The apostle Paul speaks of two horrific events that afflict the Church just before the return of the Lord Jesus. In fact, the Lord will not come until these horrible things happen. And I want to show that both things are happening right now - before our very eyes! -
First, Paul tells us that in the last days there will be a great apostasy. And second, warns us that an evil spirit of the antichrist will trap many believers what they are straying! Of course, the church has been preaching and teaching for years about the arrival of the Antichrist. We have been waiting for the manifestation of the Man of Sin, the son of perdition. Some speculate that it will be revealed in our time, in fact, already born and is living somewhere on earth.
Is there such a man? Yes, I think so, and is fully possessed by Satan. More when he appears, will be welcomed. Require the devotion of all mankind - thereby putting himself above God to the world!
The only reason that the Antichrist has not been released yet is because his time has not come. But one day the Holy Spirit will lift his hand to stop him, and the Man of Sin will be revealed in all its power. The Bible assures us, however, that when finished the time of this wicked man will be destroyed by God: "... whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming" (2 Thessalonians 2 : 8). There is the Antichrist ... but also the Spirit of Antichrist!
We have a Savior that exists right now in glory as a man. He is a living person of flesh and bone, eyes, hair, though He is God. And while we're here on earth, His Spirit dwells in our midst: "And because ye are sons, God sent forth into our hearts the Spirit of his Son, crying: Abba, Father" (Galatians 4:6). But there is another spirit working in the world, the spirit of antichrist. Surely as Jesus has given us his Spirit, a spirit of Antichrist possessing many apostate Christians. And that spirit is moving in the world - preparing hearts for the arrival of the Man of Sin "... and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard is coming and even now already is in the world" ( 1 John 4:3).
John is saying here: "You have heard about the coming of Antichrist. It has been preached and taught, and you are awaiting your arrival. But, beloved, wake up because the spirit of antichrist is already working ". You have to understand. The Antichrist will not show up suddenly on the scene and will crush humanity, but his spirit is moving mysteriously now setting up his kingdom in the hearts cold and indifferent. And when the Man of Sin finally appears, will be publicly revealed to a world that is already prepared for it to heart that his spirit already have! Right now we see a growing anti-Christian sentiment and behavior. But soon this will turn into a stream, and eventually, in a vast ocean. And when the Antichrist finally appears, Christians were still many who will welcome you because their hearts are of a kindred spirit!
Paul warned us of this. He said that in the last days false prophets would infiltrate the church, preaching another gospel and another Jesus. Many such false prophets have appeared, preaching the gospel of Antichrist: "Because it is the mystery of iniquity, only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way" (2 Thessalonians 2:7).
The antichrist spirit is even now invading the hearts of many apostate Christians. They are being absolutely dominated by evil. "But how?" Questions you. "" Why do certain apostate Christians would become the Antichrist? "Because they are in one mind with him! John writes: "Love not the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Because everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, not from the Father but from the world ... "Little children it is the last time: and as ye have heard that Antichrist is coming, even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that is the last time "(1 John 2:15-18). John is warning us of those who still love the things of the world have opened themselves to the spirit of antichrist. He is saying, "We know these are the last days because many are filled with the greedy spirit of antichrist" "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist who denies the Father and the Son "(verse 22). The apostle adds, "If you do not you put under the absolute Lordship of Jesus - if you recognize in your ways, then you have yourself ready for this spirit of evil!"
Dear, if you are serving Jesus with only 50 percent - or even 90 percent, then you are denying His full salvation. You're not serving with all your heart, mind, soul and body. And you have opened a way for the antichrist spirit in! Not enough to say: "I believe Jesus was God made flesh." Rather, we should say, "Jesus, You are God made flesh in me. You have full power and authority over the desires and sin. And I completely surrender to You ". Those who are Justos.-Those Who Worship God in Spirit and in Truth - are the main targets of Antichrist! "Who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or is worshiped ..." (2 Thessalonians 2:4). The antichrist spirit is opposed to all who walk closely with God. He goes after the true worshipers will worship because he wants her for himself! Satan wants to destroy not only the pure worship. Want to rob God all the praise! and if you walk in intimacy with Jesus, the spirit of antichrist will come against you with everything you have. Will attack you with fear, doubt, greed - anything that provides a path or a way to prevent your worship.
