Protecting the flock: Beware of wolves in the church
"I am the good shepherd, good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But the employee, which is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches and scatters the sheep " (John 10:11-12). ______________________________________ As Paul in Acts 20, is headed to Jerusalem, stop at Ephesus. They summoned the leaders of the church for a special meeting. Solemnly told these Ephesian believers: "And now I know that none of you among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face" (Acts 20:25). Paul then delivered his last message to the Ephesians. In essence he said: "I've been with you before and know all you have done. I have served with humility and tears. I preached in your church, as well as house to house. All I have done under the most severe trials and persecutions . But [nothing I have kept from you]. " Then, with tears, he gave this sober warning: "... for three years, night and day, I ceased not to admonish everyone with tears" (Acts 20:31). What Paul saw that coming? What he so afflicted to spend three years moaning about the church? 'About that upcoming tragedy had warned so many times, both publicly and privately, whether in church and at home? What issue could shake this man deeply pious and prayer. Paul's concern was not an explosion of lust, adultery, divorce or drunkenness. His warnings were about coming persecutions or restrictions either from society or government. It warned them on an explosion of depravity or homosexuality in the pulpit, or some moral decay, unemployment and poverty, terrorism and war. In short words, Paul's warnings were not about the chaos that occurs outside the church doors. No, Paul's concern was for what he saw coming within the walls of the house of God. The admonished the Ephesians about what was coming on the ministry, on pastors in particular . And these warnings were about the destruction that comes in the hands of impostors who would flood into the church . In this final message, the Paul's mind was not on the growth of the church, the pastors' personal problems, or difficult circumstances and temptations of believers. No, the deep cry of Paul's heart was: "You bishops, pastors you, pay attention. Take heed to yourselves and your people." "The Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God" (20:28 .) In other words: "You overseers, you bishops, you leaders - feed their sheep, prepárenlas. Susténtenlas with the pure Word of God, sálvenlas of wolves and impostors who attack the weak sheep." "I know that after my starting wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves will arise men speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch ... " (20:29-31). On this point, Paul remarked: "Right now, you are a blessed church. are a faithful people, a powerful body of believers. have a solid foundation." Later Christ also say the same about the Ephesians in the book of Revelation. He said: "I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance, and you can not tolerate wicked, thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars." (2: 2). However, according to Paul, "As blessed as they are, your church will be spared, unless they pay attention to my warnings. up going to see wicked and perverse a ministry that will trade or merchandise of the flock." Christ gave to the Ephesians the same warning in Revelation 2: "You left your first love. Repent, but take away your stand, your brilliant testimony to the world." How they lost their first love these Ephesian believers? How can any church begins to die? Clearly was due to their pastors and leaders were not protecting the sheep . They were careful and allowed the wolves to have access to the fold. When the wolves came, ate the sheep, while a. In summary, a perverted gospel infiltrated the church [The Wicked Prosperity Gospel] and was taught the error. Suddenly, pure-hearted believers astray by terrible disappointment. For years, this faithful church had been careful to judge what was the gospel and what was of the flesh. But now these same believers were tried in an easy gospel that mitigated the flesh. And they were apart from Christ.
Today Paul is not, and predators and
perverts have entered.
perverts have entered.
