martes, 14 de agosto de 2012
Begin by defining the word "apostasy." According to its etymology, Greek for "apostasy" is desertion, rebellion, abandonment, withdrawal, separation from what has been approached before. Thus, in the biblical context means: cutting the saving relationship with Christ or one away from the vital union with Him and true faith in Him
Who is an apostate? He is someone who believes, who receives the word, although superficially accept for a while, believe everything the mind (part of the meat), but without making it personal or part of his life, knows the truth but not applied.
The apostle Paul describes the apostates as those who heard the gospel of the grace of God, but did not receive the love of the truth to be saved (2 Thessalonians 2:10), listen as those who were once enlightened (Heb. 6 :6-8), but ended up as the earth receives the rain and brings forth thorns and weeds, which are not due to anything. The point is that not love the truth enough to persist in it with deep convictions.
I.LA APOSTASY, a fact of life
A. Religious syncretism is one of the evidences.
1.Sincretismo World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the largest and most representative of the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement, whose goal is Christian unity. It was formally opened in Amsterdam, Holland in 1948. Currently the WCC brings together 347 churches, denominations and church fellowships in over 110 countries and territories around the world, representing some 560 million Christians, including most Orthodox churches, many denominations of historical traditions of the Protestant Reformation as Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Reformed, as well as many Pentecostal churches, united and independent. While most of the WCC's founding churches were European and North American, today most are in Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Latin America, Middle East and the Pacific.
"Ecumenical Coalition participating in a march through the streets of Porto Alegre (Brazil) on the opening day of the World Social Forum 2005"
The so-called "evangelical" liberal ecumenical movement increasingly unite with the Church of Rome. Already there have been many high-level dialogues. Prayer meetings are no longer a novelty. In 2004, Bishop Brian Frarrell, Secretary of the Pontifical Catholic and Dr. Samuel Kobia General Secretary World Council of Churches (WCC) signed and published together for the first time, a text on the Week of Prayer for Unity of Christians.
In early 2005, the World Council of Churches published on its website this news: "The countdown to a conference to be an unprecedented event has begun: In six months community representatives Pentecostal and evangelical churches will meet on a plane equality with men and women of the member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Roman Catholic Church to participate in the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism - to be held in Athens, Greece, from 9 to 16 May 2005 . They seek to jointly develop plans for the future of Christian mission. "
"Snapshot of the sessions of Vatican II maquilladamente misleading"
2. The World Parliament of Religions. This is another organization working for religious unity in the world. It is run by an evangelical pastor Presbyterian, Dirk Ficca. Interreligious encounter is more crowded and diverse in the world. It is convened every five or six years the Council for a Parliament of World Religions, based in Chicago. Parliament's objective is to cultivate harmony between religious communities and spiritual world and promote its commitment to peace, justice and sustainability for all.
The first edition was held in Chicago in 1893, but did not meet again until a hundred years later, in 1993 in the same city. Parliament was convened for the third time in 1999 in Cape Town. The fourth edition was held from 7 to August 13, 2004, in Barcelona, Spain, whose theme was "Pathways to peace: the art of listening, the power of commitment" within the framework of the Universal Forum of Cultures. Its aim is to seek an understanding between religions.
The syncretism that promote the World Council of Churches, the Parliament of Religions and similar organizations, is a clear demonstration of rebellion against God, not subject to the dominion and authority of Christ but rather an open confrontation, laying the foundations of the super world church to be submitted to the authority of the Antichrist, the archenemy of Christ and the Church faithful.
"Participants in the youth interfaith forum, November 2005, Geneva. See, for clothing to participants of religions as diverse as suspected Muslim Christians "
B. Loss of doctrinal and institutional identity.
1. Diluted basic Bible doctrines. Those large organizations and international leaders who assume the authority to represent the Church of Christ, having made pacts ecumenical dialogues, are selling their birthright and making concessions repugnant. In seeking an understanding and approach to other religious groups trying to remove the doctrinal differences, but how terrible is that a result would destroy the doctrinal foundation of the Evangelical Christian Church.
An example is the attempt at union between Protestants and Catholics through "dialogue" and joint signing of agreements fatal to the Evangelical Christian Church. On March 29, 1994, the highest level leaders signed a document known as "ECT: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium." It is a document that definitely attacks historical Christianity and the doctrine of Christ, promoting a false gospel of works and rituals that are identified and promoted by the Roman Catholic Church: baptism of regeneration, ie, justification through the rite of baptism water.
