. An example of this we have it in the preaching of ambition by the so-called "prosperity theology" [3] which
itself is the "theology diabolical ambition," which fuels the desire
for wealth and power of the false apostles, who were rich, subtly
manipulating the gullible minds of his followers to end default, stating
that God gave to these "so-called elected" a special anointing and
power to receive new revelations by which enslave people swear by them,
and exploit them for profit. I
picked up the case of a brother frustrated that his pastor-apostle
asked for credit card use, by affirming that God would prosper by
sharing your blessing. The poor brother was left with a tremendous debt, as their leader will use the credit card to the max.
We see a church aligned with the world, getting involved in politics. Recently
we saw in amazement as some Evangelical leaders took sides in the
Honduran political crisis, defined on one side, and stating that
disqualified certain positions to mediate in a conflict that caused a
serious split in the Honduran people as accomplices indirect the
division of society, which ceased to be peacemakers and mediators in the
existing crisis, and the worst is that both sides used the Bible and
God as battle flag.
Many congregations develop marketing techniques [4] , which make companies and their pastors into entrepreneurs, and giving a stock exchange. These
currents introduce new influences of psychology and spiritualism, by
teaching psychodrama with regression, mental power, fetishism and an
alleged emotional healing, based on suggestive techniques. One of those movements that have such practices is the G-12, founded by Cesar Castilian [5] , a move that has divided and destroyed churches and families in many countries of America. Then
we have the Brazilian sect "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God,"
but it takes other forms and names, with the slogan "stop suffering" a
gospel emphasizing occult and fetish [6] .
have made the temple worship and a theater of distraction, carnality
and exploitation, introducing all worldly and pagan customs that
dominate the market, polluting the altar of the Lord. These
proclaimers of the gospel of prosperity live ostentatiously, with pay
astronomical, as the case of Paul Crouch, founder and president of the
"Trinity Broadcasting Network" (TBN) earning annually $ 800,000.00
dollars, which exceeds the salary of the President United States [7] . But
is that the scandals of his life, after being accused of homosexual
relations with his driver, have brought scorn against evangelicals [8] . What about the Christian singers? Better
not talk, because many of them are trading at higher price than the
world, with manager leads them on the agenda, demanding limo, five star
hotels and bodyguards (whom they call Squire), and some living in sin
and without spiritual subject.
of these elements, more frequent religious scandals caused by corrupt
priests and pastors are produced a negative effect on the proclamation
of the gospel, which leads many to unbelief or skepticism. Evidence
of them is a recent fact where a Catholic leader, and other evangelical
scandals were reported in all Hispanic media, by their carnal desires [9] . Must
be added to the above, the systematic attacks of the secular world
against the Bible, using pseudo-scientific arguments to develop theories
that attempt to demonstrate non-resurrection of Jesus, the validity of
the Gnostic gospels and the questioning of the theological foundation of
the Christian faith. Also look for arguments to make way for evolutionary theories, materialistic and skeptical. These events set the stage for what is currently happening, "a crisis of faith" that involves a distortion of absolute truth to such an extent that man becomes a "god" as Scripture says (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Jesus asked a question, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?". And in Matthew 24:22 is given the answer by stating that: "... if those days were limited, no one would be saved" which sets the religious plight of recent times.
St. Paul describes the spiritual condition of the church in 1 Timothy 4:1 establish the unusual fact that in recent times come seducing spirits that would spread the apostasy in the churches through the proclamation of doctrines of demons. How will exist in the Christian church doctrines of "demons"? All those lessons that feed the power (the ego), materialism and greed, and the exaltation of man as anointed apostle, by the use of objects bearing blessing, are doctrines of demons, contrary to the gospel taught by the apostles .
These doctrines proclaimed anthropocentrism, deifying the man, and putting other revelations about Biblical revelation, resulting in destructive heresies, that demonstrate a wicked plan to confuse and discredit the gospel (1 Corinthians 11:19).
Is not our world full of false prophets and apostles fraudulent rib are enriched in the proclamation of a Gospel in which "the have and be strong" is itself the essence of his preaching? (2 Corinthians 11:13). The characteristics of these wicked men was revealed in 2 Peter 2:1-3 [10] where the sample by entering their devilish ideas covertly, disguised as a false religion "as a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away "(2 Timothy 3:5), but basically looking to make goods or business of the gospel, to satisfy his greed (2 Corinthians 2:17) [11] . We can not deny that the flowering of disbelief, scandals, apostasy and sin as a lifestyle, will produce the persecution and tribulation (2 Thessalonians 1:5-7) of those who keep up the fundamental truth. This is the sign of recent times in relation to the true Church, which is described as "have a little strength" (because it has economic and political power), but keep your Keyword search ra ", and not deny the name of Jesus , to which is given the promise of protection (Revelation 3:8) [12] . Clearly, the judgment of God shall begin on your house (1 Peter 4:17), and will be tested with the fire of trials (1 Peter 4:12, 1 Corinthians 3:13) to see if in fact we are anchored on the rock, and then we will be redeemed before the occurrence of the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Habakkuk 3:12).