These wolves have invaded the house of God. And they're deceiving pastors and congregations around the world. Everywhere I travel, I see evil preachers dividing the flock and scattering the sheep. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of these wolves: "There is a conspiracy of her prophets in her midst, as a roaring lion ravening the prey. devoured lives, took estates and honor her many widows in the midst of it .... His bosses in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, shedding blood to destroy lives, to get dishonest gain to the poor and needy ... destroyed ... " (Ezekiel 22:25, 27, 29). Show me a preacher who never exposes sin - who does not show people the difference between holy and profane, who makes no mention of repentance and judgment, and instead says God wants to make you rich and prosperous, and would describe this man for what it is. He is a wolf . And the cross has been replaced by money. Let me describe this kind of modern wolf . The man I'm thinking is one of the best known preachers of prosperity in America. A few weeks ago, this was his message: "You have heard about the coming of Jesus. Have heard that he can return at any time. I tell you, that's impossible. He can not come until you have prospered - until have your nice car, until you have the dream house. simply can not come until then. " Recently I saw a video that was sent to a conference of prosperity. This theology was declared at the conference: "Find the most prosperous preacher you know, and give them your money. He's blessings will flow over you." A shepherd of prosperity was on the platform and described his cars, his plane home , diamonds, and a dog he bought for $ 15,000. He further stated: "I will build a house which Solomon would be proud. So when people in my town see my house and my Rolls Royce, know that there is a God in heaven." As he spoke, people came and filled their pockets with money. Others headed to the platform to leave their money there. Still others threw money on it. So began a song entitled "Run for the Money." Some fell prostrate while others ran around the auditorium singing, "Run for the Money." Beloved, this strikes me and frightens me, how pastors and Bible-believing Christians can be so deceived. Even in our church, some parishioners distributed messages recorded by the ravenous wolf teaches: "Jesus can not come to have prospered." What a horrible blasphemy! Jesus himself said to find its manifestation, that he will come in the blink of an eye, at least I hope. Oh, how blind has become the church. And how blind are now many pastors. Churches that once believed in sacrifice, self-denial and cross-bearing , are defiled by the flesh. They are totally focused on himself, in material things, the good life and not in the holy life. The prophet Jeremiah described the wolves who are carrying this deception: "As a cage full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they have become powerful and rich. waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked. not tried the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet prospered. The cause of the poor did not judge! " The Lord says: Do not judge this? Such people do not my soul be avenged? Wonderful and horrible thing is done in the country: the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests rule by their master. My people want it to! What then will you do so? (Jeremiah 5:27-31). According to Jeremiah, those wolves make their fortunes on the backs of the poor and needy. A prominent evangelist is selling "Healing Cancer" for $ 1,000. For $ 500, a person can come forward and receive prayer for any kind of evil. But prayer for cancer costs $ 1,000. All this is a stench in the nostrils of God. And let me tell you where it will end. We serve a patient God, who did not want to destroy or judge anyone that is induced in the network of deception through ignorance. It prevents and corrects his sheep. But the day comes when these wolves will say: "Enough! Not steal more widows. Not use the blood of my Son as a credit card to satisfy your lust. No longer be allowed to go into all the world and Christ preached a materialist. Each ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing unmask him and took him into bankruptcy. Very soon the money is flowing in you, will dry up completely. "

Every pastor of the Lord, has the responsibility
of caring for his flock of ravenous wolves.
of caring for his flock of ravenous wolves.
Who are the wolves? They take as dams, sheep weak and malnourished. Looking for those who do not know their Bible and are trapped in a self-centered gospel. It is for this reason that Paul's admonition is as clear: "Pastors and leaders, take care of yourself. Take care of the flock which have been called to supervise. Feed the church of God." We pastors are called to fill the herd with the pure Word of God. Only then can discern what is the Holy Spirit and what is the wolf. I ask: What should be the concern of every pastor in this country? This should not be a new way to attract people to come to church. No! Pastors must be overwhelmed with worry that broke the heart of Paul. God put the same concern in the heart of the prophet Amos: The danger of a famine of the Word of God. In the days of Amos, Israel became obsessed with money and materialism. Meanwhile, the poor were despised. Anyone not successful was mocked. Consequently, Amos said, "Hear this, you who trample on the needy, even to the poor of the earth, saying: ... achicaremos the measure, the price will go up, falsifying the balances by deceit, buy the poor for money and the needy for a pair of shoes, and