2. Denial of evangelical identity. Very common in many churches read labels with names like "Christian Church", "Christian Community", "Christian Center", etc.. When we read things like this we wonder: why do not you want to use the word church?, Why do not wish to identify themselves as evangelical as well?, Do you want to deny their evangelical or Protestant?. That is the case of local congregations, but also the case with national institutions.
For example in Puerto Rico, the Evangelical Council has removed the word evangelical its official name, and now identified only as "Council of Churches of Puerto Rico." We know that this institution is openly ecumenical and its members are active militants. Whatever be the motive for these changes, the fact is that, whether consciously or not, apostasy is enveloping many in a doctrinal and institutional confusion. There are many evangelicals who do not know who or what they believe, much less know the story of the Christian Church, Evangelical Reform, and so on. In many local churches and religious syncretism is leaving a devastating trail of confusion and gradual loss of evangelical identity.
"Attendees at a recent meeting called by the Platform for Interreligious Dialogue in Spain, attended by, among others, representatives from many different denominations, among the attendees was Dirk Ficca, Director of the Parliament of World Religions"
C. Infiltration of doctrines and Eastern philosophies, expressed by the New Age Movement
1. What is New Age?
It is a philosophical and religious movement very wide. The scholars tell us that this phenomenon is difficult to describe. "It's a thousand-headed monster." Not a movement, but it is under this figure, not a religion, but is found in many cases as a religion, not a pure philosophy, but academically it is as such.
Arguably, the New Age is a way of thinking, a set of values shared by people from various organizations and institutions, forming a "mega-network" or network of networks that are intertwined. These networks are what make possible the relationship between the different movements independent of each other, but have the same goals, the same philosophy, the same end, because Satan the same author.
Which has inspired and inspire this thinking, philosophy, or whatever you call it, is none other than Satan himself. He, like the prince of this world "has blinded the minds of the people to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel" (2 Corinthians 4:4), and has been throughout history and in all civilizations and cultures entering their perverse doctrine.
2. Purpose of the New Age. Among other things, the New Age is proposed:
a. Gradually demystifying the fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible.
b. Addressing human filling the gaps in full.
c. Bring him to a meeting with himself, to find the god that is.
3. New Age teachings. The beginnings of this movement are as old as sin itself (Genesis 3:1-6). As promised by the serpent, the New Age teaches that:
a. You can not rely entirely on the Word of God (v. 1, 4, 5).
b. The man has to die (v. 4).
c. Man can become God (v. 5).
d. Man can evolve through hidden knowledge (v. 6).
4. The New Era in society. In the early eighties, the New Age movement infiltrated all aspects of society:
a. Public education has been under strong influence of the New Age.
b. Corporations use their techniques to train their executives.
c. The political and military leaders try to impose that movement.
d. The United Nations Organization (UN) becomes an important center for promotion to that movement.
e. Many churches teach New Age concepts.
5. Major schools within the New Age. There are two main schools of thought within the New Era:
a) The first: You may be referred to as the Renaissance of Consciousness. It is a swap in which humanity is pushing the boundaries it has set itself to join the unlimited powers of the universe that it is utopian. The human being is divine and perfect but needs to realize it; reach the state of perfection based on meditation and want this to happen all together. The more followers work to do, the faster it will reach that state of perfection.
b) The second: You could call it the Quantum Leap of Consciousness. When sufficient momentum is generated because there is the number of people needed to your higher consciousness and developed, then the whole world will be ready to take a quantum leap into a higher dimension. This giant step cosmic reality will occur in an instant. Sees humanity on the brink of a massive burst of evolution in which we all wake up one morning in a new world where we are one with divinity, power and goodness. But this involves interacting with some powerful entities coming from outside illuminated the human experience. This second school of thought has a much greater tendency toward mysticism and the occult, and has its doors open wide to all demonic forces imaginable.
6. Many prominent Christian leaders have been perverted by the New Age. Popular leaders they trust many believers have been perverted by the New Age, so that overtly or covertly are teaching and preaching doctrines of the New Era:
David (Paul) Yonggi Cho, Charles Capps and other "faith teachers" speak repeatedly of man as belonging "to the kind of God."
"Yonggi Cho"
The popular pastor and televangelist Frederick C. Price has written: "I think ... God made man a god. A god under God. "
Charles Capps agrees: "... Jesus said," You are gods ". In other words. Adam was the god of the earth ... Man was created ... that was God on earth ... ".
