domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


Ephesians 4:11-12And he gave some, apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ
In recent years we have seen a very strong movement called "Apostolic and Prophetic Reformation" which is a MUST for the new millennium in the words of the chief representative of these ministries is Rony Chavez.

This "Apostle," states:

"The most gigantic" Apostolic Wave "is coming to our nations.
Is the Holy Spirit, the cause of this.
He is committed to impart to His people the Holy Apostles of Christ.
This will lead the Church to walk as Jesus walked fully subject to the designs, purposes and will of the Father.
The Church made accurately Apostolic Great Commission (Matthew 28) and bring an evangelistic impact the nations. That Wave Apostolic from the Holy Spirit, who is an Apostolic Spirit (follow the designs of the Father), New Apostolic Reformation unleashed one in this XXI century. "

We can not deny that God himself instituted to these ministries, but it is interesting to note the history of the Church and see in it that after the death of the Apostles Bible is no longer anyone named in this way!
Why now in the last 30 years are up? Will it be like Rony Chavez says that is the Holy Spirit who is bringing this new wave? Or just hungry men invention awards?
I hope these comments are a blessing to their lives.
"By definition, the apostle ended by the death of its first representatives. The New Testament speaks of a succession of witnesses to the apostolic tradition (1 Tim 6:20, 2 Tim 1:14), so that the gospel he preached - the apostolic theology ah been conveyed (the NT is the remnant inspired and literature of this theology).Holman Concise Bible Dictionary (page 188)Apostles were men directly commissioned by the Lord to preach the word and church planting. They were men who had seen the risen Christ (Acts 1:22). They had power to perform miracles (2 Cor 12:12) as a means of confirming the message preached (Heb. 2:4). Together with the prophets of the New Testament, his ministry had primarily to do with the founding of the church (Eph 2:20).
The apostles referred to in this passage (Eph 4:11) denote only those who were apostles after Christ's ascension.
Prophets: Those were spokesmen or mouthpieces of God. They received direct revelations from God and conveyed to the church. What they were saying from the Holy Spirit was the word of God.
In a primary sense we no longer have apostles and prophets, His ministry ended when he lay the foundation of the church and when complete the New Testament canon. We have already emphasized that Paul is here referring to New Testament prophets. Were given by Christ after his ascension. Considered as prophets of the Old Testament passage enters the difficulties and absurdities.Bible Commentary William MacDonald Ephesians 4 (page 878)Apostles and prophets in 1 Corinthians 12:28 says "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers." That statement not only adds weight to the idea of ​​the divine calling but also the chronological order of importance ("first ... then ... the third) and in the constitution that God makes these gifted men in the church as handouts for growth.
The first two types of gifted men, apostles and prophets, they were assigned three basic responsibilities:
1) Place the foundations of the church (Eph 2:20), 2) receive and declare the revelation of the Word of God (Acts 11:28, 21:10; Eph 3, 5), and 3) provide confirmation of that Word by "signs, wonders and miracles" (2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 8:6-7, Hebrews 2:3-4)
The first men gifted by God in the New Testament church were the apostles, among whom Jesus Christ himself had the preeminence (Hebrews 3:1). The basic meaning of the Apostle (Apostolos) is simple: one who is sent on a mission. At its most elementary and technical, the word apostle is used only in the New Testament with reference to the Twelve, including Matthias who replaced Judas (Acts 1:26), and Paul, who was removed in a unique way to be an apostle to the Gentiles (Galatians 1:15-17, 1 Corinthians 15:7-9, 2 Corinthians 11:5).
The qualities required for this ministry were to be selected directly by Christ and have been eyewitnesses to the risen Christ (Mark 3:13, Acts 1:22-24).
Paul was the last to fulfill these requirements (Romans 1:1, etc). Therefore it is not possible, as some allege, that there are apostles in the church today.
Some have observed that the apostles were as delegates to a constitutional convention. After the convention, the office or position ceases. When completed the New Testament office of apostle ceased to exist as such.
However, like the apostles, his office (prophets) came to a definitive end to get the entire New Testament and the Old Testament prophets disappeared with the completion of that will, some 400 years before Christ.
