When the blind guide the blind Who are, they say, and as desenmascáralos?
1. They are all modern preachers who studied under Kenneth Haggin, Copleland, Price among others. From their false doctrines arising from false teaching: positive confession, among other deviations from the truth.
2. "The aroma of Christ" does not permeate the pulpits of these charlatans and divas who like the Catholic papacy claim full authority in all matters relating to faith and practice. ~
3. You may unknowingly be part of the "New Papacy". How? If you just listen to a man (or woman) to your "spiritual food", if you have a total dependence on the church for your salvation.
4. The New Papacy; demanded total loyalty from you, without question or criticism. Your tithes and offerings, seeds of faith, order, binding and loosing are part of the menu that you feed weekly.
5. The New Papacy; great cathedrals up and tell you that just as God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle, God spoke to the leader-pope to lift a large temple. Sure, it's the money of your children and family to raise. You notice that when they pass the plate ofrendan not. What strange, do not you think?
6. The New Papacy, and the popes in Rome live, live opulently. They dress in gold and linen with wool of sheep. They live in houses that cost millions, have private jets, servants and "bodyguard".
7. NEW papacy miraculous use tricks to feed your thirst and itching to see and hear "things by the anointing of God"
8.THE new papacy; prevalent in North America, for more money here than elsewhere but are spreading to Central and South America. If you preach the gospel Why not plant their churches Megas in the jungles of Africa or the Amazon?
9.The new papacy, as the Vatican is not accountable to anyone, they talk, what they say and decree, for they have the same weight as Scripture.
10. ~ THE new papacy, but carry a Bible to the pulpit, not base their teachings on the Holy Scriptures. Their false doctrines, texts out of context eclipse visions simpler texts of the Bible.
11. ~ THE NEW papacy, as the ancient and modern papacy, sold "indulgences church". What are they? "Jordan water, anointing oil, little seeds of faith, etc.," a people ignorant and unwary. Merchants are using to enrich their falsehoods.
12. ~ I guarantee you will never leave the network's new papacy, unless God gives faith and repentance to be saved.
13. ~ THE new papacy, use the media very effectively. What are they? Enlace TBN and other South and Central America.
14. ~ If you discern that you are in a "church" where the new papacy is enthroned. No need to pray, you need to run like someone running from a plague of rats.
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