sell the refuse of the wheat. The Lord hath sworn by the pride of Jacob: I will never forget any of his works " (Amos 8:4-7). Amos saw wolves take prey widows and the poor, taking away their money or their livelihood. He said: "They are removing their shoes to widows. are robbing the poor." I see the same thing is happening today. A wolf - a minister consultant - told our financial manager, "If someone sends a donation to his ministry immediately remítanle another appeal." In other words: "No matter who sends the money. Let the widows and the elderly who support them, give even more, if they prefer. Get the largest donations to them as possible." No, This will never be so! Today, the Minister consultant is near ruin. How did the Lord at such greed in Israel? He said to Amos: "Surely the days come, saith the Lord, will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord. And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north to east looking for word of the Lord shall walk and not find it. At that time, girls and young men faint for thirst " (Amos 8:11-13). God, in essence, is saying, "Go ahead, go for money. Scorn for the poor, the needy, the widows, the righteous. But I will send famine upon you and your flock. You will starve to death by a heavenly word. will run from east to west, trying to find a word from me but not find it. " Similarly, today, the Lord shut the sky every pastor materialistic. Every blessing that flows, soon dry up. And in difficult times, the flock that followed those thirsty, savage wolves will spread as they run for a word of God. "This testimony is true, therefore rebuke them sharply , that they may be sound in faith, not giving heed to fables Jewish, and commandments of men from the truth. " (Titus 1:13-14) Beloved, the only concern of our heavenly Father, is that no other gospel keeps us from the Cross. I know many Christians whose faith has been shipwrecked because years ago they were uttered a word flattering: "They will have a great ministry. Will win thousands of souls to the Lord." No word of this was accomplished. And now, those sheep are totally disheartened, their faith on a pile of ash. If you are going to receive a word of the Lord, let it be in Scripture . I come from your precious time of prayer in the closet with Jesus. Let your fellow believers try and confirm the word with you. Otherwise, if you let him out whatever the true gospel, end in famine and starvation.
Paul warns of an innovation even more
dangerous against the church of Christ.
dangerous against the church of Christ.
Paul told the Ephesians: "And from among your own selves shall men arise, speaking [perverse things to draw away disciples after them]" (Acts 20:30). In Greek the word 'evil' here means [stubborn persistence in promoting error].
Paul was warning: "Some of you who are in authority, will rise up and bring a distorted gospel. introduce a corruption of the pure gospel." How Why could Paul be talking about? How could this possibly happen between the leaders of your church?
Note, now Paul is not talking about wolves or robbers of widows. He was not setting its sights on those who despise the poor. No, Paul is making reference to the ministers who cower and shrink from preaching the whole counsel of God . He was talking about those with a gospel light, half gospel, only part of the Word of God.
Paul told the men: "I have not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27). Therefore, he said: "I declare on this day, I am pure from the blood of all" (v.26). In other words: "I am innocent before the Lord, because I have not withheld anything you preach the truth of God."
So what is "the whole counsel of God" which Paul refers here? In short, the whole counsel of God includes the tough subjects of Scripture, not only the blessings. Includes preaching about the evil of sin too. This involves preaching on hell, the coming of Christ and judgment is coming. means preach godly sorrow for sin, repentance and turning from sin. It is the preaching of a gospel offensive blood of Christ. It is a message to take the cross, denying oneself, sacrifice and to die with Christ. It is a gospel of holiness and separation from the world. Certain ministries are dedicated today to promote what they call a gospel "friendly" , meaning one that does not offend. The dictionary defines "friendly" or "friendly," as warm, comfortable, not disturbing . Of course, I believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is comforting, and healing. It is good news - surely the biggest news that the man may have heard. And as messengers of the gospel, we are called to preach encouragement, hope and faith. But if we attend to the exhortations of Paul, then, we are called to preach the whole gospel. And "whole gospel" includes an offensive message, a word that provokes and constrain any heart full of sin, both believers and nonbelievers. According to Peter, the gospel of Jesus Christ is "a stone of stumbling and a rock fall. They, for their disobedience, stumble at the word" (1 Peter 2:8). But the gospel "friendly" which is released today, refuses to do that. Such preachers rarely lead their people to a place of conviction of the Spirit of God for sin. Can you imagine Paul preaching a message that excludes the call to deny yourself? Never! The Gospel "friendly" is nothing more than an e-boiled and warm, trying to reach the largest crowds that can . However, tragically, never addresses the issues that lead men to the Cross: sin. Instead, he hides the truth, the same truth that sets people free.
In reading Paul's warning, I tremble for what
I see is going to happen in our time.