Kenneth Copeland said: "Not that you have a God living in you, you are one".
"Kenneth Copeland in public by the sign of a curse. No wonder it do that "
Robert Tilton, pastor of World Mission Center Word of Faith of Dallas, Texas, wrote: "You are ... a creature of the kind of God. You were originally designed for you to be like a god in this world. He was appointed or created by God to be the god of this world ... Of course, the man lost his control and gave it to Satan, who became the god of this world. "
7. Subtle infiltration of New Age in the Church. "Christians feel good comfortable trying to sects outside the traditional church, like the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science or Hare Krishnas. However, the New Age movement involves things that are firmly placed within the Church, such as psychotherapy, visualization, meditation, bioretro-feeding, positive confession, positive thinking or possibilistic, hypnosis, holistic medicine, and the whole range of techniques self-improvement and motivation for success, "notes Dave Hunt in his book.
The true Church is seriously threatened and attacked by the apostasy of the end times (2 Thessalonians 2:7-11). The New Age, the "thousand-headed monster" is gradually infiltrating and destroying the Church.
D. Growing pragmatism.
1. Loss of values. Biblical values are becoming more scarce. What is true is simply that which is advantageous for personal interests. The reference values are success, efficiency and achievement is supposed to be of benefit. "If something works well and do it," "the end justifies the means" are his axioms.
Pragmatism proclaims a higher truth out of God's absolute truth. It is this philosophy that is leading churches and denominations to loosen moral and spiritual principles. Made amendments to Rules and Regulations to maintain the "honor", "posts" and "qualifications" of leaders supposedly important, useful for their institutions, their academic abilities irreplaceable, but unfortunately in many of those "stars", his life Morality is a scandal and a disgrace. But there are modern pragmatism in action.
The prophet Isaiah says: "Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as with cart rope! ... Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that make the darkness light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to the wise in their own eyes, and those who are cautious ahead of themselves "(Isaiah 5:18, 20, 21).
2. Gay churches and pastors. Increasingly World countries that legalize gay marriages or civil unions, but the worrying thing is that this movement has penetrated immoral barriers of the Church. Now not only bless this union is unbiblical, but are building churches and pastors of this line.
We have the example of the Metropolitan Community Church (Metropolitan Community Church), founded by the "Reverend" gay Troy Perry in Los Angeles, United States on October 6, 1968 to integrate gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. Today we have organized into a Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches of (UFMCC), which claims 340 congregations with about 50,000 followers in 22 countries.
The Declaration of Faith UFMCC reveals aberrant beliefs, in his first article reads verbatim: "We believe: In a triune God, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, of one substance and three persons: God our Father and Mother Creator, Jesus Christ the only Son of God, God made flesh and human, and the Holy Spirit, our God holder. " The third article among other things says, "... Jesus has demonstrated once and forever that all people are equally child (ren) of God, spiritually made in God's image. " Article six: "We are saved from loneliness, despair and degradation through God's gift of grace, as stated by our Saviour. Such grace is not earned, is a mere gift of a God of pure love. We commend the community of believers to a life of prayer, to seek true forgiveness from those acts inconsiderate, unkind and unloving, and a life committed to Christian service. "
The Church is facing a terrible and shameful apostasy, is facing a major rebellion against God and His Word. God clearly says that those who indulge in these vices against nature, are committing "indecent acts" (Romans 1:27). The Bible also says that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9).
E. Occultism, idolatry and commercialism.
1. Occult in its various forms. Speaking of the occult, is to speak of the "occult" that which can not easily understand or easily grasped, issues such as those involving the action or influence of supernatural agencies or some secret knowledge of them.
This topic in the past was an unknown and forbidden for a people who identify with God and His Word, but now, ironically, is a matter of broad knowledge and practice in many sectors of Christendom.
The Charismatic Movement is a movement of faith is highly questioned by his doctrines of visualization, inner healing, positive confession, etc.. Is said to be "spiritualism with Christian clothing." Hank Hanegraaff, Dave Hunt, John F. MacArthur, Wolfgang Bohne, Alexander Seibel, David Wilkerson, among others, seriously question this movement.