Still the spirit of lawlessness is being restrained by the Holy Spirit: "And now ye know what restrains him, so that in due time be revealed" (verse 6). It is the power of the Spirit of God in His Church-that is, in you and me, what stops the anarchy of Satan. In fact, if God took his Spirit of the churches with fire and pious believers, our nation would be a raging inferno. Still, "Christians" by profession, but lazy, those who have never left their sin, they are still monopolized by the things of the world can not remain in these times. They will be trapped by evil! The apostle Peter writes, "These are wells without water and mists driven by a tempest, for whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever ... if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, again entangled in them are overcome, the last state is worse than the first. "Because they would have been better not to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it, turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it has happened according to the true proverb, The dog returns to its vomit and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire "(2 Peter 2:17, 20-22). People who Peter describes here claimed to be saved. Ever had escaped the pollutions of the world, saved by the power of God. They had known the way of justice. And yet turned to tangle again into sin. They were defeated by the spirit of the antichrist!
Peter could not have been talking about unbelievers here. After all, the unsaved have no faith that apostasy. But those who deviate have something to separate. Obviously, Peter is speaking of apostate Christians. But such half-believers consecrations do more than forsake the Lord. They also fall into something in the hands of the antichrist spirit! Peter says that such people have been "... overcome ..." (verse 21).
The apostle Paul makes an amazing statement. He says that even now the spirit of antichrist has taken its place in the temple: "... so that he sits in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God" (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
Beloved, it is time to stop looking toward Jerusalem to rebuild the temple for the spirit of antichrist is already ascending to his throne! "What?" You questions. "What is this temple where the spirit of antichrist sits now, showing his power and kingdom?". It is the temple of the hearts of the people! "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you" (1 Corinthians 3:16). "Know ye not that your body is the temple of Holy Spirit, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? "(6:19). "... For ye are the temple of the living God, as God said to dwell and walk among them and be their God, and they shall be my people" (2 Corinthians 2:16). Yes, we are God's temple. More in some other spirit has invaded the church. The Spirit of God was, and lust, pride, greed and slander reign supreme. There is nothing pure, holy or divine. A mysterious evil spirit is in control! How could such a terrible thing happen and frightening? At one time the living God had this temple, ruling and reigning. It was once enthroned here.
Dear, this is because many Christians have been negligent. No longer walking in righteousness and holiness. And they end up wandering in the way of the spirit of antichrist. Now he sits on the throne of their hearts and obviously has complete control! There will always Lord on the Throne of Every Heart - You Be Jesus the Lamb of God, or the Antichrist! Any person who is reading this message has a man on the throne of his heart, or the Spirit of Christ, or the spirit of antichrist.
I strongly believe that the most effective of the antichrist spirit to prepare the hearts are cable television and movies filthy. He knows that the eye is the gateway to the heart. And right up through the eye corrupt and full of a Christian, usurps the throne of your heart! That is why the spirit of Antichrist has taken control of the secular media-television networks, film producers, Broadway theaters, the press, etc.. Who but the spirit of antichrist could have the media to proclaim that abortion is now considered as a right rather than a sin? Who but the spirit could justify euthanasia, the killing of elderly or terminally ill?