I see is going to happen in our time.
I determined to preach the whole counsel of God until the day that I go with the Lord. And I will because God's admonition to all preachers, who is in Ezekiel 33: "And he (the guard) see the sword come upon the earth, and play the trumpet and warn the people, whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not prepare, and seeing the sword to hurt him, his blood shall be upon his head. The sound of the trumpet heard, but are not prepared, but be prepared, saved his life. "But if the watchman see coming the sword and blow not the trumpet, and the people are not prepared, and the sword, wounding one of them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood the watchman's hand. "To you, therefore, son of man, have made you a watchman for the house of Israel, you'll hear a word from My mouth and warn them from me. When I tell the wicked, 'O wicked man, thou shalt surely die "if you do not speak for to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand. "But if you DALYs the wicked of his way to be apart from him, and not out of his way , he shall die in his sin, but you delivered thy soul "(Ezekiel 33:3-9). As a preacher of the Word of God, I must warn the wicked, or the Lord will make me responsible for his blood. No wonder Paul said to the Ephesians: "I am innocent of the blood of all men." He knew about God's warning to preachers in Ezekiel 33. preach in a church where people come from all walks of life transvestites living in a personal hell, actors and actresses who drowned her despair in alcohol and drugs, businessmen desperate suicidal. When looking at the faces of these sinners suffered, how I can be afraid to give them the truth? How could be possible for me to withhold from them any word of God, knowing that the only truth they speak is the blood of Jesus and the cross of Christ? My message may sometimes offend sinners and those who commit the sin. But I will not have any blood on my hands on the day of judgment. may think, "Everything you said is from the Old Testament. This does not apply in this day of grace. "If this is true, then Jesus was wrong when he quoted Isaiah and other prophets. And the same is true for John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul. Peter writes: "This [ Jesus] give all the prophets witness, .... " (Acts 10:43). Here are the words of Jesus on this subject: "I am the good shepherd, good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But the employee, which is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf catches and scatters the sheep " (John 10:11-12). Jesus says that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. What exactly does this today, for a minister of God? This includes leaving pride, all fear of man, and all cowardice when it comes to preaching the whole counsel of God. This is a requirement for any pastor who is called to feed the flock. Now let me give you some good news.
I see God raising up a remnant
saint, good shepherds.
saint, good shepherds.
These pastors are seeking God with fresh diligence. Ministers are devotees, young and old, who will not permit any ravenous wolf touch their flocks. While these pastors look around the church today are sick and tired of all deceptions they see. Regime to see that the sheep are scattered right and left, because they have a true shepherd.
These godly pastors have a deep concern: They have given feed their flocks with the pure Word of God. They refuse to build their own dreams on the backs of the poor and the weak sheep. Instead, come to the pulpit with a fresh word and turned on the Holy Spirit. They know that that's the only thing that will keep their flocks in the difficult days ahead. My son Gary and I met with these pastors devotees around the world, as we hold meetings of ministers. They are tired of the concepts and artifacts made by men for ministry. All they want is to hear from God. They know that this world is rushing to judgment, therefore preach with the fire of the Holy Spirit. They are not competing with others, trying to be religious stars. Do not want to be found chasing stupid dreams, when God is shaking everything that can be shaken. I think that soon, in one day - a day of terror and panic - God will fall all the false gospels and perverse . He closed all the churches that please the flesh. The Revelation says that Babylon will fall in one hour. It is when I see God breaking every "ministry of prey." In their place will rise a body of victors. These servants of God will be bold, saints, fully prepared because they were fully aware. That is when we see the glory of God back to his church. Hallelujah!
The False Doctrine of Jezebel in the Church care
The doctrine of Jezebel
"Every time thunder against the doctrine of prosperity, I feel the spirit and power of Elijah on me."By David Wilkerson
could title this message: "The danger of being seduced by false doctrine." Read Revelation 2:18-29 and you will see that Christ himself warned the Church against the doctrine of Jezebel: "... because that woman Jezebel, who says he is a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and eat things sacrificed to idols " (Revelation 2:20). The Greek word for Jezebel is synonymous with false teacher . Is clearly false doctrines. Jesus explains this continuing, "who do not hold that doctrine." (Rev 2:24).