Witchcraft is practiced in the Church. This phenomenon works on esoteric formulas established. With this knowledge of spiritual laws, the priest (witch, sorcerer, healer, etc..) Is the special mediator between the people and the gods. The concert between the priest and the spiritual world is called "the covenant of the wizard." The leading authority on the occult, Manly P. Hall explains:
"The ceremonial magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulas. A magician, dressed in robes and carrying a stick sanctified inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could, through the power of certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and the astral world ... Through the secret processes of ceremonial magic invisible creatures can contact and get help in any human enterprise. "
The practice of witchcraft, magic, witchcraft or shamanism is no longer a hidden reality, because there are churches, preachers, pastors and teachers who practice and promote it. "The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God," founded and directed by Edir Macedo Bezerra de Brazil is one of many. Macedo has had problems with the Brazilian authorities and was jailed for 11 days in 1992 on charges of fraud, charlatanism and quackery, but in December 1994 most of his legal problems were resolved.
Harry Potter witchcraft is being introduced into the Church in a scandalous way. The vicar Brian Coleman of the Anglican Church of England, on 2 September 2000, conducted a special service to the theme of "Harry Potter" for the family in the Church of All Saints in Surrey, England ("Church Draws Young Harry Potter "). Coleman, dressed in a wizard's robe for the service, was one of the main actors. This religious event was put on the Internet for use by other churches. Coleman argued that "all young people are very interested in Harry Potter, we are using this interest."
Coleman, like others, believes he can win people to Christ through the witchcraft of Harry Potter. What a great confusion and apostasy is enveloping black church! The True Church knows well that the Bible forbids contact with the evil spirit world in all its forms (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6,27, Deuteronomy 18:10-14, Isaiah 8:19,20, Revelation 21: 8).
2. Idolatry in the Church. Ever since man sinned seduced by Satan, he has always strived to make you think you can become God. But these days there is a revival of the cult of man. Many notorious "Christian" leaders and feel themselves "gods" and this idea is hard to shape the thought and the doctrine of many Christians.
Norman Grubb, Bill Casey Treat Volkman and are by no means the only ones who are preaching that we are gods. This belief is central to the teachings of Positive Confession Movement. "The reason we say that supposedly 'creative pronounce the word" and "call those things that are not like', just as God does it is because we are gods, "says Cho Yonggi
We have already mentioned the statements of teachers and Yonggi Cho, Charles Capps, Frederick KC Price, Kenneth Copeland and others. Here we will add two others known in Latin America, Morris Cerullo and Benny Hinn. Hinn feels a messiah walking on this earth: "... I am a little messiah walking on earth." Morris Cerullo says: "When I get on this forum, you are not looking at Morris Cerullo, you are looking to God. You are looking at Jesus. "
The arrogance of these men not only enlarges when autorrevelan as gods, but felt the untouchables, when someone questioned are able to trigger instant death. Hinn has given threats like this: "... I wanted to blow the heads of my hideous enemy with a machine gun of the Holy Spirit." Such blunders have said Kenneth Haggin and Paul Crouch.
"Morris Cerullo"
These ill-fated declarations expose what is in the heart of the "anointed untouchable." The theology of "me-ism" or self-esteem is nothing but the great exaltation of the ego and the old seduction of Satan (Isaiah 14:12-15, Genesis 3:1-5).
3. Religious commercialism. At the time of the Roman Catholic Pope Leo X (sixteenth century), a coarse and carnal monk John Tetzel was the merchant business in the sale of indulgences for special acquittals in order to avoid punishment for sin in purgatory. His catchy rhyme said: "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul out of purgatory without jumping off." Today, the merchants of the so-called Prosperity Theology, who apparently have the spirit of Tetzel, also rhyme thus: "If you have a need, you have to plant a seed," "the seed of the gift is the seed of faith "(Oral Roberts)." Plant a seed "is synonymous with" send me money. " This formula rewards a hundredfold promise, and of course, are the only merchants who were rich.
Many preachers are amassing fortunes millions. Paul Crouch, founder and president of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), owns the largest religious television network in the world, currently has more than 10,000 television stations, including cable transmission networks, broadcasts 24 hours a day through satellites 43. It has an annual salary of $ 800.000.
The string "Link" from Costa Rica (linked to Paul Crouch TBN), is another television companies of economic fortune. His method of raising money has been the subject of a vigorous protest by the Baptist Federation of Associations and the National Union of Baptist Churches of Costa Rica.
Regarding the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Edir Macedo Becerra, April 19, 1995 the Brazilian magazine "Veja" reported that in Brazil controls 16 television stations, 22 radio stations, two newspapers, two printers, a study recordings and a furniture factory.
