1. Handlers are charismatic ~ ~, "friendly", "positivist", "funny", they use their driving skills mass-manipulated to followers.
2. Handlers are shown as Prophets ~ ~, are presented as "visionaries" are 'professional illusionists', wishful thinking born of their own egocentric desires, the transmit-manipulated his followers as "prophecies", which are full of promises to his followers-handled, and these are injected in the midst of praise, applause, awards, especially those who bring more fans, manipulated, and higher profits mean $ $ $.
3. Handlers will make you look like ~ ~ Sages say half-truths, which wrap their lies, their goal is not to say the truth, their half-truths only use them to manipulate their followers. I do understand that their followers do not know anything, and they are the only wise, what 'teaching' do half, to hear his "wisdom" while selling his lectures, books, videos, motivational speaking, etc.. Nothing out for free, charge for poisoning and maintain spellbound to his poor and faithful zombies.
4. Handlers are presented as ~ ~ Generous, always offer something of interest to your target market, give 'free samples', are excellent sellers what they promise, know how to use their language to convince their "clients" that they offer is unique that only they have it, and that those who purchase their products, they will receive many benefits if they accept their offers. What is certain is that give nothing for free, they will charge multiplied.
5. Handlers are ~ ~ Fawning, in popular terms "lambones" is an old tactic used to achieve win and keep their followers-manipulated faithful in their dominance hierarchies. It is a way to give the dog the reward for bringing the ball.
6. Handlers are presented as Leaders ~ ~ teach / speak enough of "leadership" and train "leaders" to be his arms like an octopus and so achieve the greatest possible control over their 'kingdom', their "leaders" loyal fans that are under their "coverage" put them in places of "honor" and make-manipulated followers see these 'bosses' as the highest esteem. What they call "delegation of authority."
7. The manipulators are empire builders ~ ~ like his 'spiritual father' Nimrod. They are dedicated to building towers of Babel. That all-manipulated his followers speak their language and work together in a single "vision." To do this, they need many slaves working for his kingdom.
8. The manipulators are shown as ~ ~ Generally miracle make use of "great signs" Miracles are one of the main strategies to attract new followers-handled.
9. Handlers are ~ ~ Emocionalistas, attending all kinds of pantomimias as laughter, jumping, anger, whining, etc. know very well the power of emotions and how are you taking their followers-engineered to do what they want.
10. Machiavellian manipulators are ~ ~, as professional handlers, use music, lights, plays, etc.. to build their own shows; Creativity
has no limit, try to use everything in its power to achieve their "goals" proposed. Surround themselves with "talented leaders," subordinates ready to do everything they ordered to do, which are only 'useful idiots' in the service at the foot of the manipulator.
11. Handlers are ~ ~ Repetitive, they were heard saying things like "They say up to 40 times in a meeting who are champions" ..., which conclude: "... I know you are thinking". They know very well the power has to repeat lies become truths, as did Hitler, Napoleon and great "world leaders".
12. Handlers are hypocrites ~ ~ because everything revolves around their desires, goals, visions, and dreams, the hypocrisy of their actions are so well managed, they can not see the reality of who is at following his followers- manipulated.
13. Handlers are egocentric ~ ~ Though they say they do it for "good" community "or" society "," the country ", or the world, and thus become very philanthropic view, the objective all are themselves. They are your own god. So talk about God or Christ.
14. Handlers are ~ ~ Abusive well known as the virtues, talents and resources of its adherents-handled, used faith, vested interests, and everything they can to take advantage of their 'faithful'. One of its main objectives is to take money, but if they can also take out time for free, free labor, and even free pleasure.
15. The manipulators are ~ ~ revilers show deep anger with the "rebels" who are not "submit to their leadership," to which the face, and dare to tell them one way or another than they really are. For this, the curse, persecute, and if they could even be killed. "I wish I had a machine gun to knock the spirit of their heads (Benny Hinn)."
Identify if under the influence of a manipulator, repent and run to Christ.
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free".
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