The false church is known for being liberal, looking for position and wealth, and therefore which is aligned with the world and its ways, and above all, is not defined, seeking comfort and recognition, so well described Revelation 3: 14-19 [13] calling it "the Church of Laodicea," which is neither cold nor hot, because it is indefinite [14] , hesitantly, adapted to the environment and to which God vomit from his mouth for being lukewarm. One of the sins most common in modern Christianity is the ambiguity and false words, do not point out sin in front, because we like to use inclusive language and practice the doctrine of the Pharisees [15] which is hypocrisy religious. We are more diplomatic and agronomists [16] that preachers of truth.
There have always been false pastors and religious leaders, as there are in our times. Perhaps the lack of discernment of the Spirit can not judge the difference between the worker of God and that using God as a shield, he lives for his own belly. The prophet Jeremiah describes false religious prophets in this way, "As a cage full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit; therefore they are become great and rich. Are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet he became prosperous, and the cause of the poor are not judged "(Jeremiah 5:27-28).
is necessary that in this age of decadence, get up a powerful church in
the Spirit and the Word, who is willing to suffer the consequences of
not conforming with the world lost, condemning sin in whatever form it
manifests itself. Coming
hard times for Christians, as taught by Pastor David Wilkerson, and
victory will be time for those who stand firm (do not miss seeing this
message [17] ),
where to be tested by the fiery ordeal, we creditors of the kingdom of
heaven, and the Lord will redeem us from the wrath to come upon the
- [1] - See page wed:
- [2] . wed-View page:
- [3] -
- [4] - The term marketing is an anglicized that has several definitions . According to Philip Kotler (considered by some the father of marketing one ) is "the social and managerial process by which groups and individuals meet their needs by creating and exchanging goods and services". 2 However, there are other definitions, as asserting that marketing is the art or science to meet the needs of customers and get profit from it. Wikipedia:
- [5] - The Movement G12, as it is known, is presented as a great proposal for the New Millennium, but is this some new-church movement. What appeals most is the ease of demonstrating growth, but their practices and doctrines there is nothing new for those who are scholars of the Word and of historical events in the Church through the centuries. Most of the participants know the origins of the movement and its proposals. Fascinated by the emotional impact and the apparent immediate result, many unlearned and people with good faith, come to the G12 Movement hoping to achieve unity of the Church and structural reform.
- For information see: Evangelical Religion Research Center "BEREA"
- [6] - This sect was founded in Brazil in 1977 by Bishop Edir Macedo. The Brazilians offer their fans a series of "miraculous objects" who claim they can cure incurable diseases, bring profit or retain loved ones, as long as the believer brings its faith and above all their monetary contributions.
- [7] - View wed page:
- [8] -See: . The Los Angeles Times published the following: By William Lobdell, Times Staff Writer (September 12, 2004) "televangelist Paul Crouch, founder of the world's largest Christian broadcasting network, has waged a fierce legal battle to Prevent a former employee from publicizing Allegations That I and Crouch Had a sexual encounter eight years ago. Crouch, 70, is the president of Trinity Broadcasting Network, based in Orange County, Whose Christian Reaches millions of viewers programming around the world via satellite, cable and broadcast stations. " Taken from:
- [9] - Pastor Tommy Molla, founder of Restoration Christian Center in Orlando, Florida, which was host of television programs are broadcast in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Central and South America and some European countries has resigned for having altered confessed. He is the author of the book "Destined for the heights" and "The Wonderful Gospel of Grace" and lectured internationally on leadership, church growth, inner healing and consultation to organizations and ministries. His resignation was announced amid scandal starring the Catholic priest Alberto Cutie, who was caught by paparazzi caressing and kissing a woman on a beach in Miami.
- [10] - "But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among us, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, bring on themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; because of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of, By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words. On such a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. "
- [11] - is extended over the subject in the book "The chaos of modern apostles and prophets, and the tyranny of the saints" Mario E. Peniel Productions Fumero, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2007.
- [12] - Revelation 3:8 "I know thy works; behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it; thou hast a little strength, have kept my word, and hast not denied my name. "
- [13] - "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the principle of God's creation, says this: I know your deeds, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot! But because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth, and I have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor blind and naked. Therefore, I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire, to become rich; and white clothes to wear, and not the shame of your nakedness; and anoint thine eyes with eye drops, you see. I rebuke and chasten those I love; I, therefore jealous and repent. "
- [14] - is an interesting article on the "apostle" Guillermo Maldonado and behavior teaching contrary to the biblical principle. View:
- [15] - A politico-religious sect, or part thereof made by adherents of later Judaism, which emerged as a class about the third century BC. After the exile, monarchical forms of government power to the Israelites, became a thing of the past. Instead, the Jews created a community half state, half church. Taken from the Encyclopedia católica.http :/ / / f / fariseos.htm
- [16] - When I speak of pastors agronomists I mean those who are asking for money with the term planting to harvest more.
- [17] - See next page of Youtube:
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