There is a part of God's people full of good works and charity, having faith and patience. But Jesus' eyes are burning as each flame. With all the good and laudable that there is, there is a very dangerous thing to be done, something so seductive that Christ warns that judgment and will send them an example to all the churches. Some church members were playing into Satan. His good works, charity, service, faith and patience were overshadowed by the seduction that were involved, seduction of false doctrine. They were under the spell of a false doctrine, a teaching that came disguised as the real word, but it was not, in fact it was malignant. Seal of Jezebel ________________________________________ The seduction of the servants of God. ________________________________________ Christ said: "My servants are being seduced. " Ministers have reached this dangerous condition that Christ warned us. There are multitudes of pastors, teachers and evangelists completely seduced by the charm of the doctrine of Jezebel . These teachers who have been seduced are both producing "children of seduction." Teach fornication, and consumption of food from idols. This is spiritual fornication. This is eating the food of the demonic doctrines exculpate sin. I mean in precise terms that it is dangerous to be under an erroneous doctrine. One can condemn false doctrine more readily than all the lusts and sins of the flesh. false preachers and teachers are sending more people to hell that all drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes together. This is not an exaggeration. I think so. Multitude of misguided and deceived Christians are singing and praising the Lord in churches enslaved by false doctrine. Thousands are teachers who teach doctrines of demons and to hear them say: "Is not this wonderful?" Christ does not take this matter lightly. Recorded his death his eyes are piercing the church again and has come to warn and expose this doctrine and his servants save this terrible seduction. It is better to reflect seriously about this. It is very important to the church in which you gather. It is very important to who are you listening. Education is very important that you have in your heart. God's people is approaching and delivering to Satan in all respects, to be delivered into the hands of false teachers and promoters of false doctrine. Delivered to Satan evokes the thought of addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, AIDS and atheists who hate God. NO! This is happening in the church, evangelistic meetings, religious conventions and large seminars. The mark of a Christian is seduced is taken from one place to another looking for new and different teachings. The Bible warns: "Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines because good news is that the heart has been affirmed in grace, not in foods, which have not profited those devoted to them." (Hebrews 13:9). Do not get sucked here and there, carried from place to place. We're not talking about those rare occasions when a mature believer will hear a true servant of God to preach Christ and repentance. We are talking of running from place to place, from seminars to conventions, from church to church, evangelistic service of divine healing services, without roots anywhere. Their ears are always eager to hear something new, sensational, entertaining, and pleasing to the flesh. We have them in the Times Square Church in New York here - street, human seeds fall, riding the winds of doctrine. This class will not return here because we refuse to give them what they want. They want to be flattered, not reprimanded. So they return to their masters - the sycophants, the promoters of positive thinking. They resemble the Athenians who "anything else is interested, but telling or hearing something new." (Acts 17:21). Paul warned Timothy: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires." (2 Tim. 4:3) ________________________________________ The doctrine of Christ. ________________________________________ The mark of a mature believer is the refusal to be carried about by every wind of doctrine. (Ephesians 4:14) These believers can not be manipulated by any teacher. They have no need to rush here and there because they are eating the ROCA, are growing in Christ, are giving banquet in green pastures. They have circumcised their ears and have weighed every teacher, every doctrine, according to how close to the holiness of Christ. They can discern all doctrines that are false and are repulsed by all the new and strange teachings. Know Christ. They will not be moved by the music, friends, personalities, miracles, but by an insatiable hunger for the pure Word of God! peddlers Jezebel There are only two doctrines: that of Christ and Jezebel. Paul said: "... to decorate around the doctrine of God our Savior." What is the doctrine of Christ? The grace of God teaches us "that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly." (Titus 2:10). (Titus 2:12). The doctrine of Christ will be according to the image of Christ. Expose all hidden sin and every evil desire. Is your teacher