MacArthur New Testament Commentary Galatians, Ephesians Pag.178, 179, 180To be an apostle had to have two major qualifications. The first was to have met Jesus personally.
When Paul insists on their rights in the face of opposition that he was in Corinth, says: "Is that I am not an apostle? Have not I seen Jesus our Lord? "(1 Corinthians 9:1). The second, an apostle had to be a witness to the Resurrection of the Lord. When the eleven gathered to choose who was to take the place vacated by Judas, the traitor, he reportedly had to be one that had been the company during the earthly ministry of Jesus and a witness of His Resurrection ( Acts 1: 21 s).
In a sense, the Apostles had come to an end, because after some time had been dead all who had known Jesus and had been witnesses of His Resurrection.
The prophets were not the exclusive task of predicting the future, but to proclaim the will of God. In proclaiming God's will, to some extent, had to announce things to come, because the consequences would announce to obey or disobey the will.
The prophets were moved by the whole Church. Your message was not the result of thought or study, but was revealed to them directly by the Holy Spirit. They had no home or family or means of subsistence. Iban from church to church proclaiming the will of God as God had revealed.
The prophets, as a ministry recognized, disappeared from the church before long. This happened for three reasons.
(A) In times of persecution, the prophets were the first to fall, they could not hide, and were the first to die for the faith. (B) The prophets came to be a problem. As the churches were growing was developing its local organization. Each congregation was becoming an organization with a permanent pastor and local government. Before long, the ministry established began to object to the intrusion of these itinerant prophets, often disturbed their congregations. The inevitable result was that the prophets were slowly disappearing.(C) The ministry of prophet was exposed to abuse. These travelers prophetic enjoyed considerable prestige.
Some of them abused their authority, and became an excuse to live comfortably at the expense of the congregations they visited. The oldest book of ecclesiastical administration is known is the Didache,
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, which emerged around the year 100 DCEN he see clearly both the prestige and the suspicions aroused by the prophets. Establishing the order of the communion service and worship can be directed as desired. But there are some other provisions.
It provides that a street prophet can stay one or two days in a congregation, but if you stay three days is a false prophet states that if a street prophet, in a moment of inspiration of course, asking for money or food, is a false prophet.
William Barclay Bible Commentary Galatians-EphesiansAs we saw in all these comments, the majority of theologians and writers come to the same side, and these ministries are not current, and perhaps some leaves around saying ... they are good men, but God says!
For all those who think like I say just take a look at the history of the Church and see that these ministries are not in it!
Getting up and proclaim APOSTLES PROPHETS or SORT is blasphemy to God and that is getting one instead of Christ who was the only one who gave men these calls!
Relying on the NEW REFORM APOSTOLIC AND PROPHETIC is to doubt the veracity of the Bible itself, which is our only and last revelation!
This "apostle" says Rony Chavez ...Yet, sadly I must say, evangelical religious structures and outdated (not functional) will do their best to curb the Reform of God. The Apostolic Reformation God is the answer to the cry of intercessors and prophets. This has unsettled many pastoral and denominational structures. I firmly believe that in the process, the Lord will cause many positive change.
WHY NOT CHANGE?Pastors, pastoral alliances and names do not change and rather opposed because:1 - They believe that their methods are correct.2 - Have a high level of disbelief to those changes.3 - They suffered bad experiences in the past.4 - lack of disclosure in this area.5 - They are very religious and legalistic.6 - They are passive and afraid (but see God do not want to take over or pay a high price).7 - They are not willing to risk more, are very comfortable as they are.8 - They are proud to recognize they do not know and need help. They need to humble themselves.INDEED the church can not accept something that is not of God, at least in my position as a pastor I can not take something that God does not endorse, or do not contradict God?
So my beloved brethren, be steadfast in the incorruptible word of Jesus Christ!

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