F. Perversion of music.
1. Apostasy in Christian music. This is another area where it is most apparent conspiracy against Christ and his Church. Satan is doing great damage in a special way with young people. An art that originated in Heaven, on Earth has been perverted by him who rebelled against their Creator. Lucifer was no longer the bearer of light to be the bearer of darkness of sin. Satan has perverted man, special creation, a creature made to praise the who created it, but music has perverted him in rebellion against God.
This corrupted music has penetrated the Church with such force that has broken all barriers of the sacred, the spiritual and biblical morality. Ecclesiastical institutions, ministries and Christians who are considered successful, cutting edge and "juvenilizados" adopt worldly methods of marketing to sell their music, not only the Church but the world itself. Marcos Witt says proudly: "We have nothing to ask the world, we are on equal footing." Of course now using all the strategies for big business, strategies very well that the devil is exploding. Reggaeton rockers or youth groups today are leading in churches and concerts, thanks to the great encouragement of their leaders are getting through the applause and awards.
2. The music boosters perverted. Those who make, promote and market are many. The Movement of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is one of the main. This movement is increasingly perverting sacred music. His presentations, awards and marketing give us the evidence. A concrete example is the Harp Award 2004, organized by the National Academy of Music and Arts Christian (ANMAC) on 22 October in Mexico, where awarded to the best of music "Christian" in Spanish. There were different musical genres, from ballads, salsa and merengue to rap, reggae, hip hop, rock and reggaeton.
As one of the most recent in Peru is the Family Festival with Luis Palau, an evangelistic campaign called, held in the Campus Martius of Lima, 8 and 9 October, where there were presentations of this music called "Christian" mixed with worldly music played by Jose Luis Rodriguez "Puma", the rock group "Rescue", Yuri and others. Even Luis Palau himself promoted the worldly dance.
A. W. Tozer wrote these words in 1955: "For centuries the Church stood firm against all form of worldly entertainment to recognize it as it was: a mechanism to encourage waste of time, a refuge from the disturbing voice of conscience, a gimmick to divert attention from moral responsibility. For this he was attacked without mercy by the children of this world. However, in recent times has grown tired of being attacked and have abdicated the struggle. Seems to have decided that if you can not beat the great god of entertainment, things will go better join him and use his powers the more possible. "
The Rev. and musicologist Tim Fisher in his book "The Battle for Christian Music" declares about one of the most perverted genres of music, rock: "It is true that rock music is the music of rebellion, accordingly Christian rock is the music of the Christian rebellion. "
The secular singer Little Richard (known for his libertine way of life) said about rock and roll: "I think this kind of music is demonic ... many of the rhythms of music today are taken from voodoo and drums Voodoo. "
"The eccentric rocker Little Richard"
In fact, all musical genres have been introduced to the Church, and thus have corrupted; and there is no difference between the profane and the sacred, between the unclean and the clean. The Church is against the great apostasy promoted by the "music of rebellion." The world has taken possession of the Church and has made "downhill".
G. Widespread worldliness.
1. False doctrine and worldliness. On this subject John F. MacArthur, pastor, teacher and American writer, makes a thorough analysis of the situation of the Church in his book "Ashamed of the Gospel." He says: "When the Church is going downhill, it means that multitudes of people are at the same time in spiritual decline. 'False doctrine and worldliness' are things to be present in the Church infect all members of the body. " He continues: "The contemporary philosophy of ministry has been puffed up by his attachment to worldly standards of success. The churches that are considered successful are large in number of attendees as expensive facilities, gymnasiums and sauna, sports fields, child care service, and the like ... external criteria such as properties, numbers, money or shelter of world, have never been as successful in biblical ministry ... It is not owned, power, prominence, popularity or any other worldly notion of success. The real success is to do the will of God no matter the consequences. "[Emphasis added]
2. Churches to consumer tastes. "The Christian ministry has been connected with the philosophy of marketing and this revolution was the monstrous offspring of that union." The argument is that rational and mundane: "You have to present religion in a creative and visual." According to this premise pragmatic, "almost everything is considered appropriate: classic rock and roll, heavy metal, rap, dance music and disco , comedy, clowns, mimes and even acts of magic are things that have become part of the ministerial code Gospel "emphasizes MacArthur.
In fact, one of the things that is deemed out of place in the Church these days is clear and passionate preaching. "People are sovereign and not the message. Today we are offering entertainment, is paying tribute to the great god of entertainment, "he continues MacArthur.