rebuking with authority, speaking to and urging you to turn from sin and bring down all the idols as he is instructed in Titus 2:7? Are you learning to hate the sin ardently? Or get out of the meeting of your church without being convinced yet? The message of the teaching of Christ: "Therefore, beloved, we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Co.7: 1). Guillermo Maldonado: Apostle of Jezebel Many write to us saying: "Our pastor continues:" I am not here to preach against sin, I am here to lift up Jesus. None of that preaching condemnation from this pulpit, I'm here to take away the fear and depression to my people. "Even in the Pentecostal preachers there are two extremes. Some hard a gospel shout, legalistic, heartless, and works, while others cowering preach against sin, messages without content. False love and crocodile tears. Some tell us: "My teacher talks about holiness." But I do not mean merely using the words "holy" and "mercy." I mean to preach with authority. preach the doctrine of Christ will bless you, strengthen you and encourage you, but you also become fully at the end you can not be in it and still have some roots in secret lusts. ________________________________________ doctrine Jezebel. ________________________________________ Let's look at this doctrine of demons and see if you are in danger of falling into it. There are three distinguishing marks on the doctrine of Jezebel. These are found in the Jezebel of the Old Testament, the mother and the epitome of false doctrines . Jesus made his name synonymous with false doctrine. It is a doctrine that teaches that something bad can be good, that something may be purely secular. Jezebel in Hebrew means "chaste, virtuous, without idolatry." Imagine! The most unholy The most idolatrous, cheating, hateful woman in the whole Bible is called righteous and sinless. Something very bad is called good. But ironically, is chaste? question mark, how? When? Where? How she came to be chaste when? Where? And look at Ahab: "Ahab son of Omri did evil in the eyes of the Lord above all that were before him. As if it were a light thing to walk in the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and was served Baal and worshiped him. " (1 Kings 16:30-31) . Ahab means "one like a father" or "marked with the nature of his father." false doctrine represented Jezebel and Ahab is his victim. The Bible tells us that it was not enough that Ahab had a heart inclined to sin and idolatry. He brings to life the roots satanic influence that sin. "There was really no one like Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, because Jezebel his wife stirred up." (1 Kings 21:25). Cesar Castellanos (Disciple of Jezebel) The message is that the tendency of Christians who have sins and lusts in secret is to embrace and marry the false doctrine that only excite and confirm them in their sins. The last thing Ahab was Jezebel needed. That dangerous! She made him stand out from the worst, the rose, and then destroyed (Ahab). This is false doctrine. If there is any sin in you, lust, worldliness, the last thing need is a doctrine that will bring out the worst in you. When David sinned with Bathsheba, he did not need a false prophet with a message of encouragement to tell how much God loved him. He needed an uncompromising prophet, Nathan, finger pointing and shouting: "You are the man." Those who preach the doctrine of Christ show the people the difference between holy and profane, good and bad. not mix out of his mouth. "teach my people the difference between holy and unholy, and between the unclean and the clean " (Ezekiel 44:23). Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda: Disciple of Jezebel Ezekiel denounces these false prophets who enrich justify bringing message of sin. "For in half of it is a conspiracy of her prophets are like a roaring lion ravening the prey. Devour people, take over the assets and precious things, and multiply their widows in their midst. Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things. Make no difference between holy and unholy, nor taught to distinguish between the unclean and the clean. With regard to my Saturday hide their eyes, and I am profaned among them. His prophets have coated with lime. I see vanity and divine lies, saying, "Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, but Jehovah has not spoken." (Ezekiel 11: 25-28). $ $ $ $ $ Moon: Disciple of Jezebel As a result, we have a whole generation troubled youth who can not even recognize evil when they see it. The false prophets have deceived. Good when they call "rock" with colored hair, dressed as puppets, wiggle and shake sexually in the pulpit, playing his "rock and roll." They are told that sex outside marriage is good as long as you love and respect the other person. Preachers and teachers have become the champions of sin in the nation. ________________________________________ The doctrine of Jezebel promotes greed. ________________________________________ "Naboth said to Ahab, The LORD forbid give you the inheritance of my fathers! Ahab went home declined and angry