Who but the spirit of antichrist could make fun of all that is sacred and holy, through films and programs vile evil TV? I think the spirit of antichrist is currently producing MTV and the Fox Network. From what I read of their programs, all is absolute rubbish. Who but the spirit of antichrist may be responsible for it? The spirit of lawlessness is becoming more and more brazen and our society is about to become a living hell. The antichrist spirit now pervades our schools, our courts, our streets, our businesses, even our homes. And, sadly, this spirit is moving rapidly into the church. I think the spirit of antichrist is establishing churches throughout the United States. This spirit is the motivating force behind the church "as the world." Who but the spirit of antichrist call the wicked to set the agenda of the church spiritual sending surveyors door to door, asking people: "How would you prefer to be the church? We want to make her happy for you to come. "
These mega-churches are being built on skits and plays, because people will not listen to rebuke. They do not want conviction and listening to a gospel that is almost totally devoid of repentance, judgment, and Cruz. It tells all about the grace and mercy, how to survive with no problems, but God's judgment and hell. They are being lulled to sleep in their sinful lifestyle. I ask you: What if I were on the streets, gather all the muchachillos to be truant from schools, and asked them: "What kind of school would you like? Build one that you enjoy, just to want to come. "Those guys would answer:" We want a school that last only three days a week! We do not algebra or calculus, or sciences. And we want the break is from 12 until two in the afternoon for lunch and nothing but pizza and chips. No lessons, or regulations, or marks. And we can come and go as we please. " If I take out that would have the largest school in New York, with all dropouts in sight. But what would happen to those boys ten years later, without any real preparation for life? That's what preachers of the churches "under world" should ask! What will you do when you stand before the holy throne of God, and watch helplessly as, one by one, many of his flock were condemned because they were never confronted with their sins? His people have never heard a word of rebuke to lead them to true righteousness. There was a message of conviction to shake people from their sins and prepare to face the judgment seat of Christ.
This is exactly what the Bible warns: Churches in the form of godliness but no power. I ask you: Who brought world music into the church? Who turned the weekly prayer meetings "entertainment nights" in the church? Who made that Christians are more concerned with who wins the Super Bowl that people dying and lost to be saved? The antichrist spirit is telling the Christians who can drink two glasses of the Lord's cup and the cup of demons!
"But I say that what the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, not God, and do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You can not drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils: ye can not partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons "(1 Corinthians 10:20-21). You may be thinking, "This is really scary. How does a Christian point of being dominated by the spirit of the antichrist? "
There are two reasons why the spirit of antichrist can beat a Christian: The First Cause through which the Spirit of Antichrist can beat a Believer Apostate: The Lost Love of Truth "... because they received not the love of the truth ... "(2 Thessalonians 2:10). The spirit of antichrist is introduced when the truth of God and not loved more, or made their own: "... that all may be condemned who believed not the truth ..." (verse 12). The prophet Jeremiah wrote: "Run through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and inquire, seek in their seats to see if you find a man if there be any that judgment, that seeketh truth, and I will pardon. "Although they say the Lord lives, swear falsely. O Lord, are not thine eyes to the truth? Have stricken, not hurt them, consume them, and refused to receive correction; made their faces harder than stone, would not become "(Jeremiah 5:1-3). This passage is not speaking of Gentiles, but Israel, the people of God. God is saying to Jeremiah: "Go and find me one person who has a heart that seeks truth-anyone-and forgive. More will not find one, Jeremiah! These people say they love me, but do not receive my correction. Do not hurt when the rebuke. I do not tremble at My Word ". You may think, "I'm glad I'm not like Israel. I love the Word of God. I have not lost my love for the truth. " But I invite you to test yourself! Let me give you three ways to determine if you have love for the truth in your heart: The first sign of a loss of love for the truth is when you stop to fellowship with other believers. If you work for going to church, then you've lost the love for the truth of God, "not forsaking our own assembling together, as some people do, but encourage and even more when you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25).
When you no longer crave being in the house of God with His people, when you think boring preaching and worship and do not mind you have broken the spirit of antichrist. And the Lord admonishes: "The closer you of my coming, the more dangerous times. More important is that you meet with my people ". Yet something tragic is happening throughout the United States and Canada. Pastors call us to our ministry and we say: "We have to cancel our meeting during the week because few people showed up. We've stopped having Sunday services at night, because people do not come unless we project a movie or do a concert. And people will not come on Sunday morning if they believe the meeting will last more than an hour. " Where are the children of God if not in the house of the Lord? They are in restaurants, parties, social events or sports. More than that, are locked in front of their televisions watching programs of increasing wickedness!