This is the situation of the Evangelical Christian Church, a church that takes into account the numbers but not quality. "Christianity may be growing but not changing Christianity ... In many ways the expansion of Christianity has been at the expense of the purity of the Gospel and order and the lives of true Christians. The Church was infested with pagan beliefs and practices, and theology is characterized by syncretism ... large segments of population have accepted a dangerous mix of Christianity and paganism, "said George Peters.
There are many "prophets" who advocate that the Christian Church is enjoying a great spiritual awakening, but by what we feel and our eyes see, rather than admit the Church is in a disastrous worldliness. What shall we Christians do that by the grace and mercy of God perceive this unfortunate situation? What is the role of the faithful Church apostasy against this real?
A. Keep intact biblical orthodoxy.
The Holy Scriptures as the revelation of God, must always be the supreme authority for faith and practice. Given the unfair and daring effort of apostates by subtracting authority, the Church has been faithful to stand firm in their defense (Jude 3). Given the blatant misrepresentation of the Bible by liberals and "anointed" this time it is inevitable that the Church remains gripped in the Word of Life (Philippians 2:16), paying all due attention to the exhortation of the Apostle Peter when he says "We have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19) . And the apostle Paul when he says: "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work "(2 Thessalonians 3:16-17). Posesionada of the Word of God, the faithful Church can warn and rescue, as Jude exhorts us: "And of some have compassion, making. Others save, pulling them out of fire, and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh "(Jude 22, 23).
The Church, to fulfill their evangelizing role, builder and defense must depend entirely on the Holy Spirit's power and authority of the Word of God. His ministers should never opt for the use of the formulas of the "marketing" are in vogue today, offering a "gospel easy and cheap." "The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:16) and needs no carnal strategy for their effectiveness. "Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). As you said MacArthur, "After all, the" power of God unto salvation "is not in our stories, applications, formulas, jokes, catchy titles, witty sketches or other devices we invent, but an eternal gospel."
The Gospel in the sense that Paul and the apostles used the word includes all the revealed truth about Christ (Romans 1:1-6, 1 Corinthians 15:3-11). The role of the Church is faithful to preach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).
B. Living the Biblical faith.
The Church of Christ is composed of all who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, who only thus become true children of God, and of these Christ says: "Ye are the salt of the earth and light of the world "(Matthew 5:13-16). The church was placed in the world to play a dual role: As the salt to stop the process of social decomposition, and a light to destroy the darkness.
Be salt in the soil means that we must be honest, frank and courageous preaching against evil. The reformer Martin Luther said: "The salt burns. Although they criticize us ... ". Christ said "Ye are the salt." He did not say you are the caramel or honey in the world. The salt burns, because life and the message that the church preaches is always opposed to the carnal philosophy of this company.
The Church as light, means that our works are known by the company, Christ said that His disciples would be recognized for their "good works", it is clear that is an expression that generalizes all and any external and visible manifestation of the Christian faith. Christ said, "You are the light of the world." He did not say: You are smoking torches or flares. Christians are made to shine as lights in the world in the midst of a crooked. Christians should be like John the Baptist was "a burning and shining lamp" (John 5:35).
The role of the Church is faithful to be salt and light at any time, place and circumstance. It is your responsibility and it is inescapable her great privilege.
Apostasy is reaching alarming proportions, the professing church has fallen victim to the evil stupor of deception of Satan. Is asleep, does not perceive or realize their plight. Their leaders pride themselves on being the "conquerors of this world", and the cacophony of false revival maneuvers do not see the devil in the shape of the super world church of the Antichrist.
Puntualicemos some truths:
1. Religious syncretism moves rapidly mixing biblically revealed truth with the various theses and practices of pagan religions for the sake of a great ecumenical unity.
2. The mystical doctrines of the New Age have been so well received by teachers of the faith, teach and preach it with warm "Christian fervor."
3. The relativistic pragmatism is making a clean sweep of all moral and spiritual principles and accepted his advances as "modern Christian" as "juvenilization" of the Church.
4. The occult stopped being as such and now he sees the whole body in all its forms, shapes and shades. Now there is so much witchcraft in the church as never before.
5. Idolatry and religious commercialism, with a false gospel of "success and prosperity" or "health and wealth" make a good mixture to thicken the ego and boost the fortunes of its proponents.