by the words he had said Naboth of Jezreel, who had said: "I will give you the inheritance of my fathers." He lay on his bed, turned his face and took no food. Jezebel his wife came to him and asked: - Why is your spirit waned, and do not take food? Do you act as king over Israel now? Rise, take food, and your heart rejoice! I will give you the vineyard of Naboth of Jezreel! (1 Kings 21:1-7). Listen to the doctrine of Jezebel: You are a king. The number one. You have rights. Let nothing stop you from getting what you want. She told Ahab, "Rejoice, rejoice, I the get of you. "This is the doctrine of prosperity in a nutshell: Do not worry. Do not feel sad or distressed by those desires that you are eating inside. I'll get it for you. Like the deceptive methods used Jezebel, these doctrines twisted and misused the word. Benny Hinn: Disciple of Jezebel The great deception in the modern church is the use of the word of God to put a label approved greed. On its face, the doctrine of Jezebel works. (See 1 Kings 21:14-16). I got Ahab what he wanted. The possession of their rights is because when a man was stoned to death for high treason to the king, his rights reverted to the king. It has never been any doubt that for many, this doctrine of prosperity works. Like Ahab, they are enjoying their possessions. Jezebel's favorite children enjoying the money from the weak in faith But Ahab could not fully enjoy it because a prophet of God impertinent prevented him. pass that the word of Jehovah came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, "Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who lives in Samaria. Here it is in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone to take possession of it. Speak to him saying, Thus saith the Lord: Have you killed and you have also taken possession? Then speak to him saying, Thus saith the Lord: In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick your blood, your own blood. Ahab said to Elijah: So you found me, O mine enemy? "He said," I have found you, because you have sold yourself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord. "(1 Kings 21:17-20). Othniel Font: Son beloved Jezebel Ahab Imagine walking around his new possession, saying: Is not life wonderful, Jezebel Ah! may not agree with his methods, but does what it says. But following in his footsteps is adamantly the prophet Elijah. Ahab, disturbed, reacts. He knew what was coming. His conscience told him: "I have found my enemy." So it is today, God has sent prophets to all parts of this land, claiming to loudly denouncing the doctrine of materialism Jezebel, making it uncomfortable for Christians to enjoy the entertainment and belongings. These have been aligned to the doctrine. can not see, but sin is behind all this. Every time thunder against the doctrine of prosperity, I feel the spirit and power of Elijah on me. You'll hear more and more exposure of the doctrine of Jezebel. Everywhere clearly prophetic voices will be heard crying, "Sin. Because you are possessed aligned to sin. " ________________________________________ Jezebel hates the prophets of God. ________________________________________ And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, "So let the gods do, and I still add, if this time tomorrow I do not make yourself like one." (1 Kings 19:1-2). Christians bound by the Jezebel doctrine have no regard for the prophets of God. They are darkened, as it was Jezebel, unmoved, as if Ahab had detailed the marvelous display of supernatural authority on Mount Carmel. Listen to Ahab: "But Jezebel is possible that we need to hear. I saw with my own eyes. Our prophets rattled and danced for hours, but no power. Elijah spoke only Word of God and the fire came down . Everywhere there were people repenting. He turned away from idolatry. God sent a revival of holiness. "But Jezebel was not impressed. The contrary, was more hardened. This is now. Teachers of the doctrine of Jezebel and Ahab as those who are their victims, are not open to, or conviction the Holy Spirit, or the message of repentance and holiness. I hear, and then go their way, with more determination than before, in their doctrines. There is no fear of God before their eyes. Dante Gebel: Jezebel beloved Son signal most eloquent of a false teacher and the doctrine of Jezebel is to ignore the prophetic warnings and refusal to hear about the trial. He branded as confusion and destruction. They laugh, mock and ridicule. They have no respect for adverse signs . Jeremiah says these pastors are blind and dumb. The Lord says, "But do not obey or incline their ear, but walked in the stubbornness of their evil heart, their own plans. Went backward and not forward "(Jeremiah 7:24). David Yonggi Cho: Prophet of Jezebel Those who teach the doctrine of Jezebel claim to be prophets. But there is a test of true and false prophets. Jezebel's prophets prophesied only good things, peace and prosperity. "They are all like Sodom to me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah. Therefore thus said and in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen something horrible: They commit adultery and walk in lies strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns from his wickedness. Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets: Behold, I will make them eat wormwood and make them drink water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem corruption has left the country. " "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They fill you with false hopes, they speak a vision of his own heart, not from the mouth of Jehovah. Continually say to those who despise the word of the LORD will be peace. And every one that walketh after the imagination of their hearts they say, No evil shall come upon you. "(Jeremiah 23:14-17). They do not help anyone out of evil. Speak vanities, and act foolishly from the pulpit . are clowns! Rony Chavez: Apostle of Jezebel ________________________________________ Ahab's covenant with the world. ________________________________________ Ahab repented at the preaching of Elijah. Elijah's message struck home as Ahab. tore his clothes and walked in humility for a while. God called him to repentance. "see how Ahab has humbled himself before me." (1 Kings 21:29). From that day forward he could look back and say: Repentance? Yes, under the preaching of that great prophet of God, Elijah, in my garden in Jezreel. For him it was a single experience, not a daily walk. not last long. The problem was that he had made a pact with the world. He agreed with sin. He had been a brother and friend in the world. Brother means here: affinity, one like me, one I respect. He had agreed with what God had cursed. And today there is repentance, though true, very superficial. But return back if there is no complete break with the world. Ahab claimed he loved the truth, but deep inside him, he hated being reprimanded. Ahab and Jehoshaphat were going to war with the Syrians. Four hundred false prophets were predicting victory . "Go and prosper. You can. "And there was the one and only prophet against four hundred false prophets. Javier Bertucci: Messenger of Jezebel Ahab demanding Listen to the truth: "And Micaiah said, LORD liveth, which I shall speak what the LORD, that will. "So he came to the king and the king said," Micaiah, shall we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall we forbear? "He replied," Go up and prosper, and the Lord will deliver it over the king. "And The king said: "How many times must I require you tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord" (1 Kings 22:14-16). But in his heart, he did not want to hear - I hated her. Therefore jailed prophet. pastors, teachers, and the congregation of today say: "We want only the truth. Preached and taught as it is. No matter how hurt. " But in his heart some are annoying and uncomfortable. The Word is very strong, very hard. They can not resist. Ahab was completely oblivious to the fact that he was being led by a lying spirit. This lying spirit not was God, but under his authority. lie malignant spirits have to obey His Word. They are not God, but are sent by God. " Now therefore, behold, the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth all these thy prophets, because the Lord hath spoken evil concerning you. " (1 Kings 22:23). This lying spirit caused Zedekiah, a false prophet, declared that the spirit of God was upon him. The spirit of lie he could honestly declare, "The Lord sent me." lying spirits are very persuasive. "Your the persuadirás." (1 Kings 22:22). Ahab was now convinced he was hearing the voice of God and would return victorious. Nahum Rosario: Guru of Jezebel Christians bound by the doctrine of Jezebel are hundred percent sure they are in truth. can not see the deception. Ahab began to think: "Micah is right. He has the mind of God. The four hundred prophets are false, they have no Word of God. No. The rose completely convinced, completely deceived, totally seduced. He was convinced that Micaiah was wrong, and that the four were right. ________________________________________ Why some Christians fall into this kind of deception? ________________________________________ "Behold, ye trust in lying words, that do not profit. ye steal, murder , commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to other gods and walk after other gods whom ye know not, and come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by my name, and say: 'We are delivered' to continue these abominations (Jer. 7:8-10). The anointed of Jezebel are more interested in money of the weak in faith, in winning souls to Christ. This is the answer: hold on to some sin, some idol secret in the heart. The rationale for some sin. Walking with the world. A brotherhood with the world. Then come to the house of God boasting: "I am not condemned." This is an invitation unrestricted lying spirits . - By By David Wilkerson January 18, 1988 Layout and reissue by Lolo Morales voice of the Lord. Used with permission by World Challenge, PO Box 260, Lindale, TX 75771, USA. Was this message of blessing for you? Then share with a friend.
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