A second sign of a loss of love of truth is when messages of rebuke remind you of someone else's sin, not yours.
When you hear a prophetic sermon, do you feel comfortable, thinking, "Ah, yes that describes the Brother So! Thank God, finally being touched. Lord, give harder "? I ask you: How much, if anything, the message of this article you are applying yourself? How much is causing a stir and conviction in your heart? Are you praying: "Lord, turn Your Word in my heart"?
I urge you to attend David's words: "In my heart I have hidden your word might not sin against thee" (Psalm 119:11). A third sign of loss of love of truth is when you get angry rebuke rather than humble. God says in an abomination to the rebuke reveals a departure from the path of holiness: "Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die" (Proverbs 15:10). Maybe sometimes salts after a sermon of rebuke, saying, "That word was very hard. And that preacher is too angry! "Honey, any godly pastor preach with holy zeal, and that's because the devil is angry, angry with the spirit of antichrist angry with everything your soul departs from the true worship Father!
The Second Cause why the Spirit of Antichrist can beat a Lukewarm Christian is the love of Pleasure, "That all may be condemned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thessalonians 2:12) . Paul is speaking here of "foolish indulgence." But not talking about the art world, crazed mobs, gamblers, prostitutes, drug addicts. No, the pleasure seekers in recent times referred to herein are within the church! Paul warns: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. People will be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, incontinent, fierce, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than God "(2 Timothy 3:1-4). "Blasphemous in the house of God?" Relentless questions you, what? Slanderers ¿? ¿Traitors? Surely not! Oh yes, absolutely! When Paul uses the phrase, "... lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God ...", is implying that these people have a measure of love for God. But that love is up and contaminated by a love of worldly pleasures. Paul is speaking of those who pursue pleasure as sinful!
Dear, you can waste five dollars for a trip to the movies if you want, and sit watching two hours of violence, bloodshed and blasphemy in the name of God which is freely taken in vain. But you are warned: You'll be drinking from the cup of demons, communing with demons! Look, when you pay for such things, declare your commitment to the spirit of antichrist that rules the media. God calls it a sacrifice to the devil (see 1 Corinthians 10:20). Worst of all, you're inviting the spirit of Antichrist to your heart. And if you continue drinking from the cup of demons, if you keep letting the evil spirit of the antichrist to seep into your soul will not be long before anything bother you or convince you of sin. A Ghost Remnant Truth Will Love!
Paul thanks God for a holy people to remain steadfast in perilous times. This holy remnant shall come against the spirit of the antichrist and will remain strong. They will never be defeated. Contrary to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil! "But we ought always to thank God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, which he called you by our gospel, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle. "" And the same Jesus Christ our Lord, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal encouragement and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and strengthen you in every good word and work "(2 Thessalonians 2:13,17). This holy remnant loves truth. Do not mind being rejected. So examine themselves in light of the Word of God, allowing it to penetrate to the core, and may God sanctify his mind and spirit.
Darling, if you keep your heart open to the truth, if you continue to love the word of God, the Lord will sustain you. And when the evil spirit of this world comes like a flood, Satan can not enter into your heart.
"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which is not moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people from henceforth even forever. Why not rest the rod of the wicked over the inheritance of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity "(Psalm 125:1-3). The spirit of antichrist is a rod, signifying authority. But his power and kingdom will not be on you. On the contrary, you will conquer! "I write to you ... because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one" (1 John 2:14). "... And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith "(1 John 5:4). Let the spirit of the antichrist comes. You will not be removed, because you will be firmly established in the truth of the Word of God, worshiping with a pure heart. And your faith will overcome all that the enemy brings against you because Jesus sits on the throne of your heart. I want to give a great weapon against the spirit of antichrist. It is found in Psalm 139: "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24). Hallelujah!
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