6. The so-called "contemporary Christian music" is so perverted and profane that even the devil is called in some popular songs so subliminal and undetectable.
7. Finally, the formal and nominal church does not need the molds of this world because it has them all and can live as you like in the flesh, but the question is under what authority and what serving God?
The True Church is facing a great apostasy, is an inescapable reality. It is much more than looks and says, here is said only a few topics. According to the Scriptures, we know that this situation takes a turn from bad to worse, to take place before the rapture of the faithful Church (2 Thessalonians 2:3-6). Meanwhile, the Church of Christ has to continue preaching tirelessly and bravely fight (Jude 3). Must assume its role (Philippians 1:27), depend on God, and posesionada of biblical truth, live apart from sin, consistent with what he preaches. (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1).
The message of Christ to the Church of Philadelphia is relevant for us today: "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door which no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, have kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. He who overcomes, I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and never shall go out and write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which descends from heaven from my God and my new name "(Revelation 3:8, 10-12).
"The WCC and the Vatican, closer." News published on the website "Digital Protestant" Source: Ecumenical Press. Editorial:
"The mission at home - Interview with George Mathew Nalunnakkal". News published on the website of the World Council of Churches:
"Parliament of Religions try to minimize conflicts between faiths." News published on the website "Digital Protestant" Source: El País. Editorial:
"ETC, Evangelicals and Catholics Together." Conference presented by the Rev. David Horta Sepulveda at the XVIII Congress of LAACC in La Paz, Bolivia.
"Facts about False Doctrine" by Ron Carlson and Ed Decker. Editorial Unilit, Miami, Florida, USA, 2001, p. 212.
"Facts about False Doctrine" by Ron Carlson and Ed Decker. Editorial Unilit, Miami, Florida, USA, 2001, p. 218.
7 "Facts about False Doctrine" by Ron Carlson and Ed Decker. Editorial Unilit, Miami, Florida, USA, 2001, p. 211, 218, 219.
8 "The Seduction of Christianity": Dave Hunt and T. A. MacMahon, Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 1985, p. 80, 81.
9 "The Seduction of Christianity": Dave Hunt and T. A. MacMahon, Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 1985, p. 8.
10 "Status of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches" posted on the website of the UFMCC:
11 "The Seduction of Christianity": Dave Hunt and T. A. MacMahon, Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 1985, p. 96.
12 "Who are they and where do they come?". Article published on the website of the Information Center on Sects, Religions and Spiritual Movements New:
13 "Meeting of Harry Potter Witchcraft in the Church." News published on the website of the Way of Life Literature's Fundamental Baptist Information Service:
14 "The Seduction of Christianity": Dave Hunt and T. A. MacMahon, Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 1985, p. 80.
15 "Christianity in Crisis". Hank Hanegraaff. Editorial Unilit, Miami, Florida, USA, 1993, p. 410.
16 "Christianity in Crisis". Hank Hanegraaff. Editorial Unilit, Miami, Florida, USA, 1993, p. 383.
17 "Christianity in Crisis". Hank Hanegraaff. Editorial Unilit, Miami, Florida, USA, 1993, p. 356-359, 384-385.
18 "The Tele-evangelist Paul Crouch denounced by supporting homosexual relations." News published on the website of the Information Center on Sects, Religions and Spiritual Movements New:
19 "Charter of the Federation of Baptists and the National Union of Baptist Churches of Costa Rica." Published on the website of CLAI:
20 "The piety of punk." Article published on the website of Peru's El Comercio newspaper:
21 "Ashamed of the Gospel." John F. MacArthur. Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 2001, p.74.
22 "The Battle for Christian Music." Tim Fisher. Oremex Ministries, Mission, Texas, USA, 2002, p.85.
23 "The Battle for Christian Music." Tim Fisher. Oremex Ministries, Mission, Texas, USA, 2002, p.82.
"Ashamed of the Gospel." John F. MacArthur. Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 2001, p. 27, 29, 30.
"Ashamed of the Gospel." John F. MacArthur. Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 2001, p. 47-48.
"Ashamed of the Gospel." John F. MacArthur. Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 2001, p. 80.
"Ashamed of the Gospel." John F. MacArthur. Editorial Speaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 2001, p. 140.
Website / Blog Christian Apologetics administered by the teacher Alvaro Donoso Avila
Church © 2008 The Assemblies of God in Vina del Mar - Christ the Ground, Street Quillota 575, Vina del Mar.
Posted by Alvaro Donoso Avila
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